diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d1fb01e..9d90049 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ Name | Description
[ansible.utils.index_of](https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.utils/blob/main/docs/ansible.utils.index_of_lookup.rst)|Find the indicies of items in a list matching some criteria
[ansible.utils.to_paths](https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.utils/blob/main/docs/ansible.utils.to_paths_lookup.rst)|Flatten a complex object into a dictionary of paths and values
+### Modules
+Name | Description
+--- | ---
+[ansible.utils.update_fact](https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.utils/blob/main/docs/ansible.utils.update_fact_module.rst)|Update currently set facts
## Installing this collection
diff --git a/docs/ansible.utils.update_fact_module.rst b/docs/ansible.utils.update_fact_module.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895e898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ansible.utils.update_fact_module.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+.. _ansible.utils.update_fact_module:
+**Update currently set facts**
+Version added: 1.0.0
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 1
+- This module allows updating existing variables.
+- Variables are updated on a host-by-host basis.
+- Variable are not modified in place, instead they are returned by the module
+.. raw:: html
+ Parameter |
+ Choices/Defaults |
+ Comments |
+ updates
+ list
+ / elements=dictionary
+ / required
+ |
+ |
+ A list of dictionaries, each a desired update to make
+ |
+ |
+ path
+ string
+ / required
+ |
+ |
+ The path in a currently set variable to update
+ The path can be in dot or bracket notation
+ It should be a valid jinja reference
+ |
+ |
+ value
+ raw
+ / required
+ |
+ |
+ The value to be set at the path
+ Can be a simple or complex data structure
+ |
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # Update an exisitng fact, dot or bracket notation
+ - name: Set a fact
+ set_fact:
+ a:
+ b:
+ c:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - name: Update the fact
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a.b.c.0
+ value: 10
+ - path: "a['b']['c'][1]"
+ value: 20
+ register: updated
+ - debug:
+ var: updated.a
+ # updated:
+ # a:
+ # b:
+ # c:
+ # - 10
+ # - 20
+ # changed: true
+ # Lists can be appended, new keys added to dictionaries
+ - name: Set a fact
+ set_fact:
+ a:
+ b:
+ b1:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - name: Update, add to list, add new key
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a.b.b1.2
+ value: 3
+ - path: a.b.b2
+ value:
+ - 10
+ - 20
+ - 30
+ register: updated
+ - debug:
+ var: updated.a
+ # updated:
+ # a:
+ # b:
+ # b1:
+ # - 1
+ # - 2
+ # - 3
+ # b2:
+ # - 10
+ # - 20
+ # - 30
+ # changed: true
+ #####################################################################
+ # Update every item in a list of dictionaries
+ # build the update list ahead of time using a loop
+ # and then apply the changes to the fact
+ #####################################################################
+ - name: Set fact
+ set_fact:
+ addresses:
+ - raw:
+ name: servers
+ - raw:
+ name: printers
+ - raw:
+ name: dns
+ - name: Build a list of updates
+ set_fact:
+ update_list: "{{ update_list + update }}"
+ loop: "{{ addresses }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: idx
+ vars:
+ update_list: []
+ update:
+ - path: addresses[{{ idx }}].network
+ value: "{{ item['raw'] | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('network') }}"
+ - path: addresses[{{ idx }}].prefix
+ value: "{{ item['raw'] | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('prefix') }}"
+ - debug:
+ var: update_list
+ # TASK [debug] *******************
+ # ok: [localhost] =>
+ # update_list:
+ # - path: addresses[0].network
+ # value:
+ # - path: addresses[0].prefix
+ # value: '24'
+ # - path: addresses[1].network
+ # value:
+ # - path: addresses[1].prefix
+ # value: '24'
+ # - path: addresses[2].network
+ # value:
+ # - path: addresses[2].prefix
+ # value: '32'
+ - name: Make the updates
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates: "{{ update_list }}"
+ register: updated
+ - debug:
+ var: updated
+ # TASK [debug] ***********************
+ # ok: [localhost] =>
+ # updated:
+ # addresses:
+ # - name: servers
+ # network:
+ # prefix: '24'
+ # raw:
+ # - name: printers
+ # network:
+ # prefix: '24'
+ # raw:
+ # - name: dns
+ # network:
+ # prefix: '32'
+ # raw:
+ # changed: true
+ # failed: false
+ #####################################################################
+ # Retrieve, update, and apply interface description change
+ # use index_of to locate Etherent1/1
+ #####################################################################
+ - name: Get the current interface config
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces:
+ state: gathered
+ register: interfaces
+ - name: Update the description of Ethernet1/1
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: "interfaces.gathered[{{ index }}].description"
+ value: "Configured by ansible"
+ vars:
+ index: "{{ interfaces.gathered|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'Ethernet1/1', 'name') }}"
+ register: updated
+ - name: Update the configuration
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces:
+ config: "{{ updated.interfaces.gathered }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: result
+ - name: Show the commands issued
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ result['commands'] }}"
+ # TASK [Show the commands issued] *************************************
+ # ok: [nxos101] => {
+ # "msg": [
+ # "interface Ethernet1/1",
+ # "description Configured by ansible"
+ # ]
+ # }
+ #####################################################################
+ # Retrieve, update, and apply an ipv4 ACL change
+ # finding the index of AFI ipv4 acls
+ # finding the index of the ACL named 'test1'
+ # finding the index of sequence 10
+ #####################################################################
+ - name: Retrieve the current acls
+ arista.eos.eos_acls:
+ state: gathered
+ register: current
+ - name: Update the source of sequenmce 10 in the IPv4 ACL named test1
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: current.gathered[{{ afi }}].acls[{{ acl }}].aces[{{ ace }}].source
+ value:
+ subnet_address: ""
+ vars:
+ afi: "{{ current.gathered|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'ipv4', 'afi') }}"
+ acl: "{{ current.gathered[afi|int].acls|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'test1', 'name') }}"
+ ace: "{{ current.gathered[afi|int].acls[acl|int].aces|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 10, 'sequence') }}"
+ register: updated
+ - name: Apply the changes
+ arista.eos.eos_acls:
+ config: "{{ updated.current.gathered }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: changes
+ - name: Show the commands issued
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ changes['commands'] }}"
+ # TASK [Show the commands issued] *************************************
+ # ok: [eos101] => {
+ # "msg": [
+ # "ip access-list test1",
+ # "no 10",
+ # "10 permit ip host"
+ # ]
+ # }
+ #####################################################################
+ # Disable ip redirects on any layer3 interface
+ # find the layer 3 interfaces
+ # use each name to find their index in l3 interface
+ # build an 'update' list and apply the updates
+ #####################################################################
+ - name: Get the current interface and L3 interface configuration
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_facts:
+ gather_subset: min
+ gather_network_resources:
+ - interfaces
+ - l3_interfaces
+ - name: Build the list of updates to make
+ set_fact:
+ updates: "{{ updates + [entry] }}"
+ vars:
+ updates: []
+ entry:
+ path: "ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces[{{ item }}].redirects"
+ value: False
+ w_mode: "{{ ansible_network_resources.interfaces|selectattr('mode', 'defined') }}"
+ m_l3: "{{ w_mode|selectattr('mode', 'eq', 'layer3') }}"
+ names: "{{ m_l3|map(attribute='name')|list }}"
+ l3_indicies: "{{ ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces|ansible.utils.index_of('in', names, 'name', wantlist=True) }}"
+ loop: "{{ l3_indicies }}"
+ # TASK [Build the list of updates to make] ****************************
+ # ok: [nxos101] => (item=99) => changed=false
+ # ansible_facts:
+ # updates:
+ # - path: ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces[99].redirects
+ # value: false
+ # ansible_loop_var: item
+ # item: 99
+ - name: Update the l3 interfaces
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates: "{{ updates }}"
+ register: updated
+ # TASK [Update the l3 interfaces] *************************************
+ # changed: [nxos101] => changed=true
+ # ansible_network_resources:
+ # l3_interfaces:
+ # <...>
+ # - ipv4:
+ # - address:
+ # name: Ethernet1/100
+ # redirects: false
+ - name: Apply the configuration changes
+ cisco.nxos.l3_interfaces:
+ config: "{{ updated.ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: changes
+ # TASK [Apply the configuration changes] ******************************
+ # changed: [nxos101] => changed=true
+ # commands:
+ # - interface Ethernet1/100
+ # - no ip redirects
+- Bradley Thornton (@cidrblock)
diff --git a/plugins/action/update_fact.py b/plugins/action/update_fact.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1710909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/action/update_fact.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 Red Hat
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+
+# (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+import ast
+import json
+import re
+from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleActionFail
+from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import (
+ MutableMapping,
+ MutableSequence,
+from ansible.module_utils import basic
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
+from jinja2 import Template, TemplateSyntaxError
+from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.modules.update_fact import (
+from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.module_utils.common.argspec_validate import (
+ AnsibleArgSpecValidator,
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleActionFail
+class ActionModule(ActionBase):
+ """action module"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Start here"""
+ super(ActionModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._supports_async = True
+ self._updates = None
+ self._result = None
+ def _check_argspec(self):
+ aav = AnsibleArgSpecValidator(
+ data=self._task.args,
+ schema_format="doc",
+ name=self._task.action,
+ )
+ valid, errors, self._task.args = aav.validate()
+ if not valid:
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(errors)
+ def _ensure_valid_jinja(self):
+ """Ensure each path is jinja valid"""
+ errors = []
+ for entry in self._task.args["updates"]:
+ try:
+ Template("{{" + entry["path"] + "}}")
+ except TemplateSyntaxError as exc:
+ error = (
+ "While processing '{path}' found malformed path."
+ " Ensure syntax follows valid jinja format. The error was:"
+ " {error}"
+ ).format(path=entry["path"], error=to_native(exc))
+ errors.append(error)
+ if errors:
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(" ".join(errors))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _field_split(path):
+ """Split the path into it's parts
+ :param path: The user provided path
+ :type path: str
+ :return: the individual parts of the path
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ que = list(path)
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ fields = []
+ try:
+ while True:
+ field = ""
+ # found a '.', move to the next character
+ if val == ".":
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ # found a '[', pop until ']' and then get the next
+ if val == "[":
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ while val != "]":
+ field += val
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ else:
+ while val not in [".", "["]:
+ field += val
+ val = que.pop(0)
+ try:
+ # make numbers numbers
+ fields.append(ast.literal_eval(field))
+ except Exception:
+ # or strip the quotes
+ fields.append(re.sub("['\"]", "", field))
+ except IndexError:
+ # pop'ed past the end of the que
+ # so add the final field
+ try:
+ fields.append(ast.literal_eval(field))
+ except Exception:
+ fields.append(re.sub("['\"]", "", field))
+ return fields
+ def set_value(self, obj, path, val):
+ """Set a value
+ :param obj: The object to modify
+ :type obj: mutable object
+ :param path: The path to where the update should be made
+ :type path: list
+ :param val: The new value to place at path
+ :type val: string, dict, list, bool, etc
+ """
+ first, rest = path[0], path[1:]
+ if rest:
+ try:
+ new_obj = obj[first]
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ msg = (
+ "Error: the key '{first}' was not found "
+ "in {obj}.".format(obj=obj, first=first)
+ )
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(msg)
+ self.set_value(new_obj, rest, val)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(obj, MutableMapping):
+ if obj.get(first) != val:
+ self._result["changed"] = True
+ obj[first] = val
+ elif isinstance(obj, MutableSequence):
+ if not isinstance(first, int):
+ msg = (
+ "Error: {obj} is a list, "
+ "but index provided was not an integer: '{first}'"
+ ).format(obj=obj, first=first)
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(msg)
+ if first > len(obj):
+ msg = "Error: {obj} not long enough for item #{first} to be set.".format(
+ obj=obj, first=first
+ )
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(msg)
+ if first == len(obj):
+ obj.append(val)
+ self._result["changed"] = True
+ else:
+ if obj[first] != val:
+ obj[first] = val
+ self._result["changed"] = True
+ else:
+ msg = "update_fact can only modify mutable objects."
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(msg)
+ def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
+ """action entry point"""
+ self._task.diff = False
+ self._result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
+ self._result["changed"] = False
+ self._check_argspec()
+ results = set()
+ self._ensure_valid_jinja()
+ for entry in self._task.args["updates"]:
+ parts = self._field_split(entry["path"])
+ obj, path = parts[0], parts[1:]
+ results.add(obj)
+ if obj not in task_vars["vars"]:
+ msg = "'{obj}' was not found in the current facts.".format(
+ obj=obj
+ )
+ raise AnsibleActionFail(msg)
+ retrieved = task_vars["vars"].get(obj)
+ if path:
+ self.set_value(retrieved, path, entry["value"])
+ else:
+ if task_vars["vars"][obj] != entry["value"]:
+ task_vars["vars"][obj] = entry["value"]
+ self._result["changed"] = True
+ for key in results:
+ value = task_vars["vars"].get(key)
+ self._result[key] = value
+ return self._result
diff --git a/plugins/modules/update_fact.py b/plugins/modules/update_fact.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4f491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/modules/update_fact.py
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 Red Hat
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+
+# (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: update_fact
+short_description: Update currently set facts
+version_added: "1.0.0"
+ - This module allows updating existing variables.
+ - Variables are updated on a host-by-host basis.
+ - Variable are not modified in place, instead they are returned by the module
+ updates:
+ description:
+ - A list of dictionaries, each a desired update to make
+ type: list
+ elements: dict
+ required: True
+ suboptions:
+ path:
+ description:
+ - The path in a currently set variable to update
+ - The path can be in dot or bracket notation
+ - It should be a valid jinja reference
+ type: str
+ required: True
+ value:
+ description:
+ - The value to be set at the path
+ - Can be a simple or complex data structure
+ type: raw
+ required: True
+- Bradley Thornton (@cidrblock)
+EXAMPLES = r"""
+# Update an exisitng fact, dot or bracket notation
+- name: Set a fact
+ set_fact:
+ a:
+ b:
+ c:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+- name: Update the fact
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a.b.c.0
+ value: 10
+ - path: "a['b']['c'][1]"
+ value: 20
+ register: updated
+- debug:
+ var: updated.a
+# updated:
+# a:
+# b:
+# c:
+# - 10
+# - 20
+# changed: true
+# Lists can be appended, new keys added to dictionaries
+- name: Set a fact
+ set_fact:
+ a:
+ b:
+ b1:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+- name: Update, add to list, add new key
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a.b.b1.2
+ value: 3
+ - path: a.b.b2
+ value:
+ - 10
+ - 20
+ - 30
+ register: updated
+- debug:
+ var: updated.a
+# updated:
+# a:
+# b:
+# b1:
+# - 1
+# - 2
+# - 3
+# b2:
+# - 10
+# - 20
+# - 30
+# changed: true
+# Update every item in a list of dictionaries
+# build the update list ahead of time using a loop
+# and then apply the changes to the fact
+- name: Set fact
+ set_fact:
+ addresses:
+ - raw:
+ name: servers
+ - raw:
+ name: printers
+ - raw:
+ name: dns
+- name: Build a list of updates
+ set_fact:
+ update_list: "{{ update_list + update }}"
+ loop: "{{ addresses }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: idx
+ vars:
+ update_list: []
+ update:
+ - path: addresses[{{ idx }}].network
+ value: "{{ item['raw'] | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('network') }}"
+ - path: addresses[{{ idx }}].prefix
+ value: "{{ item['raw'] | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('prefix') }}"
+- debug:
+ var: update_list
+# TASK [debug] *******************
+# ok: [localhost] =>
+# update_list:
+# - path: addresses[0].network
+# value:
+# - path: addresses[0].prefix
+# value: '24'
+# - path: addresses[1].network
+# value:
+# - path: addresses[1].prefix
+# value: '24'
+# - path: addresses[2].network
+# value:
+# - path: addresses[2].prefix
+# value: '32'
+- name: Make the updates
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates: "{{ update_list }}"
+ register: updated
+- debug:
+ var: updated
+# TASK [debug] ***********************
+# ok: [localhost] =>
+# updated:
+# addresses:
+# - name: servers
+# network:
+# prefix: '24'
+# raw:
+# - name: printers
+# network:
+# prefix: '24'
+# raw:
+# - name: dns
+# network:
+# prefix: '32'
+# raw:
+# changed: true
+# failed: false
+# Retrieve, update, and apply interface description change
+# use index_of to locate Etherent1/1
+- name: Get the current interface config
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces:
+ state: gathered
+ register: interfaces
+- name: Update the description of Ethernet1/1
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: "interfaces.gathered[{{ index }}].description"
+ value: "Configured by ansible"
+ vars:
+ index: "{{ interfaces.gathered|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'Ethernet1/1', 'name') }}"
+ register: updated
+- name: Update the configuration
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces:
+ config: "{{ updated.interfaces.gathered }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: result
+- name: Show the commands issued
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ result['commands'] }}"
+# TASK [Show the commands issued] *************************************
+# ok: [nxos101] => {
+# "msg": [
+# "interface Ethernet1/1",
+# "description Configured by ansible"
+# ]
+# }
+# Retrieve, update, and apply an ipv4 ACL change
+# finding the index of AFI ipv4 acls
+# finding the index of the ACL named 'test1'
+# finding the index of sequence 10
+- name: Retrieve the current acls
+ arista.eos.eos_acls:
+ state: gathered
+ register: current
+- name: Update the source of sequenmce 10 in the IPv4 ACL named test1
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: current.gathered[{{ afi }}].acls[{{ acl }}].aces[{{ ace }}].source
+ value:
+ subnet_address: ""
+ vars:
+ afi: "{{ current.gathered|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'ipv4', 'afi') }}"
+ acl: "{{ current.gathered[afi|int].acls|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'test1', 'name') }}"
+ ace: "{{ current.gathered[afi|int].acls[acl|int].aces|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 10, 'sequence') }}"
+ register: updated
+- name: Apply the changes
+ arista.eos.eos_acls:
+ config: "{{ updated.current.gathered }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: changes
+- name: Show the commands issued
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ changes['commands'] }}"
+# TASK [Show the commands issued] *************************************
+# ok: [eos101] => {
+# "msg": [
+# "ip access-list test1",
+# "no 10",
+# "10 permit ip host"
+# ]
+# }
+# Disable ip redirects on any layer3 interface
+# find the layer 3 interfaces
+# use each name to find their index in l3 interface
+# build an 'update' list and apply the updates
+- name: Get the current interface and L3 interface configuration
+ cisco.nxos.nxos_facts:
+ gather_subset: min
+ gather_network_resources:
+ - interfaces
+ - l3_interfaces
+- name: Build the list of updates to make
+ set_fact:
+ updates: "{{ updates + [entry] }}"
+ vars:
+ updates: []
+ entry:
+ path: "ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces[{{ item }}].redirects"
+ value: False
+ w_mode: "{{ ansible_network_resources.interfaces|selectattr('mode', 'defined') }}"
+ m_l3: "{{ w_mode|selectattr('mode', 'eq', 'layer3') }}"
+ names: "{{ m_l3|map(attribute='name')|list }}"
+ l3_indicies: "{{ ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces|ansible.utils.index_of('in', names, 'name', wantlist=True) }}"
+ loop: "{{ l3_indicies }}"
+# TASK [Build the list of updates to make] ****************************
+# ok: [nxos101] => (item=99) => changed=false
+# ansible_facts:
+# updates:
+# - path: ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces[99].redirects
+# value: false
+# ansible_loop_var: item
+# item: 99
+- name: Update the l3 interfaces
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates: "{{ updates }}"
+ register: updated
+# TASK [Update the l3 interfaces] *************************************
+# changed: [nxos101] => changed=true
+# ansible_network_resources:
+# l3_interfaces:
+# <...>
+# - ipv4:
+# - address:
+# name: Ethernet1/100
+# redirects: false
+- name: Apply the configuration changes
+ cisco.nxos.l3_interfaces:
+ config: "{{ updated.ansible_network_resources.l3_interfaces }}"
+ state: overridden
+ register: changes
+# TASK [Apply the configuration changes] ******************************
+# changed: [nxos101] => changed=true
+# commands:
+# - interface Ethernet1/100
+# - no ip redirects
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/update_fact/tasks/main.yaml b/tests/integration/targets/update_fact/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5aa320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/update_fact/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+- name: Set a fact
+ set_fact:
+ a:
+ b:
+ c:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+- name: Update the fact
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a.b.c.0
+ value: 10
+ - path: "a['b']['c'][1]"
+ value: 20
+ register: updated
+- assert:
+ that: "{{ updated.a == expected.a }}"
+ vars:
+ expected:
+ a:
+ b:
+ c:
+ - 10
+ - 20
+- name: Update the fact
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: a
+ value:
+ x:
+ y:
+ z:
+ - 100
+ - True
+ register: updated
+- assert:
+ that: "{{ updated.a == expected.a }}"
+ vars:
+ expected:
+ a:
+ x:
+ y:
+ z:
+ - 100
+ - True
+- name: Update the fact
+ ansible.utils.update_fact:
+ updates:
+ - path: "a.b.c[{{ index }}]"
+ value: 20
+ vars:
+ index: "{{ a.b.c|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 2) }}"
+ register: updated
+- assert:
+ that: "{{ updated.a == expected.a }}"
+ vars:
+ expected:
+ a:
+ b:
+ c:
+ - 1
+ - 20
diff --git a/tests/unit/plugins/action/test_update_fact.py b/tests/unit/plugins/action/test_update_fact.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb1a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/plugins/action/test_update_fact.py
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# (c) 2020 Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+import copy
+import unittest
+from jinja2 import Template, TemplateSyntaxError
+from mock import MagicMock
+from ansible.playbook.task import Task
+from ansible.template import Templar
+from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.action.update_fact import (
+ ActionModule,
+ "a": {
+ "b": {"4.4": [{"1": {5: {"foo": 123}}}], 5.5: "float5.5"},
+ "": "localhost",
+ }
+ {
+ "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"].5[\'foo\']',
+ "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"],
+ "template_result": "123",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"].5[\'foo\']',
+ "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"],
+ "template_result": "123",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "a.b[5.5]",
+ "split": ["a", "b", 5.5],
+ "template_result": "float5.5",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "a['']",
+ "split": ["a", ""],
+ "template_result": "localhost",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "a.b['4.4'].0['1'].5['foo']",
+ "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"],
+ "template_result": "123",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "a.'1'",
+ "note": "quoted values are required to be in brackets",
+ "error": "expected name or number",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "a.[1]",
+ "note": "brackets can't follow dots",
+ "error": "expected name or number",
+ },
+ {
+ "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"]."5"[\'foo\']',
+ "note": "quoted values are required to be in brackets",
+ "error": "expected name or number",
+ },
+class TestUpdate_Fact(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ task = MagicMock(Task)
+ play_context = MagicMock()
+ play_context.check_mode = False
+ connection = MagicMock()
+ fake_loader = {}
+ templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader)
+ self._plugin = ActionModule(
+ task=task,
+ connection=connection,
+ play_context=play_context,
+ loader=fake_loader,
+ templar=templar,
+ shared_loader_obj=None,
+ )
+ self._plugin._task.action = "update_fact"
+ def test_argspec_no_updates(self):
+ """Check passing invalid argspec"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"a": 10}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=None)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "missing required arguments: updates",
+ str(error.exception),
+ )
+ def test_argspec_none(self):
+ """Check passing a dict"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=None)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "missing required arguments: updates", str(error.exception)
+ )
+ def test_valid_jinja(self):
+ for test in VALID_TESTS:
+ tmplt = Template("{{" + test["path"] + "}}")
+ result = tmplt.render(VALID_DATA)
+ self.assertEqual(result, test["template_result"])
+ def test_invalid_jinja(self):
+ for test in INVALID_JINJA:
+ with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as error:
+ Template("{{" + test["path"] + "}}")
+ self.assertIn(test["error"], str(error.exception))
+ def test_fields(self):
+ """Check the parsing of a path into it's parts"""
+ for stest in VALID_TESTS:
+ result = self._plugin._field_split(stest["path"])
+ self.assertEqual(result, stest["split"])
+ def test_missing_var(self):
+ """Check for a missing fact"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.c", "value": 5}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}})
+ self.assertIn(
+ "'a' was not found in the current facts.", str(error.exception)
+ )
+ def test_run_simple(self):
+ """Confirm a valid argspec passes"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"] = 5
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b", "value": 5}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_multiple(self):
+ """Confirm multiple paths passes"""
+ task_vars = {
+ "vars": {"a": {"b1": [1, 2, 3], "b2": {"c": "123", "d": False}}}
+ }
+ expected = {"a": {"b1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b2": {"c": 456, "d": True}}}
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [
+ {"path": "a.b1.3", "value": 4},
+ {"path": "a.b2.c", "value": 456},
+ {"path": "a.b2.d", "value": True},
+ ]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_replace_in_list(self):
+ """Replace in list"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"][1] = 5
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.1", "value": 5}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_append_to_list(self):
+ """Append to list"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"].append(4)
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.3", "value": 4}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_bracket_single_quote(self):
+ """Bracket notation sigle quote"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"].append(4)
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": "a['b'][3]", "value": 4}]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_bracket_double_quote(self):
+ """Bracket notation double quote"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"].append(4)
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": 'a["b"][3]', "value": 4}]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_int_dict_keys(self):
+ """Integer dict keys"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {0: [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"][0][0] = 0
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.0.0", "value": 0}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_int_as_string(self):
+ """Integer dict keys as string"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"0": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["0"][0] = 0
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": 'a["0"].0', "value": 0}]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_invalid_path_quote_after_dot(self):
+ """Invalid path format"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.'b'", "value": 0}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}})
+ self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception))
+ def test_run_invalid_path_bracket_after_dot(self):
+ """Invalid path format"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": "a.['b']", "value": 0}]
+ }
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}})
+ self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception))
+ def test_run_invalid_key_start_with_dot(self):
+ """Invalid key format"""
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": ".abc", "value": 0}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}})
+ self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception))
+ def test_run_no_update_list(self):
+ """Confirm no change when same"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"] = [1, 2, 3]
+ expected.update({"changed": False})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.0", "value": 1}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_no_update_dict(self):
+ """Confirm no change when same"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["b"] = [1, 2, 3]
+ expected.update({"changed": False})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": "a.b", "value": [1, 2, 3]}]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_missing_key(self):
+ """Confirm error when key not found"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": 1}}}
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.c.d", "value": 1}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertIn("the key 'c' was not found", str(error.exception))
+ def test_run_list_not_int(self):
+ """Confirm error when key not found"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1]}}}
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": "a.b['0']", "value": 2}]
+ }
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "index provided was not an integer", str(error.exception)
+ )
+ def test_run_list_not_long(self):
+ """List not long enough"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [0]}}}
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.2", "value": 2}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "not long enough for item #2 to be set", str(error.exception)
+ )
+ def test_not_mutable_sequence_or_mapping(self):
+ """Confirm graceful fail when immutable object
+ This should never happen in the real world
+ """
+ obj = {"a": frozenset([1, 2, 3])}
+ path = ["a", 0]
+ val = 9
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.set_value(obj, path, val)
+ self.assertIn("can only modify mutable objects", str(error.exception))
+ def test_run_not_dotted_success_one(self):
+ """Test with a not dotted key"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": 0}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"] = 1
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a", "value": 1}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_not_dotted_success_three(self):
+ """Test with a not dotted key longer"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"abc": 0}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["abc"] = 1
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "abc", "value": 1}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_not_dotted_fail_missing(self):
+ """Test with a not dotted key, missing"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"abc": 0}}
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "123", "value": 1}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error:
+ self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "'123' was not found in the current facts", str(error.exception)
+ )
+ def test_run_not_dotted_success_same(self):
+ """Test with a not dotted key, no change"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": 0}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected.update({"changed": False})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a", "value": 0}]}
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ def test_run_looks_like_a_bool(self):
+ """Test with a key that looks like a bool"""
+ task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"True": 0}}}
+ expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"])
+ expected["a"]["True"] = 1
+ expected.update({"changed": True})
+ self._plugin._task.args = {
+ "updates": [{"path": "a['True']", "value": 1}]
+ }
+ result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)