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+ - title: ansible.utils Scenario Guide
+ toctree:
+ - filters_ipaddr
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+Using the ipaddr filter
+``ipaddr()`` is a Jinja2 filter designed to provide an interface to the `netaddr `_
+Python package from within Ansible. It can operate on strings or lists of
+items, test various data to check if they are valid IP addresses, and manipulate
+the input data to extract requested information. ``ipaddr()`` works with both
+IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in various forms. There are also additional functions
+available to manipulate IP subnets and MAC addresses.
+.. note::
+ The ``ipaddr()`` filter migrated to the `ansible.utils `_ collection. Follow the installation instructions to install that collection.
+To use this filter in Ansible, you need to install the ``netaddr`` Python library on
+a computer on which you use Ansible (it is not required on remote hosts).
+It can usually be installed with either your system package manager or using
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip install netaddr
+.. contents:: Topics
+ :local:
+ :depth: 2
+ :backlinks: top
+Basic tests
+``ipaddr()`` is designed to return the input value if a query is True, and
+``False`` if a query is False. This way it can be easily used in chained
+filters. To use the filter, pass a string to it:
+.. code-block:: none
+ {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr }}
+You can also pass the values as variables:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ {{ myvar | ansible.utils.ipaddr }}
+Here are some example test results of various input strings:
+.. code-block:: none
+ # These values are valid IP addresses or network ranges
+ '' ->
+ '' ->
+ 'fe80::100/10' -> fe80::100/10
+ 45443646733 -> ::a:94a7:50d
+ '523454/24' ->
+ # Values that are not valid IP addresses or network ranges
+ 'localhost' -> False
+ True -> False
+ 'space bar' -> False
+ False -> False
+ '' -> False
+ ':' -> False
+ 'fe80:/10' -> False
+Sometimes you need either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. To filter only for a particular
+type, ``ipaddr()`` filter has two "aliases", ``ipv4()`` and ``ipv6()``.
+Example use of an IPv4 filter:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ {{ myvar | ansible.utils.ipv4 }}
+A similar example of an IPv6 filter:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ {{ myvar | ansible.utils.ipv6 }}
+Here's some example test results to look for IPv4 addresses:
+.. code-block:: none
+ '' ->
+ '' ->
+ 'fe80::100/10' -> False
+ 45443646733 -> False
+ '523454/24' ->
+And the same data filtered for IPv6 addresses:
+.. code-block:: none
+ '' -> False
+ '' -> False
+ 'fe80::100/10' -> fe80::100/10
+ 45443646733 -> ::a:94a7:50d
+ '523454/24' -> False
+Filtering lists
+You can filter entire lists - ``ipaddr()`` will return a list with values
+valid for a particular query.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Example list of values
+ test_list: ['', 'host.fqdn', '::1', '', 'fe80::100/10', True, '', '42540766412265424405338506004571095040/64']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr }}
+ ['', '::1', '', 'fe80::100/10', '2001:db8:32c:faad::/64']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv4 }}
+ ['', '']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv6 }}
+ ['::1', 'fe80::100/10', '2001:db8:32c:faad::/64']
+Wrapping IPv6 addresses in [ ] brackets
+Some configuration files require IPv6 addresses to be "wrapped" in square
+brackets (``[ ]``). To accomplish that, you can use the ``ipwrap()`` filter. It
+will wrap all IPv6 addresses and leave any other strings intact.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipwrap }}
+ ['', 'host.fqdn', '[::1]', '', '[fe80::100]/10', True, '', '[2001:db8:32c:faad::]/64']
+As you can see, ``ipwrap()`` did not filter out non-IP address values, which is
+usually what you want when for example you are mixing IP addresses with
+hostnames. If you still want to filter out all non-IP address values, you can
+chain both filters together.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr | ansible.utils.ipwrap }}
+ ['', '[::1]', '', '[fe80::100]/10', '[2001:db8:32c:faad::]/64']
+Basic queries
+You can provide a single argument to each ``ipaddr()`` filter. The filter will then
+treat it as a query and return values modified by that query. Lists will
+contain only values that you are querying for.
+Types of queries include:
+- query by name: ``ansible.utils.ipaddr('address')``, ``ansible.utils.ipv4('network')``;
+- query by CIDR range: ``ansible.utils.ipaddr('')``, ``ansible.utils.ipv6('2001:db8::/32')``;
+- query by index number: ``ansible.utils.ipaddr('1')``, ``ansible.utils.ipaddr('-1')``;
+If a query type is not recognized, Ansible will raise an error.
+Getting information about hosts and networks
+Here's our test list again:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Example list of values
+ test_list: ['', 'host.fqdn', '::1', '', 'fe80::100/10', True, '', '42540766412265424405338506004571095040/64']
+Let's take the list above and get only those elements that are host IP addresses
+and not network ranges:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('address') }}
+ ['', '::1', 'fe80::100']
+As you can see, even though some values had a host address with a CIDR prefix,
+they were dropped by the filter. If you want host IP addresses with their correct
+CIDR prefixes (as is common with IPv6 addressing), you can use the
+``ipaddr('host')`` filter.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('host') }}
+ ['', '::1/128', 'fe80::100/10']
+Filtering by IP address type also works.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv4('address') }}
+ ['']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv6('address') }}
+ ['::1', 'fe80::100']
+You can check if IP addresses or network ranges are accessible on a public
+Internet, or if they are in private networks:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('public') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad::/64']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('private') }}
+ ['', 'fe80::100/10']
+You can check which values are specifically network ranges:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad::/64']
+You can also check how many IP addresses can be in a certain range.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('size') }}
+ [256, 18446744073709551616L]
+By specifying a network range as a query, you can check if a given value is in
+that range.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('') }}
+ ['', '']
+If you specify a positive or negative integer as a query, ``ipaddr()`` will
+treat this as an index and will return the specific IP address from a network
+range, in the 'host/prefix' format.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # First IP address (network address)
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('0') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad::/64']
+ # Second IP address (usually the gateway host)
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('1') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad::1/64']
+ # Last IP address (the broadcast address in IPv4 networks)
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('-1') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/64']
+You can also select IP addresses from a range by their index, from the start or
+end of the range.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Returns from the start of the range
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('200') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad::c8/64']
+ # Returns from the end of the range
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('-200') }}
+ ['', '2001:db8:32c:faad:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff38/64']
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('400') }}
+ ['2001:db8:32c:faad::190/64']
+Getting information from host/prefix values
+You frequently use a combination of IP addresses and subnet prefixes
+("CIDR"), this is even more common with IPv6. The ``ansible.utils.ipaddr()`` filter can extract
+useful data from these prefixes.
+Here's an example set of two host prefixes (with some "control" values):
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ host_prefix: ['2001:db8:deaf:be11::ef3/64', '', '', '']
+First, let's make sure that we only work with correct host/prefix values, not
+just subnets or single IP addresses.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ host_prefix | ansible.utils.ipaddr('host/prefix') }}
+ ['2001:db8:deaf:be11::ef3/64', '']
+In Debian-based systems, the network configuration stored in the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file uses a combination of IP address, network address, netmask and broadcast address to configure an IPv4 network interface. We can get these values from a single 'host/prefix' combination:
+.. code-block:: jinja
+ # Jinja2 template
+ {% set ipv4_host = host_prefix | unique | ansible.utils.ipv4('host/prefix') | first %}
+ iface eth0 inet static
+ address {{ ipv4_host | ansible.utils.ipaddr('address') }}
+ network {{ ipv4_host | ansible.utils.ipaddr('network') }}
+ netmask {{ ipv4_host | ansible.utils.ipaddr('netmask') }}
+ broadcast {{ ipv4_host | ansible.utils.ipaddr('broadcast') }}
+ # Generated configuration file
+ iface eth0 inet static
+ address
+ network
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+In the above example, we needed to handle the fact that values were stored in
+a list, which is unusual in IPv4 networks, where only a single IP address can be
+set on an interface. However, IPv6 networks can have multiple IP addresses set
+on an interface:
+.. code-block:: jinja
+ # Jinja2 template
+ iface eth0 inet6 static
+ {% set ipv6_list = host_prefix | unique | ansible.utils.ipv6('host/prefix') %}
+ address {{ ipv6_list[0] }}
+ {% if ipv6_list | length > 1 %}
+ {% for subnet in ipv6_list[1:] %}
+ up /sbin/ip address add {{ subnet }} dev eth0
+ down /sbin/ip address del {{ subnet }} dev eth0
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ # Generated configuration file
+ iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address 2001:db8:deaf:be11::ef3/64
+If needed, you can extract subnet and prefix information from the 'host/prefix' value:
+.. code-block:: jinja
+ # {{ host_prefix | ansible.utils.ipaddr('host/prefix') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('subnet') }}
+ ['2001:db8:deaf:be11::/64', '']
+ # {{ host_prefix | ansible.utils.ipaddr('host/prefix') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('prefix') }}
+ [64, 24]
+Converting subnet masks to CIDR notation
+Given a subnet in the form of network address and subnet mask, the ``ipaddr()`` filter can convert it into CIDR notation. This can be useful for converting Ansible facts gathered about network configuration from subnet masks into CIDR format.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ ansible_default_ipv4: {
+ address: "",
+ alias: "eth0",
+ broadcast: "",
+ gateway: "",
+ interface: "eth0",
+ macaddress: "fa:16:3e:c4:bd:89",
+ mtu: 1500,
+ netmask: "",
+ network: "",
+ type: "ether"
+ }
+First concatenate the network and netmask:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ net_mask: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.network }}/{{ ansible_default_ipv4.netmask }}"
+ ''
+This result can be converted to canonical form with ``ipaddr()`` to produce a subnet in CIDR format.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ net_mask | ansible.utils.ipaddr('prefix') }}
+ '24'
+ # {{ net_mask | ansible.utils.ipaddr('net') }}
+ ''
+Getting information about the network in CIDR notation
+Given an IP address, the ``ipaddr()`` filter can produce the network address in CIDR notation.
+This can be useful when you want to obtain the network address from the IP address in CIDR format.
+Here's an example of IP address:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ ip_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}/{{ ansible_default_ipv4.netmask }}"
+ ''
+This can be used to obtain the network address in CIDR notation format.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ ip_address | ansible.utils.ipaddr('network/prefix') }}
+ ''
+IP address conversion
+Here's our test list again:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Example list of values
+ test_list: ['', 'host.fqdn', '::1', '', 'fe80::100/10', True, '', '42540766412265424405338506004571095040/64']
+You can convert IPv4 addresses into IPv6 addresses.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv4('ipv6') }}
+ ['::ffff:', '::ffff:']
+Converting from IPv6 to IPv4 works very rarely
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipv6('ipv4') }}
+ ['']
+But we can make a double conversion if needed:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('ipv6') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('ipv4') }}
+ ['', '', '']
+You can convert IP addresses to integers, the same way that you can convert
+integers into IP addresses.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr('address') | ansible.utils.ipaddr('int') }}
+ [3222798849, 1, '3232243712/24', '338288524927261089654018896841347694848/10', '42540766412265424405338506004571095040/64']
+You can convert IPv4 address to `Hexadecimal notation `_ with optional delimiter:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ip4_hex }}
+ c0a80105
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ip4_hex(':') }}
+ c0:a8:01:05
+You can convert IP addresses to PTR records:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {% for address in test_list | ansible.utils.ipaddr %}
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipaddr('revdns') }}
+ # {% endfor %}
+Converting IPv4 address to a 6to4 address
+A `6to4 `_ tunnel is a way to access the IPv6 Internet from an IPv4-only network. If you
+have a public IPv4 address, you can automatically configure its IPv6
+equivalent in the ``2002::/16`` network range. After conversion you will gain
+access to a ``2002:xxxx:xxxx::/48`` subnet which could be split into 65535
+``/64`` subnets if needed.
+To convert your IPv4 address, just send it through the ``'6to4'`` filter. It will
+be automatically converted to a router address (with a ``::1/48`` host address).
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('6to4') }}
+ 2002:c100:0200::1/48
+Finding IP addresses within a range
+To find usable IP addresses within an IP range, try these ``ipaddr`` filters:
+To find the next usable IP address in a range, use ``next_usable``:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('next_usable') }}
+To find the last usable IP address from a range, use ``last_usable``.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('last_usable') }}
+To find the available range of IP addresses from the given network address, use ``range_usable``.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('range_usable') }}
+To find the peer IP address for a point to point link, use ``peer``.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('peer') }}
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('peer') }}
+To return the nth ip from a network, use the filter ``nthhost``.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.nthhost(305) }}
+``nthhost`` also supports a negative value.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.nthhost(-1) }}
+To find the next nth usable IP address in relation to another within a range, use ``next_nth_usable``
+In the example, ``next_nth_usable`` returns the second usable IP address for the given IP range:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.next_nth_usable(2) }}
+If there is no usable address, it returns an empty string.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.next_nth_usable(2) }}
+ ""
+Just like ``next_nth_ansible``, you have ``previous_nth_usable`` to find the previous usable address:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.previous_nth_usable(2) }}
+Testing if a address belong to a network range
+The ``network_in_usable`` filter returns whether an address passed as an argument is usable in a network.
+Usable addresses are addresses that can be assigned to a host. The network ID and the broadcast address
+are not usable addresses.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_usable( '' ) }}
+ True
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_usable( '' ) }}
+ False
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_usable( '' ) }}
+ True
+The ``network_in_network`` filter returns whether an address or a network passed as argument is in a network.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_network( '' ) }}
+ True
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_network( '' ) }}
+ True
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_network( '' ) }}
+ True
+ # Check in a network is part of another network
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.network_in_network( '' ) }}
+ True
+To check whether multiple addresses belong to a network, use the ``reduce_on_network`` filter.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ ['', '', ''] | ansible.utils.reduce_on_network( '' ) }}
+ ['']
+IP Math
+.. versionadded:: 2.7
+The ``ipmath()`` filter can be used to do simple IP math/arithmetic.
+Here are a few simple examples:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Get the next five addresses based on an IP address
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipmath(5) }}
+ # Get the ten previous addresses based on an IP address
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipmath(-10) }}
+ # Get the next five addresses using CIDR notation
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipmath(5) }}
+ # Get the previous five addresses using CIDR notation
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipmath(-5) }}
+ # Get the previous ten address using cidr notation
+ # It returns a address of the previous network range
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipmath(-10) }}
+ # Get the next ten addresses in IPv6
+ # {{ '2001::1' | ansible.utils.ipmath(10) }}
+ 2001::b
+ # Get the previous ten address in IPv6
+ # {{ '2001::5' | ansible.utils.ipmath(-10) }}
+ 2000:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffb
+Subnet manipulation
+The ``ipsubnet()`` filter can be used to manipulate network subnets in several ways.
+Here is an example IP address and subnet:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ address: ''
+ subnet: ''
+To check if a given string is a subnet, pass it through the filter without any
+arguments. If the given string is an IP address, it will be converted into
+a subnet.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet }}
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet }}
+If you specify a subnet size as the first parameter of the ``ipsubnet()`` filter, and
+the subnet size is **smaller than the current one**, you will get the number of subnets
+a given subnet can be split into.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20) }}
+ 16
+The second argument of the ``ipsubnet()`` filter is an index number; by specifying it
+you can get a new subnet with the specified size.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # First subnet
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, 0) }}
+ # Last subnet
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, -1) }}
+ # Fifth subnet
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, 5) }}
+ # Fifth to last subnet
+ # {{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, -5) }}
+If you specify an IP address instead of a subnet, and give a subnet size as
+the first argument, the ``ipsubnet()`` filter will instead return the biggest subnet that
+contains that given IP address.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20) }}
+By specifying an index number as a second argument, you can select smaller and
+smaller subnets.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # First subnet
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, 0) }}
+ # Last subnet
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, -1) }}
+ # Fifth subnet
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, 5) }}
+ # Fifth to last subnet
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, -5) }}
+By specifying another subnet as a second argument, if the second subnet includes
+the first, you can determine the rank of the first subnet in the second.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # The rank of the IP in the subnet (the IP is the 36870nth /32 of the subnet)
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(subnet) }}
+ 36870
+ # The rank in the /24 that contain the address
+ # {{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}
+ 6
+ # An IP with the subnet in the first /30 in a /24
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}
+ 1
+ # The fifth subnet /30 in a /24
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}
+ 5
+If the second subnet doesn't include the first subnet, the ``ipsubnet()`` filter raises an error.
+You can use the ``ipsubnet()`` filter with the ``ipaddr()`` filter to, for example, split
+a given ``/48`` prefix into smaller ``/64`` subnets:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ '' | ansible.utils.ipaddr('6to4') | ipsubnet(64, 58820) | ansible.utils.ipaddr('1') }}
+ 2002:c100:200:e5c4::1/64
+Because of the size of IPv6 subnets, iteration over all of them to find the
+correct one may take some time on slower computers, depending on the size
+difference between the subnets.
+Subnet Merging
+.. versionadded:: 2.6
+The ``cidr_merge()`` filter can be used to merge subnets or individual addresses
+into their minimal representation, collapsing overlapping subnets and merging
+adjacent ones wherever possible.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ {{ ['', '', '' ] | cidr_merge }}
+ # => ['']
+ {{ ['', '', ''] | cidr_merge }}
+ # => ['', '']
+Changing the action from 'merge' to 'span' will instead return the smallest
+subnet which contains all of the inputs.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ {{ ['', ''] | ansible.utils.cidr_merge('span') }}
+ # => ''
+ {{ ['', ''] | ansible.utils.cidr_merge('span') }}
+ # => ''
+MAC address filter
+You can use the ``hwaddr()`` filter to check if a given string is a MAC address or
+convert it between various formats. Examples:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # Example MAC address
+ macaddress: '1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f'
+ # Check if given string is a MAC address
+ # {{ macaddress | ansible.utils.hwaddr }}
+ 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f
+ # Convert MAC address to PostgreSQL format
+ # {{ macaddress | ansible.utils.hwaddr('pgsql') }}
+ 1a2b3c:4d5e6f
+ # Convert MAC address to Cisco format
+ # {{ macaddress | ansible.utils.hwaddr('cisco') }}
+ 1a2b.3c4d.5e6f
+The supported formats result in the following conversions for the ``1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f`` MAC address:
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ bare: 1A2B3C4D5E6F
+ bool: True
+ int: 28772997619311
+ cisco: 1a2b.3c4d.5e6f
+ eui48 or win: 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E-6F
+ linux or unix: 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f:
+ pgsql, postgresql, or psql: 1a2b3c:4d5e6f
+Generate an IPv6 address in Stateless Configuration (SLAAC)
+the filter ``slaac()`` generates an IPv6 address for a given network and a MAC Address in Stateless Configuration.
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ # {{ 'fdcf:1894:23b5:d38c:0000:0000:0000:0000' | slaac('c2:31:b3:83:bf:2b') }}
+ fdcf:1894:23b5:d38c:c031:b3ff:fe83:bf2b
+.. seealso::
+ `ansible.utils `_
+ Ansible network collection for common code
+ :ref:`about_playbooks`
+ An introduction to playbooks
+ :ref:`playbooks_filters`
+ Introduction to Jinja2 filters and their uses
+ :ref:`playbooks_conditionals`
+ Conditional statements in playbooks
+ :ref:`playbooks_variables`
+ All about variables
+ :ref:`playbooks_loops`
+ Looping in playbooks
+ :ref:`playbooks_reuse_roles`
+ Playbook organization by roles
+ :ref:`playbooks_best_practices`
+ Tips and tricks for playbooks
+ `User Mailing List `_
+ Have a question? Stop by the google group!
+ :ref:`communication_irc`
+ How to join Ansible chat channels