""" The base class for validator """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type import os from importlib import import_module from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.module_utils.common.argspec_validate import ( check_argspec, ) from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.module_utils.common.utils import to_list try: import yaml try: from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader except ImportError: from yaml import SafeLoader HAS_YAML = True except ImportError: HAS_YAML = False class ValidateBase(object): """The base class for data validators Provides a _debug function to normalize debug output """ def __init__(self, data, criteria, engine, plugin_vars=None, kwargs=None): self._data = data self._criteria = criteria self._engine = engine self._plugin_vars = plugin_vars if plugin_vars is not None else {} self._result = {} self._kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self._sub_plugin_options = {} cref = dict(zip(["corg", "cname", "plugin"], engine.split("."))) validatorlib = ( "ansible_collections.{corg}.{cname}.plugins.sub_plugins.validate.{plugin}".format( **cref, ) ) validatordoc = getattr(import_module(validatorlib), "DOCUMENTATION") if validatordoc: self._set_sub_plugin_options(validatordoc) def _set_sub_plugin_options(self, doc): params = {} try: argspec_obj = yaml.load(doc, SafeLoader) except Exception as exc: raise AnsibleError( "Error '{err}' while reading validate plugin {engine} documentation: '{argspec}'".format( err=to_text(exc, errors="surrogate_or_strict"), engine=self._engine, argspec=doc, ), ) options = argspec_obj.get("options", {}) if not options: return None for option_name, option_value in iteritems(options): option_var_name_list = option_value.get("vars", []) option_env_name_list = option_value.get("env", []) # check if plugin configuration option passed as kwargs # valid for lookup, filter, test plugins or pass through # variables if supported by the module. if option_name in self._kwargs: params[option_name] = self._kwargs[option_name] continue # check if plugin configuration option passed in task vars eg. # vars: # - name: ansible_validate_jsonschema_draft # - name: ansible_validate_jsonschema_draft_type if option_var_name_list and (option_name not in params): for var_name_entry in to_list(option_var_name_list): if not isinstance(var_name_entry, dict): raise AnsibleError( "invalid type '{var_name_type}' for the value of '{var_name_entry}' option," " should to be type dict".format( var_name_type=type(var_name_entry), var_name_entry=var_name_entry, ), ) var_name = var_name_entry.get("name") if var_name and var_name in self._plugin_vars: params[option_name] = self._plugin_vars[var_name] break # check if plugin configuration option as passed as enviornment eg. # env: # - name: ANSIBLE_VALIDATE_JSONSCHEMA_DRAFT if option_env_name_list and (option_name not in params): for env_name_entry in to_list(option_env_name_list): if not isinstance(env_name_entry, dict): raise AnsibleError( "invalid type '{env_name_entry_type}' for the value of '{env_name_entry}' option," " should to be type dict".format( env_name_entry_type=type(env_name_entry), env_name_entry=env_name_entry, ), ) env_name = env_name_entry.get("name") if env_name in os.environ: params[option_name] = os.environ[env_name] break valid, argspec_result, updated_params = check_argspec( yaml.dump(argspec_obj), self._engine, **params, ) if not valid: raise AnsibleError( "{argspec_result} with errors: {argspec_errors}".format( argspec_result=argspec_result.get("msg"), argspec_errors=argspec_result.get("errors"), ), ) if updated_params: self._sub_plugin_options = updated_params def _get_sub_plugin_options(self, name): return self._sub_plugin_options.get(name) def _load_validator(engine, data, criteria, plugin_vars=None, cls_name="Validate", kwargs=None): """ Load the validate plugin from engine name :param engine: Name of the validate engine in format .. :param vars: Variables for validate plugins. The variable information for each validate plugins can be referred in individual plugin documentation. :param cls_name: Base class name for validate plugin. Defaults to ``Validate``. :param kwargs: The base name of the class for validate plugin :return: """ result = {} if plugin_vars is None: plugin_vars = {} if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if len(engine.split(".")) != 3: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = "Parser name should be provided as a full name including collection" return None, result cref = dict(zip(["corg", "cname", "plugin"], engine.split("."))) validatorlib = ( "ansible_collections.{corg}.{cname}.plugins.sub_plugins.validate.{plugin}".format(**cref) ) try: validatorcls = getattr(import_module(validatorlib), cls_name) validator = validatorcls( data=data, criteria=criteria, engine=engine, plugin_vars=plugin_vars, kwargs=kwargs, ) return validator, result except Exception as exc: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = ( "For engine '{engine}' error loading the corresponding validate plugin: {err}".format( engine=engine, err=to_native(exc), ) ) return None, result