[flake8] builtins = _ # Print the total number of errors: count = true # Don't even try to analyze these: extend-exclude = # project env vars .env, # GitHub configs .github, # Cache files of pytest .pytest_cache, # Occasional virtualenv dirs .venv venv # VS Code .vscode, # IMPORTANT: avoid using ignore option, always use extend-ignore instead # Completely and unconditionally ignore the following errors: extend-ignore = E203, # annoy black by allowing white space before : https://github.com/psf/black/issues/315 E402, # ansible requires import after doc strings E501, # given the ansible_collections this is nearly impossible # Accessibility/large fonts and PEP8 unfriendly: max-line-length = 100 # Count the number of occurrences of each error/warning code and print a report: statistics = true