# (c) 2020 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type import copy import unittest from jinja2 import Template, TemplateSyntaxError from mock import MagicMock from ansible.playbook.task import Task from ansible.template import Templar from ansible_collections.ansible.utils.plugins.action.update_fact import ( ActionModule, ) VALID_DATA = { "a": { "b": {"4.4": [{"1": {5: {"foo": 123}}}], 5.5: "float5.5"}, "": "localhost", } } VALID_TESTS = [ { "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"].5[\'foo\']', "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"], "template_result": "123", }, { "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"].5[\'foo\']', "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"], "template_result": "123", }, { "path": "a.b[5.5]", "split": ["a", "b", 5.5], "template_result": "float5.5", }, { "path": "a['']", "split": ["a", ""], "template_result": "localhost", }, { "path": "a.b['4.4'].0['1'].5['foo']", "split": ["a", "b", "4.4", 0, "1", 5, "foo"], "template_result": "123", }, ] INVALID_JINJA = [ { "path": "a.'1'", "note": "quoted values are required to be in brackets", "error": "expected name or number", }, { "path": "a.[1]", "note": "brackets can't follow dots", "error": "expected name or number", }, { "path": 'a.b["4.4"][0]["1"]."5"[\'foo\']', "note": "quoted values are required to be in brackets", "error": "expected name or number", }, ] class TestUpdate_Fact(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): task = MagicMock(Task) play_context = MagicMock() play_context.check_mode = False connection = MagicMock() fake_loader = {} templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader) self._plugin = ActionModule( task=task, connection=connection, play_context=play_context, loader=fake_loader, templar=templar, shared_loader_obj=None, ) self._plugin._task.action = "update_fact" def test_argspec_no_updates(self): """Check passing invalid argspec""" self._plugin._task.args = {"a": 10} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=None) self.assertIn( "missing required arguments: updates", str(error.exception), ) def test_argspec_none(self): """Check passing a dict""" self._plugin._task.args = {} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=None) self.assertIn( "missing required arguments: updates", str(error.exception) ) def test_valid_jinja(self): for test in VALID_TESTS: tmplt = Template("{{" + test["path"] + "}}") result = tmplt.render(VALID_DATA) self.assertEqual(result, test["template_result"]) def test_invalid_jinja(self): for test in INVALID_JINJA: with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as error: Template("{{" + test["path"] + "}}") self.assertIn(test["error"], str(error.exception)) def test_fields(self): """Check the parsing of a path into it's parts""" for stest in VALID_TESTS: result = self._plugin._field_split(stest["path"]) self.assertEqual(result, stest["split"]) def test_missing_var(self): """Check for a missing fact""" self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.c", "value": 5}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}}) self.assertIn( "'a' was not found in the current facts.", str(error.exception) ) def test_run_simple(self): """Confirm a valid argspec passes""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"] = 5 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b", "value": 5}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_multiple(self): """Confirm multiple paths passes""" task_vars = { "vars": {"a": {"b1": [1, 2, 3], "b2": {"c": "123", "d": False}}} } expected = {"a": {"b1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b2": {"c": 456, "d": True}}} expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [ {"path": "a.b1.3", "value": 4}, {"path": "a.b2.c", "value": 456}, {"path": "a.b2.d", "value": True}, ] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_replace_in_list(self): """Replace in list""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"][1] = 5 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.1", "value": 5}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_append_to_list(self): """Append to list""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"].append(4) expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.3", "value": 4}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_bracket_single_quote(self): """Bracket notation sigle quote""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"].append(4) expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": "a['b'][3]", "value": 4}] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_bracket_double_quote(self): """Bracket notation double quote""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"].append(4) expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": 'a["b"][3]', "value": 4}] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_int_dict_keys(self): """Integer dict keys""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {0: [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"][0][0] = 0 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.0.0", "value": 0}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_int_as_string(self): """Integer dict keys as string""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"0": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["0"][0] = 0 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": 'a["0"].0', "value": 0}] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_invalid_path_quote_after_dot(self): """Invalid path format""" self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.'b'", "value": 0}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}}) self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception)) def test_run_invalid_path_bracket_after_dot(self): """Invalid path format""" self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": "a.['b']", "value": 0}] } with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}}) self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception)) def test_run_invalid_key_start_with_dot(self): """Invalid key format""" self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": ".abc", "value": 0}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars={"vars": {}}) self.assertIn("malformed", str(error.exception)) def test_run_no_update_list(self): """Confirm no change when same""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"] = [1, 2, 3] expected.update({"changed": False}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.0", "value": 1}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_no_update_dict(self): """Confirm no change when same""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["b"] = [1, 2, 3] expected.update({"changed": False}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": "a.b", "value": [1, 2, 3]}] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_missing_key(self): """Confirm error when key not found""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": 1}}} self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.c.d", "value": 1}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertIn("the key 'c' was not found", str(error.exception)) def test_run_list_not_int(self): """Confirm error when key not found""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [1]}}} self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": "a.b['0']", "value": 2}] } with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertIn( "index provided was not an integer", str(error.exception) ) def test_run_list_not_long(self): """List not long enough""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"b": [0]}}} self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a.b.2", "value": 2}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertIn( "not long enough for item #2 to be set", str(error.exception) ) def test_not_mutable_sequence_or_mapping(self): """Confirm graceful fail when immutable object This should never happen in the real world """ obj = {"a": frozenset([1, 2, 3])} path = ["a", 0] val = 9 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.set_value(obj, path, val) self.assertIn("can only modify mutable objects", str(error.exception)) def test_run_not_dotted_success_one(self): """Test with a not dotted key""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": 0}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"] = 1 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a", "value": 1}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_not_dotted_success_three(self): """Test with a not dotted key longer""" task_vars = {"vars": {"abc": 0}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["abc"] = 1 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "abc", "value": 1}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_not_dotted_fail_missing(self): """Test with a not dotted key, missing""" task_vars = {"vars": {"abc": 0}} self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "123", "value": 1}]} with self.assertRaises(Exception) as error: self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertIn( "'123' was not found in the current facts", str(error.exception) ) def test_run_not_dotted_success_same(self): """Test with a not dotted key, no change""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": 0}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected.update({"changed": False}) self._plugin._task.args = {"updates": [{"path": "a", "value": 0}]} result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_run_looks_like_a_bool(self): """Test with a key that looks like a bool""" task_vars = {"vars": {"a": {"True": 0}}} expected = copy.deepcopy(task_vars["vars"]) expected["a"]["True"] = 1 expected.update({"changed": True}) self._plugin._task.args = { "updates": [{"path": "a['True']", "value": 1}] } result = self._plugin.run(task_vars=task_vars) self.assertEqual(result, expected)