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2020-03-09 13:11:34 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component.
# This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is licensed under the
# Modified BSD License. Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded
# dynamically by Ansible, still belong to the author of the module, and may assign
# their own license to the complete work.
# Copyright (c), Entrust Datacard Corporation, 2019
# Simplified BSD License (see LICENSES/BSD-2-Clause.txt or
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
2020-03-09 13:11:34 +00:00
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import os
import re
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text, to_native
2020-03-09 13:11:34 +00:00
from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from ansible.module_utils.urls import Request
import yaml
except ImportError:
YAML_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
valid_file_format = re.compile(r".*(\.)(yml|yaml|json)$")
def ecs_client_argument_spec():
return dict(
entrust_api_user=dict(type='str', required=True),
entrust_api_key=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
entrust_api_client_cert_path=dict(type='path', required=True),
entrust_api_client_cert_key_path=dict(type='path', required=True, no_log=True),
entrust_api_specification_path=dict(type='path', default=''),
class SessionConfigurationException(Exception):
""" Raised if we cannot configure a session with the API """
class RestOperationException(Exception):
""" Encapsulate a REST API error """
def __init__(self, error):
self.status = to_native(error.get("status", None))
self.errors = [to_native(err.get("message")) for err in error.get("errors", {})]
self.message = to_native(" ".join(self.errors))
def generate_docstring(operation_spec):
"""Generate a docstring for an operation defined in operation_spec (swagger)"""
# Description of the operation
docs = operation_spec.get("description", "No Description")
docs += "\n\n"
# Parameters of the operation
parameters = operation_spec.get("parameters", [])
if len(parameters) != 0:
docs += "\tArguments:\n\n"
for parameter in parameters:
docs += "{0} ({1}:{2}): {3}\n".format(
parameter.get("type", "No Type"),
"Required" if parameter.get("required", False) else "Not Required",
return docs
def bind(instance, method, operation_spec):
def binding_scope_fn(*args, **kwargs):
return method(instance, *args, **kwargs)
# Make sure we do not confuse users; add the proper name and documentation to the function.
2020-03-09 13:11:34 +00:00
# Users can use !help(<function>) to get help on the function from interactive python or pdb
operation_name = operation_spec.get("operationId").split("Using")[0]
binding_scope_fn.__name__ = str(operation_name)
binding_scope_fn.__doc__ = generate_docstring(operation_spec)
return binding_scope_fn
class RestOperation(object):
def __init__(self, session, uri, method, parameters=None):
self.session = session
self.method = method
if parameters is None:
self.parameters = {}
self.parameters = parameters
self.url = "{scheme}://{host}{base_path}{uri}".format(scheme="https", host=session._spec.get("host"), base_path=session._spec.get("basePath"), uri=uri)
def restmethod(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Do the hard work of making the request here"""
# gather named path parameters and do substitution on the URL
if self.parameters:
path_parameters = {}
body_parameters = {}
query_parameters = {}
for x in self.parameters:
expected_location = x.get("in")
key_name = x.get("name", None)
key_value = kwargs.get(key_name, None)
if expected_location == "path" and key_name and key_value:
path_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
elif expected_location == "body" and key_name and key_value:
body_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
elif expected_location == "query" and key_name and key_value:
query_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
if len(body_parameters.keys()) >= 1:
body_parameters = body_parameters.get(list(body_parameters.keys())[0])
body_parameters = None
path_parameters = {}
query_parameters = {}
body_parameters = None
# This will fail if we have not set path parameters with a KeyError
url = self.url.format(**path_parameters)
if query_parameters:
# modify the URL to add path parameters
url = url + "?" + urlencode(query_parameters)
if body_parameters:
body_parameters_json = json.dumps(body_parameters)
response =, url=url, data=body_parameters_json)
response =, url=url)
request_error = False
except HTTPError as e:
# An HTTPError has the same methods available as a valid response from
response = e
request_error = True
# Return the result if JSON and success ({} for empty responses)
# Raise an exception if there was a failure.
result_code = response.getcode()
result = json.loads(
except ValueError:
result = {}
if result or result == {}:
if result_code and result_code < 400:
return result
raise RestOperationException(result)
# Raise a generic RestOperationException if this fails
raise RestOperationException({"status": result_code, "errors": [{"message": "REST Operation Failed"}]})
class Resource(object):
""" Implement basic CRUD operations against a path. """
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
self.parameters = {}
for url in session._spec.get("paths").keys():
methods = session._spec.get("paths").get(url)
for method in methods.keys():
operation_spec = methods.get(method)
operation_name = operation_spec.get("operationId", None)
parameters = operation_spec.get("parameters")
if not operation_name:
if method.lower() == "post":
operation_name = "Create"
elif method.lower() == "get":
operation_name = "Get"
elif method.lower() == "put":
operation_name = "Update"
elif method.lower() == "delete":
operation_name = "Delete"
elif method.lower() == "patch":
operation_name = "Patch"
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Invalid REST method type {0}".format(method)))
# Get the non-parameter parts of the URL and append to the operation name
# e.g /application/version -> GetApplicationVersion
# e.g. /application/{id} -> GetApplication
# This may lead to duplicates, which we must prevent.
operation_name += re.sub(r"{(.*)}", "", url).replace("/", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
operation_spec["operationId"] = operation_name
op = RestOperation(session, url, method, parameters)
setattr(self, operation_name, bind(self, op.restmethod, operation_spec))
# Session to encapsulate the connection parameters of the module_utils Request object, the api spec, etc
class ECSSession(object):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
Initialize our session
self._set_config(name, **kwargs)
def client(self):
resource = Resource(self)
return resource
def _set_config(self, name, **kwargs):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
self.request = Request(headers=headers, timeout=60)
configurators = [self._read_config_vars]
for configurator in configurators:
self._config = configurator(name, **kwargs)
if self._config:
if self._config is None:
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("No Configuration Found."))
# set up auth if passed
entrust_api_user = self.get_config("entrust_api_user")
entrust_api_key = self.get_config("entrust_api_key")
if entrust_api_user and entrust_api_key:
self.request.url_username = entrust_api_user
self.request.url_password = entrust_api_key
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("User and key must be provided."))
# set up client certificate if passed (support all-in one or cert + key)
entrust_api_cert = self.get_config("entrust_api_cert")
entrust_api_cert_key = self.get_config("entrust_api_cert_key")
if entrust_api_cert:
self.request.client_cert = entrust_api_cert
if entrust_api_cert_key:
self.request.client_key = entrust_api_cert_key
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Client certificate for authentication to the API must be provided."))
# set up the spec
entrust_api_specification_path = self.get_config("entrust_api_specification_path")
if not entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http") and not os.path.isfile(entrust_api_specification_path):
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("OpenAPI specification was not found at location {0}.".format(entrust_api_specification_path)))
if not valid_file_format.match(entrust_api_specification_path):
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("OpenAPI specification filename must end in .json, .yml or .yaml"))
self.verify = True
if entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http"):
http_response = Request().open(method="GET", url=entrust_api_specification_path)
http_response_contents =
if entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".json"):
self._spec = json.load(http_response_contents)
elif entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".yml") or entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".yaml"):
self._spec = yaml.safe_load(http_response_contents)
except HTTPError as e:
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Error downloading specification from address '{0}', received error code '{1}'".format(
entrust_api_specification_path, e.getcode())))
with open(entrust_api_specification_path) as f:
if ".json" in entrust_api_specification_path:
self._spec = json.load(f)
elif ".yml" in entrust_api_specification_path or ".yaml" in entrust_api_specification_path:
self._spec = yaml.safe_load(f)
def get_config(self, item):
return self._config.get(item, None)
def _read_config_vars(self, name, **kwargs):
""" Read configuration from variables passed to the module. """
config = {}
entrust_api_specification_path = kwargs.get("entrust_api_specification_path")
if not entrust_api_specification_path or (not entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http") and not os.path.isfile(entrust_api_specification_path)):
raise SessionConfigurationException(
"Parameter provided for entrust_api_specification_path of value '{0}' was not a valid file path or HTTPS address.".format(
for required_file in ["entrust_api_cert", "entrust_api_cert_key"]:
file_path = kwargs.get(required_file)
if not file_path or not os.path.isfile(file_path):
raise SessionConfigurationException(
to_native("Parameter provided for {0} of value '{1}' was not a valid file path.".format(required_file, file_path))
for required_var in ["entrust_api_user", "entrust_api_key"]:
if not kwargs.get(required_var):
raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Parameter provided for {0} was missing.".format(required_var)))
config["entrust_api_cert"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_cert")
config["entrust_api_cert_key"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_cert_key")
config["entrust_api_specification_path"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_specification_path")
config["entrust_api_user"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_user")
config["entrust_api_key"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_key")
return config
def ECSClient(entrust_api_user=None, entrust_api_key=None, entrust_api_cert=None, entrust_api_cert_key=None, entrust_api_specification_path=None):
"""Create an ECS client"""
if not YAML_FOUND:
raise SessionConfigurationException(missing_required_lib("PyYAML"), exception=YAML_IMP_ERR)
if entrust_api_specification_path is None:
entrust_api_specification_path = ""
# Not functionally necessary with current uses of this module_util, but better to be explicit for future use cases
entrust_api_user = to_text(entrust_api_user)
entrust_api_key = to_text(entrust_api_key)
entrust_api_cert_key = to_text(entrust_api_cert_key)
entrust_api_specification_path = to_text(entrust_api_specification_path)
return ECSSession(