2020-11-03 07:45:32 +00:00
# WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests #
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
- name: Include OS-specific variables
include_vars: '{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml'
when: not ansible_os_family == "Darwin"
- name: Install pyOpenSSL (Python 3)
become: true
name: '{{ pyopenssl_package_name_python3 }}'
when: not ansible_os_family == 'Darwin' and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '>=')
- name: Install pyOpenSSL (Python 2)
become: true
name: '{{ pyopenssl_package_name }}'
when: not ansible_os_family == 'Darwin' and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '<')
- name: Install pyOpenSSL (Darwin)
become: true
name: pyOpenSSL
extra_args: "-c {{ remote_constraints }}"
when: ansible_os_family == 'Darwin'
- name: Register pyOpenSSL version
command: "{{ ansible_python.executable }} -c 'import OpenSSL; print(OpenSSL.__version__)'"
register: pyopenssl_version
- name: Register pyOpenSSL debug details
command: "{{ ansible_python.executable }} -m OpenSSL.debug"
register: pyopenssl_debug_version
ignore_errors: yes
2020-11-03 11:39:58 +00:00
# Depending on which pyOpenSSL version has been installed, it could be that cryptography has
# been upgraded to a newer version. Make sure to register cryptography_version another time here
# to avoid strange testing behavior due to wrong values of cryptography_version.
- name: Register cryptography version
command: "{{ ansible_python.executable }} -c 'import cryptography; print(cryptography.__version__)'"
register: cryptography_version
ignore_errors: yes # in case cryptography was not installed, and setup_openssl hasn't been run before, ignore errors