The `community.crypto collection <>`_ offers multiple modules that create private keys, certificate signing requests, and certificates. This guide shows how to create your own small CA and how to use it to sign certificates.
In all examples, we assume that the CA's private key is password protected, where the password is provided in the ``secret_ca_passphrase`` variable.
Set up the CA
Any certificate can be used as a CA certificate. You can create a self-signed certificate (see :ref:``), use another CA certificate to sign a new certificate (using the instructions below for signing a certificate), ask (and pay) a commercial CA to sign your CA certificate, etc.
The following instructions show how to set up a simple self-signed CA certificate.
..code-block:: yaml+jinja
- name: Create private key with password protection
path: /path/to/ca-certificate.key
passphrase: "{{ secret_ca_passphrase }}"
- name: Create certificate signing request (CSR) for CA certificate
To sign a certificate, you must pass a CSR to the :ref:`community.crypto.x509_certificate module <>` or :ref:`community.crypto.x509_certificate_pipe module <>`.
In the following example, we assume that the certificate to sign (including its private key) are on ``server_1``, while our CA certificate is on ``server_2``. We do not want any key material to leave each respective server.
..code-block:: yaml+jinja
- name: Create private key for new certificate on server_1
path: /path/to/certificate.key
delegate_to: server_1
run_once: true
- name: Create certificate signing request (CSR) for new certificate
Please note that the above procedure is **not idempotent**. The following extended example reads the existing certificate from ``server_1`` (if exists) and provides it to the :ref:`community.crypto.x509_certificate_pipe module <>`, and only writes the result back if it was changed:
..code-block:: yaml+jinja
- name: Create private key for new certificate on server_1
path: /path/to/certificate.key
delegate_to: server_1
run_once: true
- name: Create certificate signing request (CSR) for new certificate
privatekey_path: /path/to/certificate.key
- ""
- ""
- ""
delegate_to: server_1
run_once: true
register: csr
- name: Check whether certificate exists
path: /path/to/certificate.pem
delegate_to: server_1
run_once: true
register: certificate_exists
- name: Read existing certificate if exists
src: /path/to/certificate.pem
when: certificate_exists.stat.exists
delegate_to: server_1
run_once: true
register: certificate
- name: Sign certificate with our CA
content: "{{ (certificate.content | b64decode) if certificate_exists.stat.exists else omit }}"