diff --git a/changelogs/fragments/436-idns.yml b/changelogs/fragments/436-idns.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f9149fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelogs/fragments/436-idns.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ - "Support automatic conversion for Internalionalized Domain Names (IDNs).
+ When passing general names, for example Subject Altenative Names to ``community.crypto.openssl_csr``, these will automatically be converted to IDNA.
+ Conversion will be done per label to IDNA2008 if possible, and IDNA2003 if IDNA2008 conversion fails for that label.
+ Note that IDNA conversion requires `the Python idna library `_ to be installed.
+ Please note that depending on which versions of the cryptography library are used, it could try to process the converted IDNA
+ another time with the Python ``idna`` library and reject IDNA2003 encoded values. Using a new enough ``cryptography`` version avoids this
+ (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/issues/426, https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436)."
+ - "openssl_csr_info - add ``name_encoding`` option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436)."
+ - "x509_certificate_info - add ``name_encoding`` option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436)."
+ - "x509_crl - add ``name_encoding`` option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436)."
+ - "x509_crl_info - add ``name_encoding`` option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436)."
diff --git a/plugins/doc_fragments/name_encoding.py b/plugins/doc_fragments/name_encoding.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42d8aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/doc_fragments/name_encoding.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2022, Felix Fontein
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+class ModuleDocFragment(object):
+ name_encoding:
+ description:
+ - How to encode names (DNS names, URIs, email addresses) in return values.
+ - C(ignore) will use the encoding returned by the backend.
+ - C(idna) will convert all labels of domain names to IDNA encoding.
+ IDNA2008 will be preferred, and IDNA2003 will be used if IDNA2008 encoding fails.
+ - C(unicode) will convert all labels of domain names to Unicode.
+ IDNA2008 will be preferred, and IDNA2003 will be used if IDNA2008 decoding fails.
+ - B(Note) that C(idna) and C(unicode) require the L(idna Python library,https://pypi.org/project/idna/) to be installed.
+ type: str
+ default: ignore
+ choices:
+ - ignore
+ - idna
+ - unicode
+ - If I(name_encoding) is set to another value than C(ignore), the L(idna Python library,https://pypi.org/project/idna/) needs to be installed.
diff --git a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_crl.py b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_crl.py
index a7148687..04130dfd 100644
--- a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_crl.py
+++ b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_crl.py
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ def cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert):
return result
-def cryptography_dump_revoked(entry):
+def cryptography_dump_revoked(entry, idn_rewrite='ignore'):
return {
'serial_number': entry['serial_number'],
'revocation_date': entry['revocation_date'].strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT),
- [cryptography_decode_name(issuer) for issuer in entry['issuer']]
+ [cryptography_decode_name(issuer, idn_rewrite=idn_rewrite) for issuer in entry['issuer']]
if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
'issuer_critical': entry['issuer_critical'],
'reason': REVOCATION_REASON_MAP_INVERSE.get(entry['reason']) if entry['reason'] is not None else None,
diff --git a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_support.py b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_support.py
index 776a7be1..77b8ed79 100644
--- a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_support.py
+++ b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/cryptography_support.py
@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ import base64
import binascii
import re
import sys
+import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text, to_bytes
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, ParseResult
from ._asn1 import serialize_asn1_string_as_der
from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion
@@ -80,6 +83,16 @@ except ImportError:
# Error handled in the calling module.
_load_pkcs12 = None
+ import idna
+ HAS_IDNA = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_IDNA = False
+ IDNA_IMP_ERROR = traceback.format_exc()
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
from .basic import (
@@ -359,6 +372,80 @@ def cryptography_parse_relative_distinguished_name(rdn):
return cryptography.x509.RelativeDistinguishedName(names)
+def _is_ascii(value):
+ '''Check whether the Unicode string `value` contains only ASCII characters.'''
+ try:
+ value.encode("ascii")
+ return True
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return False
+def _adjust_idn(value, idn_rewrite):
+ if idn_rewrite == 'ignore' or not value:
+ return value
+ if idn_rewrite == 'idna' and _is_ascii(value):
+ return value
+ if idn_rewrite not in ('idna', 'unicode'):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid value for idn_rewrite: "{0}"'.format(idn_rewrite))
+ if not HAS_IDNA:
+ raise OpenSSLObjectError(
+ missing_required_lib('idna', reason='to transform {what} DNS name "{name}" to {dest}'.format(
+ name=value,
+ what='IDNA' if idn_rewrite == 'unicode' else 'Unicode',
+ dest='Unicode' if idn_rewrite == 'unicode' else 'IDNA',
+ )))
+ # Since IDNA does not like '*' or empty labels (except one empty label at the end),
+ # we split and let IDNA only handle labels that are neither empty or '*'.
+ parts = value.split(u'.')
+ for index, part in enumerate(parts):
+ if part in (u'', u'*'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ if idn_rewrite == 'idna':
+ parts[index] = idna.encode(part).decode('ascii')
+ elif idn_rewrite == 'unicode' and part.startswith(u'xn--'):
+ parts[index] = idna.decode(part)
+ except idna.IDNAError as exc2008:
+ try:
+ if idn_rewrite == 'idna':
+ parts[index] = part.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
+ elif idn_rewrite == 'unicode' and part.startswith(u'xn--'):
+ parts[index] = part.encode('ascii').decode('idna')
+ except Exception as exc2003:
+ raise OpenSSLObjectError(
+ u'Error while transforming part "{part}" of {what} DNS name "{name}" to {dest}.'
+ u' IDNA2008 transformation resulted in "{exc2008}", IDNA2003 transformation resulted in "{exc2003}".'.format(
+ part=part,
+ name=value,
+ what='IDNA' if idn_rewrite == 'unicode' else 'Unicode',
+ dest='Unicode' if idn_rewrite == 'unicode' else 'IDNA',
+ exc2003=exc2003,
+ exc2008=exc2008,
+ ))
+ return u'.'.join(parts)
+def _adjust_idn_email(value, idn_rewrite):
+ idx = value.find(u'@')
+ if idx < 0:
+ return value
+ return u'{0}@{1}'.format(value[:idx], _adjust_idn(value[idx + 1:], idn_rewrite))
+def _adjust_idn_url(value, idn_rewrite):
+ url = urlparse(value)
+ host = _adjust_idn(url.hostname, idn_rewrite)
+ if url.username is not None and url.password is not None:
+ host = u'{0}:{1}@{2}'.format(url.username, url.password, host)
+ elif url.username is not None:
+ host = u'{0}@{1}'.format(url.username, host)
+ if url.port is not None:
+ host = u'{0}:{1}'.format(host, url.port)
+ return urlunparse(
+ ParseResult(scheme=url.scheme, netloc=host, path=url.path, params=url.params, query=url.query, fragment=url.fragment))
def cryptography_get_name(name, what='Subject Alternative Name'):
Given a name string, returns a cryptography x509.GeneralName object.
@@ -366,16 +453,16 @@ def cryptography_get_name(name, what='Subject Alternative Name'):
if name.startswith('DNS:'):
- return x509.DNSName(to_text(name[4:]))
+ return x509.DNSName(_adjust_idn(to_text(name[4:]), 'idna'))
if name.startswith('IP:'):
address = to_text(name[3:])
if '/' in address:
return x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_network(address))
return x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_address(address))
if name.startswith('email:'):
- return x509.RFC822Name(to_text(name[6:]))
+ return x509.RFC822Name(_adjust_idn_email(to_text(name[6:]), 'idna'))
if name.startswith('URI:'):
- return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(to_text(name[4:]))
+ return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(_adjust_idn_url(to_text(name[4:]), 'idna'))
if name.startswith('RID:'):
m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)$', to_text(name[4:]))
if not m:
@@ -422,21 +509,23 @@ def _dn_escape_value(value):
return value
-def cryptography_decode_name(name):
+def cryptography_decode_name(name, idn_rewrite='ignore'):
Given a cryptography x509.GeneralName object, returns a string.
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is not supported.
+ if idn_rewrite not in ('ignore', 'idna', 'unicode'):
+ raise AssertionError('idn_rewrite must be one of "ignore", "idna", or "unicode"')
if isinstance(name, x509.DNSName):
- return u'DNS:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ return u'DNS:{0}'.format(_adjust_idn(name.value, idn_rewrite))
if isinstance(name, x509.IPAddress):
if isinstance(name.value, (ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network)):
return u'IP:{0}/{1}'.format(name.value.network_address.compressed, name.value.prefixlen)
return u'IP:{0}'.format(name.value.compressed)
if isinstance(name, x509.RFC822Name):
- return u'email:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ return u'email:{0}'.format(_adjust_idn_email(name.value, idn_rewrite))
if isinstance(name, x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
- return u'URI:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ return u'URI:{0}'.format(_adjust_idn_url(name.value, idn_rewrite))
if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName):
# According to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4514.html#section-2.1 the
# list needs to be reversed, and joined by commas
diff --git a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/certificate_info.py b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/certificate_info.py
index 15c08a93..4089a7f4 100644
--- a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/certificate_info.py
+++ b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/certificate_info.py
@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ class CertificateInfoRetrievalCryptography(CertificateInfoRetrieval):
"""Validate the supplied cert, using the cryptography backend"""
def __init__(self, module, content):
super(CertificateInfoRetrievalCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography', content)
+ self.name_encoding = module.params.get('name_encoding', 'ignore')
def _get_der_bytes(self):
return self.cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER)
@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ class CertificateInfoRetrievalCryptography(CertificateInfoRetrieval):
def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
san_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
- result = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in san_ext.value]
+ result = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in san_ext.value]
return result, san_ext.critical
except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
return None, False
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ class CertificateInfoRetrievalCryptography(CertificateInfoRetrieval):
ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
issuer = None
if ext.value.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- issuer = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
+ issuer = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
return ext.value.key_identifier, issuer, ext.value.authority_cert_serial_number
except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
return None, None, None
diff --git a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/crl_info.py b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/crl_info.py
index cf1e6e93..d15b378e 100644
--- a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/crl_info.py
+++ b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/crl_info.py
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class CRLInfoRetrieval(object):
self.module = module
self.content = content
self.list_revoked_certificates = list_revoked_certificates
+ self.name_encoding = module.params.get('name_encoding', 'ignore')
def get_info(self):
self.crl_pem = identify_pem_format(self.content)
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class CRLInfoRetrieval(object):
result['revoked_certificates'] = []
for cert in self.crl:
entry = cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert)
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry))
+ result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding))
return result
diff --git a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/csr_info.py b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/csr_info.py
index 8e733147..ba9240da 100644
--- a/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/csr_info.py
+++ b/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/csr_info.py
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class CSRInfoRetrievalCryptography(CSRInfoRetrieval):
"""Validate the supplied CSR, using the cryptography backend"""
def __init__(self, module, content, validate_signature):
super(CSRInfoRetrievalCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography', content, validate_signature)
+ self.name_encoding = module.params.get('name_encoding', 'ignore')
def _get_subject_ordered(self):
result = []
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ class CSRInfoRetrievalCryptography(CSRInfoRetrieval):
def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
san_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
- result = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in san_ext.value]
+ result = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in san_ext.value]
return result, san_ext.critical
except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
return None, False
@@ -264,8 +265,8 @@ class CSRInfoRetrievalCryptography(CSRInfoRetrieval):
def _get_name_constraints(self):
nc_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.NameConstraints)
- permitted = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in nc_ext.value.permitted_subtrees or []]
- excluded = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in nc_ext.value.excluded_subtrees or []]
+ permitted = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in nc_ext.value.permitted_subtrees or []]
+ excluded = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in nc_ext.value.excluded_subtrees or []]
return permitted, excluded, nc_ext.critical
except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
return None, None, False
@@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ class CSRInfoRetrievalCryptography(CSRInfoRetrieval):
ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
issuer = None
if ext.value.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- issuer = [cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
+ issuer = [cryptography_decode_name(san, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
return ext.value.key_identifier, issuer, ext.value.authority_cert_serial_number
except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
return None, None, None
diff --git a/plugins/modules/openssl_csr_info.py b/plugins/modules/openssl_csr_info.py
index 62527bc5..d3d08ce7 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/openssl_csr_info.py
+++ b/plugins/modules/openssl_csr_info.py
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ options:
default: auto
choices: [ auto, cryptography ]
+ - community.crypto.name_encoding
- module: community.crypto.openssl_csr
- module: community.crypto.openssl_csr_pipe
@@ -124,7 +127,9 @@ key_usage_critical:
returned: success
type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ description:
+ - Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: list
elements: str
@@ -152,6 +157,7 @@ name_constraints_excluded:
- List of excluded subtrees the CA cannot sign certificates for.
- Is C(none) if extension is not present.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: list
elements: str
@@ -281,6 +287,7 @@ authority_cert_issuer:
- The CSR's authority cert issuer as a list of general names.
- Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: list
elements: str
@@ -312,6 +319,7 @@ def main():
+ name_encoding=dict(type='str', default='ignore', choices=['ignore', 'idna', 'unicode']),
select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography']),
diff --git a/plugins/modules/x509_certificate_info.py b/plugins/modules/x509_certificate_info.py
index ae3ed9cd..e80ca2c4 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/x509_certificate_info.py
+++ b/plugins/modules/x509_certificate_info.py
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ options:
default: auto
choices: [ auto, cryptography ]
+ - community.crypto.name_encoding
- All timestamp values are provided in ASN.1 TIME format, in other words, following the C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ) pattern.
They are all in UTC.
@@ -168,7 +171,9 @@ key_usage_critical:
returned: success
type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ description:
+ - Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: list
elements: str
@@ -355,6 +360,7 @@ authority_cert_issuer:
- The certificate's authority cert issuer as a list of general names.
- Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: list
elements: str
@@ -397,6 +403,7 @@ def main():
+ name_encoding=dict(type='str', default='ignore', choices=['ignore', 'idna', 'unicode']),
select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography']),
diff --git a/plugins/modules/x509_crl.py b/plugins/modules/x509_crl.py
index 72408950..9a85ae39 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/x509_crl.py
+++ b/plugins/modules/x509_crl.py
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ options:
- files
+ - community.crypto.name_encoding
- All ASN.1 TIME values should be specified following the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ pattern.
@@ -297,6 +298,7 @@ issuer:
- The CRL's issuer.
- Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: dict
sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible", "commonName": "ca.example.com"}'
@@ -336,7 +338,9 @@ revoked_certificates:
type: str
sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The certificate's issuer.
+ description:
+ - The certificate's issuer.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
type: list
elements: str
sample: '["DNS:ca.example.org"]'
@@ -405,6 +409,7 @@ from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.crypto.support im
from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.crypto.cryptography_support import (
+ cryptography_decode_name,
@@ -468,6 +473,7 @@ class CRL(OpenSSLObject):
self.update = module.params['mode'] == 'update'
self.ignore_timestamps = module.params['ignore_timestamps']
self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
+ self.name_encoding = module.params['name_encoding']
self.crl_content = None
self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
@@ -595,11 +601,20 @@ class CRL(OpenSSLObject):
super(CRL, self).remove(self.module)
def _compress_entry(self, entry):
+ issuer = None
+ if entry['issuer'] is not None:
+ # Normalize to IDNA. If this is used-provided, it was already converted to
+ # IDNA (by cryptography_get_name) and thus the `idna` library is present.
+ # If this is coming from cryptography and isn't already in IDNA (i.e. ascii),
+ # cryptography < 2.1 must be in use, which depends on `idna`. So this should
+ # not require `idna` except if it was already used by code earlier during
+ # this invocation.
+ issuer = tuple(cryptography_decode_name(issuer, idn_rewrite='idna') for issuer in entry['issuer'])
if self.ignore_timestamps:
# Throw out revocation_date
return (
- tuple(entry['issuer']) if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
+ issuer,
@@ -610,7 +625,7 @@ class CRL(OpenSSLObject):
return (
- tuple(entry['issuer']) if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
+ issuer,
@@ -765,7 +780,7 @@ class CRL(OpenSSLObject):
result['issuer'][k] = v
result['revoked_certificates'] = []
for entry in self.revoked_certificates:
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry))
+ result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding))
elif self.crl:
result['last_update'] = self.crl.last_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
result['next_update'] = self.crl.next_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
@@ -780,7 +795,7 @@ class CRL(OpenSSLObject):
result['revoked_certificates'] = []
for cert in self.crl:
entry = cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert)
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry))
+ result['revoked_certificates'].append(cryptography_dump_revoked(entry, idn_rewrite=self.name_encoding))
if self.return_content:
result['crl'] = self.crl_content
@@ -836,6 +851,7 @@ def main():
required_one_of=[['path', 'content', 'serial_number']],
mutually_exclusive=[['path', 'content', 'serial_number']],
+ name_encoding=dict(type='str', default='ignore', choices=['ignore', 'idna', 'unicode']),
('state', 'present', ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'], True),
diff --git a/plugins/modules/x509_crl_info.py b/plugins/modules/x509_crl_info.py
index e393a81e..29eee516 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/x509_crl_info.py
+++ b/plugins/modules/x509_crl_info.py
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ options:
default: true
version_added: 1.7.0
+ - community.crypto.name_encoding
- All timestamp values are provided in ASN.1 TIME format, in other words, following the C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ) pattern.
They are all in UTC.
@@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ issuer:
- The CRL's issuer.
- Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
returned: success
type: dict
sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible", "commonName": "ca.example.com"}'
@@ -115,7 +119,9 @@ revoked_certificates:
type: str
sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The certificate's issuer.
+ description:
+ - The certificate's issuer.
+ - See I(name_encoding) for how IDNs are handled.
type: list
elements: str
sample: '["DNS:ca.example.org"]'
@@ -173,6 +179,7 @@ def main():
list_revoked_certificates=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ name_encoding=dict(type='str', default='ignore', choices=['ignore', 'idna', 'unicode']),
['path', 'content'],
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/impl.yml b/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/impl.yml
index 5083e497..ef589df4 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/impl.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/impl.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,20 @@
select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
register: result
+- name: "({{ select_crypto_backend }}) Get CSR info (IDNA encoding)"
+ openssl_csr_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/csr_1.csr'
+ name_encoding: idna
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result_idna
+- name: "({{ select_crypto_backend }}) Get CSR info (Unicode encoding)"
+ openssl_csr_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/csr_1.csr'
+ name_encoding: unicode
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result_unicode
- name: "({{ select_crypto_backend }}) Check whether subject and extensions behaves as expected"
@@ -23,8 +37,11 @@
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].critical == true
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].value in ['AwMA/4A=', 'AwMH/4A=']
# Subject Alternative Names
+ - result.subject_alt_name[1] == ("DNS:âņsïbłè.com" if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else "DNS:xn--sb-oia0a7a53bya.com")
+ - result_unicode.subject_alt_name[1] == "DNS:âņsïbłè.com"
+ - result_idna.subject_alt_name[1] == "DNS:xn--sb-oia0a7a53bya.com"
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].critical == false
- - result.extensions_by_oid[''].value == 'MGCCD3d3dy5hbnNpYmxlLmNvbYcEAQIDBIcQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYEQdGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLm9yZ4YjaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLm9yZy90ZXN0L2luZGV4Lmh0bWw='
+ - result.extensions_by_oid[''].value == 'MHmCD3d3dy5hbnNpYmxlLmNvbYIXeG4tLXNiLW9pYTBhN2E1M2J5YS5jb22HBAECAwSHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGBEHRlc3RAZXhhbXBsZS5vcmeGI2h0dHBzOi8vZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcvdGVzdC9pbmRleC5odG1s'
# Basic Constraints
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].critical == true
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].value == 'MAYBAf8CARc='
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/main.yml b/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/main.yml
index 566d4cb5..d5327e34 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/openssl_csr_info/tasks/main.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
+- name: Make sure the Python idna library is installed
+ pip:
+ name: idna
+ state: present
- name: Generate privatekey
path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
@@ -67,6 +72,7 @@
- biometricInfo
- "DNS:www.ansible.com"
+ - "DNS:âņsïbłè.com"
- "IP:"
- "IP:::1"
- "email:test@example.org"
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml b/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml
index 65096f56..9b8599bd 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,20 @@
select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
register: result
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info (IDNA encoding)
+ x509_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/cert_1.pem'
+ name_encoding: idna
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result_idna
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info (Unicode encoding)
+ x509_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/cert_1.pem'
+ name_encoding: unicode
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result_unicode
- name: Check whether issuer and subject and extensions behave as expected
@@ -21,7 +35,26 @@
- result.public_key_data.size == (default_rsa_key_size_certifiates | int)
- "result.subject_alt_name == [
- 'DNS:' ~ ('öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else 'xn--74h') ~ '.com',
+ 'DNS:' ~ ('öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else 'xn--7ca3a') ~ '.com',
+ 'DNS:' ~ ('www.öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else 'xn--74h') ~ '.com',
+ 'IP:',
+ 'IP:::1',
+ 'email:test@example.org',
+ 'URI:https://example.org/test/index.html'
+ ]"
+ - "result_idna.subject_alt_name == [
+ 'DNS:www.ansible.com',
+ 'DNS:xn--7ca3a.com',
+ 'DNS:' ~ ('www.xn--7ca3a' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else 'xn--74h') ~ '.com',
+ 'IP:',
+ 'IP:::1',
+ 'email:test@example.org',
+ 'URI:https://example.org/test/index.html'
+ ]"
+ - "result_unicode.subject_alt_name == [
+ 'DNS:www.ansible.com',
+ 'DNS:öç.com',
+ 'DNS:' ~ ('www.öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else '☺') ~ '.com',
@@ -37,9 +70,9 @@
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].critical == false
- >
result.extensions_by_oid[''].value == (
+ 'MIGCgg93d3cuYW5zaWJsZS5jb22CDXhuLS03Y2EzYS5jb22CEXd3dy54bi0tN2NhM2EuY29thwQBAgMEhxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgRB0ZXN0QGV4YW1wbGUub3JnhiNodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUub3JnL3Rlc3QvaW5kZXguaHRtbA=='
if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else
- 'MG2CD3d3dy5hbnNpYmxlLmNvbYILeG4tLTc0aC5jb22HBAECAwSHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGBEHRlc3RAZXhhbXBsZS5vcmeGI2h0dHBzOi8vZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcvdGVzdC9pbmRleC5odG1s'
+ 'MHyCD3d3dy5hbnNpYmxlLmNvbYINeG4tLTdjYTNhLmNvbYILeG4tLTc0aC5jb22HBAECAwSHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGBEHRlc3RAZXhhbXBsZS5vcmeGI2h0dHBzOi8vZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcvdGVzdC9pbmRleC5odG1s'
# Basic Constraints
- result.extensions_by_oid[''].critical == true
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml b/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml
index 96e7d2a0..89cbedc9 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/x509_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
+- name: Make sure the Python idna library is installed
+ pip:
+ name: idna
+ state: present
- name: Generate privatekey
path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
@@ -67,7 +72,9 @@
- biometricInfo
- "DNS:www.ansible.com"
- - "DNS:{{ 'öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else 'xn--74h' }}.com"
+ - "DNS:öç.com"
+ # cryptography < 2.1 cannot handle certain Unicode characters
+ - "DNS:{{ 'www.öç' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else '☺' }}.com"
- "IP:"
- "IP:::1"
- "email:test@example.org"
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/impl.yml b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/impl.yml
index 45bb74fd..5284d5c5 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/impl.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/impl.yml
@@ -536,13 +536,91 @@
- serial_number: 1234
revocation_date: 20191001000000Z
+ # * cryptography < 2.1 strips username and password from URIs. To avoid problems, we do
+ # not pass usernames and passwords for URIs when the cryptography version is < 2.1.
+ # * Python 3.5 before 3.5.8 rc 1 has a bug in urllib.parse.urlparse() that results in an
+ # error if a Unicode netloc has a username or password included.
+ # (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.crypto/pull/436#issuecomment-1101737134)
+ # This affects the Python 3.5 included in Ansible 2.9's default test container; to avoid
+ # this, we also do not pass usernames and passwords for Python 3.5.
- "DNS:ca.example.org"
+ - "DNS:ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ"
+ - "email:foo@ḃâŗ.çøṁ"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'admin:hunter2@' }}ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ/baz?foo=bar"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'goo@' }}www.straße.de"
+ - "URI:https://straße.de:8080"
+ - "URI:http://gefäß.org"
+ - "URI:http://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'a:b@' }}ä:1"
issuer_critical: true
register: crl_3
+- name: Create CRL 3 (IDNA encoding)
+ x509_crl:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca-crl3.crl'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca.key'
+ issuer:
+ CN: Ansible
+ last_update: +0d
+ next_update: +0d
+ revoked_certificates:
+ - serial_number: 1234
+ revocation_date: 20191001000000Z
+ issuer:
+ - "DNS:ca.example.org"
+ - "DNS:xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n"
+ - "email:foo@xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'admin:hunter2@' }}xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n/baz?foo=bar"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'goo@' }}www.xn--strae-oqa.de"
+ - "URI:https://xn--strae-oqa.de:8080"
+ - "URI:http://xn--gef-7kay.org"
+ - "URI:http://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'a:b@' }}xn--4ca:1"
+ issuer_critical: true
+ ignore_timestamps: true
+ name_encoding: idna
+ register: crl_3_idna
+- name: Create CRL 3 (Unicode encoding)
+ x509_crl:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca-crl3.crl'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca.key'
+ issuer:
+ CN: Ansible
+ last_update: +0d
+ next_update: +0d
+ revoked_certificates:
+ - serial_number: 1234
+ revocation_date: 20191001000000Z
+ issuer:
+ - "DNS:ca.example.org"
+ - "DNS:ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ"
+ - "email:foo@ḃâŗ.çøṁ"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'admin:hunter2@' }}ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ/baz?foo=bar"
+ - "URI:https://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'goo@' }}www.straße.de"
+ - "URI:https://straße.de:8080"
+ - "URI:http://gefäß.org"
+ - "URI:http://{{ '' if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else 'a:b@' }}ä:1"
+ issuer_critical: true
+ ignore_timestamps: true
+ name_encoding: unicode
+ register: crl_3_unicode
- name: Retrieve CRL 3 infos
path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca-crl3.crl'
list_revoked_certificates: true
register: crl_3_info
+- name: Retrieve CRL 3 infos (IDNA encoding)
+ x509_crl_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca-crl3.crl'
+ name_encoding: idna
+ list_revoked_certificates: true
+ register: crl_3_info_idna
+- name: Retrieve CRL 3 infos (Unicode encoding)
+ x509_crl_info:
+ path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/ca-crl3.crl'
+ name_encoding: unicode
+ list_revoked_certificates: true
+ register: crl_3_info_unicode
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/main.yml b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/main.yml
index baf2ff6c..1f7e8ba9 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tasks/main.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
+- name: Make sure the Python idna library is installed
+ pip:
+ name: idna
+ state: present
- set_fact:
- name: ca
diff --git a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tests/validate.yml b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tests/validate.yml
index e5871a6c..da5083df 100644
--- a/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tests/validate.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/targets/x509_crl/tests/validate.yml
@@ -107,6 +107,73 @@
- crl_3.revoked_certificates == crl_3_info.revoked_certificates
- - crl_3.revoked_certificates[0].issuer == [
+ - crl_3.revoked_certificates[0].issuer == ([
- ]
+ "DNS:ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "email:foo@ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "URI:https://ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://www.straße.de",
+ "URI:https://straße.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://gefäß.org",
+ "URI:http://ä:1",
+ ] if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') else [
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "email:foo@xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "URI:https://xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://www.xn--strae-oqa.de",
+ "URI:https://xn--strae-oqa.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://xn--gef-7kay.org",
+ "URI:http://xn--4ca:1",
+ ] if ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else [
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "email:foo@xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "URI:https://admin:hunter2@xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://goo@www.xn--strae-oqa.de",
+ "URI:https://xn--strae-oqa.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://xn--gef-7kay.org",
+ "URI:http://a:b@xn--4ca:1",
+ ])
+ - crl_3_idna is not changed
+ - crl_3_idna.revoked_certificates == crl_3_info_idna.revoked_certificates
+ - crl_3_idna.revoked_certificates[0].issuer == ([
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "email:foo@xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "URI:https://xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://www.xn--strae-oqa.de",
+ "URI:https://xn--strae-oqa.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://xn--gef-7kay.org",
+ "URI:http://xn--4ca:1",
+ ] if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else [
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "email:foo@xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n",
+ "URI:https://admin:hunter2@xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://goo@www.xn--strae-oqa.de",
+ "URI:https://xn--strae-oqa.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://xn--gef-7kay.org",
+ "URI:http://a:b@xn--4ca:1",
+ ])
+ - crl_3_unicode is not changed
+ - crl_3_unicode.revoked_certificates == crl_3_info_unicode.revoked_certificates
+ - crl_3_unicode.revoked_certificates[0].issuer == ([
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "email:foo@ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "URI:https://ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://www.straße.de",
+ "URI:https://straße.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://gefäß.org",
+ "URI:http://ä:1",
+ ] if cryptography_version.stdout is version('2.1', '<') or ansible_facts.python.version.minor == 5 else [
+ "DNS:ca.example.org",
+ "DNS:ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "email:foo@ḃâŗ.çøṁ",
+ "URI:https://admin:hunter2@ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ/baz?foo=bar",
+ "URI:https://goo@www.straße.de",
+ "URI:https://straße.de:8080",
+ "URI:http://gefäß.org",
+ "URI:http://a:b@ä:1",
+ ])
diff --git a/tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/crypto/test_cryptography_support.py b/tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/crypto/test_cryptography_support.py
index 64a986f9..fb6b97f5 100644
--- a/tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/crypto/test_cryptography_support.py
+++ b/tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/crypto/test_cryptography_support.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.crypto.basic impo
from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.crypto.cryptography_support import (
+ _adjust_idn,
@@ -27,6 +28,67 @@ from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.crypto.cryptograp
from ansible_collections.community.crypto.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('unicode, idna, cycled_unicode', [
+ (u'..', u'..', None),
+ (u'foo.com', u'foo.com', None),
+ (u'.foo.com.', u'.foo.com.', None),
+ (u'*.foo.com', u'*.foo.com', None),
+ (u'straße', u'xn--strae-oqa', None),
+ (u'ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ', u'xn--ff-3jad.xn--2ca8uh37e.xn--7ca8a981n', u'ffóò.ḃâŗ.çøṁ'),
+ (u'*.☺.', u'*.xn--74h.', None),
+def test_adjust_idn(unicode, idna, cycled_unicode):
+ if cycled_unicode is None:
+ cycled_unicode = unicode
+ result = _adjust_idn(unicode, 'ignore')
+ print(result, unicode)
+ assert result == unicode
+ result = _adjust_idn(idna, 'ignore')
+ print(result, idna)
+ assert result == idna
+ result = _adjust_idn(unicode, 'unicode')
+ print(result, unicode)
+ assert result == unicode
+ result = _adjust_idn(idna, 'unicode')
+ print(result, cycled_unicode)
+ assert result == cycled_unicode
+ result = _adjust_idn(unicode, 'idna')
+ print(result, idna)
+ assert result == idna
+ result = _adjust_idn(idna, 'idna')
+ print(result, idna)
+ assert result == idna
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, idn_rewrite, message', [
+ (u'bar', 'foo', re.escape(u'Invalid value for idn_rewrite: "foo"')),
+def test_adjust_idn_fail_valueerror(value, idn_rewrite, message):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=message):
+ result = _adjust_idn(value, idn_rewrite)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, idn_rewrite, message', [
+ (
+ u'xn--a',
+ 'unicode',
+ u'''^Error while transforming part u?"xn\\-\\-a" of IDNA DNS name u?"xn\\-\\-a" to Unicode\\.'''
+ u''' IDNA2008 transformation resulted in "Codepoint U\\+0080 at position 1 of u?'\\\\x80' not allowed",'''
+ u''' IDNA2003 transformation resulted in "(decoding with 'idna' codec failed'''
+ u''' \\(UnicodeError: )?Invalid character u?'\\\\x80'\\)?"\\.$'''
+ ),
+def test_adjust_idn_fail_user_error(value, idn_rewrite, message):
+ with pytest.raises(OpenSSLObjectError, match=message):
+ result = _adjust_idn(value, idn_rewrite)
def test_cryptography_get_name_invalid_prefix():
with pytest.raises(OpenSSLObjectError, match="^Cannot parse Subject Alternative Name"):
diff --git a/tests/unit/requirements.txt b/tests/unit/requirements.txt
index c072b0f7..4e4ee801 100644
--- a/tests/unit/requirements.txt
+++ b/tests/unit/requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
ipaddress ; python_version < '3.0'
unittest2 ; python_version < '2.7'