--- #################################################################### # WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests # # and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles # #################################################################### - set_fact: certificates: - name: ca subject: commonName: Ansible is_ca: yes - name: ca-2 subject: commonName: Ansible Other CA is_ca: yes - name: cert-1 subject_alt_name: - DNS:ansible.com - name: cert-2 subject_alt_name: - DNS:example.com - name: cert-3 subject_alt_name: - DNS:example.org - IP: - name: cert-4 subject_alt_name: - DNS:test.ansible.com - DNS:b64.ansible.com - name: Generate private keys openssl_privatekey: path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.key' type: ECC curve: secp256r1 loop: "{{ certificates }}" - name: Generate CSRs openssl_csr: path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.key' subject: "{{ item.subject | default(omit) }}" subject_alt_name: "{{ item.subject_alt_name | default(omit) }}" basic_constraints: "{{ 'CA:TRUE' if item.is_ca | default(false) else omit }}" use_common_name_for_san: no loop: "{{ certificates }}" - name: Generate CA certificates x509_certificate: path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.pem' csr_path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.key' provider: selfsigned loop: "{{ certificates }}" when: item.is_ca | default(false) - name: Generate other certificates x509_certificate: path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.pem' csr_path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.csr' provider: ownca ownca_path: '{{ output_dir }}/ca.pem' ownca_privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/ca.key' loop: "{{ certificates }}" when: not (item.is_ca | default(false)) - name: Get certificate infos x509_certificate_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ item }}.pem' loop: - cert-1 - cert-2 - cert-3 - cert-4 register: certificate_infos - block: - name: Running tests with cryptography backend include_tasks: impl.yml vars: select_crypto_backend: cryptography - import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml vars: select_crypto_backend: cryptography when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.2', '>=')