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# Copyright (c) Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
coverage >= 4.2, < 5.0.0, != 4.3.2 ; python_version <= '3.7' # features in 4.2+ required, avoid known bug in 4.3.2 on python 2.6, coverage 5.0+ incompatible
coverage >= 4.5.4, < 5.0.0 ; python_version > '3.7' # coverage had a bug in < 4.5.4 that would cause unit tests to hang in Python 3.8, coverage 5.0+ incompatible
cryptography < 2.2 ; python_version < '2.7' # cryptography 2.2 drops support for python 2.6
cryptography >= 3.0, < 3.4 ; python_version < '3.5' # cryptography 3.4 drops support for python 2.7
cryptography >= 3.0, < 3.3 ; python_version == '3.5' # cryptography 3.3 drops support for python 3.5
urllib3 < 1.24 ; python_version < '2.7' # urllib3 1.24 and later require python 2.7 or later
idna < 2.6, >= 2.5 # linode requires idna < 2.9, >= 2.5, requests requires idna < 2.6, but cryptography will cause the latest version to be installed instead
requests < 2.20.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # requests 2.20.0 drops support for python 2.6
virtualenv < 16.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # virtualenv 16.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyopenssl < 18.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyOpenSSL 18.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyopenssl < 22.0.0 ; python_version < '3.6' # pyOpenSSL 22.0.0 and later require python 3.6 or later
setuptools < 45 ; python_version <= '2.7' # setuptools 45 and later require python 3.5 or later
cffi >= 1.14.2, != 1.14.3 # Yanked version which older versions of pip will still install: