555 lines
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555 lines
22 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2019, Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import base64
import binascii
import re
import sys
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text, to_bytes
from ._asn1 import serialize_asn1_string_as_der
import cryptography
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
import ipaddress
except ImportError:
# Error handled in the calling module.
# This is a separate try/except since this is only present in cryptography 2.5 or newer
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.pkcs12 import (
load_key_and_certificates as _load_key_and_certificates,
except ImportError:
# Error handled in the calling module.
_load_key_and_certificates = None
from .basic import (
from ._objects import (
from ._obj2txt import obj2txt
DOTTED_OID = re.compile(r'^\d+(?:\.\d+)+$')
def cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(cert):
# Since cryptography won't give us the DER value for an extension
# (that is only stored for unrecognized extensions), we have to re-do
# the extension parsing outselves.
backend = default_backend()
# For certain old versions of cryptography, backend is a MultiBackend object,
# which has no _lib attribute. In that case, revert to the old approach.
except AttributeError:
backend = cert._backend
result = dict()
x509_obj = cert._x509
# With cryptography 35.0.0, we can no longer use obj2txt. Unfortunately it still does
# not allow to get the raw value of an extension, so we have to use this ugly hack:
exts = list(cert.extensions)
for i in range(backend._lib.X509_get_ext_count(x509_obj)):
ext = backend._lib.X509_get_ext(x509_obj, i)
if ext == backend._ffi.NULL:
crit = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_critical(ext)
data = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
backend.openssl_assert(data != backend._ffi.NULL)
der = backend._ffi.buffer(data.data, data.length)[:]
entry = dict(
critical=(crit == 1),
oid = obj2txt(backend._lib, backend._ffi, backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext))
except AttributeError:
oid = exts[i].oid.dotted_string
result[oid] = entry
return result
def cryptography_get_extensions_from_csr(csr):
# Since cryptography won't give us the DER value for an extension
# (that is only stored for unrecognized extensions), we have to re-do
# the extension parsing outselves.
result = dict()
backend = default_backend()
# For certain old versions of cryptography, backend is a MultiBackend object,
# which has no _lib attribute. In that case, revert to the old approach.
except AttributeError:
backend = csr._backend
extensions = backend._lib.X509_REQ_get_extensions(csr._x509_req)
extensions = backend._ffi.gc(
lambda ext: backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_pop_free(
backend._ffi.addressof(backend._lib._original_lib, "X509_EXTENSION_free")
# With cryptography 35.0.0, we can no longer use obj2txt. Unfortunately it still does
# not allow to get the raw value of an extension, so we have to use this ugly hack:
exts = list(csr.extensions)
for i in range(backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(extensions)):
ext = backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_value(extensions, i)
if ext == backend._ffi.NULL:
crit = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_critical(ext)
data = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
backend.openssl_assert(data != backend._ffi.NULL)
der = backend._ffi.buffer(data.data, data.length)[:]
entry = dict(
critical=(crit == 1),
oid = obj2txt(backend._lib, backend._ffi, backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext))
except AttributeError:
oid = exts[i].oid.dotted_string
result[oid] = entry
return result
def cryptography_name_to_oid(name):
dotted = OID_LOOKUP.get(name)
if dotted is None:
if DOTTED_OID.match(name):
return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(name)
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot find OID for "{0}"'.format(name))
return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted)
def cryptography_oid_to_name(oid, short=False):
dotted_string = oid.dotted_string
names = OID_MAP.get(dotted_string)
if names:
name = names[0]
name = oid._name
if name == 'Unknown OID':
name = dotted_string
if short:
return NORMALIZE_NAMES_SHORT.get(name, name)
return NORMALIZE_NAMES.get(name, name)
def _get_hex(bytesstr):
if bytesstr is None:
return bytesstr
data = binascii.hexlify(bytesstr)
data = to_text(b':'.join(data[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(data), 2)))
return data
def _parse_hex(bytesstr):
if bytesstr is None:
return bytesstr
data = ''.join([('0' * (2 - len(p)) + p) if len(p) < 2 else p for p in to_text(bytesstr).split(':')])
data = binascii.unhexlify(data)
return data
DN_COMPONENT_START_RE = re.compile(b'^ *([a-zA-z0-9.]+) *= *')
DN_HEX_LETTER = b'0123456789abcdef'
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
_int_to_byte = chr
def _int_to_byte(value):
return bytes((value, ))
def _parse_dn_component(name, sep=b',', decode_remainder=True):
m = DN_COMPONENT_START_RE.match(name)
if not m:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'cannot start part in "{0}"'.format(to_text(name)))
oid = cryptography_name_to_oid(to_text(m.group(1)))
idx = len(m.group(0))
decoded_name = []
sep_str = sep + b'\\'
if decode_remainder:
length = len(name)
if length > idx and name[idx:idx + 1] == b'#':
# Decoding a hex string
idx += 1
while idx + 1 < length:
ch1 = name[idx:idx + 1]
ch2 = name[idx + 1:idx + 2]
idx1 = DN_HEX_LETTER.find(ch1.lower())
idx2 = DN_HEX_LETTER.find(ch2.lower())
if idx1 < 0 or idx2 < 0:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Invalid hex sequence entry "{0}"'.format(to_text(ch1 + ch2)))
idx += 2
decoded_name.append(_int_to_byte(idx1 * 16 + idx2))
# Decoding a regular string
while idx < length:
i = idx
while i < length and name[i:i + 1] not in sep_str:
i += 1
if i > idx:
idx = i
while idx + 1 < length and name[idx:idx + 1] == b'\\':
ch = name[idx + 1:idx + 2]
idx1 = DN_HEX_LETTER.find(ch.lower())
if idx1 >= 0:
if idx + 2 >= length:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Hex escape sequence "\\{0}" incomplete at end of string'.format(to_text(ch)))
ch2 = name[idx + 2:idx + 3]
idx2 = DN_HEX_LETTER.find(ch2.lower())
if idx2 < 0:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Hex escape sequence "\\{0}" has invalid second letter'.format(to_text(ch + ch2)))
ch = _int_to_byte(idx1 * 16 + idx2)
idx += 1
idx += 2
if idx < length and name[idx:idx + 1] == sep:
idx = len(name)
return x509.NameAttribute(oid, to_text(b''.join(decoded_name))), name[idx:]
def _parse_dn(name):
Parse a Distinguished Name.
Can be of the form ``CN=Test, O = Something`` or ``CN = Test,O= Something``.
original_name = name
name = name.lstrip()
sep = b','
if name.startswith(b'/'):
sep = b'/'
name = name[1:]
result = []
while name:
attribute, name = _parse_dn_component(name, sep=sep)
except OpenSSLObjectError as e:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Error while parsing distinguished name "{0}": {1}'.format(to_text(original_name), e))
if name:
if name[0:1] != sep or len(name) < 2:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Error while parsing distinguished name "{0}": unexpected end of string'.format(to_text(original_name)))
name = name[1:]
return result
def cryptography_parse_relative_distinguished_name(rdn):
names = []
for part in rdn:
names.append(_parse_dn_component(to_bytes(part), decode_remainder=False)[0])
except OpenSSLObjectError as e:
raise OpenSSLObjectError(u'Error while parsing relative distinguished name "{0}": {1}'.format(part, e))
return cryptography.x509.RelativeDistinguishedName(names)
def cryptography_get_name(name, what='Subject Alternative Name'):
Given a name string, returns a cryptography x509.GeneralName object.
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is unknown or cannot be parsed.
if name.startswith('DNS:'):
return x509.DNSName(to_text(name[4:]))
if name.startswith('IP:'):
address = to_text(name[3:])
if '/' in address:
return x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_network(address))
return x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_address(address))
if name.startswith('email:'):
return x509.RFC822Name(to_text(name[6:]))
if name.startswith('URI:'):
return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(to_text(name[4:]))
if name.startswith('RID:'):
m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)$', to_text(name[4:]))
if not m:
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse {what} "{name}"'.format(name=name, what=what))
return x509.RegisteredID(x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(m.group(1)))
if name.startswith('otherName:'):
# otherName can either be a raw ASN.1 hex string or in the format that OpenSSL works with.
m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*);([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})*)$', to_text(name[10:]))
if m:
return x509.OtherName(x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(m.group(1)), _parse_hex(m.group(2)))
# See https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/man5/x509v3_config.html - Subject Alternative Name for more
# defailts on the format expected.
name = to_text(name[10:], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if ';' not in name:
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse {what} otherName "{name}", must be in the '
'format "otherName:<OID>;<ASN.1 OpenSSL Encoded String>" or '
'"otherName:<OID>;<hex string>"'.format(name=name, what=what))
oid, value = name.split(';', 1)
b_value = serialize_asn1_string_as_der(value)
return x509.OtherName(x509.ObjectIdentifier(oid), b_value)
if name.startswith('dirName:'):
return x509.DirectoryName(x509.Name(reversed(_parse_dn(to_bytes(name[8:])))))
except Exception as e:
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse {what} "{name}": {error}'.format(name=name, what=what, error=e))
if ':' not in name:
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse {what} "{name}" (forgot "DNS:" prefix?)'.format(name=name, what=what))
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse {what} "{name}" (potentially unsupported by cryptography backend)'.format(name=name, what=what))
def _dn_escape_value(value):
Escape Distinguished Name's attribute value.
value = value.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\')
for ch in [u',', u'+', u'<', u'>', u';', u'"']:
value = value.replace(ch, u'\\%s' % ch)
value = value.replace(u'\0', u'\\00')
if value.startswith((u' ', u'#')):
value = u'\\%s' % value[0] + value[1:]
if value.endswith(u' '):
value = value[:-1] + u'\\ '
return value
def cryptography_decode_name(name):
Given a cryptography x509.GeneralName object, returns a string.
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is not supported.
if isinstance(name, x509.DNSName):
return u'DNS:{0}'.format(name.value)
if isinstance(name, x509.IPAddress):
if isinstance(name.value, (ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network)):
return u'IP:{0}/{1}'.format(name.value.network_address.compressed, name.value.prefixlen)
return u'IP:{0}'.format(name.value.compressed)
if isinstance(name, x509.RFC822Name):
return u'email:{0}'.format(name.value)
if isinstance(name, x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
return u'URI:{0}'.format(name.value)
if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName):
# According to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4514.html#section-2.1 the
# list needs to be reversed, and joined by commas
return u'dirName:' + ','.join([
u'{0}={1}'.format(to_text(cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid, short=True)), _dn_escape_value(attribute.value))
for attribute in reversed(list(name.value))
if isinstance(name, x509.RegisteredID):
return u'RID:{0}'.format(name.value.dotted_string)
if isinstance(name, x509.OtherName):
return u'otherName:{0};{1}'.format(name.type_id.dotted_string, _get_hex(name.value))
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot decode name "{0}"'.format(name))
def _cryptography_get_keyusage(usage):
Given a key usage identifier string, returns the parameter name used by cryptography's x509.KeyUsage().
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the identifier is unknown.
if usage in ('Digital Signature', 'digitalSignature'):
return 'digital_signature'
if usage in ('Non Repudiation', 'nonRepudiation'):
return 'content_commitment'
if usage in ('Key Encipherment', 'keyEncipherment'):
return 'key_encipherment'
if usage in ('Data Encipherment', 'dataEncipherment'):
return 'data_encipherment'
if usage in ('Key Agreement', 'keyAgreement'):
return 'key_agreement'
if usage in ('Certificate Sign', 'keyCertSign'):
return 'key_cert_sign'
if usage in ('CRL Sign', 'cRLSign'):
return 'crl_sign'
if usage in ('Encipher Only', 'encipherOnly'):
return 'encipher_only'
if usage in ('Decipher Only', 'decipherOnly'):
return 'decipher_only'
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown key usage "{0}"'.format(usage))
def cryptography_parse_key_usage_params(usages):
Given a list of key usage identifier strings, returns the parameters for cryptography's x509.KeyUsage().
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if an identifier is unknown.
params = dict(
for usage in usages:
params[_cryptography_get_keyusage(usage)] = True
return params
def cryptography_get_basic_constraints(constraints):
Given a list of constraints, returns a tuple (ca, path_length).
Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if a constraint is unknown or cannot be parsed.
ca = False
path_length = None
if constraints:
for constraint in constraints:
if constraint.startswith('CA:'):
if constraint == 'CA:TRUE':
ca = True
elif constraint == 'CA:FALSE':
ca = False
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown basic constraint value "{0}" for CA'.format(constraint[3:]))
elif constraint.startswith('pathlen:'):
v = constraint[len('pathlen:'):]
path_length = int(v)
except Exception as e:
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse path length constraint "{0}" ({1})'.format(v, e))
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown basic constraint "{0}"'.format(constraint))
return ca, path_length
def cryptography_key_needs_digest_for_signing(key):
'''Tests whether the given private key requires a digest algorithm for signing.
Ed25519 and Ed448 keys do not; they need None to be passed as the digest algorithm.
if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
return False
if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey):
return False
return True
def cryptography_compare_public_keys(key1, key2):
'''Tests whether two public keys are the same.
Needs special logic for Ed25519 and Ed448 keys, since they do not have public_numbers().
a = isinstance(key1, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey)
b = isinstance(key2, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey)
if a or b:
if not a or not b:
return False
a = key1.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
b = key2.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
return a == b
a = isinstance(key1, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PublicKey)
b = isinstance(key2, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PublicKey)
if a or b:
if not a or not b:
return False
a = key1.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
b = key2.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
return a == b
return key1.public_numbers() == key2.public_numbers()
def cryptography_serial_number_of_cert(cert):
'''Returns cert.serial_number.
Also works for old versions of cryptography.
return cert.serial_number
except AttributeError:
# The property was called "serial" before cryptography 1.4
return cert.serial
def parse_pkcs12(pkcs12_bytes, passphrase=None):
'''Returns a tuple (private_key, certificate, additional_certificates, friendly_name).
if _load_key_and_certificates is None:
raise ValueError('load_key_and_certificates() not present in the current cryptography version')
private_key, certificate, additional_certificates = _load_key_and_certificates(
pkcs12_bytes, to_bytes(passphrase) if passphrase is not None else None)
friendly_name = None
if certificate:
# See https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/5760#issuecomment-842687238
backend = default_backend()
# For certain old versions of cryptography, backend is a MultiBackend object,
# which has no _lib attribute. In that case, revert to the old approach.
except AttributeError:
backend = certificate._backend
if LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__) >= LooseVersion('35.0'):
# This code basically does what load_key_and_certificates() does, but without error-checking.
# Since load_key_and_certificates succeeded, it should not fail.
pkcs12 = backend._ffi.gc(
backend._lib.d2i_PKCS12_bio(backend._bytes_to_bio(pkcs12_bytes).bio, backend._ffi.NULL),
certificate_x509_ptr = backend._ffi.new("X509 **")
with backend._zeroed_null_terminated_buf(to_bytes(passphrase) if passphrase is not None else None) as passphrase_buffer:
backend._ffi.new("EVP_PKEY **"),
backend._ffi.new("Cryptography_STACK_OF_X509 **"))
if certificate_x509_ptr[0] != backend._ffi.NULL:
maybe_name = backend._lib.X509_alias_get0(certificate_x509_ptr[0], backend._ffi.NULL)
if maybe_name != backend._ffi.NULL:
friendly_name = backend._ffi.string(maybe_name)
# cryptography < 35.0.0
maybe_name = backend._lib.X509_alias_get0(certificate._x509, backend._ffi.NULL)
if maybe_name != backend._ffi.NULL:
friendly_name = backend._ffi.string(maybe_name)
return private_key, certificate, additional_certificates, friendly_name