155 lines
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155 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Jordan Borean <jborean93@gmail.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import re
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes
An ASN.1 serialized as a string in the OpenSSL format:
The modifier can be 'IMPLICIT:<tag_number><tag_class>,' or 'EXPLICIT:<tag_number><tag_class>' where IMPLICIT
changes the tag of the universal value to encode and EXPLICIT prefixes its tag to the existing universal value.
The tag_number must be set while the tag_class can be 'U', 'A', 'P', or 'C" for 'Universal', 'Application',
'Private', or 'Context Specific' with C being the default.
The underlying ASN.1 type of the value specified. Currently only the following have been implemented:
UTF8: The value must be a UTF-8 encoded string.
The value to encode, the format of this value depends on the <type> specified.
ASN1_STRING_REGEX = re.compile(r'^((?P<tag_type>IMPLICIT|EXPLICIT):(?P<tag_number>\d+)(?P<tag_class>U|A|P|C)?,)?'
class TagClass:
universal = 0
application = 1
context_specific = 2
private = 3
# Universal tag numbers that can be encoded.
class TagNumber:
utf8_string = 12
def _pack_octet_integer(value):
""" Packs an integer value into 1 or multiple octets. """
# NOTE: This is *NOT* the same as packing an ASN.1 INTEGER like value.
octets = bytearray()
# Continue to shift the number by 7 bits and pack into an octet until the
# value is fully packed.
while value:
octet_value = value & 0b01111111
# First round (last octet) must have the MSB set.
if len(octets):
octet_value |= 0b10000000
value >>= 7
# Reverse to ensure the higher order octets are first.
return bytes(octets)
def serialize_asn1_string_as_der(value):
""" Deserializes an ASN.1 string to a DER encoded byte string. """
asn1_match = ASN1_STRING_REGEX.match(value)
if not asn1_match:
raise ValueError("The ASN.1 serialized string must be in the format [modifier,]type[:value]")
tag_type = asn1_match.group('tag_type')
tag_number = asn1_match.group('tag_number')
tag_class = asn1_match.group('tag_class') or 'C'
value_type = asn1_match.group('value_type')
asn1_value = asn1_match.group('value')
if value_type != 'UTF8':
raise ValueError('The ASN.1 serialized string is not a known type "{0}", only UTF8 types are '
b_value = to_bytes(asn1_value, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogate_or_strict')
# We should only do a universal type tag if not IMPLICITLY tagged or the tag class is not universal.
if not tag_type or (tag_type == 'EXPLICIT' and tag_class != 'U'):
b_value = pack_asn1(TagClass.universal, False, TagNumber.utf8_string, b_value)
if tag_type:
tag_class = {
'U': TagClass.universal,
'A': TagClass.application,
'P': TagClass.private,
'C': TagClass.context_specific,
# When adding support for more types this should be looked into further. For now it works with UTF8Strings.
constructed = tag_type == 'EXPLICIT' and tag_class != TagClass.universal
b_value = pack_asn1(tag_class, constructed, int(tag_number), b_value)
return b_value
def pack_asn1(tag_class, constructed, tag_number, b_data):
"""Pack the value into an ASN.1 data structure.
The structure for an ASN.1 element is
| Identifier Octet(s) | Length Octet(s) | Data Octet(s) |
b_asn1_data = bytearray()
if tag_class < 0 or tag_class > 3:
raise ValueError("tag_class must be between 0 and 3 not %s" % tag_class)
# Bit 8 and 7 denotes the class.
identifier_octets = tag_class << 6
# Bit 6 denotes whether the value is primitive or constructed.
identifier_octets |= ((1 if constructed else 0) << 5)
# Bits 5-1 contain the tag number, if it cannot be encoded in these 5 bits
# then they are set and another octet(s) is used to denote the tag number.
if tag_number < 31:
identifier_octets |= tag_number
identifier_octets |= 31
length = len(b_data)
# If the length can be encoded in 7 bits only 1 octet is required.
if length < 128:
# Otherwise the length must be encoded across multiple octets
length_octets = bytearray()
while length:
length_octets.append(length & 0b11111111)
length >>= 8
length_octets.reverse() # Reverse to make the higher octets first.
# The first length octet must have the MSB set alongside the number of
# octets the length was encoded in.
b_asn1_data.append(len(length_octets) | 0b10000000)
return bytes(b_asn1_data) + b_data