151 lines
7.9 KiB
151 lines
7.9 KiB
## PRIVATE KEY ################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create cert private key
path: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.key"
type: "{{ 'RSA' if key_type == 'rsa' else 'ECC' }}"
size: "{{ rsa_bits if key_type == 'rsa' else omit }}"
curve: >-
{{ omit if key_type == 'rsa' else
'secp256r1' if key_type == 'ec256' else
'secp384r1' if key_type == 'ec384' else
'secp521r1' if key_type == 'ec521' else
'invalid value for key_type!' }}
passphrase: "{{ certificate_passphrase | default(omit, true) }}"
cipher: "{{ 'auto' if certificate_passphrase | default() else omit }}"
force: true
## CSR ########################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create cert CSR
path: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.csr"
privatekey_path: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.key"
privatekey_passphrase: "{{ certificate_passphrase | default(omit, true) }}"
subject_alt_name: "{{ subject_alt_name }}"
subject_alt_name_critical: "{{ subject_alt_name_critical }}"
return_content: true
register: csr_result
## ACME STEP 1 ################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 1
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key: "{{ (output_dir ~ '/' ~ account_key ~ '.pem') if account_key_content is not defined else omit }}"
account_key_content: "{{ account_key_content | default(omit) }}"
account_key_passphrase: "{{ account_key_passphrase | default(omit, true) }}"
modify_account: "{{ modify_account }}"
csr: "{{ omit if use_csr_content | default(false) else output_dir ~ '/' ~ certificate_name ~ '.csr' }}"
csr_content: "{{ csr_result.csr if use_csr_content | default(false) else omit }}"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.pem"
fullchain_dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}-fullchain.pem"
chain_dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}-chain.pem"
challenge: "{{ challenge }}"
deactivate_authzs: "{{ deactivate_authzs }}"
force: "{{ force }}"
remaining_days: "{{ remaining_days }}"
terms_agreed: "{{ terms_agreed }}"
account_email: "{{ account_email }}"
register: challenge_data
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Print challenge data
var: challenge_data
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create HTTP challenges
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/http/{{ item.key }}/{{ item.value['http-01'].resource[('.well-known/acme-challenge/'|length):] }}"
method: PUT
body_format: raw
body: "{{ item.value['http-01'].resource_value }}"
content-type: "application/octet-stream"
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'http-01'"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create DNS challenges
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/dns/{{ item.key }}"
method: PUT
body_format: json
body: "{{ item.value }}"
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data_dns }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'dns-01'"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create TLS ALPN challenges (acm_challenge_cert_helper)
challenge: tls-alpn-01
challenge_data: "{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'] }}"
private_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.key"
private_key_passphrase: "{{ certificate_passphrase | default(omit, true) }}"
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data }}"
register: tls_alpn_challenges
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'tls-alpn-01' and (challenge_alpn_tls is defined and challenge_alpn_tls == 'acme_challenge_cert_helper')"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Set TLS ALPN challenges (acm_challenge_cert_helper)
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/tls-alpn/{{ item.domain }}/{{ item.identifier }}/certificate-and-key"
method: PUT
body_format: raw
body: "{{ item.challenge_certificate }}\n{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/' ~ certificate_name ~ '.key') }}"
content-type: "application/pem-certificate-chain"
with_items: "{{ tls_alpn_challenges.results }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'tls-alpn-01' and (challenge_alpn_tls is defined and challenge_alpn_tls == 'acme_challenge_cert_helper')"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Create TLS ALPN challenges (der-value-b64)
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/tls-alpn/{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'].resource }}/{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'].resource_original }}/der-value-b64"
method: PUT
body_format: raw
body: "{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'].resource_value }}"
content-type: "application/octet-stream"
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'tls-alpn-01' and (challenge_alpn_tls is not defined or challenge_alpn_tls == 'der-value-b64')"
## ACME STEP 2 ################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 2
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key: "{{ (output_dir ~ '/' ~ account_key ~ '.pem') if account_key_content is not defined else omit }}"
account_key_content: "{{ account_key_content | default(omit) }}"
account_key_passphrase: "{{ account_key_passphrase | default(omit, true) }}"
account_uri: "{{ challenge_data.account_uri }}"
modify_account: "{{ modify_account }}"
csr: "{{ omit if use_csr_content | default(false) else output_dir ~ '/' ~ certificate_name ~ '.csr' }}"
csr_content: "{{ csr_result.csr if use_csr_content | default(false) else omit }}"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}.pem"
fullchain_dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}-fullchain.pem"
chain_dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}-chain.pem"
challenge: "{{ challenge }}"
deactivate_authzs: "{{ deactivate_authzs }}"
force: "{{ force }}"
remaining_days: "{{ remaining_days }}"
terms_agreed: "{{ terms_agreed }}"
account_email: "{{ account_email }}"
data: "{{ challenge_data }}"
retrieve_all_alternates: "{{ retrieve_all_alternates | default(omit) }}"
select_chain: "{{ select_chain | default(omit) if select_crypto_backend == 'cryptography' else omit }}"
register: certificate_obtain_result
when: challenge_data is changed
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Deleting HTTP challenges
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/http/{{ item.key }}/{{ item.value['http-01'].resource[('.well-known/acme-challenge/'|length):] }}"
method: DELETE
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'http-01'"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Deleting DNS challenges
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/dns/{{ item.key }}"
method: DELETE
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data_dns }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'dns-01'"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Deleting TLS ALPN challenges
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/tls-alpn/{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'].resource }}"
method: DELETE
with_dict: "{{ challenge_data.challenge_data }}"
when: "challenge_data is changed and challenge == 'tls-alpn-01'"
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Get root certificate
url: "http://{{ acme_host }}:5000/root-certificate-for-ca/{{ acme_expected_root_number | default(0) if select_crypto_backend == 'cryptography' else 0 }}"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/{{ certificate_name }}-root.pem"