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# (c) 2015 Peter Sprygada, <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
import re
import collections
import itertools
Ziploader * Ziploader proof of concept (jimi-c) * Cleanups to proof of concept ziploader branch: * python3 compatible base64 encoding * zipfile compression (still need to enable toggling this off for systems without zlib support in python) * Allow non-wildcard imports (still need to make this recusrsive so that we can have module_utils code that imports other module_utils code.) * Better tracebacks: module filename is kept and module_utils directory is kept so that tracebacks show the real filenames that the errors appear in. * Make sure we import modules that are used into the module_utils files that they are used in. * Set ansible version in a more pythonic way for ziploader than we were doing in module replacer * Make it possible to set the module compression as an inventory var This may be necessary on systems where python has been compiled without zlib compression. * Refactoring of module_common code: * module replacer only replaces values that make sense for that type of file (example: don't attempt to replace python imports if we're in a powershell module). * Implement configurable shebang support for ziploader wrapper * Implement client-side constants (for SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS and SYSLOG) via environment variable. * Remove strip_comments param as we're never going to use it (ruins line numbering) * Don't repeat ourselves about detecting REPLACER * Add an easy way to debug * Port test-module to the ziploader-aware modify_module() * strip comments and blank lines from the wrapper so we send less over the wire. * Comments cleanup * Remember to output write the module line itself in powershell modules * for line in lines strips the newlines so we have to add them back in
2016-04-05 18:06:17 +00:00
import shlex
from ansible.module_utils.basic import BOOLEANS_TRUE, BOOLEANS_FALSE
class ConfigLine(object):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
self.children = list()
self.parents = list()
self.raw = None
def __str__(self):
return self.raw
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.text == other.text:
return self.parents == other.parents
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def ignore_line(text, tokens=None):
for item in (tokens or DEFAULT_COMMENT_TOKENS):
if text.startswith(item):
return True
def parse(lines, indent, comment_tokens=None):
toplevel = re.compile(r'\S')
childline = re.compile(r'^\s*(.+)$')
repl = r'([{|}|;])'
ancestors = list()
config = list()
for line in str(lines).split('\n'):
text = str(re.sub(repl, '', line)).strip()
cfg = ConfigLine(text)
cfg.raw = line
if not text or ignore_line(text, comment_tokens):
# handle top level commands
if toplevel.match(line):
ancestors = [cfg]
# handle sub level commands
match = childline.match(line)
line_indent = match.start(1)
level = int(line_indent / indent)
parent_level = level - 1
cfg.parents = ancestors[:level]
if level > len(ancestors):
for i in range(level, len(ancestors)):
return config
class NetworkConfig(object):
def __init__(self, indent=None, contents=None, device_os=None):
self.indent = indent or 1
self._config = list()
self._device_os = device_os
if contents:
def items(self):
return self._config
def __str__(self):
config = collections.OrderedDict()
for item in self._config:
self.expand(item, config)
return '\n'.join(self.flatten(config))
def load(self, contents):
self._config = parse(contents, indent=self.indent)
def load_from_file(self, filename):
def get(self, path):
if isinstance(path, basestring):
path = [path]
for item in self._config:
if item.text == path[-1]:
parents = [p.text for p in item.parents]
if parents == path[:-1]:
return item
def search(self, regexp, path=None):
regex = re.compile(r'^%s' % regexp, re.M)
if path:
parent = self.get(path)
if not parent or not parent.children:
children = [c.text for c in parent.children]
data = '\n'.join(children)
data = str(self)
match =
if match:
if match.groups():
values = match.groupdict().values()
groups = list(set(match.groups()).difference(values))
return (groups, match.groupdict())
def findall(self, regexp):
regexp = r'%s' % regexp
return re.findall(regexp, str(self))
def expand(self, obj, items):
block = [item.raw for item in obj.parents]
current_level = items
for b in block:
if b not in current_level:
current_level[b] = collections.OrderedDict()
current_level = current_level[b]
for c in obj.children:
if c.raw not in current_level:
current_level[c.raw] = collections.OrderedDict()
def flatten(self, data, obj=None):
if obj is None:
obj = list()
for k, v in data.items():
self.flatten(v, obj)
return obj
def get_object(self, path):
for item in self.items:
if item.text == path[-1]:
parents = [p.text for p in item.parents]
if parents == path[:-1]:
return item
def get_children(self, path):
obj = self.get_object(path)
if obj:
return obj.children
def difference(self, other, path=None, match='line', replace='line'):
updates = list()
config = self.items
if path:
config = self.get_children(path) or list()
if match == 'line':
for item in config:
if item not in other.items:
elif match == 'strict':
if path:
current = other.get_children(path) or list()
current = other.items
for index, item in enumerate(config):
if item != current[index]:
except IndexError:
elif match == 'exact':
if path:
current = other.get_children(path) or list()
current = other.items
if len(current) != len(config):
for ours, theirs in itertools.izip(config, current):
if ours != theirs:
if self._device_os == 'junos':
return updates
diffs = collections.OrderedDict()
for update in updates:
if replace == 'block' and update.parents:
update = update.parents[-1]
self.expand(update, diffs)
return self.flatten(diffs)
def _build_children(self, children, parents=None, offset=0):
for item in children:
line = ConfigLine(item)
line.raw = item.rjust(len(item) + offset)
if parents:
line.parents = parents
yield line
def add(self, lines, parents=None):
offset = 0
config = list()
parent = None
parents = parents or list()
for item in parents:
line = ConfigLine(item)
line.raw = item.rjust(len(item) + offset)
if parent:
if parent.parents:
parent = line
offset += self.indent
self._config.extend(list(self._build_children(lines, config, offset)))
class Conditional(object):
"""Used in command modules to evaluate waitfor conditions
'eq': ['eq', '=='],
'neq': ['neq', 'ne', '!='],
'gt': ['gt', '>'],
'ge': ['ge', '>='],
'lt': ['lt', '<'],
'le': ['le', '<='],
'contains': ['contains']
def __init__(self, conditional, encoding='json'):
self.raw = conditional
self.encoding = encoding
key, op, val = shlex.split(conditional)
self.key = key
self.func = self.func(op)
self.value = self._cast_value(val)
def __call__(self, data):
value = self.get_value(dict(result=data))
return self.func(value)
def _cast_value(self, value):
if value in BOOLEANS_TRUE:
return True
elif value in BOOLEANS_FALSE:
return False
elif re.match(r'^\d+\.d+$', value):
return float(value)
elif re.match(r'^\d+$', value):
return int(value)
return unicode(value)
def func(self, oper):
for func, operators in self.OPERATORS.items():
if oper in operators:
return getattr(self, func)
raise AttributeError('unknown operator: %s' % oper)
def get_value(self, result):
if self.encoding in ['json', 'text']:
return self.get_json(result)
elif self.encoding == 'xml':
return self.get_xml(result.get('result'))
def get_xml(self, result):
parts = self.key.split('.')
value_index = None
match = re.match(r'^\S+(\[)(\d+)\]', parts[-1])
if match:
start, end = match.regs[1]
parts[-1] = parts[-1][0:start]
value_index = int(
path = '/'.join(parts[1:])
path = '/%s' % path
path += '/text()'
index = int(re.match(r'result\[(\d+)\]', parts[0]).group(1))
values = result[index].xpath(path)
if value_index is not None:
return values[value_index].strip()
return [v.strip() for v in values]
def get_json(self, result):
parts = re.split(r'\.(?=[^\]]*(?:\[|$))', self.key)
for part in parts:
match = re.findall(r'\[(\S+?)\]', part)
if match:
key = part[:part.find('[')]
result = result[key]
for m in match:
m = int(m)
except ValueError:
m = str(m)
result = result[m]
result = result.get(part)
return result
def number(self, value):
if '.' in str(value):
return float(value)
return int(value)
def eq(self, value):
return value == self.value
def neq(self, value):
return value != self.value
def gt(self, value):
return self.number(value) > self.value
def ge(self, value):
return self.number(value) >= self.value
def lt(self, value):
return self.number(value) < self.value
def le(self, value):
return self.number(value) <= self.value
def contains(self, value):
return str(self.value) in value