2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- - -
module : gcpubsub
version_added : " 2.3 "
short_description : Create and Delete Topics / Subscriptions , Publish and pull messages on PubSub .
description :
- Create and Delete Topics / Subscriptions , Publish and pull messages on PubSub .
See U ( https : / / cloud . google . com / pubsub / docs ) for an overview .
requirements :
- " python >= 2.6 "
- " google-auth >= 0.5.0 "
- " google-cloud-pubsub >= 0.22.0 "
notes :
- Subscription pull happens before publish . You cannot publish and pull in the same task .
author :
- " Tom Melendez (@supertom) <tom@supertom.com> "
options :
topic :
description :
- GCP pubsub topic name . Only the name , not the full path , is required .
required : True
subscription :
description :
- Dictionary containing a subscripton name associated with a topic ( required ) , along with optional ack_deadline , push_endpoint and pull . For pulling from a subscription , message_ack ( bool ) , max_messages ( int ) and return_immediate are available as subfields . See subfields name , push_endpoint and ack_deadline for more information .
required : False
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name :
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description : Subfield of subscription . Required if subscription is specified . See examples .
required : False
ack_deadline :
description : Subfield of subscription . Not required . Default deadline for subscriptions to ACK the message before it is resent . See examples .
required : False
pull :
description : Subfield of subscription . Not required . If specified , messages will be retrieved from topic via the provided subscription name . max_messages ( int ; default None ; max number of messages to pull ) , message_ack ( bool ; default False ; acknowledge the message ) and return_immediately ( bool ; default True , don ' t wait for messages to appear). If the messages are acknowledged, changed is set to True, otherwise, changed is False.
push_endpoint :
description : Subfield of subscription . Not required . If specified , message will be sent to an endpoint . See U ( https : / / cloud . google . com / pubsub / docs / advanced #push_endpoints) for more information.
required : False
publish :
description : List of dictionaries describing messages and attributes to be published . Dictionary is in message ( str ) : attributes ( dict ) format . Only message is required .
required : False
state :
description : State of the topic or queue ( absent , present ) . Applies to the most granular resource . Remove the most granular resource . If subcription is specified we remove it . If only topic is specified , that is what is removed . Note that a topic can be removed without first removing the subscription .
required : False
default : " present "
# Create a topic and publish a message to it
# (Message will be pushed; there is no check to see if the message was pushed before
# Topics:
## Create Topic
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
state : present
## Delete Topic
### Subscriptions associated with topic are not deleted.
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
state : absent
## Messages: publish multiple messages, with attributes (key:value available with the message)
### setting absent will keep the messages from being sent
gcpubsub :
topic : " {{ topic_name }} "
state : present
publish :
- message : " this is message 1 "
attributes :
mykey1 : myvalue
mykey2 : myvalu2
mykey3 : myvalue3
- message : " this is message 2 "
attributes :
server : prod
sla : " 99.9999 "
owner : fred
# Subscriptions
## Create Subscription (pull)
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
subscription :
- name : mysub
state : present
## Create Subscription with ack_deadline and push endpoint
### pull is default, ack_deadline is not required
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
subscription :
- name : mysub
ack_deadline : " 60 "
push_endpoint : http : / / pushendpoint . example . com
state : present
## Subscription change from push to pull
### setting push_endpoint to "None" converts subscription to pull.
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
subscription :
name : mysub
push_endpoint : " None "
## Delete subscription
### Topic will not be deleted
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
subscription :
- name : mysub
state : absent
## Pull messages from subscription
### only pull keyword is required.
gcpubsub :
topic : ansible - topic - example
subscription :
name : ansible - topic - example - sub
pull :
message_ack : yes
max_messages : " 100 "
RETURN = '''
publish :
description : List of dictionaries describing messages and attributes to be published . Dictionary is in message ( str ) : attributes ( dict ) format . Only message is required .
returned : Only when specified
type : list of dictionary
sample : " publish: [ ' message ' : ' my message ' , attributes: { ' key1 ' : ' value1 ' }] "
pulled_messages :
description : list of dictionaries containing message info . Fields are ack_id , attributes , data , message_id .
returned : Only when subscription . pull is specified
type : list of dictionary
sample : [ { " ack_id " : " XkASTCcYREl... " , " attributes " : { " key1 " : " val1 " , . . . } , " data " : " this is message 1 " , " message_id " : " 49107464153705 " } , . . ]
state :
description : The state of the topic or subscription . Value will be either ' absent ' or ' present ' .
returned : Always
type : str
sample : " present "
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subscription :
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description : Name of subscription .
returned : When subscription fields are specified
type : str
sample : " mysubscription "
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topic :
2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
description : Name of topic .
returned : Always
type : str
sample : " mytopic "
CLOUD_CLIENT = ' google-cloud-pubsub '
CLOUD_CLIENT_USER_AGENT = ' ansible-pubsub-0.1 '
try :
from ast import literal_eval
except ImportError :
2017-01-28 08:12:11 +00:00
HAS_PYTHON26 = False
2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
try :
from google . cloud import pubsub
except ImportError as e :
def publish_messages ( message_list , topic ) :
with topic . batch ( ) as batch :
for message in message_list :
msg = message [ ' message ' ]
attrs = { }
if ' attributes ' in message :
attrs = message [ ' attributes ' ]
batch . publish ( bytes ( msg ) , * * attrs )
return True
2017-01-27 23:45:23 +00:00
2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
def pull_messages ( pull_params , sub ) :
: rtype : tuple ( output , changed )
changed = False
max_messages = pull_params . get ( ' max_messages ' , None )
message_ack = pull_params . get ( ' message_ack ' , ' no ' )
return_immediately = pull_params . get ( ' return_immediately ' , False )
2017-01-27 23:45:23 +00:00
2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
output = [ ]
pulled = sub . pull ( return_immediately = return_immediately ,
max_messages = max_messages )
for ack_id , msg in pulled :
msg_dict = { ' message_id ' : msg . message_id ,
' attributes ' : msg . attributes ,
' data ' : msg . data ,
' ack_id ' : ack_id }
output . append ( msg_dict )
if message_ack :
ack_ids = [ m [ ' ack_id ' ] for m in output ]
if ack_ids :
sub . acknowledge ( ack_ids )
changed = True
return ( output , changed )
def main ( ) :
module = AnsibleModule ( argument_spec = dict (
topic = dict ( required = True ) ,
state = dict ( choices = [ ' absent ' , ' present ' ] , default = ' present ' ) ,
publish = dict ( type = ' list ' , default = None ) ,
subscription = dict ( type = ' dict ' , default = None ) ,
service_account_email = dict ( ) ,
credentials_file = dict ( ) ,
project_id = dict ( ) , ) , )
if not HAS_PYTHON26 :
module . fail_json (
msg = " GCE module requires python ' s ' ast ' module, python v2.6+ " )
2017-01-27 23:45:23 +00:00
2017-01-26 21:16:52 +00:00
module . fail_json ( msg = " Please install google-cloud-pubsub library. " )
if not check_min_pkg_version ( CLOUD_CLIENT , CLOUD_CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION ) :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Please install %s client version %s " % ( CLOUD_CLIENT , CLOUD_CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION ) )
mod_params = { }
mod_params [ ' publish ' ] = module . params . get ( ' publish ' )
mod_params [ ' state ' ] = module . params . get ( ' state ' )
mod_params [ ' topic ' ] = module . params . get ( ' topic ' )
mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] = module . params . get ( ' subscription ' )
creds , params = get_google_cloud_credentials ( module )
pubsub_client = pubsub . Client ( project = params [ ' project_id ' ] , credentials = creds , use_gax = False )
pubsub_client . user_agent = CLOUD_CLIENT_USER_AGENT
changed = False
json_output = { }
t = None
if mod_params [ ' topic ' ] :
t = pubsub_client . topic ( mod_params [ ' topic ' ] )
s = None
if mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] :
# Note: default ack deadline cannot be changed without deleting/recreating subscription
s = t . subscription ( mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] [ ' name ' ] ,
ack_deadline = mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] . get ( ' ack_deadline ' , None ) ,
push_endpoint = mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] . get ( ' push_endpoint ' , None ) )
if mod_params [ ' state ' ] == ' absent ' :
# Remove the most granular resource. If subcription is specified
# we remove it. If only topic is specified, that is what is removed.
# Note that a topic can be removed without first removing the subscription.
# TODO(supertom): Enhancement: Provide an option to only delete a topic
# if there are no subscriptions associated with it (which the API does not support).
if s is not None :
if s . exists ( ) :
s . delete ( )
changed = True
else :
if t . exists ( ) :
t . delete ( )
changed = True
elif mod_params [ ' state ' ] == ' present ' :
if not t . exists ( ) :
t . create ( )
changed = True
if s :
if not s . exists ( ) :
s . create ( )
s . reload ( )
changed = True
else :
# Subscription operations
# TODO(supertom): if more 'update' operations arise, turn this into a function.
s . reload ( )
push_endpoint = mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] . get ( ' push_endpoint ' , None )
if push_endpoint is not None :
if push_endpoint != s . push_endpoint :
if push_endpoint == ' None ' :
push_endpoint = None
s . modify_push_configuration ( push_endpoint = push_endpoint )
s . reload ( )
changed = push_endpoint == s . push_endpoint
if ' pull ' in mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] :
if s . push_endpoint is not None :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Cannot pull messages, push_endpoint is configured. " )
( json_output [ ' pulled_messages ' ] , changed ) = pull_messages (
mod_params [ ' subscription ' ] [ ' pull ' ] , s )
# publish messages to the topic
if mod_params [ ' publish ' ] and len ( mod_params [ ' publish ' ] ) > 0 :
changed = publish_messages ( mod_params [ ' publish ' ] , t )
json_output [ ' changed ' ] = changed
json_output . update ( mod_params )
module . exit_json ( * * json_output )
# import module snippets
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
from ansible . module_utils . gcp import *
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )