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2016-02-18 17:27:15 +00:00
##### Issue Type:
Please pick one and delete the rest:
- Bug Report
- Feature Idea
- Documentation Report
##### Plugin Name:
Name of the plugin/module/task
##### Ansible Version:
(Paste verbatim output from “ansible --version” here)
##### Ansible Configuration:
Please mention any settings you've changed/added/removed in ansible.cfg
(or using the ANSIBLE_* environment variables).
##### Environment:
Please mention the OS you are running Ansible from, and the OS you are
managing, or say “N/A” for anything that isn't platform-specific.
##### Summary:
Please explain the problem briefly.
##### Steps To Reproduce:
For bugs, please show exactly how to reproduce the problem. For new
features, show how the feature would be used.
(Paste example playbooks or commands here)
You can also paste links for larger files.
##### Expected Results:
What did you expect to happen when running the steps above?
##### Actual Results:
What actually happened?
(Paste verbatim command output here)