2014-09-26 01:01:01 +00:00
# (c) 2012, Elliott Foster <elliott@fourkitchens.com>
# Sponsored by Four Kitchens http://fourkitchens.com.
# (c) 2014, Epic Games, Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- - -
module : mongodb_user
short_description : Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database .
description :
- Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database .
version_added : " 1.1 "
options :
login_user :
description :
- The username used to authenticate with
required : false
default : null
login_password :
description :
- The password used to authenticate with
required : false
default : null
login_host :
description :
- The host running the database
required : false
default : localhost
login_port :
description :
- The port to connect to
required : false
default : 27017
replica_set :
version_added : " 1.6 "
description :
- Replica set to connect to ( automatically connects to primary for writes )
required : false
default : null
database :
description :
- The name of the database to add / remove the user from
required : true
2015-02-16 14:59:24 +00:00
name :
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description :
- The name of the user to add or remove
required : true
default : null
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aliases : [ ' user ' ]
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password :
description :
- The password to use for the user
required : false
default : null
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ssl :
2014-09-29 22:45:55 +00:00
version_added : " 1.8 "
2014-09-27 06:23:39 +00:00
description :
- Whether to use an SSL connection when connecting to the database
default : False
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roles :
version_added : " 1.3 "
description :
- " The database user roles valid values are one or more of the following: read, ' readWrite ' , ' dbAdmin ' , ' userAdmin ' , ' clusterAdmin ' , ' readAnyDatabase ' , ' readWriteAnyDatabase ' , ' userAdminAnyDatabase ' , ' dbAdminAnyDatabase ' "
- This param requires mongodb 2.4 + and pymongo 2.5 +
required : false
default : " readWrite "
state :
state :
description :
- The database user state
required : false
default : present
choices : [ " present " , " absent " ]
notes :
- Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host , version 2.4 .2 + . This
can be installed using pip or the OS package manager . @see http : / / api . mongodb . org / python / current / installation . html
requirements : [ " pymongo " ]
2015-05-14 13:19:04 +00:00
author : ' " Elliott Foster (@elliotttf) " <elliott@fourkitchens.com> '
2014-09-26 01:01:01 +00:00
# Create 'burgers' database user with name 'bob' and password '12345'.
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = bob password = 12345 state = present
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# Create a database user via SSL (MongoDB must be compiled with the SSL option and configured properly)
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = bob password = 12345 state = present ssl = True
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# Delete 'burgers' database user with name 'bob'.
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = bob state = absent
# Define more users with various specific roles (if not defined, no roles is assigned, and the user will be added via pre mongo 2.2 style)
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = ben password = 12345 roles = ' read ' state = present
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = jim password = 12345 roles = ' readWrite,dbAdmin,userAdmin ' state = present
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = joe password = 12345 roles = ' readWriteAnyDatabase ' state = present
# add a user to database in a replica set, the primary server is automatically discovered and written to
- mongodb_user : database = burgers name = bob replica_set = blecher password = 12345 roles = ' readWriteAnyDatabase ' state = present
import ConfigParser
from distutils . version import LooseVersion
try :
from pymongo . errors import ConnectionFailure
from pymongo . errors import OperationFailure
from pymongo import version as PyMongoVersion
from pymongo import MongoClient
except ImportError :
try : # for older PyMongo 2.2
from pymongo import Connection as MongoClient
except ImportError :
pymongo_found = False
else :
pymongo_found = True
else :
pymongo_found = True
# =========================================
# MongoDB module specific support methods.
def user_add ( module , client , db_name , user , password , roles ) :
db = client [ db_name ]
if roles is None :
db . add_user ( user , password , False )
else :
try :
db . add_user ( user , password , None , roles = roles )
except OperationFailure , e :
err_msg = str ( e )
if LooseVersion ( PyMongoVersion ) < = LooseVersion ( ' 2.5 ' ) :
err_msg = err_msg + ' (Note: you must be on mongodb 2.4+ and pymongo 2.5+ to use the roles param) '
module . fail_json ( msg = err_msg )
def user_remove ( client , db_name , user ) :
db = client [ db_name ]
db . remove_user ( user )
def load_mongocnf ( ) :
config = ConfigParser . RawConfigParser ( )
mongocnf = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.mongodb.cnf ' )
try :
config . readfp ( open ( mongocnf ) )
creds = dict (
user = config . get ( ' client ' , ' user ' ) ,
password = config . get ( ' client ' , ' pass ' )
except ( ConfigParser . NoOptionError , IOError ) :
return False
return creds
# =========================================
# Module execution.
def main ( ) :
module = AnsibleModule (
argument_spec = dict (
login_user = dict ( default = None ) ,
login_password = dict ( default = None ) ,
login_host = dict ( default = ' localhost ' ) ,
login_port = dict ( default = ' 27017 ' ) ,
replica_set = dict ( default = None ) ,
database = dict ( required = True , aliases = [ ' db ' ] ) ,
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name = dict ( required = True , aliases = [ ' user ' ] ) ,
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password = dict ( aliases = [ ' pass ' ] ) ,
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ssl = dict ( default = False ) ,
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roles = dict ( default = None , type = ' list ' ) ,
state = dict ( default = ' present ' , choices = [ ' absent ' , ' present ' ] ) ,
if not pymongo_found :
module . fail_json ( msg = ' the python pymongo module is required ' )
login_user = module . params [ ' login_user ' ]
login_password = module . params [ ' login_password ' ]
login_host = module . params [ ' login_host ' ]
login_port = module . params [ ' login_port ' ]
replica_set = module . params [ ' replica_set ' ]
db_name = module . params [ ' database ' ]
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user = module . params [ ' name ' ]
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password = module . params [ ' password ' ]
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ssl = module . params [ ' ssl ' ]
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roles = module . params [ ' roles ' ]
state = module . params [ ' state ' ]
try :
if replica_set :
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client = MongoClient ( login_host , int ( login_port ) , replicaset = replica_set , ssl = ssl )
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else :
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client = MongoClient ( login_host , int ( login_port ) , ssl = ssl )
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# try to authenticate as a target user to check if it already exists
try :
client [ db_name ] . authenticate ( user , password )
if state == ' present ' :
module . exit_json ( changed = False , user = user )
except OperationFailure :
if state == ' absent ' :
module . exit_json ( changed = False , user = user )
if login_user is None and login_password is None :
mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf ( )
if mongocnf_creds is not False :
login_user = mongocnf_creds [ ' user ' ]
login_password = mongocnf_creds [ ' password ' ]
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elif login_password is None or login_user is None :
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module . fail_json ( msg = ' when supplying login arguments, both login_user and login_password must be provided ' )
if login_user is not None and login_password is not None :
client . admin . authenticate ( login_user , login_password )
except ConnectionFailure , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = ' unable to connect to database: %s ' % str ( e ) )
if state == ' present ' :
if password is None :
module . fail_json ( msg = ' password parameter required when adding a user ' )
try :
user_add ( module , client , db_name , user , password , roles )
except OperationFailure , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = ' Unable to add or update user: %s ' % str ( e ) )
elif state == ' absent ' :
try :
user_remove ( client , db_name , user )
except OperationFailure , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = ' Unable to remove user: %s ' % str ( e ) )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , user = user )
# import module snippets
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
main ( )