2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
# (c) 2013, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <daniel@hozac.com>
# (c) 2014, Serge van Ginderachter <serge@vanginderachter.be>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
2015-01-28 19:17:56 +00:00
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import *
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from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.inventory.ini import InventoryParser
from ansible.inventory.script import InventoryScript
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from ansible.utils.path import is_executable
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
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class InventoryDirectory(object):
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using a directory of inventories. '''
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def __init__(self, loader, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST):
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self.names = os.listdir(filename)
self.directory = filename
self.parsers = []
self.hosts = {}
self.groups = {}
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self._loader = loader
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for i in self.names:
# Skip files that end with certain extensions or characters
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if any(i.endswith(ext) for ext in ("~", ".orig", ".bak", ".ini", ".cfg", ".retry", ".pyc", ".pyo")):
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# Skip hidden files
if i.startswith('.') and not i.startswith('./'):
# These are things inside of an inventory basedir
if i in ("host_vars", "group_vars", "vars_plugins"):
fullpath = os.path.join(self.directory, i)
if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
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parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=loader, filename=fullpath)
elif is_executable(fullpath):
parser = InventoryScript(loader=loader, filename=fullpath)
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parser = InventoryParser(filename=fullpath)
# retrieve all groups and hosts form the parser and add them to
# self, don't look at group lists yet, to avoid
# recursion trouble, but just make sure all objects exist in self
newgroups = parser.groups.values()
for group in newgroups:
for host in group.hosts:
for group in newgroups:
# now check the objects lists so they contain only objects from
# self; membership data in groups is already fine (except all &
# ungrouped, see later), but might still reference objects not in self
for group in self.groups.values():
# iterate on a copy of the lists, as those lists get changed in
# the loop
# list with group's child group objects:
for child in group.child_groups[:]:
if child != self.groups[child.name]:
# list with group's parent group objects:
for parent in group.parent_groups[:]:
if parent != self.groups[parent.name]:
# list with group's host objects:
for host in group.hosts[:]:
if host != self.hosts[host.name]:
# also check here that the group that contains host, is
# also contained in the host's group list
if group not in self.hosts[host.name].groups:
# extra checks on special groups all and ungrouped
# remove hosts from 'ungrouped' if they became member of other groups
if 'ungrouped' in self.groups:
ungrouped = self.groups['ungrouped']
# loop on a copy of ungrouped hosts, as we want to change that list
for host in ungrouped.hosts[:]:
if len(host.groups) > 1:
# remove hosts from 'all' if they became member of other groups
# all should only contain direct children, not grandchildren
# direct children should have dept == 1
if 'all' in self.groups:
allgroup = self.groups['all' ]
# loop on a copy of all's child groups, as we want to change that list
for group in allgroup.child_groups[:]:
# groups might once have beeen added to all, and later be added
# to another group: we need to remove the link wit all then
if len(group.parent_groups) > 1 and allgroup in group.parent_groups:
# real children of all have just 1 parent, all
# this one has more, so not a direct child of all anymore
elif allgroup not in group.parent_groups:
# this group was once added to all, but doesn't list it as
# a parent any more; the info in the group is the correct
# info
def _add_group(self, group):
""" Merge an existing group or add a new one;
Track parent and child groups, and hosts of the new one """
if group.name not in self.groups:
# it's brand new, add him!
self.groups[group.name] = group
if self.groups[group.name] != group:
# different object, merge
self._merge_groups(self.groups[group.name], group)
def _add_host(self, host):
if host.name not in self.hosts:
# Papa's got a brand new host
self.hosts[host.name] = host
if self.hosts[host.name] != host:
# different object, merge
self._merge_hosts(self.hosts[host.name], host)
def _merge_groups(self, group, newgroup):
""" Merge all of instance newgroup into group,
update parent/child relationships
group lists may still contain group objects that exist in self with
same name, but was instanciated as a different object in some other
inventory parser; these are handled later """
# name
if group.name != newgroup.name:
raise errors.AnsibleError("Cannot merge group %s with %s" % (group.name, newgroup.name))
# depth
group.depth = max([group.depth, newgroup.depth])
# hosts list (host objects are by now already added to self.hosts)
for host in newgroup.hosts:
grouphosts = dict([(h.name, h) for h in group.hosts])
if host.name in grouphosts:
# same host name but different object, merge
self._merge_hosts(grouphosts[host.name], host)
# new membership, add host to group from self
# group from self will also be added again to host.groups, but
# as different object
# now remove this the old object for group in host.groups
for hostgroup in [g for g in host.groups]:
if hostgroup.name == group.name and hostgroup != self.groups[group.name]:
# group child membership relation
for newchild in newgroup.child_groups:
# dict with existing child groups:
childgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in group.child_groups])
# check if child of new group is already known as a child
if newchild.name not in childgroups:
# group parent membership relation
for newparent in newgroup.parent_groups:
# dict with existing parent groups:
parentgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in group.parent_groups])
# check if parent of new group is already known as a parent
if newparent.name not in parentgroups:
if newparent.name not in self.groups:
# group does not exist yet in self, import him
self.groups[newparent.name] = newparent
# group now exists but not yet as a parent here
# variables
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group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars, newgroup.vars)
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def _merge_hosts(self,host, newhost):
""" Merge all of instance newhost into host """
# name
if host.name != newhost.name:
raise errors.AnsibleError("Cannot merge host %s with %s" % (host.name, newhost.name))
# group membership relation
for newgroup in newhost.groups:
# dict with existing groups:
hostgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in host.groups])
# check if new group is already known as a group
if newgroup.name not in hostgroups:
if newgroup.name not in self.groups:
# group does not exist yet in self, import him
self.groups[newgroup.name] = newgroup
# group now exists but doesn't have host yet
# variables
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host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars, newhost.vars)
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def get_host_variables(self, host):
""" Gets additional host variables from all inventories """
vars = {}
for i in self.parsers:
return vars