2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
2018-07-17 21:29:05 +00:00
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Red Hat, Inc.
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
If(-not (Get-Command Get-DiskImage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Fail-Json -message "win_disk_image requires Windows 8+ or Windows Server 2012+"
$parsed_args = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$result = @{changed=$false}
$image_path = Get-AnsibleParam $parsed_args "image_path" -failifempty $result
$state = Get-AnsibleParam $parsed_args "state" -default "present" -validateset "present","absent"
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam $parsed_args "_ansible_check_mode" -default $false
$di = Get-DiskImage $image_path
If($state -eq "present") {
If(-not $di.Attached) {
$result.changed = $true
If(-not $check_mode) {
$di = Mount-DiskImage $image_path -PassThru
# the actual mount is async, so the CIMInstance result may not immediately contain the data we need
$retry_count = 0
While(-not $di.Attached -and $retry_count -lt 5) {
Sleep -Seconds 1 | Out-Null
$di = $di | Get-DiskImage
If(-not $di.Attached) {
Fail-Json $result -message "Timed out waiting for disk to attach"
# FUTURE: detect/handle "ejected" ISOs
# FUTURE: support explicit drive letter and NTFS in-volume mountpoints.
# VHDs don't always auto-assign, and other system settings can prevent automatic assignment
If($di.Attached) { # only try to get the mount_path if the disk is attached (
If($di.StorageType -eq 1) { # ISO, we can get the mountpoint directly from Get-Volume
2018-08-30 06:25:45 +00:00
$drive_letters = ($di | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
ElseIf($di.StorageType -in @(2,3)) { # VHD/VHDX, need Get-Disk + Get-Partition to discover mountpoint
2018-08-30 06:25:45 +00:00
$drive_letters = ($di | Get-Disk | Get-Partition).DriveLetter
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
2018-08-30 06:25:45 +00:00
# remove any null entries (no drive letter)
$drive_letters = $drive_letters | Where-Object { $_ }
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
2018-08-30 06:25:45 +00:00
If(-not $drive_letters) {
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
Fail-Json -message "Unable to retrieve drive letter from mounted image"
2018-08-30 06:25:45 +00:00
# mount_path is deprecated and will be removed in 2.11, use mount_paths which contains all the partitions instead
$result.mount_path = $drive_letters[0] + ":\"
$result.mount_paths = @($drive_letters | ForEach-Object { "$($_):\" })
2017-03-02 00:31:01 +00:00
ElseIf($state -eq "absent") {
If($di.Attached) {
$result.changed = $true
If(-not $check_mode) {
Dismount-DiskImage $image_path | Out-Null
2018-07-17 21:29:05 +00:00
Exit-Json $result