Add modules for NetApp SANtricity storage platform (#2929)
The modules prefixed with netapp_e* are built to support the
SANtricity storage platform.
The modules provide idempotent provisioning for volume groups, disk
pools, standard volumes, thin volumes, LUN mapping, hosts, host groups
(clusters), volume snapshots, consistency groups, and asynchronous
They require the SANtricity WebServices Proxy.
The WebServices Proxy is free software available at
the NetApp Software Download site:
Starting with the E2800 platform (11.30 OS), the modules will work
directly with the storage array. Starting with this platform, REST API
requests are handled directly on the box. This array can still be
managed by proxy for large scale deployments.
2016-09-15 18:52:55 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2016, NetApp, Inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
2017-03-14 16:07:22 +00:00
ANSIBLE_METADATA = { ' metadata_version ' : ' 1.0 ' ,
' status ' : [ ' preview ' ] ,
' supported_by ' : ' community ' }
2016-12-06 10:35:25 +00:00
Add modules for NetApp SANtricity storage platform (#2929)
The modules prefixed with netapp_e* are built to support the
SANtricity storage platform.
The modules provide idempotent provisioning for volume groups, disk
pools, standard volumes, thin volumes, LUN mapping, hosts, host groups
(clusters), volume snapshots, consistency groups, and asynchronous
They require the SANtricity WebServices Proxy.
The WebServices Proxy is free software available at
the NetApp Software Download site:
Starting with the E2800 platform (11.30 OS), the modules will work
directly with the storage array. Starting with this platform, REST API
requests are handled directly on the box. This array can still be
managed by proxy for large scale deployments.
2016-09-15 18:52:55 +00:00
- - -
module : netapp_e_hostgroup
version_added : " 2.2 "
short_description : Manage NetApp Storage Array Host Groups
author : Kevin Hulquest ( @hulquest )
description :
- Create , update or destroy host groups on a NetApp E - Series storage array .
options :
api_username :
required : true
description :
- The username to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API .
api_password :
required : true
description :
- The password to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API .
api_url :
required : true
description :
- The url to the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API .
validate_certs :
required : false
default : true
description :
- Should https certificates be validated ?
ssid :
required : true
description :
- The ID of the array to manage ( as configured on the web services proxy ) .
state :
required : true
description :
- Whether the specified host group should exist or not .
choices : [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ]
name :
required : false
description :
- The name of the host group to manage . Either this or C ( id_num ) must be supplied .
new_name :
required : false
description :
- specify this when you need to update the name of a host group
id :
required : false
description :
- The id number of the host group to manage . Either this or C ( name ) must be supplied .
hosts : :
required : false
description :
- a list of host names / labels to add to the group
- name : Configure Hostgroup
netapp_e_hostgroup :
ssid : " {{ ssid }} "
api_url : " {{ netapp_api_url }} "
api_username : " {{ netapp_api_username }} "
api_password : " {{ netapp_api_password }} "
validate_certs : " {{ netapp_api_validate_certs }} "
state : present
RETURN = '''
clusterRef :
description : The unique identification value for this object . Other objects may use this reference value to refer to the cluster .
returned : always except when state is absent
type : string
sample : " 3233343536373839303132333100000000000000 "
confirmLUNMappingCreation :
description : If true , indicates that creation of LUN - to - volume mappings should require careful confirmation from the end - user , since such a mapping will alter the volume access rights of other clusters , in addition to this one .
returned : always
type : boolean
sample : false
hosts :
description : A list of the hosts that are part of the host group after all operations .
returned : always except when state is absent
type : list
sample : [ " HostA " , " HostB " ]
id :
description : The id number of the hostgroup
returned : always except when state is absent
type : string
sample : " 3233343536373839303132333100000000000000 "
isSAControlled :
description : If true , indicates that I / O accesses from this cluster are subject to the storage array ' s default LUN-to-volume mappings. If false, indicates that I/O accesses from the cluster are subject to cluster-specific LUN-to-volume mappings.
returned : always except when state is absent
type : boolean
sample : false
label :
description : The user - assigned , descriptive label string for the cluster .
returned : always
type : string
sample : " MyHostGroup "
name :
description : same as label
returned : always except when state is absent
type : string
sample : " MyHostGroup "
protectionInformationCapableAccessMethod :
description : This field is true if the host has a PI capable access method .
returned : always except when state is absent
type : boolean
sample : true
" Content-Type " : " application/json " ,
" Accept " : " application/json "
import json
from ansible . module_utils . basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible . module_utils . pycompat24 import get_exception
from ansible . module_utils . urls import open_url
from ansible . module_utils . six . moves . urllib . error import HTTPError
def request ( url , data = None , headers = None , method = ' GET ' , use_proxy = True ,
force = False , last_mod_time = None , timeout = 10 , validate_certs = True ,
url_username = None , url_password = None , http_agent = None , force_basic_auth = True , ignore_errors = False ) :
try :
r = open_url ( url = url , data = data , headers = headers , method = method , use_proxy = use_proxy ,
force = force , last_mod_time = last_mod_time , timeout = timeout , validate_certs = validate_certs ,
url_username = url_username , url_password = url_password , http_agent = http_agent ,
force_basic_auth = force_basic_auth )
except HTTPError :
err = get_exception ( )
r = err . fp
try :
raw_data = r . read ( )
if raw_data :
data = json . loads ( raw_data )
else :
raw_data = None
except :
if ignore_errors :
else :
raise Exception ( raw_data )
resp_code = r . getcode ( )
if resp_code > = 400 and not ignore_errors :
raise Exception ( resp_code , data )
else :
return resp_code , data
def group_exists ( module , id_type , ident , ssid , api_url , user , pwd ) :
rc , data = get_hostgroups ( module , ssid , api_url , user , pwd )
for group in data :
if group [ id_type ] == ident :
return True , data
else :
return False , data
def get_hostgroups ( module , ssid , api_url , user , pwd ) :
groups = " storage-systems/ %s /host-groups " % ssid
url = api_url + groups
try :
rc , data = request ( url , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
return rc , data
except HTTPError :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to get host groups. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( ssid , str ( err ) ) )
def get_hostref ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd ) :
all_hosts = ' storage-systems/ %s /hosts ' % ssid
url = api_url + all_hosts
try :
rc , data = request ( url , method = ' GET ' , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to get hosts. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( ssid , str ( err ) ) )
for host in data :
if host [ ' name ' ] == name :
return host [ ' hostRef ' ]
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " No host with the name %s could be found " % name )
def create_hostgroup ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd , hosts = None ) :
groups = " storage-systems/ %s /host-groups " % ssid
url = api_url + groups
hostrefs = [ ]
if hosts :
for host in hosts :
href = get_hostref ( module , ssid , host , api_url , user , pwd )
hostrefs . append ( href )
post_data = json . dumps ( dict ( name = name , hosts = hostrefs ) )
try :
rc , data = request ( url , method = ' POST ' , data = post_data , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to create host group. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( ssid , str ( err ) ) )
return rc , data
def update_hostgroup ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd , hosts = None , new_name = None ) :
gid = get_hostgroup_id ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd )
groups = " storage-systems/ %s /host-groups/ %s " % ( ssid , gid )
url = api_url + groups
hostrefs = [ ]
if hosts :
for host in hosts :
href = get_hostref ( module , ssid , host , api_url , user , pwd )
hostrefs . append ( href )
if new_name :
post_data = json . dumps ( dict ( name = new_name , hosts = hostrefs ) )
else :
post_data = json . dumps ( dict ( hosts = hostrefs ) )
try :
rc , data = request ( url , method = ' POST ' , data = post_data , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to update host group. Group [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( gid , ssid ,
str ( err ) ) )
return rc , data
def delete_hostgroup ( module , ssid , group_id , api_url , user , pwd ) :
groups = " storage-systems/ %s /host-groups/ %s " % ( ssid , group_id )
url = api_url + groups
# TODO: Loop through hosts, do mapping to href, make new list to pass to data
try :
rc , data = request ( url , method = ' DELETE ' , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to delete host group. Group [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( group_id , ssid , str ( err ) ) )
return rc , data
def get_hostgroup_id ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd ) :
all_groups = ' storage-systems/ %s /host-groups ' % ssid
url = api_url + all_groups
rc , data = request ( url , method = ' GET ' , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
for hg in data :
if hg [ ' name ' ] == name :
return hg [ ' id ' ]
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " A hostgroup with the name %s could not be found " % name )
def get_hosts_in_group ( module , ssid , group_name , api_url , user , pwd ) :
all_groups = ' storage-systems/ %s /host-groups ' % ssid
g_url = api_url + all_groups
try :
g_rc , g_data = request ( g_url , method = ' GET ' , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json (
msg = " Failed in first step getting hosts from group. Group: [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( group_name ,
ssid ,
str ( err ) ) )
all_hosts = ' storage-systems/ %s /hosts ' % ssid
h_url = api_url + all_hosts
try :
h_rc , h_data = request ( h_url , method = ' GET ' , headers = HEADERS , url_username = user , url_password = pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json (
msg = " Failed in second step getting hosts from group. Group: [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % (
group_name ,
ssid ,
str ( err ) ) )
hosts_in_group = [ ]
for hg in g_data :
if hg [ ' name ' ] == group_name :
clusterRef = hg [ ' clusterRef ' ]
for host in h_data :
if host [ ' clusterRef ' ] == clusterRef :
hosts_in_group . append ( host [ ' name ' ] )
return hosts_in_group
def main ( ) :
module = AnsibleModule (
argument_spec = dict (
name = dict ( required = False ) ,
new_name = dict ( required = False ) ,
ssid = dict ( required = True ) ,
id = dict ( required = False ) ,
state = dict ( required = True , choices = [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ] ) ,
hosts = dict ( required = False , type = ' list ' ) ,
api_url = dict ( required = True ) ,
api_username = dict ( required = True ) ,
validate_certs = dict ( required = False , default = True ) ,
api_password = dict ( required = True , no_log = True )
) ,
supports_check_mode = False ,
mutually_exclusive = [ [ ' name ' , ' id ' ] ] ,
required_one_of = [ [ ' name ' , ' id ' ] ]
name = module . params [ ' name ' ]
new_name = module . params [ ' new_name ' ]
ssid = module . params [ ' ssid ' ]
id_num = module . params [ ' id ' ]
state = module . params [ ' state ' ]
hosts = module . params [ ' hosts ' ]
user = module . params [ ' api_username ' ]
pwd = module . params [ ' api_password ' ]
api_url = module . params [ ' api_url ' ]
if not api_url . endswith ( ' / ' ) :
api_url + = ' / '
if name :
id_type = ' name '
id_key = name
elif id_num :
id_type = ' id '
id_key = id_num
exists , group_data = group_exists ( module , id_type , id_key , ssid , api_url , user , pwd )
if state == ' present ' :
if not exists :
try :
rc , data = create_hostgroup ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd , hosts )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to create a host group. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( ssid , str ( err ) ) )
hosts = get_hosts_in_group ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , hosts = hosts , * * data )
else :
current_hosts = get_hosts_in_group ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd )
if not current_hosts :
current_hosts = [ ]
if not hosts :
hosts = [ ]
if set ( current_hosts ) != set ( hosts ) :
try :
rc , data = update_hostgroup ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd , hosts , new_name )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json (
msg = " Failed to update host group. Group: [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( name , ssid , str ( err ) ) )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , hosts = hosts , * * data )
else :
for group in group_data :
if group [ ' name ' ] == name :
module . exit_json ( changed = False , hosts = current_hosts , * * group )
elif state == ' absent ' :
if exists :
hg_id = get_hostgroup_id ( module , ssid , name , api_url , user , pwd )
try :
rc , data = delete_hostgroup ( module , ssid , hg_id , api_url , user , pwd )
except Exception :
err = get_exception ( )
module . fail_json (
msg = " Failed to delete host group. Group: [ %s ]. Id [ %s ]. Error [ %s ]. " % ( name , ssid , str ( err ) ) )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , msg = " Host Group deleted " )
else :
module . exit_json ( changed = False , msg = " Host Group is already absent " )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )