2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
2017-11-15 22:43:34 +00:00
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
Function Convert-FromSID($sid ) {
# Converts a SID to a Down-Level Logon name in the form of DOMAIN\UserName
# If the SID is for a local user or group then DOMAIN would be the server
# name.
$account_object = New-Object System . Security . Principal . SecurityIdentifier ( $sid )
try {
$nt_account = $account_object . Translate ( [ System.Security.Principal.NTAccount ] )
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj @ { } -message " failed to convert sid ' $sid ' to a logon name: $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
2018-04-30 06:18:25 +00:00
2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
return $nt_account . Value
2018-04-30 06:18:25 +00:00
Function Convert-ToSID {
[ Diagnostics . CodeAnalysis . SuppressMessageAttribute ( " PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock " , " " , Justification = " We don't care if converting to a SID fails, just that it failed or not " ) ]
param ( $account_name )
2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
# Converts an account name to a SID, it can take in the following forms
2018-04-30 06:18:25 +00:00
# SID: Will just return the SID value that was passed in
2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
# UPN:
# principal@domain (Domain users only)
# Down-Level Login Name
# DOMAIN\principal (Domain)
# SERVERNAME\principal (Local)
# .\principal (Local)
# NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Local Service Accounts)
# Login Name
# principal (Local/Local Service Accounts)
2018-04-30 06:18:25 +00:00
try {
$sid = New-Object -TypeName System . Security . Principal . SecurityIdentifier -ArgumentList $account_name
return $sid . Value
} catch { }
2017-08-28 23:15:58 +00:00
if ( $account_name -like " *\* " ) {
$account_name_split = $account_name -split " \\ "
if ( $account_name_split [ 0 ] -eq " . " ) {
$domain = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} else {
$domain = $account_name_split [ 0 ]
$username = $account_name_split [ 1 ]
} elseif ( $account_name -like " *@* " ) {
$account_name_split = $account_name -split " @ "
$domain = $account_name_split [ 1 ]
$username = $account_name_split [ 0 ]
} else {
$domain = $null
$username = $account_name
if ( $domain ) {
# searching for a local group with the servername prefixed will fail,
# need to check for this situation and only use NTAccount(String)
if ( $domain -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME ) {
$adsi = [ ADSI ] ( " WinNT:// $env:COMPUTERNAME ,computer " )
$group = $adsi . psbase . children | Where-Object { $_ . schemaClassName -eq " group " -and $_ . Name -eq $username }
} else {
$group = $null
if ( $group ) {
$account = New-Object System . Security . Principal . NTAccount ( $username )
} else {
$account = New-Object System . Security . Principal . NTAccount ( $domain , $username )
} else {
# when in a domain NTAccount(String) will favour domain lookups check
# if username is a local user and explictly search on the localhost for
# that account
$adsi = [ ADSI ] ( " WinNT:// $env:COMPUTERNAME ,computer " )
$user = $adsi . psbase . children | Where-Object { $_ . schemaClassName -eq " user " -and $_ . Name -eq $username }
if ( $user ) {
$account = New-Object System . Security . Principal . NTAccount ( $env:COMPUTERNAME , $username )
} else {
$account = New-Object System . Security . Principal . NTAccount ( $username )
try {
$account_sid = $account . Translate ( [ System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier ] )
} catch {
Fail-Json @ { } " account_name $account_name is not a valid account, cannot get SID: $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
return $account_sid . Value
# this line must stay at the bottom to ensure all defined module parts are exported
Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Cmdlet *