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# (c) 2012-2014, Toshio Kuraotmi <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.compat.six import string_types, text_type, binary_type, PY3
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
# to_bytes and to_unicode were written by Toshio Kuratomi for the
# python-kitchen library
# They are licensed in kitchen under the terms of the GPLv2+
# They were copied and modified for use in ansible by Toshio in Jan 2015
# (simply removing the deprecated features)
#: Aliases for the utf-8 codec
_UTF8_ALIASES = frozenset(('utf-8', 'UTF-8', 'utf8', 'UTF8', 'utf_8', 'UTF_8',
'utf', 'UTF', 'u8', 'U8'))
#: Aliases for the latin-1 codec
_LATIN1_ALIASES = frozenset(('latin-1', 'LATIN-1', 'latin1', 'LATIN1',
'latin', 'LATIN', 'l1', 'L1', 'cp819', 'CP819', '8859', 'iso8859-1',
'ISO8859-1', 'iso-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-1'))
# EXCEPTION_CONVERTERS is defined below due to using to_unicode
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
if PY3:
basestring = (str, bytes)
def to_unicode(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace', nonstring=None):
'''Convert an object into a :class:`unicode` string
:arg obj: Object to convert to a :class:`unicode` string. This should
normally be a byte :class:`str`
:kwarg encoding: What encoding to try converting the byte :class:`str` as.
Defaults to :term:`utf-8`
:kwarg errors: If errors are found while decoding, perform this action.
Defaults to ``replace`` which replaces the invalid bytes with
a character that means the bytes were unable to be decoded. Other
values are the same as the error handling schemes in the `codec base
For instance ``strict`` which raises an exception and ``ignore`` which
simply omits the non-decodable characters.
:kwarg nonstring: How to treat nonstring values. Possible values are:
:simplerepr: Attempt to call the object's "simple representation"
method and return that value. Python-2.3+ has two methods that
try to return a simple representation: :meth:`object.__unicode__`
and :meth:`object.__str__`. We first try to get a usable value
from :meth:`object.__unicode__`. If that fails we try the same
with :meth:`object.__str__`.
:empty: Return an empty :class:`unicode` string
:strict: Raise a :exc:`TypeError`
:passthru: Return the object unchanged
:repr: Attempt to return a :class:`unicode` string of the repr of the
Default is ``simplerepr``
:raises TypeError: if :attr:`nonstring` is ``strict`` and
a non-:class:`basestring` object is passed in or if :attr:`nonstring`
is set to an unknown value
:raises UnicodeDecodeError: if :attr:`errors` is ``strict`` and
:attr:`obj` is not decodable using the given encoding
:returns: :class:`unicode` string or the original object depending on the
value of :attr:`nonstring`.
Usually this should be used on a byte :class:`str` but it can take both
byte :class:`str` and :class:`unicode` strings intelligently. Nonstring
objects are handled in different ways depending on the setting of the
:attr:`nonstring` parameter.
The default values of this function are set so as to always return
a :class:`unicode` string and never raise an error when converting from
a byte :class:`str` to a :class:`unicode` string. However, when you do
not pass validly encoded text (or a nonstring object), you may end up with
output that you don't expect. Be sure you understand the requirements of
your data, not just ignore errors by passing it through this function.
# Could use isbasestring/isunicode here but we want this code to be as
# fast as possible
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
if isinstance(obj, text_type):
return obj
if encoding in _UTF8_ALIASES:
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
return text_type(obj, 'utf-8', errors)
if encoding in _LATIN1_ALIASES:
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
return text_type(obj, 'latin-1', errors)
return obj.decode(encoding, errors)
if not nonstring:
nonstring = 'simplerepr'
if nonstring == 'empty':
return u''
elif nonstring == 'passthru':
return obj
elif nonstring == 'simplerepr':
simple = obj.__unicode__()
except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
simple = None
if not simple:
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
simple = text_type(obj)
except UnicodeError:
simple = obj.__str__()
except (UnicodeError, AttributeError):
simple = u''
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
if isinstance(simple, binary_type):
return text_type(simple, encoding, errors)
return simple
elif nonstring in ('repr', 'strict'):
obj_repr = repr(obj)
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
if isinstance(obj_repr, binary_type):
obj_repr = text_type(obj_repr, encoding, errors)
if nonstring == 'repr':
return obj_repr
raise TypeError('to_unicode was given "%(obj)s" which is neither'
' a byte string (str) or a unicode string' %
{'obj': obj_repr.encode(encoding, 'replace')})
raise TypeError('nonstring value, %(param)s, is not set to a valid'
' action' % {'param': nonstring})
def to_bytes(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace', nonstring=None):
'''Convert an object into a byte :class:`str`
:arg obj: Object to convert to a byte :class:`str`. This should normally
be a :class:`unicode` string.
:kwarg encoding: Encoding to use to convert the :class:`unicode` string
into a byte :class:`str`. Defaults to :term:`utf-8`.
:kwarg errors: If errors are found while encoding, perform this action.
Defaults to ``replace`` which replaces the invalid bytes with
a character that means the bytes were unable to be encoded. Other
values are the same as the error handling schemes in the `codec base
For instance ``strict`` which raises an exception and ``ignore`` which
simply omits the non-encodable characters.
:kwarg nonstring: How to treat nonstring values. Possible values are:
:simplerepr: Attempt to call the object's "simple representation"
method and return that value. Python-2.3+ has two methods that
try to return a simple representation: :meth:`object.__unicode__`
and :meth:`object.__str__`. We first try to get a usable value
from :meth:`object.__str__`. If that fails we try the same
with :meth:`object.__unicode__`.
:empty: Return an empty byte :class:`str`
:strict: Raise a :exc:`TypeError`
:passthru: Return the object unchanged
:repr: Attempt to return a byte :class:`str` of the :func:`repr` of the
Default is ``simplerepr``.
:raises TypeError: if :attr:`nonstring` is ``strict`` and
a non-:class:`basestring` object is passed in or if :attr:`nonstring`
is set to an unknown value.
:raises UnicodeEncodeError: if :attr:`errors` is ``strict`` and all of the
bytes of :attr:`obj` are unable to be encoded using :attr:`encoding`.
:returns: byte :class:`str` or the original object depending on the value
of :attr:`nonstring`.
.. warning::
If you pass a byte :class:`str` into this function the byte
:class:`str` is returned unmodified. It is **not** re-encoded with
the specified :attr:`encoding`. The easiest way to achieve that is::
to_bytes(to_unicode(text), encoding='utf-8')
The initial :func:`to_unicode` call will ensure text is
a :class:`unicode` string. Then, :func:`to_bytes` will turn that into
a byte :class:`str` with the specified encoding.
Usually, this should be used on a :class:`unicode` string but it can take
either a byte :class:`str` or a :class:`unicode` string intelligently.
Nonstring objects are handled in different ways depending on the setting
of the :attr:`nonstring` parameter.
The default values of this function are set so as to always return a byte
:class:`str` and never raise an error when converting from unicode to
bytes. However, when you do not pass an encoding that can validly encode
the object (or a non-string object), you may end up with output that you
don't expect. Be sure you understand the requirements of your data, not
just ignore errors by passing it through this function.
# Could use isbasestring, isbytestring here but we want this to be as fast
# as possible
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
if isinstance(obj, binary_type):
return obj
return obj.encode(encoding, errors)
if not nonstring:
nonstring = 'simplerepr'
if nonstring == 'empty':
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
return b''
elif nonstring == 'passthru':
return obj
elif nonstring == 'simplerepr':
simple = str(obj)
except UnicodeError:
simple = obj.__str__()
except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
simple = None
if not simple:
simple = obj.__unicode__()
except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
simple = b''
if isinstance(simple, text_type):
simple = simple.encode(encoding, 'replace')
return simple
elif nonstring in ('repr', 'strict'):
obj_repr = obj.__repr__()
except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
obj_repr = b''
if isinstance(obj_repr, text_type):
obj_repr = obj_repr.encode(encoding, errors)
2015-05-04 02:47:26 +00:00
obj_repr = binary_type(obj_repr)
if nonstring == 'repr':
return obj_repr
raise TypeError('to_bytes was given "%(obj)s" which is neither'
' a unicode string or a byte string (str)' % {'obj': obj_repr})
raise TypeError('nonstring value, %(param)s, is not set to a valid'
' action' % {'param': nonstring})
# force the return value of a function to be unicode. Use with partial to
# ensure that a filter will return unicode values.
def unicode_wrap(func, *args, **kwargs):
return to_unicode(func(*args, **kwargs), nonstring='passthru')
# Alias for converting to native strings.
# Native strings are the default string type for the particular version of
# python. The objects are called "str" in both py2 and py3 but they mean
# different things. In py2, it's a byte string like in C. In py3 it's an
# abstract text type (like py2's unicode type).
# Use this when raising exceptions and wanting to get the string
# representation of an object for the exception message. For example:
# try:
# do_something()
# except Exception as e:
# raise AnsibleError(to_str(e))
# Note that this is because python's exception handling expects native strings
# and doe the wrong thing if given the other sort of string (in py2, if given
# unicode strings, it could traceback or omit the message. in py3, if given
# byte strings it prints their repr (so the message ends up as b'message').
# If you use ansible's API instead of re-raising an exception, use to_unicode
# instead:
# try:
# do_something()
# except Exception as e:
# display.warn(to_unicode(e))
if PY3:
to_str = to_unicode
to_str = to_bytes