2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
# test code for the mysql_user module
# (c) 2014, Wayne Rosario <wrosario@ansible.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 dof the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ============================================================
# create mysql user and verify user is added to mysql database
- include: create_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
2020-04-12 04:13:56 +00:00
- include: resource_limits.yml
2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
- include: assert_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}}
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
- include: assert_no_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}}
# ============================================================
# Create mysql user that already exist on mysql database
- include: create_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
- name: create mysql user that already exist (expect changed=false)
name: '{{user_name_1}}'
password: '{{user_password_1}}'
state: present
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
register: result
- name: assert output message mysql user was not created
assert: { that: "result.changed == false" }
# ============================================================
# remove mysql user and verify user is removed from mysql database
- name: remove mysql user state=absent (expect changed=true)
name: '{{ user_name_1 }}'
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
state: absent
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
register: result
- name: assert output message mysql user was removed
assert: { that: "result.changed == true" }
- include: assert_no_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}}
# ============================================================
# remove mysql user that does not exist on mysql database
- name: remove mysql user that does not exist state=absent (expect changed=false)
name: '{{ user_name_1 }}'
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
state: absent
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
register: result
- name: assert output message mysql user that does not exist
assert: { that: "result.changed == false" }
- include: assert_no_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}}
# ============================================================
# Create user with no privileges and verify default privileges are assign
- name: create user with select privilege state=present (expect changed=true)
name: '{{ user_name_1 }}'
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
state: present
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
register: result
- include: assert_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} priv=USAGE
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
- include: assert_no_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}}
# ============================================================
# Create user with select privileges and verify select privileges are assign
- name: create user with select privilege state=present (expect changed=true)
name: '{{ user_name_2 }}'
password: '{{ user_password_2 }}'
state: present
priv: '*.*:SELECT'
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
register: result
- include: assert_user.yml user_name={{user_name_2}} priv=SELECT
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_2}} user_password={{ user_password_2 }}
- include: assert_no_user.yml user_name={{user_name_2}}
# ============================================================
# Assert user has access to multiple databases
- name: give users access to multiple databases
name: '{{ item[0] }}'
priv: '{{ item[1] }}.*:ALL'
append_privs: yes
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
- [ '{{ user_name_1 }}', '{{ user_name_2 }}']
- "{{db_names}}"
- name: show grants access for user1 on multiple database
command: mysql "-e SHOW GRANTS FOR '{{ user_name_1 }}'@'localhost';"
register: result
- name: assert grant access for user1 on multiple database
assert: { that: "'{{ item }}' in result.stdout" }
with_items: "{{db_names}}"
- name: show grants access for user2 on multiple database
command: mysql "-e SHOW GRANTS FOR '{{ user_name_2 }}'@'localhost';"
register: result
- name: assert grant access for user2 on multiple database
assert: { that: "'{{ item }}' in result.stdout" }
with_items: "{{db_names}}"
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_2}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
- name: give user access to database via wildcard
name: '{{ user_name_1 }}'
priv: '%db.*:SELECT'
append_privs: yes
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
- name: show grants access for user1 on multiple database
command: mysql "-e SHOW GRANTS FOR '{{ user_name_1 }}'@'localhost';"
register: result
- name: assert grant access for user1 on multiple database
- "'%db' in result.stdout"
- "'SELECT' in result.stdout"
- name: change user access to database via wildcard
name: '{{ user_name_1 }}'
priv: '%db.*:INSERT'
append_privs: yes
password: '{{ user_password_1 }}'
login_unix_socket: '{{ mysql_socket }}'
- name: show grants access for user1 on multiple database
command: mysql "-e SHOW GRANTS FOR '{{ user_name_1 }}'@'localhost';"
register: result
- name: assert grant access for user1 on multiple database
- "'%db' in result.stdout"
- "'INSERT' in result.stdout"
- include: remove_user.yml user_name={{user_name_1}} user_password={{ user_password_1 }}
# ============================================================
# Update user password for a user.
# Assert the user password is updated and old password can no longer be used.
#- include: user_password_update_test.yml
# ============================================================
# Assert create user with SELECT privileges, attempt to create database and update privileges to create database
- include: test_privs.yml current_privilege=SELECT current_append_privs=no
# ============================================================
# Assert creating user with SELECT privileges, attempt to create database and append privileges to create database
- include: test_privs.yml current_privilege=DROP current_append_privs=yes
# ============================================================
# Assert create user with SELECT privileges, attempt to create database and update privileges to create database
- include: test_privs.yml current_privilege='UPDATE,ALTER' current_append_privs=no
# ============================================================
# Assert creating user with SELECT privileges, attempt to create database and append privileges to create database
- include: test_privs.yml current_privilege='INSERT,DELETE' current_append_privs=yes
# Tests for the priv parameter with dict value (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/57533)
- include: test_priv_dict.yml
- import_tasks: issue-29511.yaml
- issue-29511
- import_tasks: issue-64560.yaml
- issue-64560