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# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from ansible import errors
from ansible import utils
from ansible.module_utils.splitter import split_args
import os
2013-04-11 16:15:13 +00:00
import ansible.utils.template as template
import sys
class Task(object):
_t_common = [
'action', 'always_run', 'any_errors_fatal', 'args', 'become', 'become_method', 'become_pass',
'become_user', 'changed_when', 'delay', 'delegate_to', 'environment', 'failed_when',
'first_available_file', 'ignore_errors', 'local_action', 'meta', 'name', 'no_log',
'notify', 'register', 'remote_user', 'retries', 'run_once', 'su', 'su_pass', 'su_user',
'sudo', 'sudo_pass', 'sudo_user', 'tags', 'transport', 'until', 'when',
__slots__ = [
'async_poll_interval', 'async_seconds', 'default_vars', 'first_available_file',
'items_lookup_plugin', 'items_lookup_terms', 'module_args', 'module_name', 'module_vars',
'notified_by', 'play', 'play_file_vars', 'play_vars', 'role_name', 'role_params', 'role_vars',
] + _t_common
# to prevent typos and such
VALID_KEYS = frozenset([
'async', 'connection', 'include', 'poll',
] + _t_common)
def __init__(self, play, ds, module_vars=None, play_vars=None, play_file_vars=None, role_vars=None, role_params=None, default_vars=None, additional_conditions=None, role_name=None):
''' constructor loads from a task or handler datastructure '''
# meta directives are used to tell things like ansible/playbook to run
# operations like handler execution. Meta tasks are not executed
# normally.
if 'meta' in ds:
self.meta = ds['meta']
self.tags = []
self.meta = None
library = os.path.join(play.basedir, 'library')
if os.path.exists(library):
for x in ds.keys():
# code to allow for saying "modulename: args" versus "action: modulename args"
2012-11-18 17:37:30 +00:00
if x in utils.plugins.module_finder:
if 'action' in ds:
raise errors.AnsibleError("multiple actions specified in task: '%s' and '%s'" % (x, ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
if isinstance(ds[x], dict):
if 'args' in ds:
raise errors.AnsibleError("can't combine args: and a dict for %s: in task %s" % (x, ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x]))))
ds['args'] = ds[x]
ds[x] = ''
elif ds[x] is None:
ds[x] = ''
if not isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
raise errors.AnsibleError("action specified for task %s has invalid type %s" % (ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x])), type(ds[x])))
ds['action'] = x + " " + ds[x]
# code to allow "with_glob" and to reference a lookup plugin named glob
2012-10-25 13:10:33 +00:00
elif x.startswith("with_"):
if isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
param = ds[x].strip()
2013-10-11 23:04:26 +00:00
plugin_name = x.replace("with_","")
2012-11-01 23:41:50 +00:00
if plugin_name in utils.plugins.lookup_loader:
ds['items_lookup_plugin'] = plugin_name
ds['items_lookup_terms'] = ds[x]
raise errors.AnsibleError("cannot find lookup plugin named %s for usage in with_%s" % (plugin_name, plugin_name))
elif x in [ 'changed_when', 'failed_when', 'when']:
if isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
param = ds[x].strip()
# Only a variable, no logic
if (param.startswith('{{') and
param.find('}}') == len(ds[x]) - 2 and
param.find('|') == -1):
utils.warning("It is unnecessary to use '{{' in conditionals, leave variables in loop expressions bare.")
elif x.startswith("when_"):
2014-01-28 16:38:52 +00:00
utils.deprecated("The 'when_' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified 'when' statements as described on","1.5", removed=True)
if 'when' in ds:
2013-10-19 17:02:57 +00:00
raise errors.AnsibleError("multiple when_* statements specified in task %s" % (ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
when_name = x.replace("when_","")
ds['when'] = "%s %s" % (when_name, ds[x])
elif not x in Task.VALID_KEYS:
raise errors.AnsibleError("%s is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler" % x)
self.module_vars = module_vars
self.play_vars = play_vars
self.play_file_vars = play_file_vars
self.role_vars = role_vars
self.role_params = role_params
self.default_vars = default_vars = play
# load various attributes = ds.get('name', None)
self.tags = [ 'untagged' ]
self.register = ds.get('register', None)
self.environment = ds.get('environment', play.environment)
self.role_name = role_name
self.no_log = utils.boolean(ds.get('no_log', "false")) or
self.run_once = utils.boolean(ds.get('run_once', 'false'))
#Code to allow do until feature in a Task
2013-09-24 08:29:38 +00:00
if 'until' in ds:
if not ds.get('register'):
raise errors.AnsibleError("register keyword is mandatory when using do until feature")
self.module_vars['delay'] = ds.get('delay', 5)
self.module_vars['retries'] = ds.get('retries', 3)
self.module_vars['register'] = ds.get('register', None)
self.until = ds.get('until')
self.module_vars['until'] = self.until
2013-02-17 20:01:49 +00:00
# rather than simple key=value args on the options line, these represent structured data and the values
# can be hashes and lists, not just scalars
self.args = ds.get('args', {})
# get remote_user for task, then play, then playbook
if ds.get('remote_user') is not None:
self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user')
elif ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user) is not None:
self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user)
self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user', play.playbook.remote_user)
# Fail out if user specifies privilege escalation params in conflict
if (ds.get('become') or ds.get('become_user') or ds.get('become_pass')) and (ds.get('sudo') or ds.get('sudo_user') or ds.get('sudo_pass')):
raise errors.AnsibleError('incompatible parameters ("become", "become_user", "become_pass") and sudo params "sudo", "sudo_user", "sudo_pass" in task: %s' %
if (ds.get('become') or ds.get('become_user') or ds.get('become_pass')) and (ds.get('su') or ds.get('su_user') or ds.get('su_pass')):
raise errors.AnsibleError('incompatible parameters ("become", "become_user", "become_pass") and su params "su", "su_user", "sudo_pass" in task: %s' %
if (ds.get('sudo') or ds.get('sudo_user') or ds.get('sudo_pass')) and (ds.get('su') or ds.get('su_user') or ds.get('su_pass')):
raise errors.AnsibleError('incompatible parameters ("su", "su_user", "su_pass") and sudo params "sudo", "sudo_user", "sudo_pass" in task: %s' %
self.become = utils.boolean(ds.get('become', play.become))
self.become_method = ds.get('become_method', play.become_method)
self.become_user = ds.get('become_user', play.become_user)
self.become_pass = ds.get('become_pass', play.playbook.become_pass)
# set only if passed in current task data
if 'sudo' in ds or 'sudo_user' in ds:
if 'sudo' in ds:
del ds['sudo']
if 'sudo_user' in ds:
self.become_user = ds['sudo_user']
del ds['sudo_user']
if 'sudo_pass' in ds:
self.become_pass = ds['sudo_pass']
del ds['sudo_pass']
elif 'su' in ds or 'su_user' in ds:
if 'su' in ds:
del ds['su']
if 'su_user' in ds:
self.become_user = ds['su_user']
del ds['su_user']
if 'su_pass' in ds:
self.become_pass = ds['su_pass']
del ds['su_pass']
# Both are defined
if ('action' in ds) and ('local_action' in ds):
raise errors.AnsibleError("the 'action' and 'local_action' attributes can not be used together")
# Both are NOT defined
elif (not 'action' in ds) and (not 'local_action' in ds):
raise errors.AnsibleError("'action' or 'local_action' attribute missing in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '<Unnamed>'))
# Only one of them is defined
elif 'local_action' in ds:
self.action = ds.get('local_action', '')
self.delegate_to = ''
self.action = ds.get('action', '')
self.delegate_to = ds.get('delegate_to', None)
self.transport = ds.get('connection', ds.get('transport', play.transport))
if isinstance(self.action, dict):
if 'module' not in self.action:
raise errors.AnsibleError("'module' attribute missing from action in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
if self.args:
raise errors.AnsibleError("'args' cannot be combined with dict 'action' in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
self.args = self.action
self.action = self.args.pop('module')
2012-09-25 19:47:17 +00:00
# delegate_to can use variables
if not (self.delegate_to is None):
2012-10-31 00:42:07 +00:00
# delegate_to: localhost should use local transport
if self.delegate_to in ['', 'localhost']:
self.transport = 'local'
2012-09-25 19:47:17 +00:00
# notified by is used by Playbook code to flag which hosts
# need to run a notifier
self.notified_by = []
# if no name is specified, use the action line as the name
if is None: = self.action
# load various attributes
self.when = ds.get('when', None)
self.changed_when = ds.get('changed_when', None)
self.failed_when = ds.get('failed_when', None)
# combine the default and module vars here for use in templating
all_vars = self.default_vars.copy()
all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.play_vars)
all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.play_file_vars)
all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.role_vars)
all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.module_vars)
all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.role_params)
self.async_seconds = ds.get('async', 0) # not async by default
self.async_seconds = template.template_from_string(play.basedir, self.async_seconds, all_vars)
self.async_seconds = int(self.async_seconds)
self.async_poll_interval = ds.get('poll', 10) # default poll = 10 seconds
self.async_poll_interval = template.template_from_string(play.basedir, self.async_poll_interval, all_vars)
self.async_poll_interval = int(self.async_poll_interval)
self.notify = ds.get('notify', [])
self.first_available_file = ds.get('first_available_file', None)
self.items_lookup_plugin = ds.get('items_lookup_plugin', None)
self.items_lookup_terms = ds.get('items_lookup_terms', None)
self.ignore_errors = ds.get('ignore_errors', False)
2013-03-28 06:17:01 +00:00
self.any_errors_fatal = ds.get('any_errors_fatal', play.any_errors_fatal)
self.always_run = ds.get('always_run', False)
# action should be a string
if not isinstance(self.action, basestring):
raise errors.AnsibleError("action is of type '%s' and not a string in task. name: %s" % (type(self.action).__name__,
# notify can be a string or a list, store as a list
if isinstance(self.notify, basestring):
self.notify = [ self.notify ]
# split the action line into a module name + arguments
tokens = split_args(self.action)
except Exception, e:
if "unbalanced" in str(e):
raise errors.AnsibleError("There was an error while parsing the task %s.\n" % repr(self.action) + \
"Make sure quotes are matched or escaped properly")
if len(tokens) < 1:
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid/missing action in task. name: %s" %
self.module_name = tokens[0]
self.module_args = ''
if len(tokens) > 1:
self.module_args = " ".join(tokens[1:])
import_tags = self.module_vars.get('tags',[])
if type(import_tags) in [int,float]:
import_tags = str(import_tags)
elif type(import_tags) in [str,unicode]:
# allow the user to list comma delimited tags
import_tags = import_tags.split(",")
# handle mutually incompatible options
2012-10-25 13:10:33 +00:00
incompatibles = [ x for x in [ self.first_available_file, self.items_lookup_plugin ] if x is not None ]
if len(incompatibles) > 1:
2012-10-25 13:10:33 +00:00
raise errors.AnsibleError("with_(plugin), and first_available_file are mutually incompatible in a single task")
# make first_available_file accessible to Runner code
if self.first_available_file:
self.module_vars['first_available_file'] = self.first_available_file
# make sure that the 'item' variable is set when using
# first_available_file (issue #8220)
if 'item' not in self.module_vars:
self.module_vars['item'] = ''
if self.items_lookup_plugin is not None:
self.module_vars['items_lookup_plugin'] = self.items_lookup_plugin
self.module_vars['items_lookup_terms'] = self.items_lookup_terms
# allow runner to see delegate_to option
self.module_vars['delegate_to'] = self.delegate_to
# make some task attributes accessible to Runner code
self.module_vars['ignore_errors'] = self.ignore_errors
self.module_vars['register'] = self.register
self.module_vars['changed_when'] = self.changed_when
self.module_vars['failed_when'] = self.failed_when
self.module_vars['always_run'] = self.always_run
# tags allow certain parts of a playbook to be run without running the whole playbook
apply_tags = ds.get('tags', None)
if apply_tags is not None:
if type(apply_tags) in [ str, unicode ]:
elif type(apply_tags) in [ int, float ]:
elif type(apply_tags) == list:
if len(self.tags) > 1:
if additional_conditions:
new_conditions = additional_conditions[:]
if self.when:
self.when = new_conditions