2014-09-26 01:01:01 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2012, Mark Theunissen <mark.theunissen@gmail.com>
# Sponsored by Four Kitchens http://fourkitchens.com.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- - -
module : mysql_db
short_description : Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host .
description :
- Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host .
version_added : " 0.6 "
options :
name :
description :
- name of the database to add or remove
required : true
default : null
aliases : [ db ]
login_user :
description :
- The username used to authenticate with
required : false
default : null
login_password :
description :
- The password used to authenticate with
required : false
default : null
login_host :
description :
- Host running the database
required : false
default : localhost
login_port :
description :
- Port of the MySQL server . Requires login_host be defined as other then localhost if login_port is used
required : false
default : 3306
login_unix_socket :
description :
- The path to a Unix domain socket for local connections
required : false
default : null
state :
description :
- The database state
required : false
default : present
choices : [ " present " , " absent " , " dump " , " import " ]
collation :
description :
- Collation mode
required : false
default : null
encoding :
description :
- Encoding mode
required : false
default : null
target :
description :
- Location , on the remote host , of the dump file to read from or write to . Uncompressed SQL
files ( C ( . sql ) ) as well as bzip2 ( C ( . bz2 ) ) and gzip ( C ( . gz ) ) compressed files are supported .
required : false
notes :
- Requires the MySQLdb Python package on the remote host . For Ubuntu , this
is as easy as apt - get install python - mysqldb . ( See M ( apt ) . )
- Both I ( login_password ) and I ( login_user ) are required when you are
passing credentials . If none are present , the module will attempt to read
the credentials from C ( ~ / . my . cnf ) , and finally fall back to using the MySQL
default login of C ( root ) with no password .
requirements : [ ConfigParser ]
author : Mark Theunissen
# Create a new database with name 'bobdata'
- mysql_db : name = bobdata state = present
# Copy database dump file to remote host and restore it to database 'my_db'
- copy : src = dump . sql . bz2 dest = / tmp
- mysql_db : name = my_db state = import target = / tmp / dump . sql . bz2
import ConfigParser
import os
import pipes
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import stat
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try :
import MySQLdb
except ImportError :
mysqldb_found = False
else :
mysqldb_found = True
# ===========================================
# MySQL module specific support methods.
def db_exists ( cursor , db ) :
res = cursor . execute ( " SHOW DATABASES LIKE %s " , ( db . replace ( " _ " , " \ _ " ) , ) )
return bool ( res )
def db_delete ( cursor , db ) :
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query = " DROP DATABASE %s " % mysql_quote_identifier ( db , ' database ' )
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cursor . execute ( query )
return True
def db_dump ( module , host , user , password , db_name , target , port , socket = None ) :
cmd = module . get_bin_path ( ' mysqldump ' , True )
cmd + = " --quick --user= %s --password= %s " % ( pipes . quote ( user ) , pipes . quote ( password ) )
if socket is not None :
cmd + = " --socket= %s " % pipes . quote ( socket )
else :
cmd + = " --host= %s --port= %s " % ( pipes . quote ( host ) , pipes . quote ( port ) )
cmd + = " %s " % pipes . quote ( db_name )
if os . path . splitext ( target ) [ - 1 ] == ' .gz ' :
cmd = cmd + ' | gzip > ' + pipes . quote ( target )
elif os . path . splitext ( target ) [ - 1 ] == ' .bz2 ' :
cmd = cmd + ' | bzip2 > ' + pipes . quote ( target )
else :
cmd + = " > %s " % pipes . quote ( target )
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( cmd , use_unsafe_shell = True )
return rc , stdout , stderr
def db_import ( module , host , user , password , db_name , target , port , socket = None ) :
if not os . path . exists ( target ) :
return module . fail_json ( msg = " target %s does not exist on the host " % target )
cmd = module . get_bin_path ( ' mysql ' , True )
cmd + = " --user= %s --password= %s " % ( pipes . quote ( user ) , pipes . quote ( password ) )
if socket is not None :
cmd + = " --socket= %s " % pipes . quote ( socket )
else :
cmd + = " --host= %s --port= %s " % ( pipes . quote ( host ) , pipes . quote ( port ) )
cmd + = " -D %s " % pipes . quote ( db_name )
if os . path . splitext ( target ) [ - 1 ] == ' .gz ' :
gunzip_path = module . get_bin_path ( ' gunzip ' )
if gunzip_path :
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( ' %s %s ' % ( gunzip_path , target ) )
if rc != 0 :
return rc , stdout , stderr
cmd + = " < %s " % pipes . quote ( os . path . splitext ( target ) [ 0 ] )
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( cmd , use_unsafe_shell = True )
if rc != 0 :
return rc , stdout , stderr
gzip_path = module . get_bin_path ( ' gzip ' )
if gzip_path :
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( ' %s %s ' % ( gzip_path , os . path . splitext ( target ) [ 0 ] ) )
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " gzip command not found " )
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " gunzip command not found " )
elif os . path . splitext ( target ) [ - 1 ] == ' .bz2 ' :
bunzip2_path = module . get_bin_path ( ' bunzip2 ' )
if bunzip2_path :
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( ' %s %s ' % ( bunzip2_path , target ) )
if rc != 0 :
return rc , stdout , stderr
cmd + = " < %s " % pipes . quote ( os . path . splitext ( target ) [ 0 ] )
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( cmd , use_unsafe_shell = True )
if rc != 0 :
return rc , stdout , stderr
bzip2_path = module . get_bin_path ( ' bzip2 ' )
if bzip2_path :
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( ' %s %s ' % ( bzip2_path , os . path . splitext ( target ) [ 0 ] ) )
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " bzip2 command not found " )
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " bunzip2 command not found " )
else :
cmd + = " < %s " % pipes . quote ( target )
rc , stdout , stderr = module . run_command ( cmd , use_unsafe_shell = True )
return rc , stdout , stderr
def db_create ( cursor , db , encoding , collation ) :
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query_params = dict ( enc = encoding , collate = collation )
query = [ ' CREATE DATABASE %s ' % mysql_quote_identifier ( db , ' database ' ) ]
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if encoding :
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query . append ( " CHARACTER SET %(enc)s " )
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if collation :
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query . append ( " COLLATE %(collate)s " )
query = ' ' . join ( query )
res = cursor . execute ( query , query_params )
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return True
def strip_quotes ( s ) :
""" Remove surrounding single or double quotes
>> > print strip_quotes ( ' hello ' )
>> > print strip_quotes ( ' " hello " ' )
>> > print strip_quotes ( " ' hello ' " )
>> > print strip_quotes ( " ' hello " )
' hello
single_quote = " ' "
double_quote = ' " '
if s . startswith ( single_quote ) and s . endswith ( single_quote ) :
s = s . strip ( single_quote )
elif s . startswith ( double_quote ) and s . endswith ( double_quote ) :
s = s . strip ( double_quote )
return s
def config_get ( config , section , option ) :
""" Calls ConfigParser.get and strips quotes
See : http : / / dev . mysql . com / doc / refman / 5.0 / en / option - files . html
return strip_quotes ( config . get ( section , option ) )
def load_mycnf ( ) :
config = ConfigParser . RawConfigParser ( )
mycnf = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.my.cnf ' )
if not os . path . exists ( mycnf ) :
return False
try :
config . readfp ( open ( mycnf ) )
except ( IOError ) :
return False
# We support two forms of passwords in .my.cnf, both pass= and password=,
# as these are both supported by MySQL.
try :
passwd = config_get ( config , ' client ' , ' password ' )
except ( ConfigParser . NoOptionError ) :
try :
passwd = config_get ( config , ' client ' , ' pass ' )
except ( ConfigParser . NoOptionError ) :
return False
try :
creds = dict ( user = config_get ( config , ' client ' , ' user ' ) , passwd = passwd )
except ( ConfigParser . NoOptionError ) :
return False
return creds
# ===========================================
# Module execution.
def main ( ) :
module = AnsibleModule (
argument_spec = dict (
login_user = dict ( default = None ) ,
login_password = dict ( default = None ) ,
login_host = dict ( default = " localhost " ) ,
login_port = dict ( default = " 3306 " ) ,
login_unix_socket = dict ( default = None ) ,
name = dict ( required = True , aliases = [ ' db ' ] ) ,
encoding = dict ( default = " " ) ,
collation = dict ( default = " " ) ,
target = dict ( default = None ) ,
state = dict ( default = " present " , choices = [ " absent " , " present " , " dump " , " import " ] ) ,
if not mysqldb_found :
module . fail_json ( msg = " the python mysqldb module is required " )
db = module . params [ " name " ]
encoding = module . params [ " encoding " ]
collation = module . params [ " collation " ]
state = module . params [ " state " ]
target = module . params [ " target " ]
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socket = module . params [ " login_unix_socket " ]
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# make sure the target path is expanded for ~ and $HOME
if target is not None :
target = os . path . expandvars ( os . path . expanduser ( target ) )
# Either the caller passes both a username and password with which to connect to
# mysql, or they pass neither and allow this module to read the credentials from
# ~/.my.cnf.
login_password = module . params [ " login_password " ]
login_user = module . params [ " login_user " ]
if login_user is None and login_password is None :
mycnf_creds = load_mycnf ( )
if mycnf_creds is False :
login_user = " root "
login_password = " "
else :
login_user = mycnf_creds [ " user " ]
login_password = mycnf_creds [ " passwd " ]
elif login_password is None or login_user is None :
module . fail_json ( msg = " when supplying login arguments, both login_user and login_password must be provided " )
login_host = module . params [ " login_host " ]
if state in [ ' dump ' , ' import ' ] :
if target is None :
module . fail_json ( msg = " with state= %s target is required " % ( state ) )
connect_to_db = db
else :
2015-02-14 22:16:35 +00:00
connect_to_db = ' '
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try :
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if socket :
try :
socketmode = os . stat ( socket ) . st_mode
if not stat . S_ISSOCK ( socketmode ) :
module . fail_json ( msg = " %s , is not a socket, unable to connect " % socket )
except OSError :
module . fail_json ( msg = " %s , does not exist, unable to connect " % socket )
db_connection = MySQLdb . connect ( host = module . params [ " login_host " ] , unix_socket = socket , user = login_user , passwd = login_password , db = connect_to_db )
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elif module . params [ " login_port " ] != " 3306 " and module . params [ " login_host " ] == " localhost " :
module . fail_json ( msg = " login_host is required when login_port is defined, login_host cannot be localhost when login_port is defined " )
else :
db_connection = MySQLdb . connect ( host = module . params [ " login_host " ] , port = int ( module . params [ " login_port " ] ) , user = login_user , passwd = login_password , db = connect_to_db )
cursor = db_connection . cursor ( )
except Exception , e :
if " Unknown database " in str ( e ) :
errno , errstr = e . args
module . fail_json ( msg = " ERROR: %s %s " % ( errno , errstr ) )
else :
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module . fail_json ( msg = " unable to connect, check login credentials (login_user, and login_password, which can be defined in ~/.my.cnf), check that mysql socket exists and mysql server is running " )
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changed = False
if db_exists ( cursor , db ) :
if state == " absent " :
try :
changed = db_delete ( cursor , db )
except Exception , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = " error deleting database: " + str ( e ) )
elif state == " dump " :
rc , stdout , stderr = db_dump ( module , login_host , login_user ,
login_password , db , target ,
port = module . params [ ' login_port ' ] ,
socket = module . params [ ' login_unix_socket ' ] )
if rc != 0 :
module . fail_json ( msg = " %s " % stderr )
else :
module . exit_json ( changed = True , db = db , msg = stdout )
elif state == " import " :
rc , stdout , stderr = db_import ( module , login_host , login_user ,
login_password , db , target ,
port = module . params [ ' login_port ' ] ,
socket = module . params [ ' login_unix_socket ' ] )
if rc != 0 :
module . fail_json ( msg = " %s " % stderr )
else :
module . exit_json ( changed = True , db = db , msg = stdout )
else :
if state == " present " :
try :
changed = db_create ( cursor , db , encoding , collation )
except Exception , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = " error creating database: " + str ( e ) )
module . exit_json ( changed = changed , db = db )
# import module snippets
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
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from ansible . module_utils . database import *
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )