2025-01-18 15:43:09 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Derived from ansible/plugins/connection/paramiko_ssh.py (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2024 Nils Stein (@mietzen) <github.nstein@mailbox.org>
# Copyright (c) 2024 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
2025-01-20 18:47:33 +00:00
from __future__ import annotations
2025-01-18 15:43:09 +00:00
author : Nils Stein ( @mietzen ) < github . nstein @mailbox.org >
name : proxmox_pct_remote
short_description : Run tasks in Proxmox LXC container instances using pct CLI via SSH
requirements :
- paramiko
description :
- Run commands or put / fetch files to an existing Proxmox LXC container using pct CLI via SSH .
- Uses the Python SSH implementation ( Paramiko ) to connect to the Proxmox host .
version_added : " 10.3.0 "
options :
remote_addr :
description :
- Address of the remote target .
default : inventory_hostname
type : string
vars :
- name : inventory_hostname
- name : ansible_host
- name : ansible_ssh_host
- name : ansible_paramiko_host
port :
description : Remote port to connect to .
type : int
default : 22
ini :
- section : defaults
key : remote_port
- section : paramiko_connection
key : remote_port
env :
vars :
- name : ansible_port
- name : ansible_ssh_port
- name : ansible_paramiko_port
keyword :
- name : port
remote_user :
description :
- User to login / authenticate as .
- Can be set from the CLI via the C ( - - user ) or C ( - u ) options .
type : string
vars :
- name : ansible_user
- name : ansible_ssh_user
- name : ansible_paramiko_user
env :
ini :
- section : defaults
key : remote_user
- section : paramiko_connection
key : remote_user
keyword :
- name : remote_user
password :
description :
- Secret used to either login the SSH server or as a passphrase for SSH keys that require it .
- Can be set from the CLI via the C ( - - ask - pass ) option .
type : string
vars :
- name : ansible_password
- name : ansible_ssh_pass
- name : ansible_ssh_password
- name : ansible_paramiko_pass
- name : ansible_paramiko_password
use_rsa_sha2_algorithms :
description :
- Whether or not to enable RSA SHA2 algorithms for pubkeys and hostkeys .
- On paramiko versions older than 2.9 , this only affects hostkeys .
- For behavior matching paramiko < 2.9 set this to V ( false ) .
vars :
- name : ansible_paramiko_use_rsa_sha2_algorithms
ini :
- { key : use_rsa_sha2_algorithms , section : paramiko_connection }
env :
default : true
type : boolean
host_key_auto_add :
description : " Automatically add host keys to C(~/.ssh/known_hosts). "
env :
ini :
- key : host_key_auto_add
section : paramiko_connection
type : boolean
look_for_keys :
default : True
description : " Set to V(false) to disable searching for private key files in C(~/.ssh/). "
env :
ini :
- { key : look_for_keys , section : paramiko_connection }
type : boolean
proxy_command :
default : " "
description :
- Proxy information for running the connection via a jumphost .
type : string
env :
ini :
- { key : proxy_command , section : paramiko_connection }
vars :
- name : ansible_paramiko_proxy_command
pty :
default : True
description : " C(sudo) usually requires a PTY, V(true) to give a PTY and V(false) to not give a PTY. "
env :
ini :
- section : paramiko_connection
key : pty
type : boolean
record_host_keys :
default : True
description : " Save the host keys to a file. "
env :
ini :
- section : paramiko_connection
key : record_host_keys
type : boolean
host_key_checking :
description : " Set this to V(false) if you want to avoid host key checking by the underlying tools Ansible uses to connect to the host. "
type : boolean
default : true
env :
ini :
- section : defaults
key : host_key_checking
- section : paramiko_connection
key : host_key_checking
vars :
- name : ansible_host_key_checking
- name : ansible_ssh_host_key_checking
- name : ansible_paramiko_host_key_checking
use_persistent_connections :
description : " Toggles the use of persistence for connections. "
type : boolean
default : False
env :
ini :
- section : defaults
key : use_persistent_connections
banner_timeout :
type : float
default : 30
description :
- Configures , in seconds , the amount of time to wait for the SSH
banner to be presented . This option is supported by paramiko
version 1.15 .0 or newer .
ini :
- section : paramiko_connection
key : banner_timeout
env :
timeout :
type : int
default : 10
description : Number of seconds until the plugin gives up on failing to establish a TCP connection .
ini :
- section : defaults
key : timeout
- section : ssh_connection
key : timeout
- section : paramiko_connection
key : timeout
env :
vars :
- name : ansible_ssh_timeout
- name : ansible_paramiko_timeout
cli :
- name : timeout
lock_file_timeout :
type : int
default : 60
description : Number of seconds until the plugin gives up on trying to write a lock file when writing SSH known host keys .
vars :
- name : ansible_lock_file_timeout
env :
private_key_file :
description :
- Path to private key file to use for authentication .
type : string
ini :
- section : defaults
key : private_key_file
- section : paramiko_connection
key : private_key_file
env :
vars :
- name : ansible_private_key_file
- name : ansible_ssh_private_key_file
- name : ansible_paramiko_private_key_file
cli :
- name : private_key_file
option : " --private-key "
vmid :
description :
- LXC Container ID
type : int
vars :
- name : proxmox_vmid
proxmox_become_method :
description :
- Become command used in proxmox
type : str
default : sudo
vars :
- name : proxmox_become_method
notes :
- >
When NOT using this plugin as root , you need to have a become mechanism ,
e . g . C ( sudo ) , installed on Proxmox and setup so we can run it without prompting for the password .
Inside the container , we need a shell , for example C ( sh ) and the C ( cat ) command to be available in the C ( PATH ) for this plugin to work .
EXAMPLES = r """
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup sudo with password less access to pct for user 'ansible':
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Open a Proxmox root shell and execute:
# $ useradd -d /opt/ansible-pct -r -m -s /bin/sh ansible
# $ mkdir -p /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh
# $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C 'ansible' -N "" -f /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible <<< y > /dev/null
# $ cat /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible
# $ mv /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible.pub /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/authorized-keys
# $ rm /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible*
# $ chown -R ansible:ansible /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh
# $ chmod 700 /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh
# $ chmod 600 /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/authorized-keys
# $ echo 'ansible ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pct' > /etc/sudoers.d/ansible_pct
# Save the displayed private key and add it to your ssh-agent
# Or use ansible:
# ---
# - name: Setup ansible-pct user and configure environment on Proxmox host
# hosts: proxmox
# become: true
# gather_facts: false
# tasks:
# - name: Create ansible user
# ansible.builtin.user:
# name: ansible
# comment: Ansible User
# home: /opt/ansible-pct
# shell: /bin/sh
# create_home: true
# system: true
# - name: Create .ssh directory
# ansible.builtin.file:
# path: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh
# state: directory
# owner: ansible
# group: ansible
# mode: '0700'
# - name: Generate SSH key for ansible user
# community.crypto.openssh_keypair:
# path: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible
# type: ed25519
# comment: 'ansible'
# force: true
# mode: '0600'
# owner: ansible
# group: ansible
# - name: Set public key as authorized key
# ansible.builtin.copy:
# src: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible.pub
# dest: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/authorized-keys
# remote_src: yes
# owner: ansible
# group: ansible
# mode: '0600'
# - name: Add sudoers entry for ansible user
# ansible.builtin.copy:
# content: 'ansible ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pct'
# dest: /etc/sudoers.d/ansible_pct
# owner: root
# group: root
# mode: '0440'
# - name: Fetch private SSH key to localhost
# ansible.builtin.fetch:
# src: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible
# dest: ~/.ssh/proxmox_ansible_private_key
# flat: yes
# fail_on_missing: true
# - name: Clean up generated SSH keys
# ansible.builtin.file:
# path: /opt/ansible-pct/.ssh/ansible*
# state: absent
# - name: Configure private key permissions on localhost
# hosts: localhost
# tasks:
# - name: Set permissions for fetched private key
# ansible.builtin.file:
# path: ~/.ssh/proxmox_ansible_private_key
# mode: '0600'
# --------------------------------
# Static inventory file: hosts.yml
# --------------------------------
# all:
# children:
# lxc:
# hosts:
# container-1:
# ansible_host:
# proxmox_vmid: 100
# ansible_connection: community.general.proxmox_pct_remote
# ansible_user: ansible
# container-2:
# ansible_host:
# proxmox_vmid: 200
# ansible_connection: community.general.proxmox_pct_remote
# ansible_user: ansible
# proxmox:
# hosts:
# proxmox-1:
# ansible_host:
# ---------------------------------------------
# Dynamic inventory file: inventory.proxmox.yml
# ---------------------------------------------
# plugin: community.general.proxmox
# url:
# validate_certs: false
# user: ansible@pam
# token_id: ansible
# token_secret: !vault |
# ...
# want_facts: true
# exclude_nodes: true
# filters:
# - proxmox_vmtype == "lxc"
# want_proxmox_nodes_ansible_host: false
# compose:
# ansible_host: "''"
# ansible_connection: "'community.general.proxmox_pct_remote'"
# ansible_user: "'ansible'"
# ----------------------
# Playbook: playbook.yml
# ----------------------
- - -
- hosts : lxc
# On nodes with many containers you might want to deactivate the devices facts
# or set `gather_facts: false` if you don't need them.
# More info on gathering fact subsets:
# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/setup_module.html
# gather_facts: true
# gather_subset:
# - "!devices"
tasks :
- name : Ping LXC container
ansible . builtin . ping :
import os
import pathlib
import socket
import tempfile
import typing as t
from ansible . errors import (
AnsibleAuthenticationFailure ,
AnsibleConnectionFailure ,
AnsibleError ,
from ansible_collections . community . general . plugins . module_utils . _filelock import FileLock , LockTimeout
from ansible . module_utils . common . text . converters import to_bytes , to_native , to_text
from ansible . module_utils . compat . paramiko import PARAMIKO_IMPORT_ERR , paramiko
from ansible . module_utils . compat . version import LooseVersion
from ansible . plugins . connection import ConnectionBase
from ansible . utils . display import Display
from ansible . utils . path import makedirs_safe
from binascii import hexlify
display = Display ( )
def authenticity_msg ( hostname : str , ktype : str , fingerprint : str ) - > str :
msg = f """
paramiko : The authenticity of host ' {hostname} ' can ' t be established.
The { ktype } key fingerprint is { fingerprint } .
Are you sure you want to continue connecting ( yes / no ) ?
return msg
MissingHostKeyPolicy : type = object
if paramiko :
MissingHostKeyPolicy = paramiko . MissingHostKeyPolicy
class MyAddPolicy ( MissingHostKeyPolicy ) :
Based on AutoAddPolicy in paramiko so we can determine when keys are added
and also prompt for input .
Policy for automatically adding the hostname and new host key to the
local L { HostKeys } object , and saving it . This is used by L { SSHClient } .
def __init__ ( self , connection : Connection ) - > None :
self . connection = connection
self . _options = connection . _options
def missing_host_key ( self , client , hostname , key ) - > None :
if all ( ( self . connection . get_option ( ' host_key_checking ' ) , not self . connection . get_option ( ' host_key_auto_add ' ) ) ) :
fingerprint = hexlify ( key . get_fingerprint ( ) )
ktype = key . get_name ( )
if self . connection . get_option ( ' use_persistent_connections ' ) or self . connection . force_persistence :
# don't print the prompt string since the user cannot respond
# to the question anyway
raise AnsibleError ( authenticity_msg ( hostname , ktype , fingerprint ) [ 1 : 92 ] )
inp = to_text (
display . prompt_until ( authenticity_msg ( hostname , ktype , fingerprint ) , private = False ) ,
errors = ' surrogate_or_strict '
if inp . lower ( ) not in [ ' yes ' , ' y ' , ' ' ] :
raise AnsibleError ( ' host connection rejected by user ' )
key . _added_by_ansible_this_time = True
# existing implementation below:
client . _host_keys . add ( hostname , key . get_name ( ) , key )
# host keys are actually saved in close() function below
# in order to control ordering.
class Connection ( ConnectionBase ) :
""" SSH based connections (paramiko) to Proxmox pct """
transport = ' community.general.proxmox_pct_remote '
_log_channel : str | None = None
def __init__ ( self , play_context , new_stdin , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Connection , self ) . __init__ ( play_context , new_stdin , * args , * * kwargs )
def _set_log_channel ( self , name : str ) - > None :
""" Mimic paramiko.SSHClient.set_log_channel """
self . _log_channel = name
def _parse_proxy_command ( self , port : int = 22 ) - > dict [ str , t . Any ] :
proxy_command = self . get_option ( ' proxy_command ' ) or None
sock_kwarg = { }
if proxy_command :
replacers = {
' % h ' : self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) ,
' % p ' : port ,
' %r ' : self . get_option ( ' remote_user ' )
for find , replace in replacers . items ( ) :
proxy_command = proxy_command . replace ( find , str ( replace ) )
try :
sock_kwarg = { ' sock ' : paramiko . ProxyCommand ( proxy_command ) }
display . vvv ( f ' CONFIGURE PROXY COMMAND FOR CONNECTION: { proxy_command } ' , host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
except AttributeError :
display . warning ( ' Paramiko ProxyCommand support unavailable. '
' Please upgrade to Paramiko 1.9.0 or newer. '
' Not using configured ProxyCommand ' )
return sock_kwarg
def _connect ( self ) - > Connection :
""" activates the connection object """
if paramiko is None :
raise AnsibleError ( f ' paramiko is not installed: { to_native ( PARAMIKO_IMPORT_ERR ) } ' )
port = self . get_option ( ' port ' )
display . vvv ( f ' ESTABLISH PARAMIKO SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: { self . get_option ( " remote_user " ) } on PORT { to_text ( port ) } TO { self . get_option ( " remote_addr " ) } ' ,
host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
ssh = paramiko . SSHClient ( )
# Set pubkey and hostkey algorithms to disable, the only manipulation allowed currently
# is keeping or omitting rsa-sha2 algorithms
# default_keys: t.Tuple[str] = ()
paramiko_preferred_pubkeys = getattr ( paramiko . Transport , ' _preferred_pubkeys ' , ( ) )
paramiko_preferred_hostkeys = getattr ( paramiko . Transport , ' _preferred_keys ' , ( ) )
use_rsa_sha2_algorithms = self . get_option ( ' use_rsa_sha2_algorithms ' )
disabled_algorithms : t . Dict [ str , t . Iterable [ str ] ] = { }
if not use_rsa_sha2_algorithms :
if paramiko_preferred_pubkeys :
disabled_algorithms [ ' pubkeys ' ] = tuple ( a for a in paramiko_preferred_pubkeys if ' rsa-sha2 ' in a )
if paramiko_preferred_hostkeys :
disabled_algorithms [ ' keys ' ] = tuple ( a for a in paramiko_preferred_hostkeys if ' rsa-sha2 ' in a )
# override paramiko's default logger name
if self . _log_channel is not None :
ssh . set_log_channel ( self . _log_channel )
self . keyfile = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.ssh/known_hosts ' )
if self . get_option ( ' host_key_checking ' ) :
for ssh_known_hosts in ( ' /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts ' , ' /etc/openssh/ssh_known_hosts ' ) :
try :
ssh . load_system_host_keys ( ssh_known_hosts )
except IOError :
pass # file was not found, but not required to function
except paramiko . hostkeys . InvalidHostKey as e :
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( f ' Invalid host key: { to_text ( e . line ) } ' )
try :
ssh . load_system_host_keys ( )
except paramiko . hostkeys . InvalidHostKey as e :
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( f ' Invalid host key: { to_text ( e . line ) } ' )
ssh_connect_kwargs = self . _parse_proxy_command ( port )
ssh . set_missing_host_key_policy ( MyAddPolicy ( self ) )
conn_password = self . get_option ( ' password ' )
allow_agent = True
if conn_password is not None :
allow_agent = False
try :
key_filename = None
if self . get_option ( ' private_key_file ' ) :
key_filename = os . path . expanduser ( self . get_option ( ' private_key_file ' ) )
# paramiko 2.2 introduced auth_timeout parameter
if LooseVersion ( paramiko . __version__ ) > = LooseVersion ( ' 2.2.0 ' ) :
ssh_connect_kwargs [ ' auth_timeout ' ] = self . get_option ( ' timeout ' )
# paramiko 1.15 introduced banner timeout parameter
if LooseVersion ( paramiko . __version__ ) > = LooseVersion ( ' 1.15.0 ' ) :
ssh_connect_kwargs [ ' banner_timeout ' ] = self . get_option ( ' banner_timeout ' )
ssh . connect (
self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) . lower ( ) ,
username = self . get_option ( ' remote_user ' ) ,
allow_agent = allow_agent ,
look_for_keys = self . get_option ( ' look_for_keys ' ) ,
key_filename = key_filename ,
password = conn_password ,
timeout = self . get_option ( ' timeout ' ) ,
port = port ,
disabled_algorithms = disabled_algorithms ,
* * ssh_connect_kwargs ,
except paramiko . ssh_exception . BadHostKeyException as e :
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( f ' host key mismatch for { to_text ( e . hostname ) } ' )
except paramiko . ssh_exception . AuthenticationException as e :
msg = f ' Failed to authenticate: { e } '
raise AnsibleAuthenticationFailure ( msg )
except Exception as e :
msg = to_text ( e )
if u ' PID check failed ' in msg :
raise AnsibleError ( ' paramiko version issue, please upgrade paramiko on the machine running ansible ' )
elif u ' Private key file is encrypted ' in msg :
msg = f ' ssh { self . get_option ( " remote_user " ) } @ { self . get_options ( " remote_addr " ) } : { port } : ' + \
f ' { msg } \n To connect as a different user, use -u <username>. '
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( msg )
else :
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( msg )
self . ssh = ssh
self . _connected = True
return self
def _any_keys_added ( self ) - > bool :
for hostname , keys in self . ssh . _host_keys . items ( ) :
for keytype , key in keys . items ( ) :
added_this_time = getattr ( key , ' _added_by_ansible_this_time ' , False )
if added_this_time :
return True
return False
def _save_ssh_host_keys ( self , filename : str ) - > None :
not using the paramiko save_ssh_host_keys function as we want to add new SSH keys at the bottom so folks
don ' t complain about it :)
if not self . _any_keys_added ( ) :
path = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.ssh ' )
makedirs_safe ( path )
with open ( filename , ' w ' ) as f :
for hostname , keys in self . ssh . _host_keys . items ( ) :
for keytype , key in keys . items ( ) :
# was f.write
added_this_time = getattr ( key , ' _added_by_ansible_this_time ' , False )
if not added_this_time :
f . write ( f ' { hostname } { keytype } { key . get_base64 ( ) } \n ' )
for hostname , keys in self . ssh . _host_keys . items ( ) :
for keytype , key in keys . items ( ) :
added_this_time = getattr ( key , ' _added_by_ansible_this_time ' , False )
if added_this_time :
f . write ( f ' { hostname } { keytype } { key . get_base64 ( ) } \n ' )
def _build_pct_command ( self , cmd : str ) - > str :
cmd = [ ' /usr/sbin/pct ' , ' exec ' , str ( self . get_option ( ' vmid ' ) ) , ' -- ' , cmd ]
if self . get_option ( ' remote_user ' ) != ' root ' :
cmd = [ self . get_option ( ' proxmox_become_method ' ) ] + cmd
display . vvv ( f ' INFO Running as non root user: { self . get_option ( " remote_user " ) } , trying to run pct with become method: ' +
f ' { self . get_option ( " proxmox_become_method " ) } ' ,
host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
return ' ' . join ( cmd )
def exec_command ( self , cmd : str , in_data : bytes | None = None , sudoable : bool = True ) - > tuple [ int , bytes , bytes ] :
""" run a command on inside the LXC container """
cmd = self . _build_pct_command ( cmd )
super ( Connection , self ) . exec_command ( cmd , in_data = in_data , sudoable = sudoable )
bufsize = 4096
try :
self . ssh . get_transport ( ) . set_keepalive ( 5 )
chan = self . ssh . get_transport ( ) . open_session ( )
except Exception as e :
text_e = to_text ( e )
msg = ' Failed to open session '
if text_e :
msg + = f ' : { text_e } '
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( to_native ( msg ) )
# sudo usually requires a PTY (cf. requiretty option), therefore
# we give it one by default (pty=True in ansible.cfg), and we try
# to initialise from the calling environment when sudoable is enabled
if self . get_option ( ' pty ' ) and sudoable :
chan . get_pty ( term = os . getenv ( ' TERM ' , ' vt100 ' ) , width = int ( os . getenv ( ' COLUMNS ' , 0 ) ) , height = int ( os . getenv ( ' LINES ' , 0 ) ) )
display . vvv ( f ' EXEC { cmd } ' , host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
cmd = to_bytes ( cmd , errors = ' surrogate_or_strict ' )
no_prompt_out = b ' '
no_prompt_err = b ' '
become_output = b ' '
try :
chan . exec_command ( cmd )
if self . become and self . become . expect_prompt ( ) :
password_prompt = False
become_success = False
while not ( become_success or password_prompt ) :
display . debug ( ' Waiting for Privilege Escalation input ' )
chunk = chan . recv ( bufsize )
display . debug ( f ' chunk is: { to_text ( chunk ) } ' )
if not chunk :
if b ' unknown user ' in become_output :
n_become_user = to_native ( self . become . get_option ( ' become_user ' ) )
raise AnsibleError ( f ' user { n_become_user } does not exist ' )
else :
# raise AnsibleError('ssh connection closed waiting for password prompt')
become_output + = chunk
# need to check every line because we might get lectured
# and we might get the middle of a line in a chunk
for line in become_output . splitlines ( True ) :
if self . become . check_success ( line ) :
become_success = True
elif self . become . check_password_prompt ( line ) :
password_prompt = True
if password_prompt :
if self . become :
become_pass = self . become . get_option ( ' become_pass ' )
chan . sendall ( to_bytes ( become_pass , errors = ' surrogate_or_strict ' ) + b ' \n ' )
else :
raise AnsibleError ( ' A password is required but none was supplied ' )
else :
no_prompt_out + = become_output
no_prompt_err + = become_output
if in_data :
for i in range ( 0 , len ( in_data ) , bufsize ) :
chan . send ( in_data [ i : i + bufsize ] )
chan . shutdown_write ( )
elif in_data == b ' ' :
chan . shutdown_write ( )
except socket . timeout :
raise AnsibleError ( ' ssh timed out waiting for privilege escalation. \n ' + to_text ( become_output ) )
stdout = b ' ' . join ( chan . makefile ( ' rb ' , bufsize ) )
stderr = b ' ' . join ( chan . makefile_stderr ( ' rb ' , bufsize ) )
returncode = chan . recv_exit_status ( )
if ' pct: not found ' in stderr . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' pct not found in path of host: { to_text ( self . get_option ( " remote_addr " ) ) } ' )
return ( returncode , no_prompt_out + stdout , no_prompt_out + stderr )
def put_file ( self , in_path : str , out_path : str ) - > None :
""" transfer a file from local to remote """
display . vvv ( f ' PUT { in_path } TO { out_path } ' , host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
try :
with open ( in_path , ' rb ' ) as f :
data = f . read ( )
returncode , stdout , stderr = self . exec_command (
' ' . join ( [
self . _shell . executable , ' -c ' ,
self . _shell . quote ( f ' cat > { out_path } ' ) ] ) ,
in_data = data ,
sudoable = False )
if returncode != 0 :
if ' cat: not found ' in stderr . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' cat not found in path of container: { to_text ( self . get_option ( " vmid " ) ) } ' )
raise AnsibleError (
f ' { to_text ( stdout ) } \n { to_text ( stderr ) } ' )
except Exception as e :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' error occurred while putting file from { in_path } to { out_path } ! \n { to_text ( e ) } ' )
def fetch_file ( self , in_path : str , out_path : str ) - > None :
""" save a remote file to the specified path """
display . vvv ( f ' FETCH { in_path } TO { out_path } ' , host = self . get_option ( ' remote_addr ' ) )
try :
returncode , stdout , stderr = self . exec_command (
' ' . join ( [
self . _shell . executable , ' -c ' ,
self . _shell . quote ( f ' cat { in_path } ' ) ] ) ,
sudoable = False )
if returncode != 0 :
if ' cat: not found ' in stderr . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' cat not found in path of container: { to_text ( self . get_option ( " vmid " ) ) } ' )
raise AnsibleError (
f ' { to_text ( stdout ) } \n { to_text ( stderr ) } ' )
with open ( out_path , ' wb ' ) as f :
f . write ( stdout )
except Exception as e :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' error occurred while fetching file from { in_path } to { out_path } ! \n { to_text ( e ) } ' )
def reset ( self ) - > None :
""" reset the connection """
if not self . _connected :
self . close ( )
self . _connect ( )
def close ( self ) - > None :
""" terminate the connection """
if self . get_option ( ' host_key_checking ' ) and self . get_option ( ' record_host_keys ' ) and self . _any_keys_added ( ) :
# add any new SSH host keys -- warning -- this could be slow
# (This doesn't acquire the connection lock because it needs
# to exclude only other known_hosts writers, not connections
# that are starting up.)
lockfile = os . path . basename ( self . keyfile )
dirname = os . path . dirname ( self . keyfile )
makedirs_safe ( dirname )
tmp_keyfile_name = None
try :
with FileLock ( ) . lock_file ( lockfile , dirname , self . get_option ( ' lock_file_timeout ' ) ) :
# just in case any were added recently
self . ssh . load_system_host_keys ( )
self . ssh . _host_keys . update ( self . ssh . _system_host_keys )
# gather information about the current key file, so
# we can ensure the new file has the correct mode/owner
key_dir = os . path . dirname ( self . keyfile )
if os . path . exists ( self . keyfile ) :
key_stat = os . stat ( self . keyfile )
mode = key_stat . st_mode & 0o777
uid = key_stat . st_uid
gid = key_stat . st_gid
else :
mode = 0o644
uid = os . getuid ( )
gid = os . getgid ( )
# Save the new keys to a temporary file and move it into place
# rather than rewriting the file. We set delete=False because
# the file will be moved into place rather than cleaned up.
with tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( dir = key_dir , delete = False ) as tmp_keyfile :
tmp_keyfile_name = tmp_keyfile . name
os . chmod ( tmp_keyfile_name , mode )
os . chown ( tmp_keyfile_name , uid , gid )
self . _save_ssh_host_keys ( tmp_keyfile_name )
os . rename ( tmp_keyfile_name , self . keyfile )
except LockTimeout :
raise AnsibleError (
f ' writing lock file for { self . keyfile } ran in to the timeout of { self . get_option ( " lock_file_timeout " ) } s ' )
except paramiko . hostkeys . InvalidHostKey as e :
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure ( f ' Invalid host key: { e . line } ' )
except Exception as e :
# unable to save keys, including scenario when key was invalid
# and caught earlier
raise AnsibleError (
f ' error occurred while writing SSH host keys! \n { to_text ( e ) } ' )
finally :
if tmp_keyfile_name is not None :
pathlib . Path ( tmp_keyfile_name ) . unlink ( missing_ok = True )
self . ssh . close ( )
self . _connected = False