2017-08-29 21:23:13 +00:00
2018-07-17 21:29:05 +00:00
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Liran Nisanov <lirannis@gmail.com>
2017-08-29 21:23:13 +00:00
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
2018-07-17 21:29:05 +00:00
# Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
2017-08-29 21:23:13 +00:00
Function Remove-Pagefile($path , $whatif )
Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFileSetting | WHERE { $_ . Name -eq $path } | Remove-WmiObject -WhatIf: $whatif
Function Get-Pagefile($path )
Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFileSetting | WHERE { $_ . Name -eq $path }
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name '_ansible_check_mode' -type 'bool' -default $false
$automatic = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " automatic " -type " bool "
$drive = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " drive " -type " str "
$fullPath = $drive + " :\pagefile.sys "
$initialSize = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " initial_size " -type " int "
$maximumSize = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " maximum_size " -type " int "
$override = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " override " -type " bool " -default $true
$removeAll = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " remove_all " -type " bool " -default $false
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " state " -type " str " -default " query " -validateset " present " , " absent " , " query "
$systemManaged = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " system_managed " -type " bool " -default $false
$testPath = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " test_path " -type " bool " -default $true
$result = @ {
changed = $false
if ( $removeAll ) {
$currentPageFiles = Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFileSetting
if ( $currentPageFiles -ne $null ) {
$currentPageFiles | Remove-WmiObject -WhatIf: $check_mode | Out-Null
$result . changed = $true
if ( $automatic -ne $null ) {
# change autmoatic managed pagefile
try {
$computerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem -EnableAllPrivileges
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to query WMI computer system object $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
if ( $computerSystem . AutomaticManagedPagefile -ne $automatic ) {
$computerSystem . AutomaticManagedPagefile = $automatic
if ( -not $check_mode ) {
try {
$computerSystem . Put ( ) | Out-Null
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to set AutomaticManagedPagefile $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
$result . changed = $true
if ( $state -eq " absent " ) {
# Remove pagefile
if ( ( Get-Pagefile $fullPath ) -ne $null )
try {
Remove-Pagefile $fullPath -whatif: $check_mode
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to remove pagefile $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
$result . changed = $true
} elseif ( $state -eq " present " ) {
# Remove current pagefile
if ( $override ) {
if ( ( Get-Pagefile $fullPath ) -ne $null )
try {
Remove-Pagefile $fullPath -whatif: $check_mode
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to remove current pagefile $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
$result . changed = $true
# Make sure drive is accessible
if ( ( $test_path ) -and ( -not ( Test-Path " ${drive} : " ) ) ) {
Fail-Json $result " Unable to access ' ${drive} :' drive "
# Set pagefile
if ( ( Get-Pagefile $fullPath ) -eq $null ) {
try {
$pagefile = Set-WmiInstance -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Arguments @ { name = $fullPath ; InitialSize = 0 ; MaximumSize = 0 } -WhatIf: $check_mode
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to create pagefile $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
if ( -not ( $systemManaged -or $check_mode ) ) {
$pagefile . InitialSize = $initialSize
$pagefile . MaximumSize = $maximumSize
try {
$pagefile . Put ( ) | out-null
} catch {
$originalExceptionMessage = $ ( $_ . Exception . Message )
# Try workaround before failing
try {
Remove-Pagefile $fullPath -whatif: $check_mode
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to remove pagefile before workaround $( $_ . Exception . Message ) Original exception: $originalExceptionMessage "
try {
$pagingFilesValues = ( Get-ItemProperty " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management " ) . PagingFiles
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to get pagefile settings from the registry for workaround $( $_ . Exception . Message ) Original exception: $originalExceptionMessage "
$pagingFilesValues + = " $fullPath $initialSize $maximumSize "
try {
Set-ItemProperty " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management " " PagingFiles " $pagingFilesValues
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to set pagefile settings to the registry for workaround $( $_ . Exception . Message ) Original exception: $originalExceptionMessage "
$result . changed = $true
} elseif ( $state -eq " query " ) {
$result . pagefiles = @ ( )
if ( $drive -eq $null ) {
try {
$pagefiles = Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFileSetting
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to query all pagefiles $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
} else {
try {
$pagefiles = Get-Pagefile $fullPath
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to query specific pagefile $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
# Get all pagefiles
foreach ( $currentPagefile in $pagefiles ) {
$currentPagefileObject = @ {
name = $currentPagefile . Name
initial_size = $currentPagefile . InitialSize
maximum_size = $currentPagefile . MaximumSize
caption = $currentPagefile . Caption
description = $currentPagefile . Description
$result . pagefiles + = $currentPagefileObject
# Get automatic managed pagefile state
try {
$result . automatic_managed_pagefiles = ( Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem ) . AutomaticManagedPagefile
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " Failed to query automatic managed pagefile state $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
Exit-Json $result