357 lines
16 KiB
357 lines
16 KiB
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Kevin Subileau (@ksubileau)
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.SID
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# List of authentication methods as string. Used for parameter validation and conversion to integer flag, so order is important!
$auth_methods_set = @("none", "password", "smartcard", "both")
# List of session timeout actions as string. Used for parameter validation and conversion to integer flag, so order is important!
$session_timeout_actions_set = @("disconnect", "reauth")
$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$diff_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_diff" -type "bool" -default $false
$name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "str" -failifempty $true
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","present","enabled","disabled"
$auth_method = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "auth_method" -type "str" -validateset $auth_methods_set
$order = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "order" -type "int"
$session_timeout = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "session_timeout" -type "int"
$session_timeout_action = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "session_timeout_action" -type "str" -default "disconnect" -validateset $session_timeout_actions_set
$idle_timeout = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "idle_timeout" -type "int"
$allow_only_sdrts_servers = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "allow_only_sdrts_servers" -type "bool"
$user_groups = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "user_groups" -type "list"
$computer_groups = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "computer_groups" -type "list"
# Device redirections
$redirect_clipboard = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "redirect_clipboard" -type "bool"
$redirect_drives = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "redirect_drives" -type "bool"
$redirect_printers = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "redirect_printers" -type "bool"
$redirect_serial = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "redirect_serial" -type "bool"
$redirect_pnp = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "redirect_pnp" -type "bool"
function Get-CAP([string] $name) {
$cap_path = "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP\$name"
$cap = @{
Name = $name
# Fetch CAP properties
Get-ChildItem -Path $cap_path | ForEach-Object { $cap.Add($_.Name,$_.CurrentValue) }
# Convert boolean values
$cap.Enabled = $cap.Status -eq 1
$cap.AllowOnlySDRTSServers = $cap.AllowOnlySDRTSServers -eq 1
# Convert multiple choices values
$cap.AuthMethod = $auth_methods_set[$cap.AuthMethod]
$cap.SessionTimeoutAction = $session_timeout_actions_set[$cap.SessionTimeoutAction]
# Fetch CAP device redirection settings
$cap.DeviceRedirection = @{}
Get-ChildItem -Path "$cap_path\DeviceRedirection" | ForEach-Object { $cap.DeviceRedirection.Add($_.Name, ($_.CurrentValue -eq 1)) }
# Fetch CAP user and computer groups in Down-Level Logon format
$cap.UserGroups = @(
Get-ChildItem -Path "$cap_path\UserGroups" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
ForEach-Object { Convert-FromSID -sid (Convert-ToSID -account_name $_) }
$cap.ComputerGroups = @(
Get-ChildItem -Path "$cap_path\ComputerGroups" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
ForEach-Object { Convert-FromSID -sid (Convert-ToSID -account_name $_) }
return $cap
function Set-CAPPropertyValue {
param (
[string] $name,
[string] $property,
$resultobj = @{}
$cap_path = "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP\$name"
try {
Set-Item -Path "$cap_path\$property" -Value $value -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $resultobj -message "Failed to set property $property of CAP ${name}: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$result = @{
changed = $false
$diff_text = $null
# Validate CAP name
if ($name -match "[*/\\;:?`"<>|\t]+") {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Invalid character in CAP name."
# Validate user groups
if ($null -ne $user_groups) {
if ($user_groups.Count -lt 1) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Parameter 'user_groups' cannot be an empty list."
$user_groups = $user_groups | ForEach-Object {
$group = $_
# Test that the group is resolvable on the local machine
$sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $group
if (!$sid) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "$group is not a valid user group on the host machine or domain"
# Return the normalized group name in Down-Level Logon format
Convert-FromSID -sid $sid
$user_groups = @($user_groups)
# Validate computer groups
if ($null -ne $computer_groups) {
$computer_groups = $computer_groups | ForEach-Object {
$group = $_
# Test that the group is resolvable on the local machine
$sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $group
if (!$sid) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "$group is not a valid computer group on the host machine or domain"
# Return the normalized group name in Down-Level Logon format
Convert-FromSID -sid $sid
$computer_groups = @($computer_groups)
# Validate order parameter
if ($null -ne $order -and $order -lt 1) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Parameter 'order' must be a strictly positive integer."
# Ensure RemoteDesktopServices module is loaded
if ((Get-Module -Name RemoteDesktopServices -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Import-Module -Name RemoteDesktopServices
# Check if a CAP with the given name already exists
$cap_exist = Test-Path -Path "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP\$name"
if ($state -eq 'absent') {
if ($cap_exist) {
Remove-Item -Path "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP\$name" -Recurse -WhatIf:$check_mode
$diff_text += "-[$name]"
$result.changed = $true
} else {
$diff_text_added_prefix = ''
if (-not $cap_exist) {
if ($null -eq $user_groups) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "User groups must be defined to create a new CAP."
# Auth method is required when creating a new CAP. Set it to password by default.
if ($null -eq $auth_method) {
$auth_method = "password"
# Create a new CAP
if (-not $check_mode) {
$CapArgs = @{
Name = $name
UserGroupNames = $user_groups -join ';'
$return = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace Root\CIMV2\TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayConnectionAuthorizationPolicy -MethodName Create -Arguments $CapArgs
if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to create CAP $name (code: $($return.ReturnValue))"
$cap_exist = -not $check_mode
$diff_text_added_prefix = '+'
$result.changed = $true
$diff_text += "$diff_text_added_prefix[$name]`n"
# We cannot configure a CAP that was created above in check mode as it won't actually exist
if($cap_exist) {
$cap = Get-CAP -Name $name
$wmi_cap = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayConnectionAuthorizationPolicy -Namespace Root\CIMv2\TerminalServices -Filter "name='$($name)'"
if ($state -in @('disabled', 'enabled')) {
$cap_enabled = $state -ne 'disabled'
if ($cap.Enabled -ne $cap_enabled) {
$diff_text += "-State = $(@('disabled', 'enabled')[[int]$cap.Enabled])`n+State = $state`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property Status -Value ([int]$cap_enabled) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $auth_method -and $auth_method -ne $cap.AuthMethod) {
$diff_text += "-AuthMethod = $($cap.AuthMethod)`n+AuthMethod = $auth_method`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property AuthMethod -Value ([array]::IndexOf($auth_methods_set, $auth_method)) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $order -and $order -ne $cap.EvaluationOrder) {
# Order cannot be greater than the total number of existing CAPs (InvalidArgument exception)
$cap_count = (Get-ChildItem -Path "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP").Count
if($order -gt $cap_count) {
Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Given value '$order' for parameter 'order' is greater than the number of existing CAPs. The actual order will be capped to '$cap_count'."
$order = $cap_count
$diff_text += "-Order = $($cap.EvaluationOrder)`n+Order = $order`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property EvaluationOrder -Value $order -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $session_timeout -and ($session_timeout -ne $cap.SessionTimeout -or $session_timeout_action -ne $cap.SessionTimeoutAction)) {
try {
Set-Item -Path "RDS:\GatewayServer\CAP\$name\SessionTimeout" `
-Value $session_timeout `
-SessionTimeoutAction ([array]::IndexOf($session_timeout_actions_set, $session_timeout_action)) `
-ErrorAction Stop `
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to set property ComputerGroupType of RAP ${name}: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$diff_text += "-SessionTimeoutAction = $($cap.SessionTimeoutAction)`n+SessionTimeoutAction = $session_timeout_action`n"
$diff_text += "-SessionTimeout = $($cap.SessionTimeout)`n+SessionTimeout = $session_timeout`n"
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $idle_timeout -and $idle_timeout -ne $cap.IdleTimeout) {
$diff_text += "-IdleTimeout = $($cap.IdleTimeout)`n+IdleTimeout = $idle_timeout`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property IdleTimeout -Value $idle_timeout -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $allow_only_sdrts_servers -and $allow_only_sdrts_servers -ne $cap.AllowOnlySDRTSServers) {
$diff_text += "-AllowOnlySDRTSServers = $($cap.AllowOnlySDRTSServers)`n+AllowOnlySDRTSServers = $allow_only_sdrts_servers`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property AllowOnlySDRTSServers -Value ([int]$allow_only_sdrts_servers) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $redirect_clipboard -and $redirect_clipboard -ne $cap.DeviceRedirection.Clipboard) {
$diff_text += "-RedirectClipboard = $($cap.DeviceRedirection.Clipboard)`n+RedirectClipboard = $redirect_clipboard`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property "DeviceRedirection\Clipboard" -Value ([int]$redirect_clipboard) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $redirect_drives -and $redirect_drives -ne $cap.DeviceRedirection.DiskDrives) {
$diff_text += "-RedirectDrives = $($cap.DeviceRedirection.DiskDrives)`n+RedirectDrives = $redirect_drives`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property "DeviceRedirection\DiskDrives" -Value ([int]$redirect_drives) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $redirect_printers -and $redirect_printers -ne $cap.DeviceRedirection.Printers) {
$diff_text += "-RedirectPrinters = $($cap.DeviceRedirection.Printers)`n+RedirectPrinters = $redirect_printers`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property "DeviceRedirection\Printers" -Value ([int]$redirect_printers) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $redirect_serial -and $redirect_serial -ne $cap.DeviceRedirection.SerialPorts) {
$diff_text += "-RedirectSerial = $($cap.DeviceRedirection.SerialPorts)`n+RedirectSerial = $redirect_serial`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property "DeviceRedirection\SerialPorts" -Value ([int]$redirect_serial) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $redirect_pnp -and $redirect_pnp -ne $cap.DeviceRedirection.PlugAndPlayDevices) {
$diff_text += "-RedirectPnP = $($cap.DeviceRedirection.PlugAndPlayDevices)`n+RedirectPnP = $redirect_pnp`n"
Set-CAPPropertyValue -Name $name -Property "DeviceRedirection\PlugAndPlayDevices" -Value ([int]$redirect_pnp) -ResultObj $result -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
if ($null -ne $user_groups) {
$groups_to_remove = @($cap.UserGroups | Where-Object { $user_groups -notcontains $_ })
$groups_to_add = @($user_groups | Where-Object { $cap.UserGroups -notcontains $_ })
$user_groups_diff = $null
foreach($group in $groups_to_add) {
if (-not $check_mode) {
$return = $wmi_cap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName AddUserGroupNames -Arguments @{ UserGroupNames = $group }
if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to add user group $($group) (code: $($return.ReturnValue))"
$user_groups_diff += " +$group`n"
$result.changed = $true
foreach($group in $groups_to_remove) {
if (-not $check_mode) {
$return = $wmi_cap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName RemoveUserGroupNames -Arguments @{ UserGroupNames = $group }
if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to remove user group $($group) (code: $($return.ReturnValue))"
$user_groups_diff += " -$group`n"
$result.changed = $true
if($user_groups_diff) {
$diff_text += "~UserGroups`n$user_groups_diff"
if ($null -ne $computer_groups) {
$groups_to_remove = @($cap.ComputerGroups | Where-Object { $computer_groups -notcontains $_ })
$groups_to_add = @($computer_groups | Where-Object { $cap.ComputerGroups -notcontains $_ })
$computer_groups_diff = $null
foreach($group in $groups_to_add) {
if (-not $check_mode) {
$return = $wmi_cap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName AddComputerGroupNames -Arguments @{ ComputerGroupNames = $group }
if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to add computer group $($group) (code: $($return.ReturnValue))"
$computer_groups_diff += " +$group`n"
$result.changed = $true
foreach($group in $groups_to_remove) {
if (-not $check_mode) {
$return = $wmi_cap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName RemoveComputerGroupNames -Arguments @{ ComputerGroupNames = $group }
if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to remove computer group $($group) (code: $($return.ReturnValue))"
$computer_groups_diff += " -$group`n"
$result.changed = $true
if($computer_groups_diff) {
$diff_text += "~ComputerGroups`n$computer_groups_diff"
if ($diff_mode -and $result.changed -eq $true) {
$result.diff = @{
prepared = $diff_text
Exit-Json $result