2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Management.Automation ;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Security.AccessControl ;
using System.Security.Principal ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
# else
using System.Web.Script.Serialization ;
# endif
// System.Diagnostics.EventLog.dll reference different versioned dlls that are
// loaded in PSCore, ignore CS1702 so the code will ignore this warning
//NoWarn -Name CS1702 -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name Newtonsoft.Json.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.Diagnostics.EventLog.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.Security.AccessControl.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.Web.Extensions.dll -CLR Framework
namespace Ansible.Basic
public class AnsibleModule
public delegate void ExitHandler ( int rc ) ;
public static ExitHandler Exit = new ExitHandler ( ExitModule ) ;
public delegate void WriteLineHandler ( string line ) ;
public static WriteLineHandler WriteLine = new WriteLineHandler ( WriteLineModule ) ;
private static List < string > BOOLEANS_TRUE = new List < string > ( ) { "y" , "yes" , "on" , "1" , "true" , "t" , "1.0" } ;
private static List < string > BOOLEANS_FALSE = new List < string > ( ) { "n" , "no" , "off" , "0" , "false" , "f" , "0.0" } ;
private string remoteTmp = Path . GetTempPath ( ) ;
private string tmpdir = null ;
private HashSet < string > noLogValues = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
private List < string > optionsContext = new List < string > ( ) ;
private List < string > warnings = new List < string > ( ) ;
private List < Dictionary < string , string > > deprecations = new List < Dictionary < string , string > > ( ) ;
private List < string > cleanupFiles = new List < string > ( ) ;
private Dictionary < string , string > passVars = new Dictionary < string , string > ( )
// null values means no mapping, not used in Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule
{ "check_mode" , "CheckMode" } ,
{ "debug" , "DebugMode" } ,
{ "diff" , "DiffMode" } ,
{ "keep_remote_files" , "KeepRemoteFiles" } ,
{ "module_name" , "ModuleName" } ,
{ "no_log" , "NoLog" } ,
{ "remote_tmp" , "remoteTmp" } ,
{ "selinux_special_fs" , null } ,
{ "shell_executable" , null } ,
{ "socket" , null } ,
2019-02-22 21:44:32 +00:00
{ "string_conversion_action" , null } ,
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
{ "syslog_facility" , null } ,
{ "tmpdir" , "tmpdir" } ,
{ "verbosity" , "Verbosity" } ,
{ "version" , "AnsibleVersion" } ,
} ;
private List < string > passBools = new List < string > ( ) { "check_mode" , "debug" , "diff" , "keep_remote_files" , "no_log" } ;
private List < string > passInts = new List < string > ( ) { "verbosity" } ;
private Dictionary < string , List < object > > specDefaults = new Dictionary < string , List < object > > ( )
// key - (default, type) - null is freeform
{ "apply_defaults" , new List < object > ( ) { false , typeof ( bool ) } } ,
{ "aliases" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < string > ) , typeof ( List < string > ) } } ,
{ "choices" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < object > ) , typeof ( List < object > ) } } ,
{ "default" , new List < object > ( ) { null , null } } ,
{ "elements" , new List < object > ( ) { null , null } } ,
{ "mutually_exclusive" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < List < string > > ) , null } } ,
{ "no_log" , new List < object > ( ) { false , typeof ( bool ) } } ,
{ "options" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( Hashtable ) , typeof ( Hashtable ) } } ,
{ "removed_in_version" , new List < object > ( ) { null , typeof ( string ) } } ,
{ "required" , new List < object > ( ) { false , typeof ( bool ) } } ,
2019-02-15 03:00:25 +00:00
{ "required_by" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( Hashtable ) , typeof ( Hashtable ) } } ,
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
{ "required_if" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < List < object > > ) , null } } ,
{ "required_one_of" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < List < string > > ) , null } } ,
{ "required_together" , new List < object > ( ) { typeof ( List < List < string > > ) , null } } ,
{ "supports_check_mode" , new List < object > ( ) { false , typeof ( bool ) } } ,
{ "type" , new List < object > ( ) { "str" , null } } ,
} ;
private Dictionary < string , Delegate > optionTypes = new Dictionary < string , Delegate > ( )
{ "bool" , new Func < object , bool > ( ParseBool ) } ,
{ "dict" , new Func < object , Dictionary < string , object > > ( ParseDict ) } ,
{ "float" , new Func < object , float > ( ParseFloat ) } ,
{ "int" , new Func < object , int > ( ParseInt ) } ,
{ "json" , new Func < object , string > ( ParseJson ) } ,
{ "list" , new Func < object , List < object > > ( ParseList ) } ,
{ "path" , new Func < object , string > ( ParsePath ) } ,
{ "raw" , new Func < object , object > ( ParseRaw ) } ,
{ "sid" , new Func < object , SecurityIdentifier > ( ParseSid ) } ,
{ "str" , new Func < object , string > ( ParseStr ) } ,
} ;
public Dictionary < string , object > Diff = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ;
public IDictionary Params = null ;
public Dictionary < string , object > Result = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) { { "changed" , false } } ;
public bool CheckMode { get ; private set ; }
public bool DebugMode { get ; private set ; }
public bool DiffMode { get ; private set ; }
public bool KeepRemoteFiles { get ; private set ; }
public string ModuleName { get ; private set ; }
public bool NoLog { get ; private set ; }
public int Verbosity { get ; private set ; }
public string AnsibleVersion { get ; private set ; }
public string Tmpdir
if ( tmpdir = = null )
SecurityIdentifier user = WindowsIdentity . GetCurrent ( ) . User ;
DirectorySecurity dirSecurity = new DirectorySecurity ( ) ;
dirSecurity . SetOwner ( user ) ;
dirSecurity . SetAccessRuleProtection ( true , false ) ; // disable inheritance rules
FileSystemAccessRule ace = new FileSystemAccessRule ( user , FileSystemRights . FullControl ,
InheritanceFlags . ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags . ObjectInherit ,
PropagationFlags . None , AccessControlType . Allow ) ;
dirSecurity . AddAccessRule ( ace ) ;
string baseDir = Path . GetFullPath ( Environment . ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( remoteTmp ) ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( baseDir ) )
string failedMsg = null ;
DirectoryInfo createdDir = Directory . CreateDirectory ( baseDir ) ;
FileSystemAclExtensions . SetAccessControl ( createdDir , dirSecurity ) ;
# else
Directory . CreateDirectory ( baseDir , dirSecurity ) ;
# endif
catch ( Exception e )
failedMsg = String . Format ( "Failed to create base tmpdir '{0}': {1}" , baseDir , e . Message ) ;
if ( failedMsg ! = null )
string envTmp = Path . GetTempPath ( ) ;
Warn ( String . Format ( "Unable to use '{0}' as temporary directory, falling back to system tmp '{1}': {2}" , baseDir , envTmp , failedMsg ) ) ;
baseDir = envTmp ;
NTAccount currentUser = ( NTAccount ) user . Translate ( typeof ( NTAccount ) ) ;
string warnMsg = String . Format ( "Module remote_tmp {0} did not exist and was created with FullControl to {1}, " , baseDir , currentUser . ToString ( ) ) ;
warnMsg + = "this may cause issues when running as another user. To avoid this, create the remote_tmp dir with the correct permissions manually" ;
Warn ( warnMsg ) ;
string dateTime = DateTime . Now . ToFileTime ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
string dirName = String . Format ( "ansible-moduletmp-{0}-{1}" , dateTime , new Random ( ) . Next ( 0 , int . MaxValue ) ) ;
string newTmpdir = Path . Combine ( baseDir , dirName ) ;
DirectoryInfo tmpdirInfo = Directory . CreateDirectory ( newTmpdir ) ;
FileSystemAclExtensions . SetAccessControl ( tmpdirInfo , dirSecurity ) ;
# else
Directory . CreateDirectory ( newTmpdir , dirSecurity ) ;
# endif
tmpdir = newTmpdir ;
if ( ! KeepRemoteFiles )
cleanupFiles . Add ( tmpdir ) ;
return tmpdir ;
public AnsibleModule ( string [ ] args , IDictionary argumentSpec )
// NoLog is not set yet, we cannot rely on FailJson to sanitize the output
// Do the minimum amount to get this running before we actually parse the params
Dictionary < string , string > aliases = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
ValidateArgumentSpec ( argumentSpec ) ;
Params = GetParams ( args ) ;
aliases = GetAliases ( argumentSpec , Params ) ;
SetNoLogValues ( argumentSpec , Params ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Dictionary < string , object > result = new Dictionary < string , object >
{ "failed" , true } ,
{ "msg" , String . Format ( "internal error: {0}" , e . Message ) } ,
{ "exception" , e . ToString ( ) }
} ;
WriteLine ( ToJson ( result ) ) ;
Exit ( 1 ) ;
// Initialise public properties to the defaults before we parse the actual inputs
CheckMode = false ;
DebugMode = false ;
DiffMode = false ;
KeepRemoteFiles = false ;
ModuleName = "undefined win module" ;
NoLog = ( bool ) argumentSpec [ "no_log" ] ;
Verbosity = 0 ;
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . ProcessExit + = CleanupFiles ;
List < string > legalInputs = passVars . Keys . Select ( v = > "_ansible_" + v ) . ToList ( ) ;
legalInputs . AddRange ( ( ( IDictionary ) argumentSpec [ "options" ] ) . Keys . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ) ;
legalInputs . AddRange ( aliases . Keys . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ) ;
CheckArguments ( argumentSpec , Params , legalInputs ) ;
// Set a Ansible friendly invocation value in the result object
Dictionary < string , object > invocation = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) { { "module_args" , Params } } ;
Result [ "invocation" ] = RemoveNoLogValues ( invocation , noLogValues ) ;
if ( ! NoLog )
LogEvent ( String . Format ( "Invoked with:\r\n {0}" , FormatLogData ( Params , 2 ) ) , sanitise : false ) ;
public static AnsibleModule Create ( string [ ] args , IDictionary argumentSpec )
return new AnsibleModule ( args , argumentSpec ) ;
public void Debug ( string message )
if ( DebugMode )
LogEvent ( String . Format ( "[DEBUG] {0}" , message ) ) ;
public void Deprecate ( string message , string version )
2018-11-19 23:26:16 +00:00
deprecations . Add ( new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) { { "msg" , message } , { "version" , version } } ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
LogEvent ( String . Format ( "[DEPRECATION WARNING] {0} {1}" , message , version ) ) ;
public void ExitJson ( )
WriteLine ( GetFormattedResults ( Result ) ) ;
CleanupFiles ( null , null ) ;
Exit ( 0 ) ;
public void FailJson ( string message ) { FailJson ( message , null , null ) ; }
public void FailJson ( string message , ErrorRecord psErrorRecord ) { FailJson ( message , psErrorRecord , null ) ; }
public void FailJson ( string message , Exception exception ) { FailJson ( message , null , exception ) ; }
private void FailJson ( string message , ErrorRecord psErrorRecord , Exception exception )
Result [ "failed" ] = true ;
Result [ "msg" ] = RemoveNoLogValues ( message , noLogValues ) ;
if ( ! Result . ContainsKey ( "exception" ) & & ( Verbosity > 2 | | DebugMode ) )
if ( psErrorRecord ! = null )
string traceback = String . Format ( "{0}\r\n{1}" , psErrorRecord . ToString ( ) , psErrorRecord . InvocationInfo . PositionMessage ) ;
traceback + = String . Format ( "\r\n + CategoryInfo : {0}" , psErrorRecord . CategoryInfo . ToString ( ) ) ;
traceback + = String . Format ( "\r\n + FullyQualifiedErrorId : {0}" , psErrorRecord . FullyQualifiedErrorId . ToString ( ) ) ;
traceback + = String . Format ( "\r\n\r\nScriptStackTrace:\r\n{0}" , psErrorRecord . ScriptStackTrace ) ;
Result [ "exception" ] = traceback ;
else if ( exception ! = null )
Result [ "exception" ] = exception . ToString ( ) ;
WriteLine ( GetFormattedResults ( Result ) ) ;
CleanupFiles ( null , null ) ;
Exit ( 1 ) ;
public void LogEvent ( string message , EventLogEntryType logEntryType = EventLogEntryType . Information , bool sanitise = true )
if ( NoLog )
return ;
string logSource = "Ansible" ;
bool logSourceExists = false ;
logSourceExists = EventLog . SourceExists ( logSource ) ;
catch ( System . Security . SecurityException ) { } // non admin users may not have permission
if ( ! logSourceExists )
EventLog . CreateEventSource ( logSource , "Application" ) ;
catch ( System . Security . SecurityException )
Warn ( String . Format ( "Access error when creating EventLog source {0}, logging to the Application source instead" , logSource ) ) ;
logSource = "Application" ;
if ( sanitise )
message = ( string ) RemoveNoLogValues ( message , noLogValues ) ;
message = String . Format ( "{0} - {1}" , ModuleName , message ) ;
using ( EventLog eventLog = new EventLog ( "Application" ) )
eventLog . Source = logSource ;
eventLog . WriteEntry ( message , logEntryType , 0 ) ;
public void Warn ( string message )
warnings . Add ( message ) ;
LogEvent ( String . Format ( "[WARNING] {0}" , message ) , EventLogEntryType . Warning ) ;
public static Dictionary < string , object > FromJson ( string json ) { return FromJson < Dictionary < string , object > > ( json ) ; }
public static T FromJson < T > ( string json )
return JsonConvert . DeserializeObject < T > ( json ) ;
# else
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
jss . MaxJsonLength = int . MaxValue ;
jss . RecursionLimit = int . MaxValue ;
return jss . Deserialize < T > ( json ) ;
# endif
public static string ToJson ( object obj )
2018-11-28 02:17:49 +00:00
// Using PowerShell to serialize the JSON is preferable over the native .NET libraries as it handles
// PS Objects a lot better than the alternatives. In case we are debugging in Visual Studio we have a
// fallback to the other libraries as we won't be dealing with PowerShell objects there.
if ( Runspace . DefaultRunspace ! = null )
PSObject rawOut = ScriptBlock . Create ( "ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $args[0] -Depth 99 -Compress" ) . Invoke ( obj ) [ 0 ] ;
return rawOut . BaseObject as string ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
2018-11-28 02:17:49 +00:00
return JsonConvert . SerializeObject ( obj ) ;
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# else
2018-11-28 02:17:49 +00:00
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
jss . MaxJsonLength = int . MaxValue ;
jss . RecursionLimit = int . MaxValue ;
return jss . Serialize ( obj ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
# endif
2018-11-28 02:17:49 +00:00
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
public static IDictionary GetParams ( string [ ] args )
if ( args . Length > 0 )
string inputJson = File . ReadAllText ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
Dictionary < string , object > rawParams = FromJson ( inputJson ) ;
if ( ! rawParams . ContainsKey ( "ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS" ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Module was unable to get ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS value from the argument path json" ) ;
return ( IDictionary ) rawParams [ "ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS" ] ;
// $complex_args is already a Hashtable, no need to waste time converting to a dictionary
PSObject rawArgs = ScriptBlock . Create ( "$complex_args" ) . Invoke ( ) [ 0 ] ;
return rawArgs . BaseObject as Hashtable ;
public static bool ParseBool ( object value )
if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( bool ) )
return ( bool ) value ;
List < string > booleans = new List < string > ( ) ;
booleans . AddRange ( BOOLEANS_TRUE ) ;
booleans . AddRange ( BOOLEANS_FALSE ) ;
string stringValue = ParseStr ( value ) . ToLowerInvariant ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( BOOLEANS_TRUE . Contains ( stringValue ) )
return true ;
else if ( BOOLEANS_FALSE . Contains ( stringValue ) )
return false ;
string msg = String . Format ( "The value '{0}' is not a valid boolean. Valid booleans include: {1}" ,
stringValue , String . Join ( ", " , booleans ) ) ;
throw new ArgumentException ( msg ) ;
public static Dictionary < string , object > ParseDict ( object value )
Type valueType = value . GetType ( ) ;
if ( valueType = = typeof ( Dictionary < string , object > ) )
return ( Dictionary < string , object > ) value ;
else if ( value is IDictionary )
return ( ( IDictionary ) value ) . Cast < DictionaryEntry > ( ) . ToDictionary ( kvp = > ( string ) kvp . Key , kvp = > kvp . Value ) ;
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( string ) )
string stringValue = ( string ) value ;
if ( stringValue . StartsWith ( "{" ) & & stringValue . EndsWith ( "}" ) )
return FromJson < Dictionary < string , object > > ( ( string ) value ) ;
else if ( stringValue . IndexOfAny ( new char [ 1 ] { '=' } ) ! = - 1 )
List < string > fields = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < char > fieldBuffer = new List < char > ( ) ;
char? inQuote = null ;
bool inEscape = false ;
string field ;
foreach ( char c in stringValue . ToCharArray ( ) )
if ( inEscape )
fieldBuffer . Add ( c ) ;
inEscape = false ;
else if ( c = = '\\' )
inEscape = true ;
else if ( inQuote = = null & & ( c = = '\'' | | c = = '"' ) )
inQuote = c ;
else if ( inQuote ! = null & & c = = inQuote )
inQuote = null ;
else if ( inQuote = = null & & ( c = = ',' | | c = = ' ' ) )
field = String . Join ( "" , fieldBuffer ) ;
if ( field ! = "" )
fields . Add ( field ) ;
fieldBuffer = new List < char > ( ) ;
fieldBuffer . Add ( c ) ;
field = String . Join ( "" , fieldBuffer ) ;
if ( field ! = "" )
fields . Add ( field ) ;
return fields . Distinct ( ) . Select ( i = > i . Split ( new [ ] { '=' } , 2 ) ) . ToDictionary ( i = > i [ 0 ] , i = > i . Length > 1 ? ( object ) i [ 1 ] : null ) ;
throw new ArgumentException ( "string cannot be converted to a dict, must either be a JSON string or in the key=value form" ) ;
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "{0} cannot be converted to a dict" , valueType . FullName ) ) ;
public static float ParseFloat ( object value )
if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( float ) )
return ( float ) value ;
string valueStr = ParseStr ( value ) ;
return float . Parse ( valueStr ) ;
public static int ParseInt ( object value )
Type valueType = value . GetType ( ) ;
if ( valueType = = typeof ( int ) )
return ( int ) value ;
return Int32 . Parse ( ParseStr ( value ) ) ;
public static string ParseJson ( object value )
// mostly used to ensure a dict is a json string as it may
// have been converted on the controller side
Type valueType = value . GetType ( ) ;
if ( value is IDictionary )
return ToJson ( value ) ;
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( string ) )
return ( string ) value ;
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "{0} cannot be converted to json" , valueType . FullName ) ) ;
public static List < object > ParseList ( object value )
if ( value = = null )
return null ;
Type valueType = value . GetType ( ) ;
if ( valueType . IsGenericType & & valueType . GetGenericTypeDefinition ( ) = = typeof ( List < > ) )
return ( List < object > ) value ;
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( ArrayList ) )
return ( ( ArrayList ) value ) . Cast < object > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
else if ( valueType . IsArray )
return ( ( object [ ] ) value ) . ToList ( ) ;
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( string ) )
return ( ( string ) value ) . Split ( ',' ) . Select ( s = > s . Trim ( ) ) . ToList < object > ( ) ;
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( int ) )
return new List < object > ( ) { value } ;
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "{0} cannot be converted to a list" , valueType . FullName ) ) ;
public static string ParsePath ( object value )
string stringValue = ParseStr ( value ) ;
// do not validate, expand the env vars if it starts with \\?\ as
// it is a special path designed for the NT kernel to interpret
if ( stringValue . StartsWith ( @"\\?\" ) )
return stringValue ;
stringValue = Environment . ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( stringValue ) ;
if ( stringValue . IndexOfAny ( Path . GetInvalidPathChars ( ) ) ! = - 1 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "string value contains invalid path characters, cannot convert to path" ) ;
// will fire an exception if it contains any invalid chars
Path . GetFullPath ( stringValue ) ;
return stringValue ;
public static object ParseRaw ( object value ) { return value ; }
public static SecurityIdentifier ParseSid ( object value )
string stringValue = ParseStr ( value ) ;
return new SecurityIdentifier ( stringValue ) ;
catch ( ArgumentException ) { } // ignore failures string may not have been a SID
NTAccount account = new NTAccount ( stringValue ) ;
return ( SecurityIdentifier ) account . Translate ( typeof ( SecurityIdentifier ) ) ;
public static string ParseStr ( object value ) { return value . ToString ( ) ; }
private void ValidateArgumentSpec ( IDictionary argumentSpec )
Dictionary < string , object > changedValues = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in argumentSpec )
string key = ( string ) entry . Key ;
// validate the key is a valid argument spec key
if ( ! specDefaults . ContainsKey ( key ) )
string msg = String . Format ( "argument spec entry contains an invalid key '{0}', valid keys: {1}" ,
key , String . Join ( ", " , specDefaults . Keys ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
throw new ArgumentException ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg , " - " ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
// ensure the value is casted to the type we expect
Type optionType = null ;
if ( entry . Value ! = null )
optionType = ( Type ) specDefaults [ key ] [ 1 ] ;
if ( optionType ! = null )
Type actualType = entry . Value . GetType ( ) ;
bool invalid = false ;
if ( optionType . IsGenericType & & optionType . GetGenericTypeDefinition ( ) = = typeof ( List < > ) )
// verify the actual type is not just a single value of the list type
Type entryType = optionType . GetGenericArguments ( ) [ 0 ] ;
bool isArray = actualType . IsArray & & ( actualType . GetElementType ( ) = = entryType | | actualType . GetElementType ( ) = = typeof ( object ) ) ;
if ( actualType = = entryType | | isArray )
object [ ] rawArray ;
if ( isArray )
rawArray = ( object [ ] ) entry . Value ;
rawArray = new object [ 1 ] { entry . Value } ;
MethodInfo castMethod = typeof ( Enumerable ) . GetMethod ( "Cast" ) . MakeGenericMethod ( entryType ) ;
MethodInfo toListMethod = typeof ( Enumerable ) . GetMethod ( "ToList" ) . MakeGenericMethod ( entryType ) ;
var enumerable = castMethod . Invoke ( null , new object [ 1 ] { rawArray } ) ;
var newList = toListMethod . Invoke ( null , new object [ 1 ] { enumerable } ) ;
changedValues . Add ( key , newList ) ;
else if ( actualType ! = optionType & & ! ( actualType = = typeof ( List < object > ) ) )
invalid = true ;
invalid = actualType ! = optionType ;
if ( invalid )
string msg = String . Format ( "argument spec for '{0}' did not match expected type {1}: actual type {2}" ,
key , optionType . FullName , actualType . FullName ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
throw new ArgumentException ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg , " - " ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
// recursively validate the spec
if ( key = = "options" & & entry . Value ! = null )
IDictionary optionsSpec = ( IDictionary ) entry . Value ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry optionEntry in optionsSpec )
optionsContext . Add ( ( string ) optionEntry . Key ) ;
IDictionary optionMeta = ( IDictionary ) optionEntry . Value ;
ValidateArgumentSpec ( optionMeta ) ;
optionsContext . RemoveAt ( optionsContext . Count - 1 ) ;
// validate the type and elements key type values are known types
if ( key = = "type" | | key = = "elements" & & entry . Value ! = null )
Type valueType = entry . Value . GetType ( ) ;
if ( valueType = = typeof ( string ) )
string typeValue = ( string ) entry . Value ;
if ( ! optionTypes . ContainsKey ( typeValue ) )
string msg = String . Format ( "{0} '{1}' is unsupported" , key , typeValue ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
msg = String . Format ( "{0}. Valid types are: {1}" , FormatOptionsContext ( msg , " - " ) , String . Join ( ", " , optionTypes . Keys ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
throw new ArgumentException ( msg ) ;
else if ( ! ( entry . Value is Delegate ) )
string msg = String . Format ( "{0} must either be a string or delegate, was: {1}" , key , valueType . FullName ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
throw new ArgumentException ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg , " - " ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
// Outside of the spec iterator, change the values that were casted above
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > changedValue in changedValues )
argumentSpec [ changedValue . Key ] = changedValue . Value ;
// Now make sure all the metadata keys are set to their defaults
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , List < object > > metadataEntry in specDefaults )
List < object > defaults = metadataEntry . Value ;
object defaultValue = defaults [ 0 ] ;
if ( defaultValue ! = null & & defaultValue . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Type ) . GetType ( ) )
defaultValue = Activator . CreateInstance ( ( Type ) defaultValue ) ;
if ( ! argumentSpec . Contains ( metadataEntry . Key ) )
argumentSpec [ metadataEntry . Key ] = defaultValue ;
private Dictionary < string , string > GetAliases ( IDictionary argumentSpec , IDictionary parameters )
Dictionary < string , string > aliasResults = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in ( IDictionary ) argumentSpec [ "options" ] )
string k = ( string ) entry . Key ;
Hashtable v = ( Hashtable ) entry . Value ;
List < string > aliases = ( List < string > ) v [ "aliases" ] ;
object defaultValue = v [ "default" ] ;
bool required = ( bool ) v [ "required" ] ;
if ( defaultValue ! = null & & required )
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "required and default are mutually exclusive for {0}" , k ) ) ;
foreach ( string alias in aliases )
aliasResults . Add ( alias , k ) ;
if ( parameters . Contains ( alias ) )
parameters [ k ] = parameters [ alias ] ;
return aliasResults ;
private void SetNoLogValues ( IDictionary argumentSpec , IDictionary parameters )
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in ( IDictionary ) argumentSpec [ "options" ] )
string k = ( string ) entry . Key ;
Hashtable v = ( Hashtable ) entry . Value ;
if ( ( bool ) v [ "no_log" ] )
object noLogObject = parameters . Contains ( k ) ? parameters [ k ] : null ;
if ( noLogObject ! = null )
noLogValues . Add ( noLogObject . ToString ( ) ) ;
object removedInVersion = v [ "removed_in_version" ] ;
if ( removedInVersion ! = null & & parameters . Contains ( k ) )
Deprecate ( String . Format ( "Param '{0}' is deprecated. See the module docs for more information" , k ) , removedInVersion . ToString ( ) ) ;
private void CheckArguments ( IDictionary spec , IDictionary param , List < string > legalInputs )
// initially parse the params and check for unsupported ones and set internal vars
CheckUnsupportedArguments ( param , legalInputs ) ;
2018-11-17 08:15:36 +00:00
// Only run this check if we are at the root argument (optionsContext.Count == 0)
if ( CheckMode & & ! ( bool ) spec [ "supports_check_mode" ] & & optionsContext . Count = = 0 )
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
Result [ "skipped" ] = true ;
Result [ "msg" ] = String . Format ( "remote module ({0}) does not support check mode" , ModuleName ) ;
ExitJson ( ) ;
IDictionary optionSpec = ( IDictionary ) spec [ "options" ] ;
CheckMutuallyExclusive ( param , ( IList ) spec [ "mutually_exclusive" ] ) ;
CheckRequiredArguments ( optionSpec , param ) ;
// set the parameter types based on the type spec value
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in optionSpec )
string k = ( string ) entry . Key ;
Hashtable v = ( Hashtable ) entry . Value ;
object value = param . Contains ( k ) ? param [ k ] : null ;
if ( value ! = null )
// convert the current value to the wanted type
Delegate typeConverter ;
string type ;
if ( v [ "type" ] . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( string ) )
type = ( string ) v [ "type" ] ;
typeConverter = optionTypes [ type ] ;
type = "delegate" ;
typeConverter = ( Delegate ) v [ "type" ] ;
value = typeConverter . DynamicInvoke ( value ) ;
param [ k ] = value ;
catch ( Exception e )
string msg = String . Format ( "argument for {0} is of type {1} and we were unable to convert to {2}: {3}" ,
k , value . GetType ( ) , type , e . InnerException . Message ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
// ensure it matches the choices if there are choices set
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
List < string > choices = ( ( List < object > ) v [ "choices" ] ) . Select ( x = > x . ToString ( ) ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
if ( choices . Count > 0 )
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
List < string > values ;
string choiceMsg ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
if ( type = = "list" )
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
values = ( ( List < object > ) value ) . Select ( x = > x . ToString ( ) ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
choiceMsg = "one or more of" ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
values = new List < string > ( ) { value . ToString ( ) } ;
choiceMsg = "one of" ;
List < string > diffList = values . Except ( choices , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) . ToList ( ) ;
List < string > caseDiffList = values . Except ( choices ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( diffList . Count > 0 )
string msg = String . Format ( "value of {0} must be {1}: {2}. Got no match for: {3}" ,
k , choiceMsg , String . Join ( ", " , choices ) , String . Join ( ", " , diffList ) ) ;
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
else if ( caseDiffList . Count > 0 )
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
// For backwards compatibility with Legacy.psm1 we need to be matching choices that are not case sensitive.
// We will warn the user it was case insensitive and tell them this will become case sensitive in the future.
string msg = String . Format (
"value of {0} was a case insensitive match of {1}: {2}. Checking of choices will be case sensitive in a future Ansible release. Case insensitive matches were: {3}" ,
k , choiceMsg , String . Join ( ", " , choices ) , String . Join ( ", " , caseDiffList . Select ( x = > RemoveNoLogValues ( x , noLogValues ) ) )
) ;
Warn ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
CheckRequiredTogether ( param , ( IList ) spec [ "required_together" ] ) ;
CheckRequiredOneOf ( param , ( IList ) spec [ "required_one_of" ] ) ;
CheckRequiredIf ( param , ( IList ) spec [ "required_if" ] ) ;
2019-02-15 03:00:25 +00:00
CheckRequiredBy ( param , ( IDictionary ) spec [ "required_by" ] ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
// finally ensure all missing parameters are set to null and handle sub options
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in optionSpec )
string k = ( string ) entry . Key ;
IDictionary v = ( IDictionary ) entry . Value ;
if ( ! param . Contains ( k ) )
param [ k ] = null ;
CheckSubOption ( param , k , v ) ;
private void CheckUnsupportedArguments ( IDictionary param , List < string > legalInputs )
HashSet < string > unsupportedParameters = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
2019-02-14 02:55:43 +00:00
HashSet < string > caseUnsupportedParameters = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
List < string > removedParameters = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in param )
string paramKey = ( string ) entry . Key ;
2019-02-14 02:55:43 +00:00
if ( ! legalInputs . Contains ( paramKey , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
unsupportedParameters . Add ( paramKey ) ;
2019-02-14 02:55:43 +00:00
else if ( ! legalInputs . Contains ( paramKey ) )
// For backwards compatibility we do not care about the case but we need to warn the users as this will
// change in a future Ansible release.
caseUnsupportedParameters . Add ( paramKey ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
else if ( paramKey . StartsWith ( "_ansible_" ) )
removedParameters . Add ( paramKey ) ;
string key = paramKey . Replace ( "_ansible_" , "" ) ;
// skip setting NoLog if NoLog is already set to true (set by the module)
// or there's no mapping for this key
if ( ( key = = "no_log" & & NoLog = = true ) | | ( passVars [ key ] = = null ) )
continue ;
object value = entry . Value ;
if ( passBools . Contains ( key ) )
value = ParseBool ( value ) ;
else if ( passInts . Contains ( key ) )
value = ParseInt ( value ) ;
string propertyName = passVars [ key ] ;
PropertyInfo property = typeof ( AnsibleModule ) . GetProperty ( propertyName ) ;
FieldInfo field = typeof ( AnsibleModule ) . GetField ( propertyName , BindingFlags . NonPublic | BindingFlags . Instance ) ;
if ( property ! = null )
property . SetValue ( this , value , null ) ;
else if ( field ! = null )
field . SetValue ( this , value ) ;
FailJson ( String . Format ( "implementation error: unknown AnsibleModule property {0}" , propertyName ) ) ;
foreach ( string parameter in removedParameters )
param . Remove ( parameter ) ;
if ( unsupportedParameters . Count > 0 )
legalInputs . RemoveAll ( x = > passVars . Keys . Contains ( x . Replace ( "_ansible_" , "" ) ) ) ;
string msg = String . Format ( "Unsupported parameters for ({0}) module: {1}" , ModuleName , String . Join ( ", " , unsupportedParameters ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
msg = String . Format ( "{0}. Supported parameters include: {1}" , FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) , String . Join ( ", " , legalInputs ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
FailJson ( msg ) ;
2019-02-14 02:55:43 +00:00
if ( caseUnsupportedParameters . Count > 0 )
legalInputs . RemoveAll ( x = > passVars . Keys . Contains ( x . Replace ( "_ansible_" , "" ) ) ) ;
string msg = String . Format ( "Parameters for ({0}) was a case insensitive match: {1}" , ModuleName , String . Join ( ", " , caseUnsupportedParameters ) ) ;
msg = String . Format ( "{0}. Module options will become case sensitive in a future Ansible release. Supported parameters include: {1}" ,
FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) , String . Join ( ", " , legalInputs ) ) ;
Warn ( msg ) ;
// Make sure we convert all the incorrect case params to the ones set by the module spec
foreach ( string key in caseUnsupportedParameters )
string correctKey = legalInputs [ legalInputs . FindIndex ( s = > s . Equals ( key , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ] ;
object value = param [ key ] ;
param . Remove ( key ) ;
param . Add ( correctKey , value ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckMutuallyExclusive ( IDictionary param , IList mutuallyExclusive )
if ( mutuallyExclusive = = null )
return ;
foreach ( object check in mutuallyExclusive )
List < string > mutualCheck = ( ( IList ) check ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
foreach ( string entry in mutualCheck )
if ( param . Contains ( entry ) )
count + + ;
if ( count > 1 )
string msg = String . Format ( "parameters are mutually exclusive: {0}" , String . Join ( ", " , mutualCheck ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckRequiredArguments ( IDictionary spec , IDictionary param )
List < string > missing = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in spec )
string k = ( string ) entry . Key ;
Hashtable v = ( Hashtable ) entry . Value ;
// set defaults for values not already set
object defaultValue = v [ "default" ] ;
if ( defaultValue ! = null & & ! param . Contains ( k ) )
param [ k ] = defaultValue ;
// check required arguments
bool required = ( bool ) v [ "required" ] ;
if ( required & & ! param . Contains ( k ) )
missing . Add ( k ) ;
if ( missing . Count > 0 )
string msg = String . Format ( "missing required arguments: {0}" , String . Join ( ", " , missing ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckRequiredTogether ( IDictionary param , IList requiredTogether )
if ( requiredTogether = = null )
return ;
foreach ( object check in requiredTogether )
List < string > requiredCheck = ( ( IList ) check ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
List < bool > found = new List < bool > ( ) ;
foreach ( string field in requiredCheck )
if ( param . Contains ( field ) )
found . Add ( true ) ;
found . Add ( false ) ;
if ( found . Contains ( true ) & & found . Contains ( false ) )
string msg = String . Format ( "parameters are required together: {0}" , String . Join ( ", " , requiredCheck ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckRequiredOneOf ( IDictionary param , IList requiredOneOf )
if ( requiredOneOf = = null )
return ;
foreach ( object check in requiredOneOf )
List < string > requiredCheck = ( ( IList ) check ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
foreach ( string field in requiredCheck )
if ( param . Contains ( field ) )
count + + ;
if ( count = = 0 )
string msg = String . Format ( "one of the following is required: {0}" , String . Join ( ", " , requiredCheck ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckRequiredIf ( IDictionary param , IList requiredIf )
if ( requiredIf = = null )
return ;
foreach ( object check in requiredIf )
IList requiredCheck = ( IList ) check ;
List < string > missing = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < string > missingFields = new List < string > ( ) ;
int maxMissingCount = 1 ;
bool oneRequired = false ;
if ( requiredCheck . Count < 3 & & requiredCheck . Count < 4 )
FailJson ( String . Format ( "internal error: invalid required_if value count of {0}, expecting 3 or 4 entries" , requiredCheck . Count ) ) ;
else if ( requiredCheck . Count = = 4 )
oneRequired = ( bool ) requiredCheck [ 3 ] ;
string key = ( string ) requiredCheck [ 0 ] ;
object val = requiredCheck [ 1 ] ;
IList requirements = ( IList ) requiredCheck [ 2 ] ;
if ( ParseStr ( param [ key ] ) ! = ParseStr ( val ) )
continue ;
string term = "all" ;
if ( oneRequired )
maxMissingCount = requirements . Count ;
term = "any" ;
foreach ( string required in requirements . Cast < string > ( ) )
if ( ! param . Contains ( required ) )
missing . Add ( required ) ;
if ( missing . Count > = maxMissingCount )
string msg = String . Format ( "{0} is {1} but {2} of the following are missing: {3}" ,
key , val . ToString ( ) , term , String . Join ( ", " , missing ) ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
2019-02-15 03:00:25 +00:00
private void CheckRequiredBy ( IDictionary param , IDictionary requiredBy )
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in requiredBy )
string key = ( string ) entry . Key ;
if ( ! param . Contains ( key ) )
continue ;
List < string > missing = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < string > requires = ParseList ( entry . Value ) . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( string required in requires )
if ( ! param . Contains ( required ) )
missing . Add ( required ) ;
if ( missing . Count > 0 )
string msg = String . Format ( "missing parameter(s) required by '{0}': {1}" , key , String . Join ( ", " , missing ) ) ;
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private void CheckSubOption ( IDictionary param , string key , IDictionary spec )
2019-02-25 22:14:10 +00:00
object value = param [ key ] ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
string type ;
if ( spec [ "type" ] . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( string ) )
type = ( string ) spec [ "type" ] ;
type = "delegate" ;
2019-02-25 22:14:10 +00:00
string elements = null ;
Delegate typeConverter = null ;
if ( spec [ "elements" ] ! = null & & spec [ "elements" ] . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( string ) )
elements = ( string ) spec [ "elements" ] ;
typeConverter = optionTypes [ elements ] ;
else if ( spec [ "elements" ] ! = null )
elements = "delegate" ;
typeConverter = ( Delegate ) spec [ "elements" ] ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
if ( ! ( type = = "dict" | | ( type = = "list" & & elements ! = null ) ) )
// either not a dict, or list with the elements set, so continue
return ;
else if ( type = = "list" )
// cast each list element to the type specified
if ( value = = null )
return ;
List < object > newValue = new List < object > ( ) ;
foreach ( object element in ( List < object > ) value )
if ( elements = = "dict" )
newValue . Add ( ParseSubSpec ( spec , element , key ) ) ;
object newElement = typeConverter . DynamicInvoke ( element ) ;
newValue . Add ( newElement ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
string msg = String . Format ( "argument for list entry {0} is of type {1} and we were unable to convert to {2}: {3}" ,
key , element . GetType ( ) , elements , e . Message ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
FailJson ( FormatOptionsContext ( msg ) ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
param [ key ] = newValue ;
param [ key ] = ParseSubSpec ( spec , value , key ) ;
private object ParseSubSpec ( IDictionary spec , object value , string context )
bool applyDefaults = ( bool ) spec [ "apply_defaults" ] ;
// set entry to an empty dict if apply_defaults is set
IDictionary optionsSpec = ( IDictionary ) spec [ "options" ] ;
if ( applyDefaults & & optionsSpec . Keys . Count > 0 & & value = = null )
value = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ;
else if ( optionsSpec . Keys . Count = = 0 | | value = = null )
return value ;
optionsContext . Add ( context ) ;
Dictionary < string , object > newValue = ( Dictionary < string , object > ) ParseDict ( value ) ;
Dictionary < string , string > aliases = GetAliases ( spec , newValue ) ;
SetNoLogValues ( spec , newValue ) ;
List < string > subLegalInputs = optionsSpec . Keys . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
subLegalInputs . AddRange ( aliases . Keys . Cast < string > ( ) . ToList ( ) ) ;
CheckArguments ( spec , newValue , subLegalInputs ) ;
optionsContext . RemoveAt ( optionsContext . Count - 1 ) ;
return newValue ;
private string GetFormattedResults ( Dictionary < string , object > result )
if ( ! result . ContainsKey ( "invocation" ) )
result [ "invocation" ] = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) { { "module_args" , RemoveNoLogValues ( Params , noLogValues ) } } ;
if ( warnings . Count > 0 )
result [ "warnings" ] = warnings ;
if ( deprecations . Count > 0 )
result [ "deprecations" ] = deprecations ;
if ( Diff . Count > 0 & & DiffMode )
result [ "diff" ] = Diff ;
return ToJson ( result ) ;
private string FormatLogData ( object data , int indentLevel )
if ( data = = null )
return "$null" ;
string msg = "" ;
if ( data is IList )
string newMsg = "" ;
foreach ( object value in ( IList ) data )
string entryValue = FormatLogData ( value , indentLevel + 2 ) ;
newMsg + = String . Format ( "\r\n{0}- {1}" , new String ( ' ' , indentLevel ) , entryValue ) ;
msg + = newMsg ;
else if ( data is IDictionary )
bool start = true ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in ( IDictionary ) data )
string newMsg = FormatLogData ( entry . Value , indentLevel + 2 ) ;
if ( ! start )
msg + = String . Format ( "\r\n{0}" , new String ( ' ' , indentLevel ) ) ;
msg + = String . Format ( "{0}: {1}" , ( string ) entry . Key , newMsg ) ;
start = false ;
msg = ( string ) RemoveNoLogValues ( ParseStr ( data ) , noLogValues ) ;
return msg ;
private object RemoveNoLogValues ( object value , HashSet < string > noLogStrings )
Queue < Tuple < object , object > > deferredRemovals = new Queue < Tuple < object , object > > ( ) ;
object newValue = RemoveValueConditions ( value , noLogStrings , deferredRemovals ) ;
while ( deferredRemovals . Count > 0 )
Tuple < object , object > data = deferredRemovals . Dequeue ( ) ;
object oldData = data . Item1 ;
object newData = data . Item2 ;
if ( oldData is IDictionary )
foreach ( DictionaryEntry entry in ( IDictionary ) oldData )
object newElement = RemoveValueConditions ( entry . Value , noLogStrings , deferredRemovals ) ;
( ( IDictionary ) newData ) . Add ( ( string ) entry . Key , newElement ) ;
foreach ( object element in ( IList ) oldData )
object newElement = RemoveValueConditions ( element , noLogStrings , deferredRemovals ) ;
( ( IList ) newData ) . Add ( newElement ) ;
return newValue ;
private object RemoveValueConditions ( object value , HashSet < string > noLogStrings , Queue < Tuple < object , object > > deferredRemovals )
if ( value = = null )
return value ;
Type valueType = value . GetType ( ) ;
HashSet < Type > numericTypes = new HashSet < Type >
typeof ( byte ) , typeof ( sbyte ) , typeof ( short ) , typeof ( ushort ) , typeof ( int ) , typeof ( uint ) ,
typeof ( long ) , typeof ( ulong ) , typeof ( decimal ) , typeof ( double ) , typeof ( float )
} ;
if ( numericTypes . Contains ( valueType ) | | valueType = = typeof ( bool ) )
string valueString = ParseStr ( value ) ;
if ( noLogStrings . Contains ( valueString ) )
foreach ( string omitMe in noLogStrings )
if ( valueString . Contains ( omitMe ) )
else if ( valueType = = typeof ( DateTime ) )
value = ( ( DateTime ) value ) . ToString ( "o" ) ;
else if ( value is IList )
List < object > newValue = new List < object > ( ) ;
deferredRemovals . Enqueue ( new Tuple < object , object > ( ( IList ) value , newValue ) ) ;
value = newValue ;
else if ( value is IDictionary )
Hashtable newValue = new Hashtable ( ) ;
deferredRemovals . Enqueue ( new Tuple < object , object > ( ( IDictionary ) value , newValue ) ) ;
value = newValue ;
string stringValue = value . ToString ( ) ;
if ( noLogStrings . Contains ( stringValue ) )
foreach ( string omitMe in noLogStrings )
if ( stringValue . Contains ( omitMe ) )
return ( stringValue ) . Replace ( omitMe , new String ( '*' , omitMe . Length ) ) ;
value = stringValue ;
return value ;
private void CleanupFiles ( object s , EventArgs ev )
foreach ( string path in cleanupFiles )
if ( File . Exists ( path ) )
File . Delete ( path ) ;
else if ( Directory . Exists ( path ) )
Directory . Delete ( path , true ) ;
cleanupFiles = new List < string > ( ) ;
2019-01-28 19:42:01 +00:00
private string FormatOptionsContext ( string msg , string prefix = " " )
if ( optionsContext . Count > 0 )
msg + = String . Format ( "{0}found in {1}" , prefix , String . Join ( " -> " , optionsContext ) ) ;
return msg ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00
private static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow ( ) ;
private static void ExitModule ( int rc )
// When running in a Runspace Environment.Exit will kill the entire
// process which is not what we want, detect if we are in a
// Runspace and call a ScriptBlock with exit instead.
if ( Runspace . DefaultRunspace ! = null )
ScriptBlock . Create ( "Set-Variable -Name LASTEXITCODE -Value $args[0] -Scope Global; exit $args[0]" ) . Invoke ( rc ) ;
// Used for local debugging in Visual Studio
if ( System . Diagnostics . Debugger . IsAttached )
Console . WriteLine ( "Press enter to continue..." ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ;
Environment . Exit ( rc ) ;
private static void WriteLineModule ( string line )
2018-11-13 20:08:27 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( line ) ;
2018-11-07 00:53:17 +00:00