2014-10-02 17:07:05 +00:00
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2014-10-03 12:08:03 +00:00
from playbook . base import Base
from playbook . conditional import Conditional
from errors import AnsibleError
from ansible import utils
class Task ( Base ) :
# the list of valid keys for tasks
' always_run ' ,
' any_errors_fatal ' ,
' async ' ,
' connection ' ,
' delay ' ,
' delegate_to ' ,
' environment ' ,
' first_available_file ' ,
' ignore_errors ' ,
' include ' ,
' local_action ' ,
' meta ' ,
' name ' ,
' no_log ' ,
' notify ' ,
' poll ' ,
' register ' ,
' remote_user ' ,
' retries ' ,
' run_once ' ,
' su ' ,
' su_pass ' ,
' su_user ' ,
' sudo ' ,
' sudo_pass ' ,
' sudo_user ' ,
' transport ' ,
' until ' ,
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def __init__ ( self , block = None , role = None ) :
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self . _ds = None
self . _block = block
self . _role = role
self . _reset ( )
super ( Task , self ) . __init__ ( )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . _role :
return " %s : %s " % ( self . _role . get_name ( ) , self . _name )
else :
return self . _name
def _reset ( self ) :
''' clears internal data structures '''
for k in self . VALID_KEYS :
setattr ( self , ' _ %s ' % k , None )
# attributes not set via the ds
self . _action = None
self . _module_name = None
self . _parameters = None
self . _lookup_plugin = None
self . _lookup_terms = None
# special conditionals
self . _changed_when = Conditional ( self )
self . _failed_when = Conditional ( self )
self . _when = Conditional ( self )
def _load_parameters ( data ) :
''' sets the parameters for this task, based on the type of the data '''
if isinstance ( data , dict ) :
self . _parameters = data
elif isinstance ( data , basestring ) :
self . _parameters = utils . parse_kv ( data )
elif isinstance ( data , None ) :
self . _parameters = ' '
else :
raise AnsibleError ( " invalid arguments specified, got ' %s ' (type= %s ' ) " % ( data , type ( data ) ) )
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def load ( self , ds ) :
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''' parses and loads the task from the given datastructure '''
# reset everything internally
self . _reset ( )
# 'action' and 'local_action' are mutually-exclusive options
if ' action ' in ds and ' local_action ' in ds :
raise AnsibleError ( " the ' action ' and ' local_action ' attributes can not be used together " )
# iterate over each key/value in the datastructure to parse out its parameters.
args = None
for k , v in ds . iteritems ( ) :
if k in ( ' action ' , ' local_action ' ) :
# task structure is:
# action: module_name k=v ...
# or
# local_action: module_name k=v ...
module_name , params = v . strip ( ) . split ( ' ' , 1 )
if module_name not in utils . plugins . module_finder :
raise AnsibleError ( " the specified module ' %s ' could not be found, check your module path " % module_name )
self . _module_name = module_name
self . _parameters = utils . parse_kv ( params )
if k == ' local_action ' :
if ' delegate_to ' in ds :
raise AnsibleError ( " delegate_to cannot be specified with local_action in task: %s " % ds . get ( ' name ' , v ) )
self . _delegate_to = ' '
if not ' transport ' in ds and not ' connection ' in ds :
self . _transport = ' local '
elif k in utils . plugins . module_finder :
# task structure is:
# - module_name: k=v ...
if self . _module_name :
raise AnsibleError ( " the module name ( %s ) was already specified, ' %s ' is a duplicate " % ( self . _module_name , k ) )
elif ' action ' in ds :
raise AnsibleError ( " multiple actions specified in task: ' %s ' and ' %s ' " % ( k , ds . get ( ' name ' , ds [ ' action ' ] ) ) )
self . _module_name = k
if isinstance ( v , dict ) and ' args ' in ds :
raise AnsibleError ( " can ' t combine args: and a dict for %s : in task %s " % ( k , ds . get ( ' name ' , " %s : %s " % ( k , v ) ) ) )
self . _parameters = self . _load_parameters ( v )
elif k == ' args ' :
args = self . _load_parameters ( v )
elif k . startswith ( ' with_ ' ) :
if isinstance ( v , basestring ) :
param = v . strip ( )
if ( param . startswith ( ' {{ ' ) and param . find ( ' }} ' ) == len ( ds [ x ] ) - 2 and param . find ( ' | ' ) == - 1 ) :
utils . warning ( " It is unnecessary to use ' {{ ' in loops, leave variables in loop expressions bare. " )
plugin_name = k . replace ( " with_ " , " " )
if plugin_name in utils . plugins . lookup_loader :
self . _lookup_plugin = plugin_name
self . _lookup_terms = v
else :
raise errors . AnsibleError ( " cannot find lookup plugin named %s for usage in with_ %s " % ( plugin_name , plugin_name ) )
elif k . startswith ( ' when_ ' ) :
utils . deprecated ( " The ' when_ ' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified ' when ' statements as described on docs.ansible.com. " , " 1.5 " , removed = True )
if self . _when :
raise errors . AnsibleError ( " multiple when_* statements specified in task %s " % ( ds . get ( ' name ' , ds . get ( ' action ' ) ) ) )
when_name = k . replace ( " when_ " , " " )
self . _when = " %s %s " % ( when_name , v )
elif k in ( ' changed_when ' , ' failed_when ' , ' when ' ) :
# these are conditional objects, so we push the new conditional value
# into the object so that it can be evaluated later
getattr ( self , ' _ %s ' % k ) . push ( v )
elif k == ' tags ' :
# all taggable datastructures in Ansible (tasks, roles, etc.) are
# based on the Base() class, which includes the _tags attribute
# (which is a Tag() class)
tags = v
if isinstance ( v , basestring ) :
tags = v . split ( ' , ' )
self . _tags . push ( tags )
elif k not in self . VALID_KEYS :
raise AnsibleError ( " %s is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler " % k )
else :
setattr ( self , ' _ %s ' % k , v )
# if args were specified along with parameters, merge them now
# with the args taking lower precedence
if args :
self . _parameters = utils . combine_vars ( args , self . _parameters )
# run validation
self . _validate ( )
# finally, store the ds for later use/reference
self . _ds = ds
def _validate ( self ) :
Validates internal datastructures and verifies mutually - exclusive
options are not in conflict .
if not self . _name :
# if no name: was specified, flatten the parameters back
# into a string and combine them with with module name
flat_params = " " . join ( [ " %s = %s " % ( k , v ) for k , v in self . _parameters . iteritems ( ) ] )
self . _name = " %s %s " % ( self . _module_name , flat_params )
# use builtin _ensure* methods to massage/set values on attributes
# anything not listed here will be defaulted to None by _reset()
self . _ensure_int ( " _async " , 0 )
self . _ensure_int ( " _poll " , 10 )
self . _ensure_bool ( " _ignore_errors " , False )
self . _ensure_bool ( " _always_run " , False )
self . _ensure_list_of_strings ( " _notify " , [ ] )
# handle mutually incompatible options
if ( self . _sudo or self . _sudo_user or self . _sudo_pass ) and ( self . _su or self . _su_user or self . _su_pass ) :
raise AnsibleError ( ' sudo params ( " sudo " , " sudo_user " , " sudo_pass " ) and su params ( " su " , " su_user " , " su_pass " ) cannot be used together ' )
incompatibles = [ x for x in [ self . _first_available_file , self . _lookup_plugin ] if x is not None ]
if len ( incompatibles ) > 1 :
raise AnsibleError ( " with_(plugin), and first_available_file are mutually incompatible in a single task " )
def name ( self ) :
return self . __repr__ ( )
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def get_vars ( self ) :
return dict ( )
def get_role ( self ) :
return self . role
def get_block ( self ) :
return self . block