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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 F5 Networks Inc.
# GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import re
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback
from ansible.module_utils.connection import exec_command
from import to_list
from import ComplexList
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import BOOLEANS_TRUE
from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import BOOLEANS_FALSE
from collections import defaultdict
from icontrol.exceptions import iControlUnexpectedHTTPError
HAS_F5SDK = True
except ImportError:
HAS_F5SDK = False
f5_provider_spec = {
'server': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_SERVER'])
'server_port': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_SERVER_PORT'])
'user': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_USER', 'ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME'])
'password': dict(
aliases=['pass', 'pwd'],
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_PASSWORD', 'ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD'])
'ssh_keyfile': dict(
'validate_certs': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_VALIDATE_CERTS'])
'transport': dict(
choices=['cli', 'rest'],
'timeout': dict(type='int'),
f5_argument_spec = {
'provider': dict(type='dict', options=f5_provider_spec),
f5_top_spec = {
'server': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_SERVER'])
'user': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_USER', 'ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME'])
'password': dict(
aliases=['pass', 'pwd'],
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_PASSWORD', 'ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD'])
'validate_certs': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_VALIDATE_CERTS'])
'server_port': dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['F5_SERVER_PORT'])
'transport': dict(
choices=['cli', 'rest']
def get_provider_argspec():
return f5_provider_spec
def load_params(params):
provider = params.get('provider') or dict()
for key, value in iteritems(provider):
if key in f5_argument_spec:
if params.get(key) is None and value is not None:
params[key] = value
# Fully Qualified name (with the partition)
def fqdn_name(partition, value):
"""This method is not used
This was the original name of a method that was used throughout all
the F5 Ansible modules. This is now deprecated, and should be removed
in 2.9. All modules should be changed to use ``fq_name``.
TODO(Remove in Ansible 2.9)
return fq_name(partition, value)
def fq_name(partition, value):
"""Returns a 'Fully Qualified' name
A BIG-IP expects most names of resources to be in a fully-qualified
form. This means that both the simple name, and the partition need
to be combined.
The Ansible modules, however, can accept (as names for several
resources) their name in the FQ format. This becomes an issue when
the FQ name and the partition are both specified as separate values.
Consider the following examples.
# Name not FQ
name: foo
partition: Common
# Name FQ
name: /Common/foo
partition: Common
This method will rectify the above situation and will, in both cases,
return the following for name.
partition (string): The partition that you would want attached to
the name if the name has no partition.
value (string): The name that you want to attach a partition to.
This value will be returned unchanged if it has a partition
attached to it already.
string: The fully qualified name, given the input parameters.
if value is not None:
return '/{0}/{1}'.format(partition, value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if not value.startswith('/'):
return '/{0}/{1}'.format(partition, value)
return value
# Fully Qualified name (with partition) for a list
def fq_list_names(partition, list_names):
if list_names is None:
return None
return map(lambda x: fqdn_name(partition, x), list_names)
def to_commands(module, commands):
spec = {
'command': dict(key=True),
'prompt': dict(),
'answer': dict()
transform = ComplexList(spec, module)
return transform(commands)
def run_commands(module, commands, check_rc=True):
responses = list()
commands = to_commands(module, to_list(commands))
for cmd in commands:
cmd = module.jsonify(cmd)
rc, out, err = exec_command(module, cmd)
if check_rc and rc != 0:
raise F5ModuleError(to_text(err, errors='surrogate_then_replace'))
result = to_text(out, errors='surrogate_then_replace')
return responses
def flatten_boolean(value):
truthy = list(BOOLEANS_TRUE) + ['enabled']
falsey = list(BOOLEANS_FALSE) + ['disabled']
if value is None:
return None
elif value in truthy:
return 'yes'
elif value in falsey:
return 'no'
def cleanup_tokens(client):
# isinstance cannot be used here because to import it creates a
# circular dependency with teh file.
# TODO(consider refactoring cleanup_tokens)
if 'F5RestClient' in type(client).__name__:
token = client._client.headers.get('X-F5-Auth-Token', None)
if not token:
uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/{2}".format(
resp = client.api.delete(uri)
except ValueError as ex:
raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
return True
resource = client.api.shared.authz.tokens_s.token.load(
except Exception as ex:
def is_cli(module):
transport = module.params['transport']
provider_transport = (module.params['provider'] or {}).get('transport')
result = 'cli' in (transport, provider_transport)
return result
def is_valid_hostname(host):
"""Reasonable attempt at validating a hostname
Compiled from various paragraphs outlined here
* Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and
SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.
* The "LDH rule", after the characters that it permits. (letters, digits, hyphen)
* If the hyphen is used, it is not permitted to appear at
either the beginning or end of a label
:param host:
if len(host) > 255:
return False
host = host.rstrip(".")
allowed = re.compile(r'(?!-)[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)$', re.IGNORECASE)
result = all(allowed.match(x) for x in host.split("."))
return result
def is_valid_fqdn(host):
"""Reasonable attempt at validating a hostname
Compiled from various paragraphs outlined here
* Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and
SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.
* The "LDH rule", after the characters that it permits. (letters, digits, hyphen)
* If the hyphen is used, it is not permitted to appear at
either the beginning or end of a label
:param host:
if len(host) > 255:
return False
host = host.rstrip(".")
allowed = re.compile(r'(?!-)[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)$', re.IGNORECASE)
result = all(allowed.match(x) for x in host.split("."))
if result:
parts = host.split('.')
if len(parts) > 1:
return True
return False
def transform_name(partition='', name='', sub_path=''):
if name:
name = name.replace('/', '~')
if partition:
partition = '~' + partition
if sub_path:
'When giving the subPath component include partition as well.'
if sub_path and partition:
sub_path = '~' + sub_path
if name and partition:
name = '~' + name
result = partition + sub_path + name
return result
def dict2tuple(items):
"""Convert a dictionary to a list of tuples
This method is used in cases where dictionaries need to be compared. Due
to dictionaries inherently having no order, it is easier to compare list
of tuples because these lists can be converted to sets.
This conversion only supports dicts of simple values. Do not give it dicts
that contain sub-dicts. This will not give you the result you want when using
the returned tuple for comparison.
items (dict): The dictionary of items that should be converted
list: Returns a list of tuples upon success. Otherwise, an empty list.
result = []
for x in items:
tmp = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in iteritems(x)]
result += tmp
return result
def compare_dictionary(want, have):
"""Performs a dictionary comparison
want (dict): Dictionary to compare with second parameter.
have (dict): Dictionary to compare with first parameter.
if want == [] and have is None:
return None
if want is None:
return None
w = dict2tuple(want)
h = dict2tuple(have)
if set(w) == set(h):
return None
return want
def is_ansible_debug(module):
if module._debug and module._verbosity >= 4:
return True
return False
def fail_json(module, ex, client=None):
if is_ansible_debug(module) and client:
module.fail_json(msg=str(ex), __f5debug__=client.api.debug_output)
def exit_json(module, results, client=None):
if is_ansible_debug(module) and client:
results['__f5debug__'] = client.api.debug_output
def is_uuid(uuid=None):
"""Check to see if value is an F5 UUID
UUIDs are used in BIG-IQ and in select areas of BIG-IP (notably ASM). This method
will check to see if the provided value matches a UUID as known by these products.
uuid (string): The value to check for UUID-ness
if uuid is None:
return False
pattern = r'[A-Za-z0-9]{8}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{12}'
if re.match(pattern, uuid):
return True
return False
def on_bigip():
if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/tmsh'):
return True
return False
class Noop(object):
"""Represent no-operation required
This class is used in the Difference engine to specify when an attribute
has not changed. Difference attributes may return an instance of this
class as a means to indicate when the attribute has not changed.
The Noop object allows attributes to be set to None when sending updates
to the API. `None` is technically a valid value in some cases (it indicates
that the attribute should be removed from the resource).
class F5BaseClient(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
self.module = kwargs.get('module', None)
self._client = None
def api(self):
raise F5ModuleError("Management root must be used from the concrete product classes.")
def reconnect(self):
"""Attempts to reconnect to a device
The existing token from a ManagementRoot can become invalid if you,
for example, upgrade the device (such as is done in the *_software
This method can be used to reconnect to a remote device without
having to re-instantiate the ArgumentSpec and AnsibleF5Client classes
it will use the same values that were initially provided to those
:raises iControlUnexpectedHTTPError
self._client = None
def merge_provider_params(self):
result = dict()
provider = self.params.get('provider', {})
if provider.get('server', None):
result['server'] = provider.get('server', None)
elif self.params.get('server', None):
result['server'] = self.params.get('server', None)
elif os.environ.get('F5_SERVER', None):
result['server'] = os.environ.get('F5_SERVER', None)
if provider.get('server_port', None):
result['server_port'] = provider.get('server_port', None)
elif self.params.get('server_port', None):
result['server_port'] = self.params.get('server_port', None)
elif os.environ.get('F5_SERVER_PORT', None):
result['server_port'] = os.environ.get('F5_SERVER_PORT', None)
result['server_port'] = 443
if provider.get('validate_certs', None) is not None:
result['validate_certs'] = provider.get('validate_certs', None)
elif self.params.get('validate_certs', None) is not None:
result['validate_certs'] = self.params.get('validate_certs', None)
elif os.environ.get('F5_VALIDATE_CERTS', None) is not None:
result['validate_certs'] = os.environ.get('F5_VALIDATE_CERTS', None)
result['validate_certs'] = True
if provider.get('auth_provider', None):
result['auth_provider'] = provider.get('auth_provider', None)
elif self.params.get('auth_provider', None):
result['auth_provider'] = self.params.get('auth_provider', None)
result['auth_provider'] = None
if provider.get('user', None):
result['user'] = provider.get('user', None)
elif self.params.get('user', None):
result['user'] = self.params.get('user', None)
elif os.environ.get('F5_USER', None):
result['user'] = os.environ.get('F5_USER', None)
elif os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME', None):
result['user'] = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME', None)
result['user'] = None
if provider.get('password', None):
result['password'] = provider.get('password', None)
elif self.params.get('user', None):
result['password'] = self.params.get('password', None)
elif os.environ.get('F5_PASSWORD', None):
result['password'] = os.environ.get('F5_PASSWORD', None)
elif os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD', None):
result['password'] = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD', None)
result['password'] = None
if result['validate_certs'] in BOOLEANS_TRUE:
result['validate_certs'] = True
result['validate_certs'] = False
return result
class AnsibleF5Parameters(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._values = defaultdict(lambda: None)
self._values['__warnings'] = []
self.client = kwargs.pop('client', None)
self._module = kwargs.pop('module', None)
self._params = {}
params = kwargs.pop('params', None)
if params:
def update(self, params=None):
if params:
for k, v in iteritems(params):
if self.api_map is not None and k in self.api_map:
map_key = self.api_map[k]
map_key = k
# Handle weird API parameters like `dns.proxy.__iter__` by
# using a map provided by the module developer
class_attr = getattr(type(self), map_key, None)
if isinstance(class_attr, property):
# There is a mapped value for the api_map key
if class_attr.fset is None:
# If the mapped value does not have
# an associated setter
self._values[map_key] = v
# The mapped value has a setter
setattr(self, map_key, v)
# If the mapped value is not a @property
self._values[map_key] = v
def api_params(self):
result = {}
for api_attribute in self.api_attributes:
if self.api_map is not None and api_attribute in self.api_map:
result[api_attribute] = getattr(self, self.api_map[api_attribute])
result[api_attribute] = getattr(self, api_attribute)
result = self._filter_params(result)
return result
def __getattr__(self, item):
# Ensures that properties that weren't defined, and therefore stashed
# in the `_values` dict, will be retrievable.
return self._values[item]
def partition(self):
if self._values['partition'] is None:
return 'Common'
return self._values['partition'].strip('/')
def partition(self, value):
self._values['partition'] = value
def _filter_params(self, params):
return dict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(params) if v is not None)
class F5ModuleError(Exception):