2016-08-02 18:13:39 +00:00
""" LogicMonitor Ansible module for managing Collectors, Hosts and Hostgroups
Copyright ( C ) 2015 LogicMonitor
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation ,
Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA """
import datetime
import os
import platform
import socket
import sys
import types
import urllib
try :
import json
# Detect the python-json library which is incompatible
# Look for simplejson if that's the case
try :
if (
not isinstance ( json . loads , types . FunctionType ) or
not isinstance ( json . dumps , types . FunctionType )
) :
raise ImportError
except AttributeError :
raise ImportError
except ImportError :
try :
import simplejson as json
except ImportError :
print (
' \n { " msg " : " Error: ansible requires the stdlib json or ' +
' simplejson module, neither was found! " , " failed " : true} '
except SyntaxError :
print (
' \n { " msg " : " SyntaxError: probably due to installed simplejson ' +
' being for a different python version " , " failed " : true} '
RETURN = '''
- - -
success :
description : flag indicating that execution was successful
returned : success
type : boolean
sample : True
. . .
- - -
module : logicmonitor
short_description : Manage your LogicMonitor account through Ansible Playbooks
description :
- LogicMonitor is a hosted , full - stack , infrastructure monitoring platform .
- This module manages hosts , host groups , and collectors within your LogicMonitor account .
version_added : " 2.2 "
author : Ethan Culler - Mayeno , Jeff Wozniak
notes :
- You must have an existing LogicMonitor account for this module to function .
requirements : [ " An existing LogicMonitor account " , " Linux " ]
options :
target :
description :
- The type of LogicMonitor object you wish to manage .
- " Collector: Perform actions on a LogicMonitor collector "
- NOTE You should use Ansible service modules such as ' service ' or ' supervisorctl ' for managing the Collector ' logicmonitor-agent ' and ' logicmonitor-watchdog ' services . Specifically , you ' ll probably want to start these services after a Collector add and stop these services before a Collector remove.
- " Host: Perform actions on a host device "
- " Hostgroup: Perform actions on a LogicMonitor host group "
- NOTE Host and Hostgroup tasks should always be performed via local_action . There are no benefits to running these tasks on the remote host and doing so will typically cause problems .
required : true
default : null
choices : [ ' collector ' , ' host ' , ' datsource ' , ' hostgroup ' ]
action :
description :
- The action you wish to perform on target
- " Add: Add an object to your LogicMonitor account "
- " Remove: Remove an object from your LogicMonitor account "
- " Update: Update properties, description, or groups (target=host) for an object in your LogicMonitor account "
- " SDT: Schedule downtime for an object in your LogicMonitor account "
required : true
default : null
choices : [ ' add ' , ' remove ' , ' update ' , ' sdt ' ]
company :
description :
- The LogicMonitor account company name . If you would log in to your account at " superheroes.logicmonitor.com " you would use " superheroes "
required : true
default : null
user :
description :
- A LogicMonitor user name . The module will authenticate and perform actions on behalf of this user
required : true
default : null
password :
description :
- The password of the specified LogicMonitor user
required : true
default : null
collector :
description :
- The fully qualified domain name of a collector in your LogicMonitor account .
- This is required for the creation of a LogicMonitor host ( target = host action = add )
- This is required for updating , removing or scheduling downtime for hosts if ' displayname ' isn ' t specified (target=host action=update action=remove action=sdt)
required : false
default : null
hostname :
description :
- The hostname of a host in your LogicMonitor account , or the desired hostname of a device to manage .
- Optional for managing hosts ( target = host )
required : false
default : ' hostname -f '
displayname :
description :
- The display name of a host in your LogicMonitor account or the desired display name of a device to manage .
- Optional for managing hosts ( target = host )
required : false
default : ' hostname -f '
description :
description :
- The long text description of the object in your LogicMonitor account
- Optional for managing hosts and host groups ( target = host or target = hostgroup ; action = add or action = update )
required : false
default : " "
properties :
description :
- A dictionary of properties to set on the LogicMonitor host or host group .
- Optional for managing hosts and host groups ( target = host or target = hostgroup ; action = add or action = update )
- This parameter will add or update existing properties in your LogicMonitor account or
required : false
default : { }
groups :
description :
- A list of groups that the host should be a member of .
- Optional for managing hosts ( target = host ; action = add or action = update )
required : false
default : [ ]
id :
description :
- ID of the datasource to target
- Required for management of LogicMonitor datasources ( target = datasource )
required : false
default : null
fullpath :
description :
- The fullpath of the host group object you would like to manage
- Recommend running on a single Ansible host
- Required for management of LogicMonitor host groups ( target = hostgroup )
required : false
default : null
alertenable :
description :
- A boolean flag to turn alerting on or off for an object
- Optional for managing all hosts ( action = add or action = update )
required : false
default : true
choices : [ true , false ]
starttime :
description :
- The time that the Scheduled Down Time ( SDT ) should begin
- Optional for managing SDT ( action = sdt )
- Y - m - d H : M
required : false
default : Now
duration :
description :
- The duration ( minutes ) of the Scheduled Down Time ( SDT )
- Optional for putting an object into SDT ( action = sdt )
required : false
default : 30
. . .
# example of adding a new LogicMonitor collector to these devices
- - -
- hosts : collectors
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Deploy / verify LogicMonitor collectors
become : yes
logicmonitor :
target = collector
action = add
company = { { company } }
user = { { user } }
password = { { password } }
#example of adding a list of hosts into monitoring
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Deploy LogicMonitor Host
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = host
action = add
collector = ' mycompany-Collector '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
groups = " /servers/production,/datacenter1 "
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' secret ' , ' dc ' : ' 1 ' , ' type ' : ' prod ' } "
#example of putting a datasource in SDT
- - -
- hosts : localhost
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : SDT a datasource
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = datasource
action = sdt
id = ' 123 '
duration = 3000
starttime = ' 2017-03-04 05:06 '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
#example of creating a hostgroup
- - -
- hosts : localhost
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Create a host group
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = add
fullpath = ' /servers/development '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' commstring ' , ' type ' : ' dev ' } "
#example of putting a list of hosts into SDT
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : SDT hosts
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = host
action = sdt
duration = 3000
starttime = ' 2016-11-10 09:08 '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
collector = ' mycompany-Collector '
#example of putting a host group in SDT
- - -
- hosts : localhost
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : SDT a host group
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = sdt
fullpath = ' /servers/development '
duration = 3000
starttime = ' 2017-03-04 05:06 '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
#example of updating a list of hosts
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Update a list of hosts
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = host
action = update
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
collector = ' mycompany-Collector '
groups = " /servers/production,/datacenter5 "
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' commstring ' , ' dc ' : ' 5 ' } "
#example of updating a hostgroup
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Update a host group
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = update
fullpath = ' /servers/development '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' hg ' , ' type ' : ' dev ' , ' status ' : ' test ' } "
#example of removing a list of hosts from monitoring
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Remove LogicMonitor hosts
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = host
action = remove
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
collector = ' mycompany-Collector '
#example of removing a host group
- - -
- hosts : hosts
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Remove LogicMonitor development servers hostgroup
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = remove
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
fullpath = ' /servers/development '
- name : Remove LogicMonitor servers hostgroup
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = remove
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
fullpath = ' /servers '
- name : Remove LogicMonitor datacenter1 hostgroup
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = remove
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
fullpath = ' /datacenter1 '
- name : Remove LogicMonitor datacenter5 hostgroup
# All tasks except for target=collector should use local_action
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = remove
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
fullpath = ' /datacenter5 '
### example of removing a new LogicMonitor collector to these devices
- - -
- hosts : collectors
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Remove LogicMonitor collectors
become : yes
logicmonitor :
target = collector
action = remove
company = { { company } }
user = { { user } }
password = { { password } }
#complete example
- - -
- hosts : localhost
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Create a host group
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = add
fullpath = ' /servers/production/database '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' commstring ' } "
- name : SDT a host group
local_action : >
target = hostgroup
action = sdt
fullpath = ' /servers/production/web '
duration = 3000
starttime = ' 2012-03-04 05:06 '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
- hosts : collectors
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : Deploy / verify LogicMonitor collectors
logicmonitor :
target : collector
action : add
company : { { company } }
user : { { user } }
password : { { password } }
- name : Place LogicMonitor collectors into 30 minute Scheduled downtime
logicmonitor : target = collector action = sdt company = { { company } }
user = { { user } } password = { { password } }
- name : Deploy LogicMonitor Host
local_action : >
target = host
action = add
collector = agent1 . ethandev . com
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' commstring ' , ' dc ' : ' 1 ' } "
groups = " /servers/production/collectors, /datacenter1 "
- hosts : database - servers
remote_user : ' {{ username }} '
vars :
company : ' mycompany '
user : ' myusername '
password : ' mypassword '
tasks :
- name : deploy logicmonitor hosts
local_action : >
target = host
action = add
collector = monitoring . dev . com
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
properties = " { ' snmp.community ' : ' commstring ' , ' type ' : ' db ' , ' dc ' : ' 1 ' } "
groups = " /servers/production/database, /datacenter1 "
- name : schedule 5 hour downtime for 2012 - 11 - 10 09 : 08
local_action : >
target = host
action = sdt
duration = 3000
starttime = ' 2012-11-10 09:08 '
company = ' {{ company }} '
user = ' {{ user }} '
password = ' {{ password }} '
class LogicMonitor ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , module , * * params ) :
self . __version__ = " 1.0-python "
self . module = module
self . module . debug ( " Instantiating LogicMonitor object " )
self . check_mode = False
self . company = params [ " company " ]
self . user = params [ " user " ]
self . password = params [ " password " ]
self . fqdn = socket . getfqdn ( )
self . lm_url = " logicmonitor.com/santaba "
self . __version__ = self . __version__ + " -ansible-module "
def rpc ( self , action , params ) :
""" Make a call to the LogicMonitor RPC library
and return the response """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.rpc " )
param_str = urllib . urlencode ( params )
creds = urllib . urlencode (
{ " c " : self . company ,
" u " : self . user ,
" p " : self . password } )
if param_str :
param_str = param_str + " & "
param_str = param_str + creds
try :
url = ( " https:// " + self . company + " . " + self . lm_url +
" /rpc/ " + action + " ? " + param_str )
# Set custom LogicMonitor header with version
headers = { " X-LM-User-Agent " : self . __version__ }
# Set headers
2016-08-05 18:28:02 +00:00
f = open_url ( url , headers = headers )
2016-08-02 18:13:39 +00:00
raw = f . read ( )
resp = json . loads ( raw )
if resp [ " status " ] == 403 :
self . module . debug ( " Authentication failed. " )
self . fail ( msg = " Error: " + resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
return raw
except IOError :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unknown exception making RPC call " )
def do ( self , action , params ) :
""" Make a call to the LogicMonitor
server \" do \" function " " "
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.do... " )
param_str = urllib . urlencode ( params )
creds = ( urllib . urlencode (
{ " c " : self . company ,
" u " : self . user ,
" p " : self . password } ) )
if param_str :
param_str = param_str + " & "
param_str = param_str + creds
try :
self . module . debug ( " Attempting to open URL: " +
" https:// " + self . company + " . " + self . lm_url +
" /do/ " + action + " ? " + param_str )
2016-08-05 18:28:02 +00:00
f = open_url (
2016-08-02 18:13:39 +00:00
" https:// " + self . company + " . " + self . lm_url +
" /do/ " + action + " ? " + param_str )
return f . read ( )
except IOError :
# self.module.debug("Error opening URL. " + ioe)
self . fail ( " Unknown exception opening URL " )
def get_collectors ( self ) :
""" Returns a JSON object containing a list of
LogicMonitor collectors """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors... " )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getAgents ' " )
resp = self . rpc ( " getAgents " , { } )
resp_json = json . loads ( resp )
if resp_json [ " status " ] is 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp_json [ " data " ]
else :
self . fail ( msg = resp )
def get_host_by_hostname ( self , hostname , collector ) :
""" Returns a host object for the host matching the
specified hostname """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.get_host_by_hostname... " )
self . module . debug ( " Looking for hostname " + hostname )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getHosts ' " )
hostlist_json = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getHosts " , { " hostGroupId " : 1 } ) )
if collector :
if hostlist_json [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
hosts = hostlist_json [ " data " ] [ " hosts " ]
self . module . debug (
" Looking for host matching: hostname " + hostname +
" and collector " + str ( collector [ " id " ] ) )
for host in hosts :
if ( host [ " hostName " ] == hostname and
host [ " agentId " ] == collector [ " id " ] ) :
self . module . debug ( " Host match found " )
return host
self . module . debug ( " No host match found " )
return None
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( hostlist_json )
else :
self . module . debug ( " No collector specified " )
return None
def get_host_by_displayname ( self , displayname ) :
""" Returns a host object for the host matching the
specified display name """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.get_host_by_displayname... " )
self . module . debug ( " Looking for displayname " + displayname )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getHost ' " )
host_json = ( json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getHost " ,
{ " displayName " : displayname } ) ) )
if host_json [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return host_json [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( host_json )
return None
def get_collector_by_description ( self , description ) :
""" Returns a JSON collector object for the collector
matching the specified FQDN ( description ) """
self . module . debug (
" Running LogicMonitor.get_collector_by_description... "
collector_list = self . get_collectors ( )
if collector_list is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Looking for collector with description {0} " +
description )
for collector in collector_list :
if collector [ " description " ] == description :
self . module . debug ( " Collector match found " )
return collector
self . module . debug ( " No collector match found " )
return None
def get_group ( self , fullpath ) :
""" Returns a JSON group object for the group matching the
specified path """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.get_group... " )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to getHostGroups " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getHostGroups " , { } ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC called succeeded " )
groups = resp [ " data " ]
self . module . debug ( " Looking for group matching " + fullpath )
for group in groups :
if group [ " fullPath " ] == fullpath . lstrip ( ' / ' ) :
self . module . debug ( " Group match found " )
return group
self . module . debug ( " No group match found " )
return None
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( resp )
return None
def create_group ( self , fullpath ) :
""" Recursively create a path of host groups.
Returns the id of the newly created hostgroup """
self . module . debug ( " Running LogicMonitor.create_group... " )
res = self . get_group ( fullpath )
if res :
self . module . debug ( " Group {0} exists. " + fullpath )
return res [ " id " ]
if fullpath == " / " :
self . module . debug ( " Specified group is root. Doing nothing. " )
return 1
else :
self . module . debug ( " Creating group named " + fullpath )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
parentpath , name = fullpath . rsplit ( ' / ' , 1 )
parentgroup = self . get_group ( parentpath )
parentid = 1
if parentpath == " " :
parentid = 1
elif parentgroup :
parentid = parentgroup [ " id " ]
else :
parentid = self . create_group ( parentpath )
h = None
# Determine if we're creating a group from host or hostgroup class
if hasattr ( self , ' _build_host_group_hash ' ) :
h = self . _build_host_group_hash (
fullpath ,
self . description ,
self . properties ,
self . alertenable )
h [ " name " ] = name
h [ " parentId " ] = parentid
else :
h = { " name " : name ,
" parentId " : parentid ,
" alertEnable " : True ,
" description " : " " }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' addHostGroup ' " )
resp = json . loads (
self . rpc ( " addHostGroup " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ] [ " id " ]
elif resp [ " errmsg " ] == " The record already exists " :
self . module . debug ( " The hostgroup already exists " )
group = self . get_group ( fullpath )
return group [ " id " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail (
msg = " Error: unable to create new hostgroup \" " +
name + " \" . \n " + resp [ " errmsg " ] )
def fail ( self , msg ) :
self . module . fail_json ( msg = msg , changed = self . change , failed = True )
def exit ( self , changed ) :
self . module . debug ( " Changed: " + changed )
self . module . exit_json ( changed = changed , success = True )
def output_info ( self , info ) :
self . module . debug ( " Registering properties as Ansible facts " )
self . module . exit_json ( changed = False , ansible_facts = info )
class Collector ( LogicMonitor ) :
def __init__ ( self , params , module = None ) :
""" Initializor for the LogicMonitor Collector object """
self . change = False
self . params = params
LogicMonitor . __init__ ( self , module , * * params )
self . module . debug ( " Instantiating Collector object " )
if self . params [ ' description ' ] :
self . description = self . params [ ' description ' ]
else :
self . description = self . fqdn
self . info = self . _get ( )
self . installdir = " /usr/local/logicmonitor "
self . platform = platform . system ( )
self . is_64bits = sys . maxsize > 2 * * 32
self . duration = self . params [ ' duration ' ]
self . starttime = self . params [ ' starttime ' ]
if self . info is None :
self . id = None
else :
self . id = self . info [ " id " ]
def create ( self ) :
""" Idempotent function to make sure that there is
a running collector installed and registered """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.create... " )
self . _create ( )
self . get_installer_binary ( )
self . install ( )
def remove ( self ) :
""" Idempotent function to make sure that there is
not a running collector installed and registered """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.destroy... " )
self . _unreigster ( )
self . uninstall ( )
def get_installer_binary ( self ) :
""" Download the LogicMonitor collector installer binary """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.get_installer_binary... " )
arch = 32
if self . is_64bits :
self . module . debug ( " 64 bit system " )
arch = 64
else :
self . module . debug ( " 32 bit system " )
if self . platform == " Linux " and self . id is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Platform is Linux " )
self . module . debug ( " Agent ID is " + str ( self . id ) )
installfilepath = ( self . installdir +
" /logicmonitorsetup " +
str ( self . id ) + " _ " + str ( arch ) +
" .bin " )
self . module . debug ( " Looking for existing installer at " +
installfilepath )
if not os . path . isfile ( installfilepath ) :
self . module . debug ( " No previous installer found " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Downloading installer file " )
# attempt to create the install dir before download
self . module . run_command ( " mkdir " + self . installdir )
try :
f = open ( installfilepath , " w " )
installer = ( self . do ( " logicmonitorsetup " ,
{ " id " : self . id ,
" arch " : arch } ) )
f . write ( installer )
f . closed
except :
self . fail ( msg = " Unable to open installer file for writing " )
f . closed
else :
self . module . debug ( " Collector installer already exists " )
return installfilepath
elif self . id is None :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: There is currently no collector " +
" associated with this device. To download " +
" the installer, first create a collector " +
" for this device. " )
elif self . platform != " Linux " :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: LogicMonitor Collector must be " +
" installed on a Linux device. " )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Unable to retrieve the installer from the server " )
def install ( self ) :
""" Execute the LogicMonitor installer if not
already installed """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.install... " )
if self . platform == " Linux " :
self . module . debug ( " Platform is Linux " )
installer = self . get_installer_binary ( )
if self . info is None :
self . module . debug ( " Retriving collector information " )
self . info = self . _get ( )
if not os . path . exists ( self . installdir + " /agent " ) :
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Setting installer file permissions " )
os . chmod ( installer , 484 ) # decimal for 0o744
self . module . debug ( " Executing installer " )
ret_code , out , err = self . module . run_command ( installer + " -y " )
if ret_code != 0 :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unable to install collector: " + err )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Collector installed successfully " )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Collector already installed " )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: LogicMonitor Collector must be " +
" installed on a Linux device " )
def uninstall ( self ) :
""" Uninstall LogicMontitor collector from the system """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.uninstall... " )
uninstallfile = self . installdir + " /agent/bin/uninstall.pl "
if os . path . isfile ( uninstallfile ) :
self . module . debug ( " Collector uninstall file exists " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Running collector uninstaller " )
ret_code , out , err = self . module . run_command ( uninstallfile )
if ret_code != 0 :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Unable to uninstall collector: " + err )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Collector successfully uninstalled " )
else :
if os . path . exists ( self . installdir + " /agent " ) :
( self . fail (
msg = " Unable to uninstall LogicMonitor " +
" Collector. Can not find LogicMonitor " +
" uninstaller. " ) )
def sdt ( self ) :
""" Create a scheduled down time
( maintenance window ) for this host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.sdt... " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
duration = self . duration
starttime = self . starttime
offsetstart = starttime
if starttime :
self . module . debug ( " Start time specified " )
start = datetime . datetime . strptime ( starttime , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M ' )
offsetstart = start
else :
self . module . debug ( " No start time specified. Using default. " )
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# Use user UTC offset
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getTimeZoneSetting ' " )
accountresp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getTimeZoneSetting " , { } ) )
if accountresp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
offset = accountresp [ " data " ] [ " offset " ]
offsetstart = start + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , offset )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unable to retrieve timezone offset " )
offsetend = offsetstart + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , int ( duration ) * 60 )
h = { " agentId " : self . id ,
" type " : 1 ,
" notifyCC " : True ,
" year " : offsetstart . year ,
" month " : offsetstart . month - 1 ,
" day " : offsetstart . day ,
" hour " : offsetstart . hour ,
" minute " : offsetstart . minute ,
" endYear " : offsetend . year ,
" endMonth " : offsetend . month - 1 ,
" endDay " : offsetend . day ,
" endHour " : offsetend . hour ,
" endMinute " : offsetend . minute }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' setAgentSDT ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " setAgentSDT " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
def site_facts ( self ) :
""" Output current properties information for the Collector """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector.site_facts... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Collector exists " )
props = self . get_properties ( True )
self . output_info ( props )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Collector doesn ' t exit. " )
def _get ( self ) :
""" Returns a JSON object representing this collector """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector._get... " )
collector_list = self . get_collectors ( )
if collector_list is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Collectors returned " )
for collector in collector_list :
if collector [ " description " ] == self . description :
return collector
else :
self . module . debug ( " No collectors returned " )
return None
def _create ( self ) :
""" Create a new collector in the associated
LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector._create... " )
if self . platform == " Linux " :
self . module . debug ( " Platform is Linux " )
ret = self . info or self . _get ( )
if ret is None :
self . change = True
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
h = { " autogen " : True ,
" description " : self . description }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' addAgent ' " )
create = ( json . loads ( self . rpc ( " addAgent " , h ) ) )
if create [ " status " ] is 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
self . info = create [ " data " ]
self . id = create [ " data " ] [ " id " ]
return create [ " data " ]
else :
self . fail ( msg = create [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . info = ret
self . id = ret [ " id " ]
return ret
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: LogicMonitor Collector must be " +
" installed on a Linux device. " )
def _unreigster ( self ) :
""" Delete this collector from the associated
LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Collector._unreigster... " )
if self . info is None :
self . module . debug ( " Retrieving collector information " )
self . info = self . _get ( )
if self . info is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Collector found " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' deleteAgent ' " )
delete = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " deleteAgent " ,
{ " id " : self . id } ) )
if delete [ " status " ] is 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return delete
else :
# The collector couldn't unregister. Start the service again
self . module . debug ( " Error unregistering collecting. " +
delete [ " errmsg " ] )
self . fail ( msg = delete [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Collector not found " )
return None
class Host ( LogicMonitor ) :
def __init__ ( self , params , module = None ) :
""" Initializor for the LogicMonitor host object """
self . change = False
self . params = params
self . collector = None
LogicMonitor . __init__ ( self , module , * * self . params )
self . module . debug ( " Instantiating Host object " )
if self . params [ " hostname " ] :
self . module . debug ( " Hostname is " + self . params [ " hostname " ] )
self . hostname = self . params [ ' hostname ' ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " No hostname specified. Using " + self . fqdn )
self . hostname = self . fqdn
if self . params [ " displayname " ] :
self . module . debug ( " Display name is " + self . params [ " displayname " ] )
self . displayname = self . params [ ' displayname ' ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " No display name specified. Using " + self . fqdn )
self . displayname = self . fqdn
# Attempt to host information via display name of host name
self . module . debug ( " Attempting to find host by displayname " +
self . displayname )
info = self . get_host_by_displayname ( self . displayname )
if info is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Host found by displayname " )
# Used the host information to grab the collector description
# if not provided
if ( not hasattr ( self . params , " collector " ) and
" agentDescription " in info ) :
self . module . debug ( " Setting collector from host response. " +
" Collector " + info [ " agentDescription " ] )
self . params [ " collector " ] = info [ " agentDescription " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " Host not found by displayname " )
# At this point, a valid collector description is required for success
# Check that the description exists or fail
if self . params [ " collector " ] :
self . module . debug (
" Collector specified is " +
self . params [ " collector " ]
self . collector = ( self . get_collector_by_description (
self . params [ " collector " ] ) )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " No collector specified. " )
# If the host wasn't found via displayname, attempt by hostname
if info is None :
self . module . debug ( " Attempting to find host by hostname " +
self . hostname )
info = self . get_host_by_hostname ( self . hostname , self . collector )
self . info = info
self . properties = self . params [ " properties " ]
self . description = self . params [ " description " ]
self . starttime = self . params [ " starttime " ]
self . duration = self . params [ " duration " ]
self . alertenable = self . params [ " alertenable " ]
if self . params [ " groups " ] is not None :
self . groups = self . _strip_groups ( self . params [ " groups " ] )
else :
self . groups = None
def create ( self ) :
""" Idemopotent function to create if missing,
update if changed , or skip """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.create... " )
self . update ( )
def get_properties ( self ) :
""" Returns a hash of the properties
associated with this LogicMonitor host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.get_properties... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getHostProperties ' " )
properties_json = ( json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getHostProperties " ,
{ ' hostId ' : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" filterSystemProperties " : True } ) ) )
if properties_json [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return properties_json [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " Error: there was an issue retrieving the " +
" host properties " )
self . module . debug ( properties_json [ " errmsg " ] )
self . fail ( msg = properties_json [ " status " ] )
else :
self . module . debug (
" Unable to find LogicMonitor host which matches " +
self . displayname + " ( " + self . hostname + " ) "
return None
def set_properties ( self , propertyhash ) :
""" update the host to have the properties
contained in the property hash """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.set_properties... " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Assigning property hash to host object " )
self . properties = propertyhash
def add ( self ) :
""" Add this device to monitoring
in your LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.add... " )
if self . collector and not self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Host not registered. Registering. " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
h = self . _build_host_hash (
self . hostname ,
self . displayname ,
self . collector ,
self . description ,
self . groups ,
self . properties ,
self . alertenable )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' addHost ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " addHost " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( resp )
return resp [ " errmsg " ]
elif self . collector is None :
self . fail ( msg = " Specified collector doesn ' t exist " )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Host already registered " )
def update ( self ) :
""" This method takes changes made to this host
and applies them to the corresponding host
in your LogicMonitor account . """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.update... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Host already registed " )
if self . is_changed ( ) :
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
h = ( self . _build_host_hash (
self . hostname ,
self . displayname ,
self . collector ,
self . description ,
self . groups ,
self . properties ,
self . alertenable ) )
h [ " id " ] = self . info [ " id " ]
h [ " opType " ] = " replace "
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' updateHost ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " updateHost " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = " Error: unable to update the host. " )
else :
self . module . debug (
" Host properties match supplied properties. " +
" No changes to make. "
return self . info
else :
self . module . debug ( " Host not registed. Registering " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
return self . add ( )
def remove ( self ) :
""" Remove this host from your LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.remove... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Host registered " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' deleteHost ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " deleteHost " ,
{ " hostId " : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" deleteFromSystem " : True ,
" hostGroupId " : 1 } ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( resp )
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( resp )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Host not registered " )
def is_changed ( self ) :
""" Return true if the host doesn ' t
match the LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.is_changed " )
ignore = [ ' system.categories ' , ' snmp.version ' ]
hostresp = self . get_host_by_displayname ( self . displayname )
if hostresp is None :
hostresp = self . get_host_by_hostname ( self . hostname , self . collector )
if hostresp :
self . module . debug ( " Comparing simple host properties " )
if hostresp [ " alertEnable " ] != self . alertenable :
return True
if hostresp [ " description " ] != self . description :
return True
if hostresp [ " displayedAs " ] != self . displayname :
return True
if ( self . collector and
hasattr ( self . collector , " id " ) and
hostresp [ " agentId " ] != self . collector [ " id " ] ) :
return True
self . module . debug ( " Comparing groups. " )
if self . _compare_groups ( hostresp ) is True :
return True
propresp = self . get_properties ( )
if propresp :
self . module . debug ( " Comparing properties. " )
if self . _compare_props ( propresp , ignore ) is True :
return True
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Unknown error retrieving host properties " )
return False
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unknown error retrieving host information " )
def sdt ( self ) :
""" Create a scheduled down time
( maintenance window ) for this host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.sdt... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
duration = self . duration
starttime = self . starttime
offset = starttime
if starttime :
self . module . debug ( " Start time specified " )
start = datetime . datetime . strptime ( starttime , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M ' )
offsetstart = start
else :
self . module . debug ( " No start time specified. Using default. " )
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# Use user UTC offset
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getTimeZoneSetting ' " )
accountresp = ( json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getTimeZoneSetting " , { } ) ) )
if accountresp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
offset = accountresp [ " data " ] [ " offset " ]
offsetstart = start + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , offset )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Unable to retrieve timezone offset " )
offsetend = offsetstart + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , int ( duration ) * 60 )
h = { " hostId " : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" type " : 1 ,
" year " : offsetstart . year ,
" month " : offsetstart . month - 1 ,
" day " : offsetstart . day ,
" hour " : offsetstart . hour ,
" minute " : offsetstart . minute ,
" endYear " : offsetend . year ,
" endMonth " : offsetend . month - 1 ,
" endDay " : offsetend . day ,
" endHour " : offsetend . hour ,
" endMinute " : offsetend . minute }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' setHostSDT ' " )
resp = ( json . loads ( self . rpc ( " setHostSDT " , h ) ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Host doesn ' t exit. " )
def site_facts ( self ) :
""" Output current properties information for the Host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host.site_facts... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Host exists " )
props = self . get_properties ( )
self . output_info ( props )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Host doesn ' t exit. " )
def _build_host_hash ( self ,
hostname ,
displayname ,
collector ,
description ,
groups ,
properties ,
alertenable ) :
""" Return a property formated hash for the
creation of a host using the rpc function """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host._build_host_hash... " )
h = { }
h [ " hostName " ] = hostname
h [ " displayedAs " ] = displayname
h [ " alertEnable " ] = alertenable
if collector :
self . module . debug ( " Collector property exists " )
h [ " agentId " ] = collector [ " id " ]
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: No collector found. Unable to build host hash. " )
if description :
h [ " description " ] = description
if groups is not None and groups is not [ ] :
self . module . debug ( " Group property exists " )
groupids = " "
for group in groups :
groupids = groupids + str ( self . create_group ( group ) ) + " , "
h [ " hostGroupIds " ] = groupids . rstrip ( ' , ' )
if properties is not None and properties is not { } :
self . module . debug ( " Properties hash exists " )
propnum = 0
for key , value in properties . iteritems ( ) :
h [ " propName " + str ( propnum ) ] = key
h [ " propValue " + str ( propnum ) ] = value
propnum = propnum + 1
return h
def _verify_property ( self , propname ) :
""" Check with LogicMonitor server to
verify property is unchanged """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host._verify_property... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Host is registered " )
if propname not in self . properties :
self . module . debug ( " Property " + propname + " does not exist " )
return False
else :
self . module . debug ( " Property " + propname + " exists " )
h = { " hostId " : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" propName0 " : propname ,
" propValue0 " : self . properties [ propname ] }
self . module . debug ( " Making RCP call to ' verifyProperties ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( ' verifyProperties ' , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ] [ " match " ]
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: unable to get verification " +
" from server. \n %s " % resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Host doesn ' t exist. Unable to verify properties " )
def _compare_groups ( self , hostresp ) :
""" Function to compare the host ' s current
groups against provided groups """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host._compare_groups " )
g = [ ]
fullpathinids = hostresp [ " fullPathInIds " ]
self . module . debug ( " Building list of groups " )
for path in fullpathinids :
if path != [ ] :
h = { ' hostGroupId ' : path [ - 1 ] }
hgresp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getHostGroup " , h ) )
if ( hgresp [ " status " ] == 200 and
hgresp [ " data " ] [ " appliesTo " ] == " " ) :
g . append ( path [ - 1 ] )
if self . groups is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Comparing group lists " )
for group in self . groups :
groupjson = self . get_group ( group )
if groupjson is None :
self . module . debug ( " Group mismatch. No result. " )
return True
elif groupjson [ ' id ' ] not in g :
self . module . debug ( " Group mismatch. ID doesn ' t exist. " )
return True
else :
g . remove ( groupjson [ ' id ' ] )
if g != [ ] :
self . module . debug ( " Group mismatch. New ID exists. " )
return True
self . module . debug ( " Groups match " )
def _compare_props ( self , propresp , ignore ) :
""" Function to compare the host ' s current
properties against provided properties """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host._compare_props... " )
p = { }
self . module . debug ( " Creating list of properties " )
for prop in propresp :
if prop [ " name " ] not in ignore :
if ( " ******* " in prop [ " value " ] and
self . _verify_property ( prop [ " name " ] ) ) :
p [ prop [ " name " ] ] = self . properties [ prop [ " name " ] ]
else :
p [ prop [ " name " ] ] = prop [ " value " ]
self . module . debug ( " Comparing properties " )
# Iterate provided properties and compare to received properties
for prop in self . properties :
if ( prop not in p or
p [ prop ] != self . properties [ prop ] ) :
self . module . debug ( " Properties mismatch " )
return True
self . module . debug ( " Properties match " )
def _strip_groups ( self , groups ) :
""" Function to strip whitespace from group list.
This function provides the user some flexibility when
formatting group arguments """
self . module . debug ( " Running Host._strip_groups... " )
return map ( lambda x : x . strip ( ) , groups )
class Datasource ( LogicMonitor ) :
def __init__ ( self , params , module = None ) :
""" Initializor for the LogicMonitor Datasource object """
self . change = False
self . params = params
LogicMonitor . __init__ ( self , module , * * params )
self . module . debug ( " Instantiating Datasource object " )
self . id = self . params [ " id " ]
self . starttime = self . params [ " starttime " ]
self . duration = self . params [ " duration " ]
def sdt ( self ) :
""" Create a scheduled down time
( maintenance window ) for this host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Datasource.sdt... " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
duration = self . duration
starttime = self . starttime
offsetstart = starttime
if starttime :
self . module . debug ( " Start time specified " )
start = datetime . datetime . strptime ( starttime , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M ' )
offsetstart = start
else :
self . module . debug ( " No start time specified. Using default. " )
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# Use user UTC offset
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getTimeZoneSetting ' " )
accountresp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getTimeZoneSetting " , { } ) )
if accountresp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
offset = accountresp [ " data " ] [ " offset " ]
offsetstart = start + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , offset )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unable to retrieve timezone offset " )
offsetend = offsetstart + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , int ( duration ) * 60 )
h = { " hostDataSourceId " : self . id ,
" type " : 1 ,
" notifyCC " : True ,
" year " : offsetstart . year ,
" month " : offsetstart . month - 1 ,
" day " : offsetstart . day ,
" hour " : offsetstart . hour ,
" minute " : offsetstart . minute ,
" endYear " : offsetend . year ,
" endMonth " : offsetend . month - 1 ,
" endDay " : offsetend . day ,
" endHour " : offsetend . hour ,
" endMinute " : offsetend . minute }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' setHostDataSourceSDT ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " setHostDataSourceSDT " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
class Hostgroup ( LogicMonitor ) :
def __init__ ( self , params , module = None ) :
""" Initializor for the LogicMonitor host object """
self . change = False
self . params = params
LogicMonitor . __init__ ( self , module , * * self . params )
self . module . debug ( " Instantiating Hostgroup object " )
self . fullpath = self . params [ " fullpath " ]
self . info = self . get_group ( self . fullpath )
self . properties = self . params [ " properties " ]
self . description = self . params [ " description " ]
self . starttime = self . params [ " starttime " ]
self . duration = self . params [ " duration " ]
self . alertenable = self . params [ " alertenable " ]
def create ( self ) :
""" Wrapper for self.update() """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.create... " )
self . update ( )
def get_properties ( self , final = False ) :
""" Returns a hash of the properties
associated with this LogicMonitor host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.get_properties... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Group found " )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getHostGroupProperties ' " )
properties_json = json . loads ( self . rpc (
" getHostGroupProperties " ,
{ ' hostGroupId ' : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" finalResult " : final } ) )
if properties_json [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return properties_json [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = properties_json [ " status " ] )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Group not found " )
return None
def set_properties ( self , propertyhash ) :
""" Update the host to have the properties
contained in the property hash """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.set_properties " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Assigning property has to host object " )
self . properties = propertyhash
def add ( self ) :
""" Idempotent function to ensure that the host
group exists in your LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.add " )
if self . info is None :
self . module . debug ( " Group doesn ' t exist. Creating. " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . create_group ( self . fullpath )
self . info = self . get_group ( self . fullpath )
self . module . debug ( " Group created " )
return self . info
else :
self . module . debug ( " Group already exists " )
def update ( self ) :
""" Idempotent function to ensure the host group settings
( alertenable , properties , etc ) in the
LogicMonitor account match the current object . """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.update " )
if self . info :
if self . is_changed ( ) :
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
h = self . _build_host_group_hash (
self . fullpath ,
self . description ,
self . properties ,
self . alertenable )
h [ " opType " ] = " replace "
if self . fullpath != " / " :
h [ " id " ] = self . info [ " id " ]
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' updateHostGroup ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " updateHostGroup " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Unable to update the " +
" host. \n " + resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . module . debug (
" Group properties match supplied properties. " +
" No changes to make "
return self . info
else :
self . module . debug ( " Group doesn ' t exist. Creating. " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
return self . add ( )
def remove ( self ) :
""" Idempotent function to ensure the host group
does not exist in your LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.remove... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Group exists " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' deleteHostGroup ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " deleteHostGroup " ,
{ " hgId " : self . info [ " id " ] } ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( resp )
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp
elif resp [ " errmsg " ] == " No such group " :
self . module . debug ( " Group doesn ' t exist " )
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . module . debug ( resp )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . module . debug ( " Group doesn ' t exist " )
def is_changed ( self ) :
""" Return true if the host doesn ' t match
the LogicMonitor account """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.is_changed... " )
ignore = [ ]
group = self . get_group ( self . fullpath )
properties = self . get_properties ( )
if properties is not None and group is not None :
self . module . debug ( " Comparing simple group properties " )
if ( group [ " alertEnable " ] != self . alertenable or
group [ " description " ] != self . description ) :
return True
p = { }
self . module . debug ( " Creating list of properties " )
for prop in properties :
if prop [ " name " ] not in ignore :
if ( " ******* " in prop [ " value " ] and
self . _verify_property ( prop [ " name " ] ) ) :
p [ prop [ " name " ] ] = (
self . properties [ prop [ " name " ] ] )
else :
p [ prop [ " name " ] ] = prop [ " value " ]
self . module . debug ( " Comparing properties " )
if set ( p ) != set ( self . properties ) :
return True
else :
self . module . debug ( " No property information received " )
return False
def sdt ( self , duration = 30 , starttime = None ) :
""" Create a scheduled down time
( maintenance window ) for this host """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.sdt " )
self . module . debug ( " System changed " )
self . change = True
if self . check_mode :
self . exit ( changed = True )
duration = self . duration
starttime = self . starttime
offset = starttime
if starttime :
self . module . debug ( " Start time specified " )
start = datetime . datetime . strptime ( starttime , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M ' )
offsetstart = start
else :
self . module . debug ( " No start time specified. Using default. " )
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# Use user UTC offset
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to ' getTimeZoneSetting ' " )
accountresp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " getTimeZoneSetting " , { } ) )
if accountresp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
offset = accountresp [ " data " ] [ " offset " ]
offsetstart = start + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , offset )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Unable to retrieve timezone offset " )
offsetend = offsetstart + datetime . timedelta ( 0 , int ( duration ) * 60 )
h = { " hostGroupId " : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" type " : 1 ,
" year " : offsetstart . year ,
" month " : offsetstart . month - 1 ,
" day " : offsetstart . day ,
" hour " : offsetstart . hour ,
" minute " : offsetstart . minute ,
" endYear " : offsetend . year ,
" endMonth " : offsetend . month - 1 ,
" endDay " : offsetend . day ,
" endHour " : offsetend . hour ,
" endMinute " : offsetend . minute }
self . module . debug ( " Making RPC call to setHostGroupSDT " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( " setHostGroupSDT " , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call failed " )
self . fail ( msg = resp [ " errmsg " ] )
def site_facts ( self ) :
""" Output current properties information for the Hostgroup """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup.site_facts... " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Group exists " )
props = self . get_properties ( True )
self . output_info ( props )
else :
self . fail ( msg = " Error: Group doesn ' t exit. " )
def _build_host_group_hash ( self ,
fullpath ,
description ,
properties ,
alertenable ) :
""" Return a property formated hash for the
creation of a hostgroup using the rpc function """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup._build_host_hash " )
h = { }
h [ " alertEnable " ] = alertenable
if fullpath == " / " :
self . module . debug ( " Group is root " )
h [ " id " ] = 1
else :
self . module . debug ( " Determining group path " )
parentpath , name = fullpath . rsplit ( ' / ' , 1 )
parent = self . get_group ( parentpath )
h [ " name " ] = name
if parent :
self . module . debug ( " Parent group " +
str ( parent [ " id " ] ) + " found. " )
h [ " parentID " ] = parent [ " id " ]
else :
self . module . debug ( " No parent group found. Using root. " )
h [ " parentID " ] = 1
if description :
self . module . debug ( " Description property exists " )
h [ " description " ] = description
if properties != { } :
self . module . debug ( " Properties hash exists " )
propnum = 0
for key , value in properties . iteritems ( ) :
h [ " propName " + str ( propnum ) ] = key
h [ " propValue " + str ( propnum ) ] = value
propnum = propnum + 1
return h
def _verify_property ( self , propname ) :
""" Check with LogicMonitor server
to verify property is unchanged """
self . module . debug ( " Running Hostgroup._verify_property " )
if self . info :
self . module . debug ( " Group exists " )
if propname not in self . properties :
self . module . debug ( " Property " + propname + " does not exist " )
return False
else :
self . module . debug ( " Property " + propname + " exists " )
h = { " hostGroupId " : self . info [ " id " ] ,
" propName0 " : propname ,
" propValue0 " : self . properties [ propname ] }
self . module . debug ( " Making RCP call to ' verifyProperties ' " )
resp = json . loads ( self . rpc ( ' verifyProperties ' , h ) )
if resp [ " status " ] == 200 :
self . module . debug ( " RPC call succeeded " )
return resp [ " data " ] [ " match " ]
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: unable to get verification " +
" from server. \n %s " % resp [ " errmsg " ] )
else :
self . fail (
msg = " Error: Group doesn ' t exist. Unable to verify properties " )
def selector ( module ) :
""" Figure out which object and which actions
to take given the right parameters """
if module . params [ " target " ] == " collector " :
target = Collector ( module . params , module )
elif module . params [ " target " ] == " host " :
# Make sure required parameter collector is specified
if ( ( module . params [ " action " ] == " add " or
module . params [ " displayname " ] is None ) and
module . params [ " collector " ] is None ) :
module . fail_json (
msg = " Parameter ' collector ' required. " )
target = Host ( module . params , module )
elif module . params [ " target " ] == " datasource " :
# Validate target specific required parameters
if module . params [ " id " ] is not None :
# make sure a supported action was specified
if module . params [ " action " ] == " sdt " :
target = Datasource ( module . params , module )
else :
errmsg = ( " Error: Unexpected action \" " +
module . params [ " action " ] + " \" was specified. " )
module . fail_json ( msg = errmsg )
elif module . params [ " target " ] == " hostgroup " :
# Validate target specific required parameters
if module . params [ " fullpath " ] is not None :
target = Hostgroup ( module . params , module )
else :
module . fail_json (
msg = " Parameter ' fullpath ' required for target ' hostgroup ' " )
else :
module . fail_json (
msg = " Error: Unexpected target \" " + module . params [ " target " ] +
" \" was specified. " )
if module . params [ " action " ] . lower ( ) == " add " :
action = target . create
elif module . params [ " action " ] . lower ( ) == " remove " :
action = target . remove
elif module . params [ " action " ] . lower ( ) == " sdt " :
action = target . sdt
elif module . params [ " action " ] . lower ( ) == " update " :
action = target . update
else :
errmsg = ( " Error: Unexpected action \" " + module . params [ " action " ] +
" \" was specified. " )
module . fail_json ( msg = errmsg )
action ( )
module . exit_json ( changed = target . change )
def main ( ) :
" collector " ,
" host " ,
" datasource " ,
" hostgroup " ]
" add " ,
" remove " ,
" sdt " ,
" update " ]
module = AnsibleModule (
argument_spec = dict (
target = dict ( required = True , default = None , choices = TARGETS ) ,
action = dict ( required = True , default = None , choices = ACTIONS ) ,
company = dict ( required = True , default = None ) ,
user = dict ( required = True , default = None ) ,
password = dict ( required = True , default = None , no_log = True ) ,
collector = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
hostname = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
displayname = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
id = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
description = dict ( required = False , default = " " ) ,
fullpath = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
starttime = dict ( required = False , default = None ) ,
duration = dict ( required = False , default = 30 ) ,
properties = dict ( required = False , default = { } , type = " dict " ) ,
groups = dict ( required = False , default = [ ] , type = " list " ) ,
alertenable = dict ( required = False , default = " true " , choices = BOOLEANS )
) ,
supports_check_mode = True
if HAS_LIB_JSON is not True :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Unable to load JSON library " )
selector ( module )
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
from ansible . module_utils . urls import *
from ansible . module_utils . urls import open_url
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )