2018-10-02 22:55:53 +00:00
# (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
begin {
$DebugPreference = " Continue "
$ProgressPreference = " SilentlyContinue "
$ErrorActionPreference = " Stop "
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
# common functions that are loaded in exec and module context, this is set
# as a script scoped variable so async_watchdog and module_wrapper can
# access the functions when creating their Runspaces
$script:common_functions = {
Function ConvertFrom-AnsibleJson {
Converts a JSON string to a Hashtable / Array in the fastest way
possible . Unfortunately ConvertFrom-Json is still faster but outputs
a PSCustomObject which is combersone for module consumption .
. PARAMETER InputObject
[ String ] The JSON string to deserialize .
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ] [ String ] $InputObject
# we can use -AsHashtable to get PowerShell to convert the JSON to
# a Hashtable and not a PSCustomObject. This was added in PowerShell
# 6.0, fall back to a manual conversion for older versions
$cmdlet = Get-Command -Name ConvertFrom-Json -CommandType Cmdlet
if ( " AsHashtable " -in $cmdlet . Parameters . Keys ) {
return , ( ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $InputObject -AsHashtable )
} else {
# get the PSCustomObject and then manually convert from there
$raw_obj = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $InputObject
Function ConvertTo-Hashtable {
param ( $InputObject )
if ( $null -eq $InputObject ) {
return $null
if ( $InputObject -is [ PSCustomObject ] ) {
$new_value = @ { }
foreach ( $prop in $InputObject . PSObject . Properties . GetEnumerator ( ) ) {
$new_value . ( $prop . Name ) = ( ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $prop . Value )
return , $new_value
} elseif ( $InputObject -is [ Array ] ) {
$new_value = [ System.Collections.ArrayList ] @ ( )
foreach ( $val in $InputObject ) {
$new_value . Add ( ( ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $val ) ) > $null
return , $new_value . ToArray ( )
} else {
return , $InputObject
return , ( ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $raw_obj )
Function Format-AnsibleException {
Formats a PowerShell ErrorRecord to a string that ' s fit for human
consumption .
Using Out-String can give us the first part of the exception but it
also wraps the messages at 80 chars which is not ideal . We also
append the ScriptStackTrace and the . NET StackTrace if present .
param ( [ System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ] $ErrorRecord )
$exception = @"
$ ( $ErrorRecord . ToString ( ) )
$ ( $ErrorRecord . InvocationInfo . PositionMessage )
+ CategoryInfo : $ ( $ErrorRecord . CategoryInfo . ToString ( ) )
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : $ ( $ErrorRecord . FullyQualifiedErrorId . ToString ( ) )
" @
# module_common strip comments and empty newlines, need to manually
# add a preceding newline using `r`n
$exception + = " `r `n `r `n ScriptStackTrace: `r `n $( $ErrorRecord . ScriptStackTrace ) `r `n "
# exceptions from C# will also have a StackTrace which we
# append if found
if ( $null -ne $ErrorRecord . Exception . StackTrace ) {
$exception + = " `r `n $( $ErrorRecord . Exception . ToString ( ) ) "
return $exception
. $common_functions
# common wrapper functions used in the exec wrappers, this is defined in a
# script scoped variable so async_watchdog can pass them into the async job
$script:wrapper_functions = {
Function Write-AnsibleError {
Writes an error message to a JSON string in the format that Ansible
understands . Also optionally adds an exception record if the
ErrorRecord is passed through .
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ] [ String ] $Message ,
[ System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ] $ErrorRecord = $null
$result = @ {
msg = $Message
failed = $true
if ( $null -ne $ErrorRecord ) {
$result . msg + = " : $( $ErrorRecord . Exception . Message ) "
$result . exception = ( Format-AnsibleException -ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord )
Write-Output -InputObject ( ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $result -Depth 99 -Compress )
Function Write-AnsibleLog {
Used as a debugging tool to log events to a file as they run in the
exec wrappers . By default this is a noop function but the $log_path
can be manually set to enable it . Manually set ANSIBLE_EXEC_DEBUG as
an env value on the Windows host that this is run on to enable .
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ] [ String ] $Message ,
[ Parameter ( Position = 1 ) ] [ String ] $Wrapper
$log_path = $env:ANSIBLE_EXEC_DEBUG
if ( $log_path ) {
$log_path = [ System.Environment ] :: ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( $log_path )
$parent_path = [ System.IO.Path ] :: GetDirectoryName ( $log_path )
if ( Test-Path -LiteralPath $parent_path -PathType Container ) {
$msg = " {0:u} - {1} - {2} - " -f ( Get-Date ) , $pid , ( [ System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity ] :: GetCurrent ( ) . Name )
if ( $null -ne $Wrapper ) {
$msg + = " $Wrapper - "
$msg + = $Message + " `r `n "
$msg_bytes = [ System.Text.Encoding ] :: UTF8 . GetBytes ( $msg )
$fs = [ System.IO.File ] :: Open ( $log_path , [ System.IO.FileMode ] :: Append ,
[ System.IO.FileAccess ] :: Write , [ System.IO.FileShare ] :: ReadWrite )
try {
$fs . Write ( $msg_bytes , 0 , $msg_bytes . Length )
} finally {
$fs . Close ( )
. $wrapper_functions
2018-11-26 23:28:21 +00:00
# only init and stream in $json_raw if it wasn't set by the enclosing scope
if ( -not $ ( Get-Variable " json_raw " -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) {
$json_raw = ''
2018-10-02 22:55:53 +00:00
} process {
$json_raw + = [ String ] $input
} end {
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - starting exec_wrapper " " exec_wrapper "
if ( -not $json_raw ) {
Write-AnsibleError -Message " internal error: no input given to PowerShell exec wrapper "
exit 1
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - converting json raw to a payload " " exec_wrapper "
$payload = ConvertFrom-AnsibleJson -InputObject $json_raw
# TODO: handle binary modules
# TODO: handle persistence
if ( $payload . min_os_version ) {
$min_os_version = [ Version ] $payload . min_os_version
# Environment.OSVersion.Version is deprecated and may not return the
# right version
$actual_os_version = [ Version ] ( Get-Item -Path $env:SystemRoot \ System32 \ kernel32 . dll ) . VersionInfo . ProductVersion
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - checking if actual os version ' $actual_os_version ' is less than the min os version ' $min_os_version ' " " exec_wrapper "
if ( $actual_os_version -lt $min_os_version ) {
Write-AnsibleError -Message " internal error: This module cannot run on this OS as it requires a minimum version of $min_os_version , actual was $actual_os_version "
exit 1
if ( $payload . min_ps_version ) {
$min_ps_version = [ Version ] $payload . min_ps_version
$actual_ps_version = $PSVersionTable . PSVersion
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - checking if actual PS version ' $actual_ps_version ' is less than the min PS version ' $min_ps_version ' " " exec_wrapper "
if ( $actual_ps_version -lt $min_ps_version ) {
Write-AnsibleError -Message " internal error: This module cannot run as it requires a minimum PowerShell version of $min_ps_version , actual was $actual_ps_version "
exit 1
# pop 0th action as entrypoint
$action = $payload . actions [ 0 ]
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - running action $action " " exec_wrapper "
$entrypoint = [ System.Text.Encoding ] :: UTF8 . GetString ( [ System.Convert ] :: FromBase64String ( $payload . ( $action ) ) )
$entrypoint = [ ScriptBlock ] :: Create ( $entrypoint )
# so we preserve the formatting and don't fall prey to locale issues, some
# wrappers want the output to be in base64 form, we store the value here in
# case the wrapper changes the value when they create a payload for their
# own exec_wrapper
$encoded_output = $payload . encoded_output
try {
$output = & $entrypoint -Payload $payload
if ( $encoded_output -and $null -ne $output ) {
$b64_output = [ System.Convert ] :: ToBase64String ( [ System.Text.Encoding ] :: UTF8 . GetBytes ( $output ) )
Write-Output -InputObject $b64_output
} else {
Write-Output -InputObject $output
} catch {
Write-AnsibleError -Message " internal error: failed to run exec_wrapper action $action " -ErrorRecord $_
exit 1
Write-AnsibleLog " INFO - ending exec_wrapper " " exec_wrapper "