2017-08-10 21:57:07 +00:00
2018-07-17 21:29:05 +00:00
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
2017-08-10 21:57:07 +00:00
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
2017-10-23 18:40:54 +00:00
# Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
2017-08-10 21:57:07 +00:00
$ErrorActionPreference = " Stop "
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " _ansible_check_mode " -type " bool " -default $false
$hotfix_kb = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " hotfix_kb " -type " str "
$hotfix_identifier = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " hotfix_identifier " -type " str "
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " state " -type " state " -default " present " -validateset " absent " , " present "
$source = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name " source " -type " path "
$result = @ {
changed = $false
reboot_required = $false
if ( Get-Module -Name DISM -ListAvailable ) {
Import-Module -Name DISM
} else {
# Server 2008 R2 doesn't have the DISM module installed on the path, check the Windows ADK path
$adk_root = [ System.Environment ] :: ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( " %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Windows Kits\*\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM " )
if ( Test-Path -Path $adk_root ) {
Import-Module -Name ( Get-Item -Path $adk_root ) . FullName
} else {
Fail-Json $result " The DISM PS module needs to be installed, this can be done through the windows-adk chocolately package "
Function Extract-MSU($msu ) {
$temp_path = [ IO.Path ] :: GetTempPath ( )
$temp_foldername = [ Guid ] :: NewGuid ( )
$output_path = Join-Path -Path $temp_path -ChildPath $temp_foldername
New-Item -Path $output_path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$expand_args = @ ( $msu , $output_path , " -F:* " )
try {
& expand . exe $expand_args | Out-NUll
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " failed to run expand.exe $( $expand_args ) : $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
if ( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
Fail-Json $result " failed to run expand.exe $( $expand_args ) : RC = $LASTEXITCODE "
return $output_path
Function Get-HotfixMetadataFromName($name ) {
try {
$dism_package_info = Get-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName $name
} catch {
# build a basic stub for a missing result
$dism_package_info = @ {
PackageState = " NotPresent "
Description = " "
PackageName = $name
if ( $dism_package_info . Description -match " (KB\d*) " ) {
$hotfix_kb = $Matches [ 0 ]
} else {
$hotfix_kb = " UNKNOWN "
$metadata = @ {
name = $dism_package_info . PackageName
state = $dism_package_info . PackageState
kb = $hotfix_kb
return $metadata
Function Get-HotfixMetadataFromFile($extract_path ) {
# MSU contents https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/934307/description-of-the-windows-update-standalone-installer-in-windows
$metadata_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $extract_path | Where-Object { $_ . Extension -eq " .xml " }
if ( $metadata_path -eq $null ) {
Fail-Json $result " failed to get metadata xml inside MSU file, cannot get hotfix metadata required for this task "
[ xml ] $xml = Get-Content -Path $metadata_path . FullName
$cab_source_filename = $xml . unattend . servicing . package . source . GetAttribute ( " location " )
$cab_source_filename = Split-Path -Path $cab_source_filename -Leaf
$cab_file = Join-Path -Path $extract_path -ChildPath $cab_source_filename
try {
$dism_package_info = Get-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath $cab_file
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " failed to get DISM package metadata from path $( $extract_path ) : $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
if ( $dism_package_info . Applicable -eq $false ) {
Fail-Json $result " hotfix package is not applicable for this server "
$package_properties_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $extract_path | Where-Object { $_ . Extension -eq " .txt " }
if ( $package_properties_path -eq $null ) {
$hotfix_kb = " UNKNOWN "
} else {
$package_ini = Get-Content -Path $package_properties_path . FullName
$entry = $package_ini | Where-Object { $_ . StartsWith ( " KB Article Number " ) }
if ( $entry -eq $null ) {
$hotfix_kb = " UNKNOWN "
} else {
$hotfix_kb = ( $entry -split '=' ) [ -1 ]
$hotfix_kb = " KB $( $hotfix_kb . Substring ( 1 , $hotfix_kb . Length - 2 ) ) "
$metadata = @ {
path = $cab_file
name = $dism_package_info . PackageName
state = $dism_package_info . PackageState
kb = $hotfix_kb
return $metadata
Function Get-HotfixMetadataFromKB($kb ) {
# I really hate doing it this way
$packages = Get-WindowsPackage -Online
$identifier = $packages | Where-Object { $_ . PackageName -like " * $kb * " }
if ( $identifier -eq $null ) {
# still haven't found the KB, need to loop through the results and check the description
foreach ( $package in $packages ) {
$raw_metadata = Get-HotfixMetadataFromName -name $package . PackageName
if ( $raw_metadata . kb -eq $kb ) {
$identifier = $raw_metadata
# if we still haven't found the package then we need to throw an error
if ( $metadata -eq $null ) {
Fail-Json $result " failed to get DISM package from KB, to continue specify hotfix_identifier instead "
} else {
$metadata = Get-HotfixMetadataFromName -name $identifier . PackageName
return $metadata
if ( $state -eq " absent " ) {
# uninstall hotfix
# this is a pretty poor way of doing this, is there a better way?
if ( $hotfix_identifier -ne $null ) {
$hotfix_metadata = Get-HotfixMetadataFromName -name $hotfix_identifier
} elseif ( $hotfix_kb -ne $null ) {
$hotfix_install_info = Get-Hotfix -Id $hotfix_kb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( $hotfix_install_info -ne $null ) {
$hotfix_metadata = Get-HotfixMetadataFromKB -kb $hotfix_kb
} else {
$hotfix_metadata = @ { state = " NotPresent " }
} else {
Fail-Json $result " either hotfix_identifier or hotfix_kb needs to be set when state=absent "
# how do we want to deal with the other states?
if ( $hotfix_metadata . state -eq " UninstallPending " ) {
$result . identifier = $hotfix_metadata . name
$result . kb = $hotfix_metadata . kb
$result . reboot_required = $true
} elseif ( $hotfix_metadata . state -eq " Installed " ) {
$result . identifier = $hotfix_metadata . name
$result . kb = $hotfix_metadata . kb
if ( -not $check_mode ) {
try {
$remove_result = Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName $hotfix_metadata . name -NoRestart
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " failed to remove package $( $hotfix_metadata . name ) : $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
$result . reboot_required = $remove_Result . RestartNeeded
$result . changed = $true
} else {
if ( $source -eq $null ) {
Fail-Json $result " source must be set when state=present "
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $source -PathType Leaf ) ) {
Fail-Json $result " the path set for source $source does not exist or is not a file "
# while we do extract the file in check mode we need to do so for valid checking
$extract_path = Extract-MSU -msu $source
try {
$hotfix_metadata = Get-HotfixMetadataFromFile -extract_path $extract_path
# validate the hotfix matches if the hotfix id has been passed in
if ( $hotfix_identifier -ne $null ) {
if ( $hotfix_metadata . name -ne $hotfix_identifier ) {
Fail-Json $result " the hotfix identifier $hotfix_identifier does not match with the source msu identifier $( $hotfix_metadata . name ) , please omit or specify the correct identifier to continue "
if ( $hotfix_kb -ne $null ) {
if ( $hotfix_metadata . kb -ne $hotfix_kb ) {
Fail-Json $result " the hotfix KB $hotfix_kb does not match with the source msu KB $( $hotfix_metadata . kb ) , please omit or specify the correct KB to continue "
$result . identifier = $hotfix_metadata . name
$result . kb = $hotfix_metadata . kb
# how do we want to deal with other states
if ( $hotfix_metadata . state -eq " InstallPending " ) {
# return the reboot required flag, should we fail here instead
$result . reboot_required = $true
} elseif ( $hotfix_metadata . state -ne " Installed " ) {
if ( -not $check_mode ) {
try {
$install_result = Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath $hotfix_metadata . path -NoRestart
} catch {
Fail-Json $result " failed to add windows package from path $( $hotfix_metadata . path ) : $( $_ . Exception . Message ) "
$result . reboot_required = $install_result . RestartNeeded
$result . changed = $true
} finally {
Remove-Item -Path $extract_path -Force -Recurse
Exit-Json $result