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# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.strategies import StrategyBase
from ansible.utils.debug import debug
class StrategyModule(StrategyBase):
def run(self, iterator, connection_info):
The linear strategy is simple - get the next task and queue
it for all hosts, then wait for the queue to drain before
moving on to the next task
result = True
# iteratate over each task, while there is one left to run
work_to_do = True
while work_to_do and not self._tqm._terminated:
debug("getting the remaining hosts for this loop")
hosts_left = self.get_hosts_remaining(iterator._play)
debug("done getting the remaining hosts for this loop")
if len(hosts_left) == 0:
debug("out of hosts to run on")
result = False
# queue up this task for each host in the inventory
callback_sent = False
work_to_do = False
for host in hosts_left:
while True:
task = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(host)
if not task:
debug("getting variables")
task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, host=host, task=task)
debug("done getting variables")
# check to see if this task should be skipped, due to it being a member of a
# role which has already run (and whether that role allows duplicate execution)
if task._role and task._role.has_run():
# If there is no metadata, the default behavior is to not allow duplicates,
# if there is metadata, check to see if the allow_duplicates flag was set to true
if task._role._metadata is None or task._role._metadata and not task._role._metadata.allow_duplicates:
debug("'%s' skipped because role has already run" % task)
if not task.evaluate_tags(connection_info.only_tags, connection_info.skip_tags, task_vars) and task.action != 'setup':
debug("'%s' failed tag evaluation" % task)
if not task:
work_to_do = True
if task.action == 'meta':
# meta tasks store their args in the _raw_params field of args,
# since they do not use k=v pairs, so get that
meta_action = task.args.get('_raw_params')
if meta_action == 'flush_handlers':
self.run_handlers(iterator, connection_info)
raise AnsibleError("invalid meta action requested: %s" % meta_action, obj=task._ds)
if not callback_sent:
self._callback.playbook_on_task_start(task.get_name(), False)
callback_sent = True
self._blocked_hosts[host.get_name()] = True
self._queue_task(host, task, task_vars, connection_info)
debug("done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain")
debug("results queue empty")
except (IOError, EOFError), e:
debug("got IOError/EOFError in task loop: %s" % e)
# most likely an abort, return failed
return 1
# run the base class run() method, which executes the cleanup function
# and runs any outstanding handlers which have been triggered
return super(StrategyModule, self).run(iterator, connection_info, result)