2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Kevin Breit (@kbreit) <kevin.breit@kevinbreit.net>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import , division , print_function
__metaclass__ = type
' metadata_version ' : ' 1.1 ' ,
' status ' : [ ' preview ' ] ,
' supported_by ' : ' community '
- - -
module : meraki_vlan
short_description : Manage VLANs in the Meraki cloud
version_added : " 2.7 "
description :
- Create , edit , query , or delete VLANs in a Meraki environment .
notes :
2018-11-07 00:06:24 +00:00
- Meraki ' s API will return an error if VLANs aren ' t enabled on a network . VLANs are returned properly if VLANs are enabled on a network .
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
- Some of the options are likely only used for developers within Meraki .
- Meraki ' s API defaults to networks having VLAN support disabled and there is no way to enable VLANs support in the API. VLAN support must be enabled manually.
options :
state :
description :
- Specifies whether object should be queried , created / modified , or removed .
choices : [ absent , present , query ]
default : query
net_name :
description :
2018-07-09 09:10:27 +00:00
- Name of network which VLAN is in or should be in .
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aliases : [ network ]
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net_id :
description :
- ID of network which VLAN is in or should be in .
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vlan_id :
description :
- ID number of VLAN .
- ID should be between 1 - 4096.
name :
description :
- Name of VLAN .
aliases : [ vlan_name ]
subnet :
description :
- CIDR notation of network subnet .
appliance_ip :
description :
- IP address of appliance .
- Address must be within subnet specified in C ( subnet ) parameter .
dns_nameservers :
description :
- Semi - colon delimited list of DNS IP addresses .
- Specify one of the following options for preprogrammed DNS entries opendns , google_dns , upstream_dns
reserved_ip_range :
description :
- IP address ranges which should be reserve and not distributed via DHCP .
vpn_nat_subnet :
description :
- The translated VPN subnet if VPN and VPN subnet translation are enabled on the VLAN .
fixed_ip_assignments :
description :
- Static IP address assignements to be distributed via DHCP by MAC address .
author :
- Kevin Breit ( @kbreit )
extends_documentation_fragment : meraki
EXAMPLES = r '''
- name : Query all VLANs in a network .
meraki_vlan :
auth_key : abc12345
org_name : YourOrg
net_name : YourNet
state : query
delegate_to : localhost
- name : Query information about a single VLAN by ID .
meraki_vlan :
auth_key : abc12345
org_name : YourOrg
net_name : YourNet
vlan_id : 2
state : query
delegate_to : localhost
- name : Create a VLAN .
meraki_vlan :
auth_key : abc12345
org_name : YourOrg
net_name : YourNet
state : present
vlan_id : 2
name : TestVLAN
subnet : 192.0 .1 .0 / 24
appliance_ip : 192.0 .1 .1
delegate_to : localhost
- name : Update a VLAN .
meraki_vlan :
auth_key : abc12345
org_name : YourOrg
net_name : YourNet
state : present
vlan_id : 2
name : TestVLAN
subnet : 192.0 .1 .0 / 24
appliance_ip : 192.168 .250 .2
fixed_ip_assignments :
- mac : " 13:37:de:ad:be:ef "
ip : 192.168 .250 .10
name : fixed_ip
reserved_ip_range :
- start : 192.168 .250 .10
end : 192.168 .250 .20
comment : reserved_range
dns_nameservers : opendns
delegate_to : localhost
- name : Delete a VLAN .
meraki_vlan :
auth_key : abc12345
org_name : YourOrg
net_name : YourNet
state : absent
vlan_id : 2
delegate_to : localhost
RETURN = r '''
2018-08-05 23:52:16 +00:00
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
response :
2018-08-05 23:52:16 +00:00
description : Information about the organization which was created or modified
returned : success
type : complex
contains :
applianceIp :
description : IP address of Meraki appliance in the VLAN
returned : success
type : string
sample : 192.0 .1 .1
dnsnamservers :
description : IP address or Meraki defined DNS servers which VLAN should use by default
returned : success
type : string
sample : upstream_dns
fixedIpAssignments :
description : List of MAC addresses which have IP addresses assigned .
returned : success
type : complex
contains :
macaddress :
description : MAC address which has IP address assigned to it . Key value is the actual MAC address .
returned : success
type : complex
contains :
ip :
description : IP address which is assigned to the MAC address .
returned : success
type : string
sample : 192.0 .1 .4
name :
description : Descriptive name for binding .
returned : success
type : string
sample : fixed_ip
reservedIpRanges :
description : List of IP address ranges which are reserved for static assignment .
returned : success
type : complex
contains :
comment :
description : Description for IP address reservation .
returned : success
type : string
sample : reserved_range
end :
description : Last IP address in reservation range .
returned : success
type : string
sample : 192.0 .1 .10
start :
description : First IP address in reservation range .
returned : success
type : string
sample : 192.0 .1 .5
id :
description : VLAN ID number .
returned : success
type : int
sample : 2
name :
description : Descriptive name of VLAN
returned : success
type : string
sample : TestVLAN
networkId :
description : ID number of Meraki network which VLAN is associated to .
returned : success
type : string
sample : N_12345
subnet :
description : CIDR notation IP subnet of VLAN .
returned : success
type : string
sample : 192.0 .1 .0 / 24
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
import os
from ansible . module_utils . basic import AnsibleModule , json , env_fallback
from ansible . module_utils . _text import to_native
from ansible . module_utils . network . meraki . meraki import MerakiModule , meraki_argument_spec
def fixed_ip_factory ( meraki , data ) :
fixed_ips = dict ( )
for item in data :
fixed_ips [ item [ ' mac ' ] ] = { ' ip ' : item [ ' ip ' ] , ' name ' : item [ ' name ' ] }
return fixed_ips
def temp_get_nets ( meraki , org_name ) :
org_id = meraki . get_org_id ( org_name )
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' get_all ' , function = ' network ' , org_id = org_id )
r = meraki . request ( path , method = ' GET ' )
return r
def get_vlans ( meraki , net_id ) :
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' get_all ' , net_id = net_id )
return meraki . request ( path , method = ' GET ' )
# TODO: Allow method to return actual item if True to reduce number of calls needed
def is_vlan_valid ( meraki , net_id , vlan_id ) :
vlans = get_vlans ( meraki , net_id )
for vlan in vlans :
if vlan_id == vlan [ ' id ' ] :
return True
return False
def format_dns ( nameservers ) :
return nameservers . replace ( ' ; ' , ' \n ' )
def main ( ) :
# define the available arguments/parameters that a user can pass to
# the module
fixed_ip_arg_spec = dict ( mac = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
ip = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
name = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
reserved_ip_arg_spec = dict ( start = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
end = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
comment = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
argument_spec = meraki_argument_spec ( )
argument_spec . update ( state = dict ( type = ' str ' , choices = [ ' absent ' , ' present ' , ' query ' ] , default = ' query ' ) ,
net_name = dict ( type = ' str ' , aliases = [ ' network ' ] ) ,
2018-07-09 09:10:27 +00:00
net_id = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
vlan_id = dict ( type = ' int ' ) ,
name = dict ( type = ' str ' , aliases = [ ' vlan_name ' ] ) ,
subnet = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
appliance_ip = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
fixed_ip_assignments = dict ( type = ' list ' , default = None , elements = ' dict ' , options = fixed_ip_arg_spec ) ,
reserved_ip_range = dict ( type = ' list ' , default = None , elements = ' dict ' , options = reserved_ip_arg_spec ) ,
vpn_nat_subnet = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
dns_nameservers = dict ( type = ' str ' ) ,
# seed the result dict in the object
# we primarily care about changed and state
# change is if this module effectively modified the target
# state will include any data that you want your module to pass back
# for consumption, for example, in a subsequent task
result = dict (
changed = False ,
# the AnsibleModule object will be our abstraction working with Ansible
# this includes instantiation, a couple of common attr would be the
# args/params passed to the execution, as well as if the module
# supports check mode
module = AnsibleModule ( argument_spec = argument_spec ,
supports_check_mode = True ,
meraki = MerakiModule ( module , function = ' vlan ' )
meraki . params [ ' follow_redirects ' ] = ' all '
query_urls = { ' vlan ' : ' /networks/ {net_id} /vlans ' }
2018-07-14 00:26:37 +00:00
query_url = { ' vlan ' : ' /networks/ {net_id} /vlans/ {vlan_id} ' }
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
create_url = { ' vlan ' : ' /networks/ {net_id} /vlans ' }
update_url = { ' vlan ' : ' /networks/ {net_id} /vlans/ ' }
delete_url = { ' vlan ' : ' /networks/ {net_id} /vlans/ ' }
meraki . url_catalog [ ' get_all ' ] . update ( query_urls )
meraki . url_catalog [ ' get_one ' ] . update ( query_url )
meraki . url_catalog [ ' create ' ] = create_url
meraki . url_catalog [ ' update ' ] = update_url
meraki . url_catalog [ ' delete ' ] = delete_url
payload = None
2018-07-09 09:10:27 +00:00
org_id = meraki . params [ ' org_id ' ]
if org_id is None :
org_id = meraki . get_org_id ( meraki . params [ ' org_name ' ] )
nets = meraki . get_nets ( org_id = org_id )
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
net_id = None
if meraki . params [ ' net_name ' ] :
net_id = meraki . get_net_id ( net_name = meraki . params [ ' net_name ' ] , data = nets )
elif meraki . params [ ' net_id ' ] :
net_id = meraki . params [ ' net_id ' ]
if meraki . params [ ' state ' ] == ' query ' :
if not meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] :
meraki . result [ ' data ' ] = get_vlans ( meraki , net_id )
else :
2018-07-14 00:26:37 +00:00
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' get_one ' , net_id = net_id , custom = { ' vlan_id ' : meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] } )
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
response = meraki . request ( path , method = ' GET ' )
meraki . result [ ' data ' ] = response
elif meraki . params [ ' state ' ] == ' present ' :
payload = { ' id ' : meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] ,
' name ' : meraki . params [ ' name ' ] ,
' subnet ' : meraki . params [ ' subnet ' ] ,
' applianceIp ' : meraki . params [ ' appliance_ip ' ] ,
if is_vlan_valid ( meraki , net_id , meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] ) is False :
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' create ' , net_id = net_id )
response = meraki . request ( path , method = ' POST ' , payload = json . dumps ( payload ) )
meraki . result [ ' changed ' ] = True
meraki . result [ ' data ' ] = response
else :
2018-07-14 00:26:37 +00:00
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' get_one ' , net_id = net_id , custom = { ' vlan_id ' : meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] } )
2018-06-20 07:46:15 +00:00
original = meraki . request ( path , method = ' GET ' )
if meraki . params [ ' dns_nameservers ' ] :
if meraki . params [ ' dns_nameservers ' ] not in ( ' opendns ' , ' google_dns ' , ' upstream_dns ' ) :
payload [ ' dnsNameservers ' ] = format_dns ( meraki . params [ ' dns_nameservers ' ] )
else :
payload [ ' dnsNameservers ' ] = meraki . params [ ' dns_nameservers ' ]
if meraki . params [ ' fixed_ip_assignments ' ] :
payload [ ' fixedIpAssignments ' ] = fixed_ip_factory ( meraki , meraki . params [ ' fixed_ip_assignments ' ] )
if meraki . params [ ' reserved_ip_range ' ] :
payload [ ' reservedIpRanges ' ] = meraki . params [ ' reserved_ip_range ' ]
if meraki . params [ ' vpn_nat_subnet ' ] :
payload [ ' vpnNatSubnet ' ] = meraki . params [ ' vpn_nat_subnet ' ]
ignored = [ ' networkId ' ]
if meraki . is_update_required ( original , payload , optional_ignore = ignored ) :
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' update ' , net_id = net_id ) + str ( meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] )
response = meraki . request ( path , method = ' PUT ' , payload = json . dumps ( payload ) )
meraki . result [ ' changed ' ] = True
meraki . result [ ' data ' ] = response
elif meraki . params [ ' state ' ] == ' absent ' :
if is_vlan_valid ( meraki , net_id , meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] ) :
path = meraki . construct_path ( ' delete ' , net_id = net_id ) + str ( meraki . params [ ' vlan_id ' ] )
response = meraki . request ( path , ' DELETE ' )
meraki . result [ ' changed ' ] = True
meraki . result [ ' data ' ] = response
# if the user is working with this module in only check mode we do not
# want to make any changes to the environment, just return the current
# state with no modifications
# FIXME: Work with Meraki so they can implement a check mode
if module . check_mode :
meraki . exit_json ( * * meraki . result )
# execute checks for argument completeness
# manipulate or modify the state as needed (this is going to be the
# part where your module will do what it needs to do)
# in the event of a successful module execution, you will want to
# simple AnsibleModule.exit_json(), passing the key/value results
meraki . exit_json ( * * meraki . result )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )