2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
- name: restore the updated python
command: mv "{{ which_python.stdout }}.updated" "{{ which_python.stdout }}"
- name: restore the updated pip
command: mv "{{ which_pip.stdout }}.updated" "{{ which_pip.stdout }}"
- name: restore the mercurial python interpreter symlink (if needed)
path: "{{ which_hg.stdout }}"
regexp: "^#!.*$"
line: "#!{{ stat_hg_interpreter.stat.path }}"
when: stat_hg_interpreter.stat.islnk
# using the apt module prevents autoremove from working, so call apt-get via shell instead
- name: uninstall packages which were not originally installed (apt)
shell: apt-get -y remove mercurial && apt-get -y autoremove
2020-03-30 09:06:48 +00:00
when: ansible_facts.pkg_mgr == 'apt'
2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
- name: uninstall packages which were not originally installed (dnf)
name: mercurial
state: absent
autoremove: yes
2020-03-30 09:06:48 +00:00
when: ansible_facts.pkg_mgr == 'dnf'
2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
# the yum module does not have an autoremove parameter
- name: uninstall packages which were not originally installed (yum)
shell: yum -y autoremove mercurial
2020-03-30 09:06:48 +00:00
when: ansible_facts.pkg_mgr == 'yum'
2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
- name: uninstall packages which were not originally installed (pkgng)
name: mercurial
state: absent
autoremove: yes
2020-03-30 09:06:48 +00:00
when: ansible_facts.pkg_mgr in ['pkgng', 'community.general.pkgng']
2020-03-09 09:11:07 +00:00
- name: restore the default python
raw: mv "{{ which_python.stdout }}.default" "{{ which_python.stdout }}"
- name: restore the default pip
raw: mv "{{ which_pip.stdout }}.default" "{{ which_pip.stdout }}"