Adding the capability to proxy the ssl cert check

The ssl cert check will now respect the http and https proxy
environment settings. The url may also have the username/password
embedded, in which case basic auth will be used to connect to the
proxy server.

Fixes #7413
James Cammarata 2014-05-16 08:48:29 -05:00
parent 285d9878ae
commit 08406c0ee2
1 changed files with 89 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ try:
import os
import re
import socket
import tempfile
@ -77,6 +79,58 @@ zKPZsZ2miVGclicJHzm5q080b1p/sZtuKIEZk6vZqEg=
def generic_urlparse(parts):
Returns a dictionary of url parts as parsed by urlparse,
but accounts for the fact that older versions of that
library do not support named attributes (ie. .netloc)
generic_parts = dict()
if hasattr(parts, 'netloc'):
# urlparse is newer, just read the fields straight
# from the parts object
generic_parts['scheme'] = parts.scheme
generic_parts['netloc'] = parts.netloc
generic_parts['path'] = parts.path
generic_parts['params'] = parts.params
generic_parts['query'] = parts.query
generic_parts['fragment'] = parts.fragment
generic_parts['username'] = parts.username
generic_parts['password'] = parts.password
generic_parts['hostname'] = parts.hostname
generic_parts['port'] = parts.port
# we have to use indexes, and then parse out
# the other parts not supported by indexing
generic_parts['scheme'] = parts[0]
generic_parts['netloc'] = parts[1]
generic_parts['path'] = parts[2]
generic_parts['params'] = parts[3]
generic_parts['query'] = parts[4]
generic_parts['fragment'] = parts[5]
# get the username, password, etc.
netloc_re = re.compile(r'^((?:\w)+(?::(?:\w)+)?@)?([A-Za-z0-9.-]+)(:\d+)?$')
(auth, hostname, port) = netloc_re.match(parts[1])
if port:
# the capture group for the port will include the ':',
# so remove it and convert the port to an integer
port = int(port[1:])
if auth:
# the capture group above inclues the @, so remove it
# and then split it up based on the first ':' found
auth = auth[:-1]
username, password = auth.split(':', 1)
generic_parts['username'] = username
generic_parts['password'] = password
generic_parts['hostname'] = hostnme
generic_parts['port'] = port
generic_parts['username'] = None
generic_parts['password'] = None
generic_parts['hostname'] = None
generic_parts['port'] = None
return generic_parts
class RequestWithMethod(urllib2.Request):
@ -103,6 +157,7 @@ class SSLValidationHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
CONNECT_COMMAND = "CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n"
def __init__(self, module, hostname, port):
self.module = module
@ -161,13 +216,42 @@ class SSLValidationHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
return (tmp_path, paths_checked)
def validate_proxy_response(self, response, valid_codes=[200]):
make sure we get back a valid code from the proxy
(http_version, resp_code, msg) = re.match(r'(HTTP/\d\.\d) (\d\d\d) (.*)', response).groups()
if int(resp_code) not in valid_codes:
raise Exception
self.module.fail_json(msg='Connection to proxy failed')
def http_request(self, req):
tmp_ca_cert_path, paths_checked = self.get_ca_certs()
https_proxy = os.environ.get('https_proxy')
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ssl_s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ca_certs=tmp_ca_cert_path, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
ssl_s.connect((self.hostname, self.port))
if https_proxy:
proxy_parts = generic_urlparse(urlparse.urlparse(https_proxy))
s.connect((proxy_parts.get('hostname'), proxy_parts.get('port')))
if proxy_parts.get('scheme') == 'http':
s.sendall(self.CONNECT_COMMAND % (self.hostname, self.port))
if proxy_parts.get('username'):
credentials = "%s:%s" % (proxy_parts.get('username',''), proxy_parts.get('password',''))
s.sendall('Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n' % credentials.encode('base64').strip())
connect_result = s.recv(4096)
ssl_s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ca_certs=tmp_ca_cert_path, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
self.module.fail_json(msg='Unsupported proxy scheme: %s. Currently ansible only supports HTTP proxies.' % proxy_parts.get('scheme'))
s.connect((self.hostname, self.port))
ssl_s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ca_certs=tmp_ca_cert_path, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
# close the ssl connection
except (ssl.SSLError, socket.error), e:
# fail if we tried all of the certs but none worked
if 'connection refused' in str(e).lower():
@ -227,6 +311,8 @@ def fetch_url(module, url, data=None, headers=None, method=None,
# Get validate_certs from the module params
validate_certs = module.params.get('validate_certs', True)
# FIXME: change the following to use the generic_urlparse function
# to remove the indexed references for 'parsed'
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if parsed[0] == 'https':
if not HAS_SSL and validate_certs: