Implement NetBSD-specific subclass of Hardware in the setup module.

Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- devices

As a matter of fact, on NetBSD, it is possible to get memory, swap and
processor facts exactly as on Linux. Tested on NetBSD-5, NetBSD-6 and
NetBSD-6.1 (without Linux emulation).
Guillaume Lasmayous 2013-05-21 17:33:25 +02:00 committed by Michael DeHaan
parent ebf28ff856
commit 1c0e01a72b
1 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -847,6 +847,81 @@ class FreeBSDHardware(Hardware):
if s:
class NetBSDHardware(Hardware):
NetBSD-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- devices
platform = 'NetBSD'
MEMORY_FACTS = ['MemTotal', 'SwapTotal', 'MemFree', 'SwapFree']
def __init__(self):
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
i = 0
physid = 0
sockets = {}
if not os.access("/proc/cpuinfo", os.R_OK):
self.facts['processor'] = []
for line in open("/proc/cpuinfo").readlines():
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0].strip()
# model name is for Intel arch, Processor (mind the uppercase P)
# works for some ARM devices, like the Sheevaplug.
if key == 'model name' or key == 'Processor':
if 'processor' not in self.facts:
self.facts['processor'] = []
i += 1
elif key == 'physical id':
physid = data[1].strip()
if physid not in sockets:
sockets[physid] = 1
elif key == 'cpu cores':
sockets[physid] = int(data[1].strip())
if len(sockets) > 0:
self.facts['processor_count'] = len(sockets)
self.facts['processor_cores'] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, sockets.values())
self.facts['processor_count'] = i
self.facts['processor_cores'] = 'NA'
def get_memory_facts(self):
if not os.access("/proc/meminfo", os.R_OK):
for line in open("/proc/meminfo").readlines():
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0]
if key in NetBSDHardware.MEMORY_FACTS:
val = data[1].strip().split(' ')[0]
self.facts["%s_mb" % key.lower()] = long(val) / 1024
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
fstab = get_file_content('/etc/fstab')
if fstab:
for line in fstab.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('#') or line.strip() == '':
fields = re.sub(r'\s+',' ',line.rstrip('\n')).split()
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1] , 'device': fields[0], 'fstype' : fields[2], 'options': fields[3]})
class AIX(Hardware):
AIX-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts: