@ -2,73 +2,133 @@
- <a href="#v8-5-0">v8\.5\.0</a>
- <a href="#v8-6-0">v8\.6\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#security-fixes">Security Fixes</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-modules">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-4-0">v8\.4\.0</a>
- <a href="#v8-5-0">v8\.5\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-1">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-1">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#security-fixes">Security Fixes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-1">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-1">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-4-0">v8\.4\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-2">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-2">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-2">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#callback">Callback</a>
- <a href="#filter">Filter</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-1">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-3-0">v8\.3\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-2">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-2">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-2">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-2">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-2-0">v8\.2\.0</a>
- <a href="#v8-3-0">v8\.3\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-3">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-3">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features-1">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-3">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-3">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-2-0">v8\.2\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-4">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-4">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-4">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins-1">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#connection">Connection</a>
- <a href="#filter-1">Filter</a>
- <a href="#lookup">Lookup</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-3">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-4">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-1-0">v8\.1\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-4">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-4">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-4">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-5">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-5">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-5">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins-2">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#lookup-1">Lookup</a>
- <a href="#test">Test</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-4">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-5">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v8-0-2">v8\.0\.2</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-5">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-5">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#v8-0-1">v8\.0\.1</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-6">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-6">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#v8-0-0">v8\.0\.0</a>
- <a href="#v8-0-1">v8\.0\.1</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-7">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-5">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#breaking-changes--porting-guide">Breaking Changes / Porting Guide</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features-1">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#removed-features-previously-deprecated">Removed Features \(previously deprecated\)</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-7">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#v8-0-0">v8\.0\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-8">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-6">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#breaking-changes--porting-guide">Breaking Changes / Porting Guide</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features-2">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#removed-features-previously-deprecated">Removed Features \(previously deprecated\)</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-8">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins-3">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#lookup-2">Lookup</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-5">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-6">New Modules</a>
This changelog describes changes after version 7\.0\.0\.
<a id="v8-5-0"></a>
## v8\.5\.0
<a id="v8-6-0"></a>
## v8\.6\.0
<a id="release-summary"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular feature and bugfix release with security fixes\.
Regular bugfix and features release\.
<a id="minor-changes"></a>
### Minor Changes
* Use offset\-aware <code>datetime\.datetime</code> objects \(with timezone UTC\) instead of offset\-naive UTC timestamps\, which are deprecated in Python 3\.12 \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8222](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8222)\)\.
* apt\_rpm \- add new states <code>latest</code> and <code>present\_not\_latest</code>\. The value <code>latest</code> is equivalent to the current behavior of <code>present</code>\, which will upgrade a package if a newer version exists\. <code>present\_not\_latest</code> does what most users would expect <code>present</code> to do\: it does not upgrade if the package is already installed\. The current behavior of <code>present</code> will be deprecated in a later version\, and eventually changed to that of <code>present\_not\_latest</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8217](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8217)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8247](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8247)\)\.
* bitwarden lookup plugin \- add support to filter by organization ID \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8188](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8188)\)\.
* filesystem \- add bcachefs support \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8126](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8126)\)\.
* ini\_file \- add an optional parameter <code>section\_has\_values</code>\. If the target ini file contains more than one <code>section</code>\, use <code>section\_has\_values</code> to specify which one should be updated \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7505](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7505)\)\.
* java\_cert \- add <code>cert\_content</code> argument \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8153](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8153)\)\.
* keycloak\_client\, keycloak\_clientscope\, keycloak\_clienttemplate \- added <code>docker\-v2</code> protocol support\, enhancing alignment with Keycloak\'s protocol options \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8215](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8215)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8216](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8216)\)\.
* nmcli \- adds OpenvSwitch support with new <code>type</code> values <code>ovs\-port</code>\, <code>ovs\-interface</code>\, and <code>ovs\-bridge</code>\, and new <code>slave\_type</code> value <code>ovs\-port</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8154](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8154)\)\.
* osx\_defaults \- add option <code>check\_types</code> to enable changing the type of existing defaults on the fly \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8173](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8173)\)\.
* passwordstore lookup \- add <code>missing\_subkey</code> parameter defining the behavior of the lookup when a passwordstore subkey is missing \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8166](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8166)\)\.
* portage \- adds the possibility to explicitely tell portage to write packages to world file \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/6226](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/6226)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8236](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8236)\)\.
* redfish\_command \- add command <code>ResetToDefaults</code> to reset manager to default state \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8163](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8163)\)\.
* redfish\_info \- add boolean return value <code>MultipartHttpPush</code> to <code>GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8194](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8194)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8195](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8195)\)\.
* ssh\_config \- allow <code>accept\-new</code> as valid value for <code>strict\_host\_key\_checking</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8257](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8257)\)\.
<a id="deprecated-features"></a>
### Deprecated Features
* hipchat callback plugin \- the hipchat service has been discontinued and the self\-hosted variant has been End of Life since 2020\. The callback plugin is therefore deprecated and will be removed from community\.general 10\.0\.0 if nobody provides compelling reasons to still keep it \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8184](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8184)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8189](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8189)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes"></a>
### Bugfixes
* aix\_filesystem \- fix <code>\_validate\_vg</code> not passing VG name to <code>lsvg\_cmd</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8151](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8151)\)\.
* apt\_rpm \- when checking whether packages were installed after running <code>apt\-get \-y install \<packages\></code>\, only the last package name was checked \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8263](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8263)\)\.
* bitwarden\_secrets\_manager lookup plugin \- implements retry with exponential backoff to avoid lookup errors when Bitwardn\'s API rate limiting is encountered \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8230](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8230)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8238](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8238)\)\.
* from\_ini filter plugin \- disabling interpolation of <code>ConfigParser</code> to allow converting values with a <code>\%</code> sign \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8183](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8183)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8185](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8185)\)\.
* gitlab\_issue\, gitlab\_label\, gitlab\_milestone \- avoid crash during version comparison when the python\-gitlab Python module is not installed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8158](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8158)\)\.
* haproxy \- fix an issue where HAProxy could get stuck in DRAIN mode when the backend was unreachable \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8092](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8092)\)\.
* inventory plugins \- add unsafe wrapper to avoid marking strings that do not contain <code>\{</code> or <code>\}</code> as unsafe\, to work around a bug in AWX \(\([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8212](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8212)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8225](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8225)\)\.
* ipa \- fix get version regex in IPA module\_utils \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8175](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8175)\)\.
* keycloak\_client \- add sorted <code>defaultClientScopes</code> and <code>optionalClientScopes</code> to normalizations \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8223](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8223)\)\.
* keycloak\_realm \- add normalizations for <code>enabledEventTypes</code> and <code>supportedLocales</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8224](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8224)\)\.
* puppet \- add option <code>environment\_lang</code> to set the environment language encoding\. Defaults to lang <code>C</code>\. It is recommended to set it to <code>C\.UTF\-8</code> or <code>en\_US\.UTF\-8</code> depending on what is available on your system\. \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8000](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8000)\)
* riak \- support <code>riak admin</code> sub\-command in newer Riak KV versions beside the legacy <code>riak\-admin</code> main command \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8211](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8211)\)\.
* to\_ini filter plugin \- disabling interpolation of <code>ConfigParser</code> to allow converting values with a <code>\%</code> sign \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8183](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8183)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8185](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8185)\)\.
* xml \- make module work with lxml 5\.1\.1\, which removed some internals that the module was relying on \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8169](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8169)\)\.
<a id="new-modules"></a>
### New Modules
* keycloak\_client\_rolescope \- Allows administration of Keycloak client roles scope to restrict the usage of certain roles to a other specific client applications\.
<a id="v8-5-0"></a>
## v8\.5\.0
<a id="release-summary-1"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular feature and bugfix release with security fixes\.
<a id="minor-changes-1"></a>
### Minor Changes
* bitwarden lookup plugin \- allows to fetch all records of a given collection ID\, by allowing to pass an empty value for <code>search\_value</code> when <code>collection\_id</code> is provided \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8013](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8013)\)\.
* icinga2 inventory plugin \- adds new parameter <code>group\_by\_hostgroups</code> in order to make grouping by Icinga2 hostgroups optional \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7998](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7998)\)\.
* ini\_file \- support optional spaces between section names and their surrounding brackets \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8075](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8075)\)\.
@ -84,7 +144,7 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release with security fixes\.
* cobbler\, gitlab\_runners\, icinga2\, linode\, lxd\, nmap\, online\, opennebula\, proxmox\, scaleway\, stackpath\_compute\, virtualbox\, and xen\_orchestra inventory plugin \- make sure all data received from the remote servers is marked as unsafe\, so remote code execution by obtaining texts that can be evaluated as templates is not possible \([https\://www\.die\-welt\.net/2024/03/remote\-code\-execution\-in\-ansible\-dynamic\-inventory\-plugins/](https\://www\.die\-welt\.net/2024/03/remote\-code\-execution\-in\-ansible\-dynamic\-inventory\-plugins/)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8098](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8098)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-1"></a>
### Bugfixes
* aix\_filesystem \- fix issue with empty list items in crfs logic and option order \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8052](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8052)\)\.
@ -98,7 +158,7 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release with security fixes\.
* pam\_limits \- when the file does not exist\, do not create it in check mode \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8050](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8050)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8057](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8057)\)\.
* proxmox\_kvm \- fixed status check getting from node\-specific API endpoint \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7817](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7817)\)\.
<a id="new-modules"></a>
<a id="new-modules-1"></a>
### New Modules
* usb\_facts \- Allows listing information about USB devices
@ -106,12 +166,12 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release with security fixes\.
<a id="v8-4-0"></a>
## v8\.4\.0
<a id="release-summary-1"></a>
<a id="release-summary-2"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes-1"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-2"></a>
### Minor Changes
* bitwarden lookup plugin \- add <code>bw\_session</code> option\, to pass session key instead of reading from env \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7994](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7994)\)\.
@ -124,7 +184,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* sudoers \- add support for the <code>NOEXEC</code> tag in sudoers rules \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7983](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7983)\)\.
* terraform \- fix <code>diff\_mode</code> in state <code>absent</code> and when terraform <code>resource\_changes</code> does not exist \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7963](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7963)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-1"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-2"></a>
### Bugfixes
* cargo \- fix idempotency issues when using a custom installation path for packages \(using the <code>\-\-path</code> parameter\)\. The initial installation runs fine\, but subsequent runs use the <code>get\_installed\(\)</code> function which did not check the given installation location\, before running <code>cargo install</code>\. This resulted in a false <code>changed</code> state\. Also the removal of packeges using <code>state\: absent</code> failed\, as the installation check did not use the given parameter \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7970](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7970)\)\.
@ -153,7 +213,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* lists\_symmetric\_difference \- Symmetric Difference of lists with a predictive order
* lists\_union \- Union of lists with a predictive order
<a id="new-modules-1"></a>
<a id="new-modules-2"></a>
### New Modules
* gitlab\_group\_access\_token \- Manages GitLab group access tokens
@ -162,12 +222,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="v8-3-0"></a>
## v8\.3\.0
<a id="release-summary-2"></a>
<a id="release-summary-3"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes-2"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-3"></a>
### Minor Changes
* consul\_auth\_method\, consul\_binding\_rule\, consul\_policy\, consul\_role\, consul\_session\, consul\_token \- added action group <code>community\.general\.consul</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7897](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7897)\)\.
@ -180,12 +240,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* redfish\_info \- add command <code>GetServiceIdentification</code> to get service identification \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7882](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7882)\)\.
* terraform \- add support for <code>diff\_mode</code> for terraform resource\_changes \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7896](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7896)\)\.
<a id="deprecated-features"></a>
<a id="deprecated-features-1"></a>
### Deprecated Features
* consul\_acl \- the module has been deprecated and will be removed in community\.general 10\.0\.0\. <code>consul\_token</code> and <code>consul\_policy</code> can be used instead \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7901](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7901)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-2"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-3"></a>
### Bugfixes
* homebrew \- detect already installed formulae and casks using JSON output from <code>brew info</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/864](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/864)\)\.
@ -196,7 +256,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* nmcli \- fix <code>connection\.slave\-type</code> wired to <code>bond</code> and not with parameter <code>slave\_type</code> in case of connection type <code>wifi</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7389](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7389)\)\.
* proxmox \- fix updating a container config if the setting does not already exist \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7872](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7872)\)\.
<a id="new-modules-2"></a>
<a id="new-modules-3"></a>
### New Modules
* consul\_acl\_bootstrap \- Bootstrap ACLs in Consul
@ -209,12 +269,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="v8-2-0"></a>
## v8\.2\.0
<a id="release-summary-3"></a>
<a id="release-summary-4"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes-3"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-4"></a>
### Minor Changes
* ipa\_dnsrecord \- adds ability to manage NS record types \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7737](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7737)\)\.
@ -230,7 +290,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* ssh\_config \- new feature to set <code>IdentitiesOnly</code> option to <code>yes</code> or <code>no</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7704](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7704)\)\.
* xcc\_redfish\_command \- added support for raw POSTs \(<code>command\=PostResource</code> in <code>category\=Raw</code>\) without a specific action info \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7746](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7746)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-3"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-4"></a>
### Bugfixes
* keycloak\_identity\_provider \- <code>mappers</code> processing was not idempotent if the mappers configuration list had not been sorted by name \(in ascending order\)\. Fix resolves the issue by sorting mappers in the desired state using the same key which is used for obtaining existing state \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7418](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7418)\)\.
@ -258,7 +318,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* github\_app\_access\_token \- Obtain short\-lived Github App Access tokens
<a id="new-modules-3"></a>
<a id="new-modules-4"></a>
### New Modules
* dnf\_config\_manager \- Enable or disable dnf repositories using config\-manager
@ -270,12 +330,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="v8-1-0"></a>
## v8\.1\.0
<a id="release-summary-4"></a>
<a id="release-summary-5"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes-4"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-5"></a>
### Minor Changes
* bitwarden lookup plugin \- when looking for items using an item ID\, the item is now accessed directly with <code>bw get item</code> instead of searching through all items\. This doubles the lookup speed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7468](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7468)\)\.
@ -312,7 +372,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* redfish\_info \- adding the <code>BootProgress</code> property when getting <code>Systems</code> info \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7626](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7626)\)\.
* ssh\_config \- adds <code>controlmaster</code>\, <code>controlpath</code> and <code>controlpersist</code> parameters \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7456](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7456)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-4"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-5"></a>
### Bugfixes
* apt\-rpm \- the module did not upgrade packages if a newer version exists\. Now the package will be reinstalled if the candidate is newer than the installed version \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7414](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7414)\)\.
@ -343,7 +403,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* fqdn\_valid \- Validates fully\-qualified domain names against RFC 1123
<a id="new-modules-4"></a>
<a id="new-modules-5"></a>
### New Modules
* git\_config\_info \- Read git configuration
@ -353,12 +413,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="v8-0-2"></a>
## v8\.0\.2
<a id="release-summary-5"></a>
<a id="release-summary-6"></a>
### Release Summary
Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 9\.0\.0rc1\.
<a id="bugfixes-5"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-6"></a>
### Bugfixes
* ocapi\_utils\, oci\_utils\, redfish\_utils module utils \- replace <code>type\(\)</code> calls with <code>isinstance\(\)</code> calls \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7501](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7501)\)\.
@ -367,12 +427,12 @@ Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 9\.0\.0rc1\.
<a id="v8-0-1"></a>
## v8\.0\.1
<a id="release-summary-6"></a>
<a id="release-summary-7"></a>
### Release Summary
Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 9\.0\.0b1\.
<a id="bugfixes-6"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-7"></a>
### Bugfixes
* gitlab\_group\_members \- fix gitlab constants call in <code>gitlab\_group\_members</code> module \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7467](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7467)\)\.
@ -385,12 +445,12 @@ Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 9\.0\.0b1\.
<a id="v8-0-0"></a>
## v8\.0\.0
<a id="release-summary-7"></a>
<a id="release-summary-8"></a>
### Release Summary
This is release 8\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2023\-11\-01\.
<a id="minor-changes-5"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-6"></a>
### Minor Changes
* The collection will start using semantic markup \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6539](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6539)\)\.
@ -529,7 +589,7 @@ This is release 8\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2023\-1
* vardict module utils \- <code>VarDict</code> will no longer accept variables named <code>\_var</code>\, <code>get\_meta</code>\, and <code>as\_dict</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6647](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6647)\)\.
* version module util \- remove fallback for ansible\-core 2\.11\. All modules and plugins that do version collections no longer work with ansible\-core 2\.11 \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7269](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7269)\)\.
<a id="deprecated-features-1"></a>
<a id="deprecated-features-2"></a>
### Deprecated Features
* CmdRunner module utils \- deprecate <code>cmd\_runner\_fmt\.as\_default\_type\(\)</code> formatter \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6601](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6601)\)\.
@ -589,7 +649,7 @@ This is release 8\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2023\-1
* proxmox module utils \- removed unused imports \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6873](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/6873)\)\.
* xfconf \- the deprecated <code>disable\_facts</code> option was removed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7358](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7358)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-7"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-8"></a>
### Bugfixes
* CmdRunner module utils \- does not attempt to resolve path if executable is a relative or absolute path \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7200](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/7200)\)\.
@ -684,7 +744,7 @@ This is release 8\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2023\-1
* bitwarden\_secrets\_manager \- Retrieve secrets from Bitwarden Secrets Manager
<a id="new-modules-5"></a>
<a id="new-modules-6"></a>
### New Modules
* consul\_policy \- Manipulate Consul policies
@ -6,6 +6,60 @@ Community General Release Notes
This changelog describes changes after version 7.0.0.
Release Summary
Regular bugfix and features release.
Minor Changes
- Use offset-aware ``datetime.datetime`` objects (with timezone UTC) instead of offset-naive UTC timestamps, which are deprecated in Python 3.12 (
- apt_rpm - add new states ``latest`` and ``present_not_latest``. The value ``latest`` is equivalent to the current behavior of ``present``, which will upgrade a package if a newer version exists. ``present_not_latest`` does what most users would expect ``present`` to do: it does not upgrade if the package is already installed. The current behavior of ``present`` will be deprecated in a later version, and eventually changed to that of ``present_not_latest`` (,
- bitwarden lookup plugin - add support to filter by organization ID (
- filesystem - add bcachefs support (
- ini_file - add an optional parameter ``section_has_values``. If the target ini file contains more than one ``section``, use ``section_has_values`` to specify which one should be updated (
- java_cert - add ``cert_content`` argument (
- keycloak_client, keycloak_clientscope, keycloak_clienttemplate - added ``docker-v2`` protocol support, enhancing alignment with Keycloak's protocol options (,
- nmcli - adds OpenvSwitch support with new ``type`` values ``ovs-port``, ``ovs-interface``, and ``ovs-bridge``, and new ``slave_type`` value ``ovs-port`` (
- osx_defaults - add option ``check_types`` to enable changing the type of existing defaults on the fly (
- passwordstore lookup - add ``missing_subkey`` parameter defining the behavior of the lookup when a passwordstore subkey is missing (
- portage - adds the possibility to explicitely tell portage to write packages to world file (,
- redfish_command - add command ``ResetToDefaults`` to reset manager to default state (
- redfish_info - add boolean return value ``MultipartHttpPush`` to ``GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities`` (,
- ssh_config - allow ``accept-new`` as valid value for ``strict_host_key_checking`` (
Deprecated Features
- hipchat callback plugin - the hipchat service has been discontinued and the self-hosted variant has been End of Life since 2020. The callback plugin is therefore deprecated and will be removed from community.general 10.0.0 if nobody provides compelling reasons to still keep it (,
- aix_filesystem - fix ``_validate_vg`` not passing VG name to ``lsvg_cmd`` (
- apt_rpm - when checking whether packages were installed after running ``apt-get -y install <packages>``, only the last package name was checked (
- bitwarden_secrets_manager lookup plugin - implements retry with exponential backoff to avoid lookup errors when Bitwardn's API rate limiting is encountered (,
- from_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow converting values with a ``%`` sign (,
- gitlab_issue, gitlab_label, gitlab_milestone - avoid crash during version comparison when the python-gitlab Python module is not installed (
- haproxy - fix an issue where HAProxy could get stuck in DRAIN mode when the backend was unreachable (
- inventory plugins - add unsafe wrapper to avoid marking strings that do not contain ``{`` or ``}`` as unsafe, to work around a bug in AWX ((,
- ipa - fix get version regex in IPA module_utils (
- keycloak_client - add sorted ``defaultClientScopes`` and ``optionalClientScopes`` to normalizations (
- keycloak_realm - add normalizations for ``enabledEventTypes`` and ``supportedLocales`` (
- puppet - add option ``environment_lang`` to set the environment language encoding. Defaults to lang ``C``. It is recommended to set it to ``C.UTF-8`` or ``en_US.UTF-8`` depending on what is available on your system. (
- riak - support ``riak admin`` sub-command in newer Riak KV versions beside the legacy ``riak-admin`` main command (
- to_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow converting values with a ``%`` sign (,
- xml - make module work with lxml 5.1.1, which removed some internals that the module was relying on (
New Modules
- keycloak_client_rolescope - Allows administration of Keycloak client roles scope to restrict the usage of certain roles to a other specific client applications.
@ -1320,3 +1320,115 @@ releases:
name: usb_facts
namespace: ''
release_date: '2024-03-25'
- aix_filesystem - fix ``_validate_vg`` not passing VG name to ``lsvg_cmd``
- apt_rpm - when checking whether packages were installed after running ``apt-get
-y install <packages>``, only the last package name was checked (
- bitwarden_secrets_manager lookup plugin - implements retry with exponential
backoff to avoid lookup errors when Bitwardn's API rate limiting is encountered
- from_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow
converting values with a ``%`` sign (,
- gitlab_issue, gitlab_label, gitlab_milestone - avoid crash during version
comparison when the python-gitlab Python module is not installed (
- haproxy - fix an issue where HAProxy could get stuck in DRAIN mode when the
backend was unreachable (
- inventory plugins - add unsafe wrapper to avoid marking strings that do not
contain ``{`` or ``}`` as unsafe, to work around a bug in AWX ((,
- ipa - fix get version regex in IPA module_utils (
- keycloak_client - add sorted ``defaultClientScopes`` and ``optionalClientScopes``
to normalizations (
- keycloak_realm - add normalizations for ``enabledEventTypes`` and ``supportedLocales``
- puppet - add option ``environment_lang`` to set the environment language encoding.
Defaults to lang ``C``. It is recommended to set it to ``C.UTF-8`` or ``en_US.UTF-8``
depending on what is available on your system. (
- riak - support ``riak admin`` sub-command in newer Riak KV versions beside
the legacy ``riak-admin`` main command (
- to_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow
converting values with a ``%`` sign (,
- xml - make module work with lxml 5.1.1, which removed some internals that
the module was relying on (
- hipchat callback plugin - the hipchat service has been discontinued and the
self-hosted variant has been End of Life since 2020. The callback plugin is
therefore deprecated and will be removed from community.general 10.0.0 if
nobody provides compelling reasons to still keep it (,
- Use offset-aware ``datetime.datetime`` objects (with timezone UTC) instead
of offset-naive UTC timestamps, which are deprecated in Python 3.12 (
- 'apt_rpm - add new states ``latest`` and ``present_not_latest``. The value
``latest`` is equivalent to the current behavior of ``present``, which will
upgrade a package if a newer version exists. ``present_not_latest`` does what
most users would expect ``present`` to do: it does not upgrade if the package
is already installed. The current behavior of ``present`` will be deprecated
in a later version, and eventually changed to that of ``present_not_latest``
- bitwarden lookup plugin - add support to filter by organization ID (
- filesystem - add bcachefs support (
- ini_file - add an optional parameter ``section_has_values``. If the target
ini file contains more than one ``section``, use ``section_has_values`` to
specify which one should be updated (
- java_cert - add ``cert_content`` argument (
- keycloak_client, keycloak_clientscope, keycloak_clienttemplate - added ``docker-v2``
protocol support, enhancing alignment with Keycloak's protocol options (,
- nmcli - adds OpenvSwitch support with new ``type`` values ``ovs-port``, ``ovs-interface``,
and ``ovs-bridge``, and new ``slave_type`` value ``ovs-port`` (
- osx_defaults - add option ``check_types`` to enable changing the type of existing
defaults on the fly (
- passwordstore lookup - add ``missing_subkey`` parameter defining the behavior
of the lookup when a passwordstore subkey is missing (
- portage - adds the possibility to explicitely tell portage to write packages
to world file (,
- redfish_command - add command ``ResetToDefaults`` to reset manager to default
state (
- redfish_info - add boolean return value ``MultipartHttpPush`` to ``GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities``
- ssh_config - allow ``accept-new`` as valid value for ``strict_host_key_checking``
release_summary: Regular bugfix and features release.
- 7505-ini_file-section_has.yml
- 8.6.0.yml
- 8100-haproxy-drain-fails-on-down-backend.yml
- 8126-filesystem-bcachefs-support.yaml
- 8151-fix-lsvg_cmd-failed.yml
- 8153-java_cert-add-cert_content-arg.yml
- 8154-add-ovs-commands-to-nmcli-module.yml
- 8158-gitlab-version-check.yml
- 8163-redfish-implementing-reset-to-defaults.yml
- 8166-password-store-lookup-missing-subkey.yml
- 8169-lxml.yml
- 8173-osx_defaults-check_type.yml
- 8175-get_ipa_version_regex.yml
- 8183-from_ini_to_ini.yml
- 8188-bitwarden-add-organization_id.yml
- 8194-redfish-add-multipart-to-capabilities.yml
- 8211-riak-admin-sub-command-support.yml
- 8215-add-docker-v2-protocol.yml
- 8222-datetime.yml
- 8223-keycloak_client-additional-normalizations.yaml
- 8224-keycloak_realm-add-normalizations.yaml
- 8225-unsafe.yml
- 8236-portage-select-feature.yml
- 8238-bitwarden-secrets-manager-rate-limit-retry-with-backoff.yml
- 8247-apt_rpm-latest.yml
- 8257-ssh-config-hostkey-support-accept-new.yaml
- 8263-apt_rpm-install-check.yml
- hipchat.yml
- puppet_lang_force.yml
- description: Allows administration of Keycloak client roles scope to restrict
the usage of certain roles to a other specific client applications.
name: keycloak_client_rolescope
namespace: ''
release_date: '2024-04-22'
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "ini_file - add an optional parameter ``section_has_values``. If the
target ini file contains more than one ``section``, use ``section_has_values``
to specify which one should be updated
@ -1 +0,0 @@
release_summary: Regular bugfix and features release.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "haproxy - fix an issue where HAProxy could get stuck in DRAIN mode when the backend was unreachable ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- filesystem - add bcachefs support (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- aix_filesystem - fix ``_validate_vg`` not passing VG name to ``lsvg_cmd`` (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- java_cert - add ``cert_content`` argument (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- nmcli - adds OpenvSwitch support with new ``type`` values ``ovs-port``, ``ovs-interface``, and ``ovs-bridge``, and new ``slave_type`` value ``ovs-port`` (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "gitlab_issue, gitlab_label, gitlab_milestone - avoid crash during version comparison when the python-gitlab Python module is not installed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- redfish_command - add command ``ResetToDefaults`` to reset manager to default state (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- passwordstore lookup - add ``missing_subkey`` parameter defining the behavior of the lookup when a passwordstore subkey is missing (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "xml - make module work with lxml 5.1.1, which removed some internals that the module was relying on ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- osx_defaults - add option ``check_types`` to enable changing the type of existing defaults on the fly (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- ipa - fix get version regex in IPA module_utils (
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "to_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow converting values with a ``%`` sign (,"
- "from_ini filter plugin - disabling interpolation of ``ConfigParser`` to allow converting values with a ``%`` sign (,"
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- bitwarden lookup plugin - add support to filter by organization ID (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- redfish_info - add boolean return value ``MultipartHttpPush`` to ``GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities`` (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "riak - support ``riak admin`` sub-command in newer Riak KV versions beside the legacy ``riak-admin`` main command ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- keycloak_client, keycloak_clientscope, keycloak_clienttemplate - added ``docker-v2`` protocol support, enhancing alignment with Keycloak's protocol options (,
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "Use offset-aware ``datetime.datetime`` objects (with timezone UTC) instead of offset-naive UTC timestamps,
which are deprecated in Python 3.12 ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- keycloak_client - add sorted ``defaultClientScopes`` and ``optionalClientScopes`` to normalizations (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- keycloak_realm - add normalizations for ``enabledEventTypes`` and ``supportedLocales`` (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "inventory plugins - add unsafe wrapper to avoid marking strings that do not contain ``{`` or ``}`` as unsafe, to work around a bug in AWX ((,"
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- portage - adds the possibility to explicitely tell portage to write packages to world file (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "bitwarden_secrets_manager lookup plugin - implements retry with exponential backoff to avoid lookup errors when Bitwardn's API rate limiting is encountered (,"
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "apt_rpm - add new states ``latest`` and ``present_not_latest``. The value ``latest`` is equivalent to the current behavior of
``present``, which will upgrade a package if a newer version exists. ``present_not_latest`` does what most users would expect ``present``
to do: it does not upgrade if the package is already installed. The current behavior of ``present`` will be deprecated in a later version,
and eventually changed to that of ``present_not_latest``
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- ssh_config - allow ``accept-new`` as valid value for ``strict_host_key_checking`` (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "apt_rpm - when checking whether packages were installed after running ``apt-get -y install <packages>``, only the last package name was checked ("
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "hipchat callback plugin - the hipchat service has been discontinued and the self-hosted variant has been End of Life since 2020.
The callback plugin is therefore deprecated and will be removed from community.general 10.0.0 if nobody provides compelling reasons to still keep it
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- puppet - add option ``environment_lang`` to set the environment language encoding. Defaults to lang ``C``. It is recommended
to set it to ``C.UTF-8`` or ``en_US.UTF-8`` depending on what is available on your system. (
Reference in New Issue