Some tweaks to the fetch module. 'err' return was for stderr, so that should be empty string.
Some minor code shortening. Added a test to TestRunner.pull/4420/head
@ -489,46 +489,33 @@ class Runner(object):
def _execute_fetch(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for fetch operations '''
#load up options
# load up options
options = utils.parse_kv(self.module_args)
source = options['src']
# files are saved in dest dir, with a subdir for each host, then the filename
filename = os.path.basename(source)
dest = "%s/%s/%s" % (options['dest'], host, filename)
dest = "%s/%s/%s" % (utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, options['dest']), host, filename)
changed = False
failed = None
ok = True
error = None
#get old md5
# compare old and new md5 for support of change hooks
local_md5 = None
if os.path.exists(dest):
local_md5 = os.popen("md5sum %s" % dest).read().split()[0]
#get new md5
remote_md5 = self._exec_command(conn, "md5sum %s" % source, tmp, True)[0].split()[0]
if remote_md5 != local_md5:
#create the containing directories, if needed
# create the containing directories, if needed
#fetch the file and check for changes
# fetch the file and check for changes
conn.fetch_file(source, dest)
new_md5 = os.popen("md5sum %s" % dest).read().split()[0]
changed = (new_md5 != local_md5)
if new_md5 != remote_md5:
error = "new md5 does not match remote md5"
return (host, True, dict(failed=True, msg="md5 mismatch", md5sum=new_md5), '')
return (host, True, dict(changed=True, md5sum=new_md5), '')
new_md5 = local_md5
return (host, True, dict(changed=False, md5sum=local_md5), '')
if error:
ok = False
failed = True
data = {'msg': error, 'failed': True, 'md5sum': new_md5, 'changed': changed}
data = {'changed': changed, 'md5sum': new_md5}
return (host, ok, data, failed)
# *****************************************************
@ -189,6 +189,14 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
assert 'stdout' in result
assert result['ansible_job_id'] == jid
def test_fetch(self):
input = self._get_test_file('sample.j2')
output = self._get_stage_file('')
result = self._run('fetch', [ "src=%s" % input, "dest=%s" % self.stage_dir ])
print "output file=%s" % output
assert os.path.exists(output)
assert open(input).read() == open(output).read()
def test_yum(self):
result = self._run('yum', [ "list=repos" ])
assert 'failed' not in result
Reference in New Issue