Merge branch 'lineinfile' of git:// into lif

Michael DeHaan 2013-03-29 21:39:57 -04:00
commit 36bcfb5d49
2 changed files with 277 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ DOCUMENTATION = """
module: lineinfile
author: Daniel Hokka Zakrisson
short_description: Ensure a particular line is in a file
short_description: Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an
existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.
- This module will search a file for a line, and ensure that it is present or absent.
- This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a
@ -36,12 +37,13 @@ options:
required: true
aliases: [ name, destfile ]
- The file to modify
- The file to modify.
required: true
- The regular expression to look for in the file. For C(state=present),
the pattern to replace. For C(state=absent), the pattern of the line
- The regular expression to look for in every line of the file. For
C(state=present), the pattern to replace if found; only the last line
found will be replaced. For C(state=absent), the pattern of the line
to remove. Uses Python regular expressions; see
@ -55,7 +57,22 @@ options:
required: false
- Required for C(state=present). The line to insert/replace into the
file. May contain backreferences.
file. If backrefs is set, may contain backreferences that will get
expanded with the regexp capture groups if the regexp matches. The
backreferences should be double escaped (see examples).
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
version_added: 1.1
- Used with C(state=present). If set, line can contain backreferences
(both positional and named) that will get populated if the regexp
matches. This flag changes the operation of the module slightly;
insertbefore) and insertafter will be ignored, and if the regexp
doesn't match anywhere in the file, the file will be left unchanged.
If the regexp does match, the last matching line will be replaced by
the expanded line parameter.
required: false
default: EOF
@ -63,6 +80,7 @@ options:
- Used with C(state=present). If specified, the line will be inserted
after the specified regular expression. A special value is
available; C(EOF) for inserting the line at the end of the file.
May not be used with backrefs.
choices: [ 'EOF', '*regex*' ]
required: false
@ -70,8 +88,8 @@ options:
- Used with C(state=present). If specified, the line will be inserted
before the specified regular expression. A value is available;
C(BOF) for inserting the line at the beginning of the
C(BOF) for inserting the line at the beginning of the file.
May not be used with backrefs.
choices: [ 'BOF', '*regex*' ]
required: false
@ -90,11 +108,11 @@ options:
get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly.
- All arguments accepted by the M(file) module also work here.
- All arguments accepted by the M(file) module also work here.
required: false
lineinfile: dest=/etc/selinux/config regexp=^SELINUX= line=SELINUX=disabled
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers state=absent regexp="^%wheel"
@ -105,11 +123,11 @@ EXAMPLES = """
lineinfile: dest=/etc/services regexp="^# port for http" insertbefore="^www.*80/tcp" line="# port for http by default"
lineinfile: \\\"dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%wheel' line ='%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'\\\"
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%wheel' line ='%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
lineinfile dest=/tmp/grub.conf state=present regexp='^(splashimage=.*)$' line="#\\1"
lineinfile: dest=/opt/jboss-as/bin/standalone.conf state=present regexp='^(.*)Xms(\d+)m(.*)$' line='\\1Xms${xms}m\\3'
def check_file_attrs(module, changed, message):
@ -121,9 +139,11 @@ def check_file_attrs(module, changed, message):
changed = True
message += "ownership, perms or SE linux context changed"
return [ message, changed ]
return message, changed
def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backup):
def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create,
backup, backrefs):
if os.path.isdir(dest):
module.fail_json(rc=256, msg='Destination %s is a directory !' % dest)
@ -142,10 +162,10 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backu
msg = ""
mre = re.compile(regexp)
if insertafter is not None and insertafter not in ('BOF', 'EOF'):
if insertafter not in (None, 'BOF', 'EOF'):
insre = re.compile(insertafter)
elif insertbefore is not None and insertbefore not in ('BOF'):
elif insertbefore not in (None, 'BOF'):
insre = re.compile(insertbefore)
insre = None
@ -154,12 +174,12 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backu
# index[1] is the line num where insertafter/inserbefore has been found
index = [-1, -1]
m = None
for lineno in range(0, len(lines)):
match_found =[lineno])
for lineno, cur_line in enumerate(lines):
match_found =
if match_found:
index[0] = lineno
m = match_found
elif insre is not None and[lineno]):
elif insre is not None and
if insertafter:
# + 1 for the next line
index[1] = lineno + 1
@ -167,15 +187,24 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backu
# + 1 for the previous line
index[1] = lineno
msg = ''
changed = False
# Regexp matched a line in the file
if index[0] != -1:
if lines[index[0]] == m.expand(line) + os.linesep:
msg = ''
changed = False
if backrefs:
new_line = m.expand(line)
lines[index[0]] = m.expand(line) + os.linesep
# Don't do backref expansion if not asked.
new_line = line
if lines[index[0]] != new_line + os.linesep:
lines[index[0]] = new_line + os.linesep
msg = 'line replaced'
changed = True
elif backrefs:
# Do absolutely nothing, since it's not safe generating the line
# without the regexp matching to populate the backrefs.
# Add it to the beginning of the file
elif insertbefore == 'BOF' or insertafter == 'BOF':
lines.insert(0, line + os.linesep)
@ -188,11 +217,10 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backu
lines.append(line + os.linesep)
msg = 'line added'
changed = True
# Do nothing if regexp didn't match
# Do nothing if insert* didn't match
elif index[1] == -1:
msg = ''
changed = False
# insertafter/insertbefore= matched
# insert* matched, but not the regexp
lines.insert(index[1], line + os.linesep)
msg = 'line added'
@ -205,9 +233,10 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create, backu
[ msg, changed ] = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
msg, changed = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg)
def absent(module, dest, regexp, backup):
if os.path.isdir(dest):
@ -242,36 +271,46 @@ def absent(module, dest, regexp, backup):
if changed:
msg = "%s line(s) removed" % len(found)
[ msg, changed ] = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
msg, changed = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, found=len(found), msg=msg)
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
dest=dict(required=True, aliases=['name', 'destfile']),
state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
backrefs=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
create=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
backup=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
mutually_exclusive = [['insertbefore', 'insertafter']],
add_file_common_args = True,
supports_check_mode = True
mutually_exclusive=[['insertbefore', 'insertafter']],
params = module.params
create = module.params['create']
backup = module.params['backup']
dest = os.path.expanduser(params['dest'])
backrefs = module.params['backrefs']
dest = os.path.expanduser(params['dest'])
if params['state'] == 'present':
if 'line' not in params:
module.fail_json(msg='line= is required with state=present')
# Deal with the insertafter default value manually, to avoid errors
# because of the mutually_exclusive mechanism.
ins_bef, ins_aft = params['insertbefore'], params['insertafter']
if ins_bef is None and ins_aft is None:
ins_aft = 'EOF'
present(module, dest, params['regexp'], params['line'],
params['insertafter'], params['insertbefore'], create, backup)
ins_aft, ins_bef, create, backup, backrefs)
absent(module, dest, params['regexp'], backup)
@ -279,4 +318,3 @@ def main():

View File

@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import os
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
import urllib2
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
def get_binary(name):
for directory in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
path = os.path.join(directory, name)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ def get_binary(name):
return path
return None
class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -110,70 +111,70 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
data_out = file(output).read()
assert data_in == data_out
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed'] is True
assert 'md5sum' in result
result = self._run('copy', [
"src=%s" % input_,
"dest=%s" % output,
assert result['changed'] == False
assert result['changed'] is False
def test_command(self):
# test command module, change trigger, etc
result = self._run('command', [ "/bin/echo", "hi" ])
result = self._run('command', ["/bin/echo", "hi"])
assert "failed" not in result
assert "msg" not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
assert result['stdout'] == 'hi'
assert result['stderr'] == ''
result = self._run('command', [ "false" ])
result = self._run('command', ["false"])
assert result['rc'] == 1
assert 'failed' not in result
result = self._run('command', [ "/usr/bin/this_does_not_exist", "splat" ])
result = self._run('command', ["/usr/bin/this_does_not_exist", "splat"])
assert 'msg' in result
assert 'failed' in result
result = self._run('shell', [ "/bin/echo", "$HOME" ])
result = self._run('shell', ["/bin/echo", "$HOME"])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
result = self._run('command', [ "creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "chdir=/tmp", "touch", "'ansible command test'" ])
result = self._run('command', ["creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "chdir=/tmp", "touch", "'ansible command test'"])
assert 'changed' in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
result = self._run('command', [ "creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "false" ])
result = self._run('command', ["creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "false"])
assert 'skipped' in result
result = self._run('shell', [ "removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "chdir=/tmp", "rm -f 'ansible command test'; echo $?" ])
result = self._run('shell', ["removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "chdir=/tmp", "rm -f 'ansible command test'; echo $?"])
assert 'changed' in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
assert result['stdout'] == '0'
result = self._run('shell', [ "removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "false" ])
result = self._run('shell', ["removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "false"])
assert 'skipped' in result
def test_git(self):
self._run('command',['git init gitdemo', 'chdir=/tmp'])
self._run('command',['touch a', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['touch b', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd" ])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gitdemo', 'state=absent'])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gd', 'state=absent'])
self._run('command', ['git init gitdemo', 'chdir=/tmp'])
self._run('command', ['touch a', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['touch b', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command', ['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd"])
assert result['changed']
# test the force option not set
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=no" ])
self._run('file', ['path=/tmp/gd/a', 'state=absent'])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=no"])
assert result['failed']
# test the force option when set
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=yes" ])
result = self._run('git', ["repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=yes"])
assert result['changed']
def test_file(self):
filedemo = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=directory'])['failed']
@ -191,7 +192,6 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
assert not os.path.exists(filedemo)
assert not self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
filedemo = tempfile.mkdtemp()
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=file'])['failed']
assert os.path.isdir(filedemo)
@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
assert not os.path.exists(filedemo)
assert not self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
filedemo = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'link')
os.symlink('/dev/zero', filedemo)
@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
if not os.path.exists(large_path):
raise SkipTest
# Ensure reading a large amount of output from a command doesn't hang.
result = self._run('command', [ "/bin/cat", large_path ])
result = self._run('command', ["/bin/cat", large_path])
assert "failed" not in result
assert "msg" not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
@ -244,14 +243,14 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
def test_async(self):
# test async launch and job status
# of any particular module
result = self._run('command', [ get_binary("sleep"), "3" ], background=20)
result = self._run('command', [get_binary("sleep"), "3"], background=20)
assert 'ansible_job_id' in result
assert 'started' in result
jid = result['ansible_job_id']
# no real chance of this op taking a while, but whatever
# CLI will abstract this (when polling), but this is how it works internally
result = self._run('async_status', [ "jid=%s" % jid ])
result = self._run('async_status', ["jid=%s" % jid])
# TODO: would be nice to have tests for supervisory process
# killing job after X seconds
assert 'finished' in result
@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fetch(self):
input_ = self._get_test_file('sample.j2')
output = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, 'localhost', input_)
result = self._run('fetch', [ "src=%s" % input_, "dest=%s" % self.stage_dir ])
self._run('fetch', ["src=%s" % input_, "dest=%s" % self.stage_dir])
assert os.path.exists(output)
assert open(input_).read() == open(output).read()
@ -280,7 +279,7 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
assert out.find("first") != -1
assert out.find("second") != -1
assert out.find("third") != -1
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed'] is True
assert 'md5sum' in result
assert 'failed' not in result
result = self._run('assemble', [
@ -288,13 +287,14 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"dest=%s" % output,
print result
assert result['changed'] == False
assert result['changed'] is False
def test_lineinfile(self):
"""Unit tests for the lineinfile module, without backref features."""
sampleroot = 'rocannon'
sample_origin = self._get_test_file(sampleroot + '.txt')
sample = self._get_stage_file(sampleroot + '.out' + '.txt')
shutil.copy( sample_origin, sample)
shutil.copy(sample_origin, sample)
# The order of the test cases is important
# defaults to insertafter at the end of the file
@ -303,19 +303,19 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^First: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact[-1] == testline
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
# run a second time, verify only one line has been added
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == False
assert not result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == ''
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
# insertafter with EOF
@ -325,48 +325,48 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"regexp='^Second: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact[-1] == testline
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
# with invalid insertafter regex
# If the regexp doesn't match and the insertafter doesn't match,
# do nothing.
testline = 'Third: Line added with an invalid insertafter regex'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^Third: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
assert artifact[-1] == testline
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
assert not result['changed']
# with an insertafter regex
# The regexp doesn't match, but the insertafter is specified and does,
# so insert after insertafter.
testline = 'Fourth: Line added with a valid insertafter regex'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"insertafter='^receive messages to '",
"regexp='^Fourth: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
idx = artifact.index('receive messages to and from a corresponding device over any distance')
assert artifact[idx + 1] == testline
# replacement of a line from a regex
# we replace the line, so we need to get its idx before the run
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
target_line = 'combination of microphone, speaker, keyboard and display. It can send and'
idx = artifact.index(target_line)
@ -375,18 +375,18 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='combination of microphone'",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line replaced'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
assert artifact.index(testline) == idx
assert target_line not in artifact
# removal of a line
# we replace the line, so we need to get its idx before the run
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
target_line = 'receive messages to and from a corresponding device over any distance'
idx = artifact.index(target_line)
@ -394,13 +394,12 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^receive messages to and from '",
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
assert result['changed']
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert target_line not in artifact
# with both insertafter and insertbefore (should fail)
testline = 'Seventh: this line should not be there'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
@ -409,9 +408,9 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"regexp='^communication. '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['failed'] == True
assert result['failed']
# insertbefore with BOF
testline = 'Eighth: insertbefore BOF'
@ -420,11 +419,11 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"regexp='^Eighth: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
assert artifact[0] == testline
@ -435,11 +434,11 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
"insertbefore='^communication. Typically '",
"regexp='^Ninth: '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed'] == True
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line added'
artifact = [ x.strip() for x in open(sample).readlines() ]
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline) == 1
idx = artifact.index('communication. Typically it is depicted as a lunch-box sized object with some')
assert artifact[idx - 1] == testline
@ -447,4 +446,139 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
# cleanup
def test_lineinfile_backrefs(self):
"""Unit tests for the lineinfile module, with backref features."""
sampleroot = 'rocannon'
sample_origin = self._get_test_file(sampleroot + '.txt')
origin_lines = [line.strip() for line in open(sample_origin)]
sample = self._get_stage_file(sampleroot + '.out' + '.txt')
shutil.copy(sample_origin, sample)
# The order of the test cases is important
# The regexp doesn't match, so the line will not be added anywhere.
testline = r'\\1: Line added by default at the end of the file.'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^(First): '",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert not result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == ''
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact == origin_lines
# insertafter with EOF
# The regexp doesn't match, so the line will not be added anywhere.
testline = r'\\1: Line added with insertafter=EOF'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^(Second): '",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert not result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == ''
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact == origin_lines
# with invalid insertafter regex
# The regexp doesn't match, so do nothing.
testline = r'\\1: Line added with an invalid insertafter regex'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^(Third): '",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert not result['changed']
assert artifact == origin_lines
# with an insertafter regex
# The regexp doesn't match, so do nothing.
testline = r'\\1: Line added with a valid insertafter regex'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"insertafter='^receive messages to '",
"regexp='^(Fourth): '",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert not result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == ''
assert artifact == origin_lines
# replacement of a line from a regex
# we replace the line, so we need to get its idx before the run
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
target_line = 'combination of microphone, speaker, keyboard and display. It can send and'
idx = artifact.index(target_line)
testline = r'\\1 of megaphone'
testline_after = 'combination of megaphone'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='(combination) of microphone'",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line replaced'
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert artifact.count(testline_after) == 1
assert artifact.index(testline_after) == idx
assert target_line not in artifact
# Go again, should be unchanged now.
testline = r'\\1 of megaphone'
testline_after = 'combination of megaphone'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='(combination) of megaphone'",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert not result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == ''
# Try a numeric, named capture group example.
f = open(sample, 'a+')
f.write("1 + 1 = 3" + os.linesep)
testline = r"2 + \\g<num> = 3"
testline_after = "2 + 1 = 3"
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
r"regexp='1 \\+ (?P<num>\\d) = 3'",
"line='%s'" % testline,
result = self._run(*testcase)
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert result['changed']
assert result['msg'] == 'line replaced'
artifact = [x.strip() for x in open(sample)]
assert '1 + 1 = 3' not in artifact
assert testline_after == artifact[-1]
# with both insertafter and insertbefore (should fail)
testline = 'Seventh: this line should not be there'
testcase = ('lineinfile', [
"dest=%s" % sample,
"regexp='^communication. '",
"line='%s'" % testline
result = self._run(*testcase)
assert result['failed']