updates network parse_cli filter to handle blocks from output (#28245)

* updates network parse_cli filter to handle blocks from output

* minor updates to finish up parse_cli filter

* all vars are now under the vars key
* attributes key has been changed to keys
* added the start_block and end_block directives

* update PEP8 failures
Peter Sprygada 2017-08-16 08:59:14 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent b658ea8da2
commit 37524b798d
1 changed files with 66 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -81,13 +81,76 @@ def parse_cli(output, tmpl):
spec = yaml.load(open(tmpl).read())
obj = {}
for name, attrs in iteritems(spec['attributes']):
for name, attrs in iteritems(spec['keys']):
value = attrs['value']
if template.can_template(value):
value = template(value, spec)
variables = spec.get('vars', {})
value = template(value, variables)
if 'items' in attrs:
if 'start_block' in attrs and 'end_block' in attrs:
start_block = re.compile(attrs['start_block'])
end_block = re.compile(attrs['end_block'])
blocks = list()
lines = None
block_started = False
for line in output.split('\n'):
match_start = start_block.match(line)
match_end = end_block.match(line)
if match_start:
if lines:
lines = list()
block_started = True
elif match_end:
if lines:
block_started = False
elif block_started:
if lines:
regex_items = [re.compile(r) for r in attrs['items']]
objects = list()
for block in blocks:
if isinstance(value, Mapping) and 'key' not in value:
items = list()
for regex in regex_items:
match = regex.search(block)
if match:
item_values = match.groupdict()
item_values['match'] = list(match.groups())
objects.append(dict([(k, template(v, {'item': items})) for k, v in iteritems(value)]))
elif isinstance(value, Mapping):
items = list()
for regex in regex_items:
match = regex.search(block)
if match:
item_values = match.groupdict()
item_values['match'] = list(match.groups())
key = template(value['key'], {'item': items})
values = dict([(k, template(v, {'item': items})) for k, v in iteritems(value['values'])])
objects.append({key: values})
return objects
elif 'items' in attrs:
regexp = re.compile(attrs['items'])
when = attrs.get('when')
conditional = "{%% if %s %%}True{%% else %%}False{%% endif %%}" % when