mongodb_user: fix checking if the roles of an oplog reader user changed

Marcos Diez 2016-03-16 21:59:24 +02:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent dc83f2c6d7
commit 37ba9a3fe1
1 changed files with 38 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -206,6 +206,43 @@ def load_mongocnf():
return creds
def check_if_roles_changed(uinfo, roles, db_name):
# The reason for such complicated method is a user which can read the oplog on a replicaset
# This user must have access to the local DB, but since this DB does not have users
# and is not synchronized among replica sets, the user must be stored on the admin db
# {
# "_id" : "admin.oplog_reader",
# "user" : "oplog_reader",
# "db" : "admin",
# "roles" : [
# {
# "role" : "read",
# "db" : "local"
# }
# ]
# }
def make_sure_roles_are_a_list_of_dict(roles, db_name):
output = list()
for role in roles:
if isinstance(role, basestring):
new_role = { "role": role, "db": db_name }
return output
roles_as_list_of_dict = make_sure_roles_are_a_list_of_dict(roles, db_name)
uinfo_roles = uinfo.get('roles', [])
if sorted(roles_as_list_of_dict) == sorted(uinfo_roles):
return False
return True
# =========================================
# Module execution.
@ -278,7 +315,7 @@ def main():
uinfo = user_find(client, user, db_name)
if update_password != 'always' and uinfo:
password = None
if list(map((lambda x: x['role']), uinfo.get('roles', []))) == roles:
if not check_if_roles_changed(uinfo, roles, db_name):
module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
if module.check_mode: