Use mutually exclusive on nova floating ip params

ansible knows how to deal with mutually exclusive parameters, so
instead of coding that ourselves, use it.
Monty Taylor 2014-08-02 18:26:23 -07:00
parent d17a1b5c19
commit 3fe1083192
1 changed files with 58 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -96,9 +96,19 @@ options:
- A list of network id's to which the VM's interface should be attached
required: false
default: None
- list of key value pairs that determine how to assign, if specified, floating IPs. Either use an explicite list of valid floating IPs, list of floating IP pools to choose from, or auto-assign
- Should a floating ip be auto created and assigned
required: false
default: 'yes'
- list of valid floating IPs that pre-exist to assign to this node
required: false
default: None
- list of floating IP pools from which to choose a floating IP
required: false
default: None
@ -201,14 +211,17 @@ def _delete_server(module, nova):
module.fail_json(msg = "Timed out waiting for server to get deleted, please check manually")
def _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
def _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server):
# instantiate FloatingIPManager object
floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova)
# empty dict and list
usable_floating_ips = {}
pools = []
# user specified
pools = module.params['floating_ip']['pools']
pools = module.params['floating_ip_pools']
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
@ -251,48 +264,41 @@ def _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip,, e.message))
def _add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
usable_floating_ips = list()
# if there is a list of IP addresses, make that the list
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
usable_floating_ips = [dict(ip=f, created=False) for f in module.params['floating_ip']['ips']]
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
# per cloud provider
for f_ip in floating_ip_obj.list():
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id is None:
usable_floating_ips.append(dict(ip=f_ip.ip, created=False))
if not usable_floating_ips:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create()
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip")
usable_floating_ips.append(dict(ip=new_ip.ip, created=True))
# finally, add ip(s) to instance
for ip in usable_floating_ips:
def _add_floating_ip_list(module, server):
# add ip(s) to instance
for ip in module.params['floating_ips']:
except Exception, e:
# Clean up - we auto-created this ip, and it's not attached
# to the server, so the cloud will not know what to do with it
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip,, e.message))
def _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server):
# instantiate FloatingIPManager object
floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova)
def _add_auto_floating_ip(module, nova, server):
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
_add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj)
_add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj)
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create()
except Exception as e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip: %s" % (e.message))
except Exception as e:
# Clean up - we auto-created this ip, and it's not attached
# to the server, so the cloud will not know what to do with it
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip,, e.message))
def _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server):
if module.params['floating_ip_pools']:
_add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server)
elif module.params['floating_ips']:
_add_floating_ip_list(module, server)
elif module.params['auto_floating_ip']:
_add_auto_floating_ip(module, nova, server)
return server
# this may look redundant, but if there is now a
# floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from
@ -318,16 +324,6 @@ def _get_ips(addresses, ext_tag, key_name):
def _create_server(module, nova):
# issue an error early on and not launch the instance
if module.params['floating_ip'] is not None:
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
# can't specify "ips" and "auto" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and module.params['floating_ip']['auto']:
module.fail_json(msg = "For floating_ips - you cannot specify both 'auto' and 'ips'!")
# can't specify "ips" and "pools" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
module.fail_json(msg = "For floating_ips - you cannot specify both 'pools' and 'ips'!")
bootargs = [module.params['name'], module.params['image_id'], module.params['flavor_id']]
bootkwargs = {
'nics' : module.params['nics'],
@ -353,9 +349,7 @@ def _create_server(module, nova):
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json( msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s" % e.message)
if server.status == 'ACTIVE':
# if floating_ip is specified, then attach
if module.params['floating_ip'] is not None:
server = _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server)
server = _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server)
private = _get_ips(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'fixed', 'private')
public = _get_ips(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'floating', 'public')
@ -417,9 +411,18 @@ def main():
wait_for = dict(default=180),
state = dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
user_data = dict(default=None),
floating_ip = dict(default=None),
auto_floating_ip = dict(default=False, type='bool'),
floating_ips = dict(default=None),
floating_ip_pools = dict(default=None),
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec)
module = AnsibleModule(
nova = nova_client.Client(module.params['login_username'],