Addresses #4407 Caculate failed percentage based on serial and number of hosts in play

James Tanner 2014-03-21 13:31:47 -04:00
parent d0cbb51170
commit 5b3b9ba267
1 changed files with 8 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -674,8 +674,14 @@ class PlayBook(object):
play.max_fail_pct = 0
# If threshold for max nodes failed is exceeded , bail out.
if (hosts_count - len(host_list)) > int((play.max_fail_pct)/100.0 * hosts_count):
host_list = None
if play.serial > 0:
# if serial is set, we need to shorten the size of host_count
play_count = len(play._play_hosts)
if (play_count - len(host_list)) > int((play.max_fail_pct)/100.0 * play_count):
host_list = None
if (hosts_count - len(host_list)) > int((play.max_fail_pct)/100.0 * hosts_count):
host_list = None
# if no hosts remain, drop out
if not host_list: