diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/crypto.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/crypto.py
index 20d80f6335..8f036993ae 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/crypto.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/crypto.py
@@ -14,9 +14,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# A clearly marked portion of this file is licensed under the BSD
+# Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Paul Kehrer (@reaperhulk)
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Fraser Tweedale (@frasertweedale)
+# For more details, search for the function _obj2txt().
+ import OpenSSL
from OpenSSL import crypto
except ImportError:
# An error will be raised in the calling class to let the end
@@ -35,6 +42,8 @@ except ImportError:
import abc
+import base64
+import binascii
import datetime
import errno
import hashlib
@@ -332,6 +341,225 @@ class OpenSSLObject(object):
+_OID_MAP = {
+ # First entry is 'canonical' name
+ "": ('Any Extended Key Usage', 'anyExtendedKeyUsage'),
+ "": ('qcStatements', ),
+ "": ('DVCS', 'dvcs'),
+ "": ('IPSec User', 'ipsecUser'),
+ "": ('Biometric Info', 'biometricInfo'),
+ 'CN': 'commonName',
+ 'C': 'countryName',
+ 'L': 'localityName',
+ 'ST': 'stateOrProvinceName',
+ 'street': 'streetAddress',
+ 'O': 'organizationName',
+ 'OU': 'organizationalUnitName',
+ 'SN': 'surname',
+ 'GN': 'givenName',
+ 'UID': 'userId',
+ 'userID': 'userId',
+ 'DC': 'domainComponent',
+ 'jurisdictionC': 'jurisdictionCountryName',
+ 'jurisdictionL': 'jurisdictionLocalityName',
+ 'jurisdictionST': 'jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName',
+ 'serverAuth': 'TLS Web Server Authentication',
+ 'clientAuth': 'TLS Web Client Authentication',
+ 'codeSigning': 'Code Signing',
+ 'emailProtection': 'E-mail Protection',
+ 'timeStamping': 'Time Stamping',
+ 'OCSPSigning': 'OCSP Signing',
+for dotted, names in _OID_MAP.items():
+ for name in names[1:]:
+ _NORMALIZE_NAMES[name] = names[0]
+def pyopenssl_normalize_name(name):
+ nid = OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(name))
+ if nid != 0:
+ b_name = OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_nid2ln(nid)
+ name = to_text(OpenSSL._util.ffi.string(b_name))
+ return _NORMALIZE_NAMES.get(name, name)
+# #####################################################################################
+# #####################################################################################
+# # This excerpt is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
+# # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file at
+# # https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details.
+# #
+# # Adapted from cryptography's hazmat/backends/openssl/decode_asn1.py
+# #
+# # Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Paul Kehrer (@reaperhulk)
+# # Copyright (c) 2017 Fraser Tweedale (@frasertweedale)
+# #
+# # Relevant commits from cryptography project (https://github.com/pyca/cryptography):
+# # pyca/cryptography@719d536dd691e84e208534798f2eb4f82aaa2e07
+# # pyca/cryptography@5ab6d6a5c05572bd1c75f05baf264a2d0001894a
+# # pyca/cryptography@2e776e20eb60378e0af9b7439000d0e80da7c7e3
+# # pyca/cryptography@fb309ed24647d1be9e319b61b1f2aa8ebb87b90b
+# # pyca/cryptography@2917e460993c475c72d7146c50dc3bbc2414280d
+# # pyca/cryptography@3057f91ea9a05fb593825006d87a391286a4d828
+# # pyca/cryptography@d607dd7e5bc5c08854ec0c9baff70ba4a35be36f
+def _obj2txt(openssl_lib, openssl_ffi, obj):
+ # Set to 80 on the recommendation of
+ # https://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/OBJ_nid2ln.html#return_values
+ #
+ # But OIDs longer than this occur in real life (e.g. Active
+ # Directory makes some very long OIDs). So we need to detect
+ # and properly handle the case where the default buffer is not
+ # big enough.
+ #
+ buf_len = 80
+ buf = openssl_ffi.new("char[]", buf_len)
+ # 'res' is the number of bytes that *would* be written if the
+ # buffer is large enough. If 'res' > buf_len - 1, we need to
+ # alloc a big-enough buffer and go again.
+ res = openssl_lib.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, buf_len, obj, 1)
+ if res > buf_len - 1: # account for terminating null byte
+ buf_len = res + 1
+ buf = openssl_ffi.new("char[]", buf_len)
+ res = openssl_lib.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, buf_len, obj, 1)
+ return openssl_ffi.buffer(buf, res)[:].decode()
+# #####################################################################################
+# #####################################################################################
+def cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(cert):
+ # Since cryptography won't give us the DER value for an extension
+ # (that is only stored for unrecognized extensions), we have to re-do
+ # the extension parsing outselves.
+ result = dict()
+ backend = cert._backend
+ x509_obj = cert._x509
+ for i in range(backend._lib.X509_get_ext_count(x509_obj)):
+ ext = backend._lib.X509_get_ext(x509_obj, i)
+ if ext == backend._ffi.NULL:
+ continue
+ crit = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_critical(ext)
+ data = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
+ backend.openssl_assert(data != backend._ffi.NULL)
+ der = backend._ffi.buffer(data.data, data.length)[:]
+ entry = dict(
+ critical=(crit == 1),
+ value=base64.b64encode(der),
+ )
+ oid = _obj2txt(backend._lib, backend._ffi, backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext))
+ result[oid] = entry
+ return result
+def pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_cert(cert):
+ # While pyOpenSSL allows us to get an extension's DER value, it won't
+ # give us the dotted string for an OID. So we have to do some magic to
+ # get hold of it.
+ result = dict()
+ ext_count = cert.get_extension_count()
+ for i in range(0, ext_count):
+ ext = cert.get_extension(i)
+ entry = dict(
+ critical=bool(ext.get_critical()),
+ value=base64.b64encode(ext.get_data()),
+ )
+ oid = _obj2txt(
+ OpenSSL._util.lib,
+ OpenSSL._util.ffi,
+ OpenSSL._util.lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext._extension)
+ )
+ # This could also be done a bit simpler:
+ #
+ # oid = _obj2txt(OpenSSL._util.lib, OpenSSL._util.ffi, OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_nid2obj(ext._nid))
+ #
+ # Unfortunately this gives the wrong result in case the linked OpenSSL
+ # doesn't know the OID. That's why we have to get the OID dotted string
+ # similarly to how cryptography does it.
+ result[oid] = entry
+ return result
+def crpytography_name_to_oid(name):
+ if name in ('CN', 'commonName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME
+ if name in ('C', 'countryName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME
+ if name in ('L', 'localityName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME
+ if name in ('ST', 'stateOrProvinceName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME
+ if name in ('street', 'streetAddress'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.STREET_ADDRESS
+ if name in ('O', 'organizationName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME
+ if name in ('OU', 'organizationalUnitName'):
+ if name in ('serialNumber', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.SERIAL_NUMBER
+ if name in ('SN', 'surname'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.SURNAME
+ if name in ('GN', 'givenName'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.GIVEN_NAME
+ if name in ('title', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.TITLE
+ if name in ('generationQualifier', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.GENERATION_QUALIFIER
+ if name in ('x500UniqueIdentifier', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER
+ if name in ('dnQualifier', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.DN_QUALIFIER
+ if name in ('pseudonym', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.PSEUDONYM
+ if name in ('UID', 'userId', 'UserID'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.USER_ID
+ if name in ('DC', 'domainComponent'):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.DOMAIN_COMPONENT
+ if name in ('emailAddress', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.EMAIL_ADDRESS
+ if name in ('jurisdictionC', 'jurisdictionCountryName'):
+ if name in ('jurisdictionL', 'jurisdictionLocalityName'):
+ if name in ('jurisdictionST', 'jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName'):
+ if name in ('businessCategory', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.BUSINESS_CATEGORY
+ if name in ('postalAddress', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.POSTAL_ADDRESS
+ if name in ('postalCode', ):
+ return x509.oid.NameOID.POSTAL_CODE
+ if name in ('serverAuth', 'TLS Web Server Authentication'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.SERVER_AUTH
+ if name in ('clientAuth', 'TLS Web Client Authentication'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CLIENT_AUTH
+ if name in ('codeSigning', 'Code Signing'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CODE_SIGNING
+ if name in ('emailProtection', 'E-mail Protection'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.EMAIL_PROTECTION
+ if name in ('timeStamping', 'Time Stamping'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.TIME_STAMPING
+ if name in ('OCSPSigning', 'OCSP Signing'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.OCSP_SIGNING
+ if name in ('anyExtendedKeyUsage', 'Any Extended Key Usage'):
+ return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.ANY_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE
+ for dotted, names in _OID_MAP.items():
+ if name in names:
+ return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted)
+ raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot find OID for "{0}"'.format(name))
+def crpytography_oid_to_name(oid):
+ dotted_string = oid.dotted_string
+ names = _OID_MAP.get(dotted_string)
+ name = names[0] if names else oid._name
+ return _NORMALIZE_NAMES.get(name, name)
def cryptography_get_name_oid(id):
Given a symbolic ID, finds the appropriate OID for use with cryptography.
@@ -367,7 +595,7 @@ def cryptography_get_name_oid(id):
return x509.oid.NameOID.DN_QUALIFIER
if id in ('pseudonym', ):
return x509.oid.NameOID.PSEUDONYM
- if id in ('UID', 'userId'):
+ if id in ('UID', 'userId', 'userID'):
return x509.oid.NameOID.USER_ID
if id in ('DC', 'domainComponent'):
return x509.oid.NameOID.DOMAIN_COMPONENT
@@ -409,6 +637,39 @@ def cryptography_get_name(name):
raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse Subject Alternative Name "{0}" (potentially unsupported by cryptography backend)'.format(name))
+def _get_hex(bytes):
+ if bytes is None:
+ return bytes
+ data = binascii.hexlify(bytes)
+ data = to_text(b':'.join(data[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(data), 2)))
+ return data
+def cryptography_decode_name(name):
+ '''
+ Given a cryptography x509.Name object, returns a string.
+ Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is not supported.
+ '''
+ if isinstance(name, x509.DNSName):
+ return 'DNS:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ if isinstance(name, x509.IPAddress):
+ return 'IP:{0}'.format(name.value.compressed)
+ if isinstance(name, x509.RFC822Name):
+ return 'email:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ if isinstance(name, x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
+ return 'URI:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName):
+ # FIXME: test
+ return 'DirName:' + ''.join(['/{0}:{1}'.format(attribute.oid._name, attribute.value) for attribute in name.value])
+ if isinstance(name, x509.RegisteredID):
+ # FIXME: test
+ return 'RegisteredID:{0}'.format(name.value)
+ if isinstance(name, x509.OtherName):
+ # FIXME: test
+ return '{0}:{1}'.format(name.type_id.dotted_string, _get_hex(name.value))
+ raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot decode name "{0}"'.format(name))
def _cryptography_get_keyusage(usage):
Given a key usage identifier string, returns the parameter name used by cryptography's x509.KeyUsage().
@@ -474,10 +735,10 @@ def cryptography_get_ext_keyusage(usage):
if usage in ('OCSPSigning', 'OCSP Signing'):
return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.OCSP_SIGNING
if usage in ('anyExtendedKeyUsage', 'Any Extended Key Usage'):
- return x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.ANY_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE
+ return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
if usage in ('qcStatements', ):
return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
- if usage in ('DVCS', ):
+ if usage in ('DVCS', 'dvcs'):
return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
if usage in ('IPSec User', 'ipsecUser'):
return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/openssl_certificate_info.py b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/openssl_certificate_info.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0937207a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/openssl_certificate_info.py
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2016-2017, Yanis Guenane
+# Copyright: (c) 2017, Markus Teufelberger
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: openssl_certificate_info
+version_added: '2.8'
+short_description: Provide information of OpenSSL X.509 certificates
+ - This module allows one to query information on OpenSSL certificates.
+ - It uses the pyOpenSSL or cryptography python library to interact with OpenSSL. If both the
+ cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries are available (and meet the minimum version requirements)
+ cryptography will be preferred as a backend over PyOpenSSL (unless the backend is forced with
+ C(select_crypto_backend))
+ - PyOpenSSL >= 0.15 or cryptography >= 1.6
+ - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
+ - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
+ - Markus Teufelberger (@MarkusTeufelberger)
+ path:
+ description:
+ - Remote absolute path where the certificate file is loaded from.
+ type: path
+ required: true
+ valid_at:
+ description:
+ - A dict of names mapping to time specifications. Every time specified here
+ will be checked whether the certificate is valid at this point. See the
+ C(valid_at) return value for informations on the result.
+ - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
+ - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
+ - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
+ + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h), and ASN.1 TIME (i.e. pattern C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ)).
+ Note that all timestamps will be treated as being in UTC.
+ select_crypto_backend:
+ description:
+ - Determines which crypto backend to use.
+ - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
+ - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL,https://pypi.org/project/pyOpenSSL/) library.
+ - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography,https://cryptography.io/) library.
+ type: str
+ default: auto
+ choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
+ - All timestamp values are provided in ASN.1 TIME format, i.e. following the C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ) pattern.
+ They are all in UTC.
+- module: openssl_certificate
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL certificate
+ openssl_certificate:
+ path: /etc/ssl/crt/ansible.com.crt
+ privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem
+ csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/ansible.com.csr
+ provider: selfsigned
+# Get information on the certificate
+- name: Get information on generated certificate
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: /etc/ssl/crt/ansible.com.crt
+ register: result
+- name: Dump information
+ debug:
+ var: result
+# Check whether the certificate is valid or not valid at certain times, fail
+# if this is not the case. The first task (openssl_certificate_info) collects
+# the information, and the second task (assert) validates the result and
+# makes the playbook fail in case something is not as expected.
+- name: Test whether that certificate is valid tomorrow and/or in three weeks
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: /etc/ssl/crt/ansible.com.crt
+ valid_at:
+ point_1: "+1d"
+ point_2: "+3w"
+ register: result
+- name: Validate that certificate is valid tomorrow, but not in three weeks
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - result.valid_at.point_1 # valid in one day
+ - not result.valid_at.point_2 # not valid in three weeks
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Whether the certificate is expired (i.e. C(notAfter) is in the past)
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Entries in the C(basic_constraints) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ returned: success
+ type: list
+ sample: "[CA:TRUE, pathlen:1]"
+ description: Whether the C(basic_constraints) extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Entries in the C(extended_key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ returned: success
+ type: list
+ sample: "[Biometric Info, DVCS, Time Stamping]"
+ description: Whether the C(extended_key_usage) extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Returns a dictionary for every extension OID
+ returned: success
+ type: complex
+ contains:
+ critical:
+ description: Whether the extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ value:
+ description: The Base64 encoded value (in DER format) of the extension
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: "MAMCAQU="
+ sample: '{"": { "critical": false, "value": "MAMCAQU="}}'
+ description: Entries in the C(key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: "[Key Agreement, Data Encipherment]"
+ description: Whether the C(key_usage) extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
+ returned: success
+ type: list
+ sample: "[DNS:www.ansible.com, IP:]"
+ description: Whether the C(subject_alt_name) extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: C(yes) if the OCSP Must Staple extension is present, C(none) otherwise.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: Whether the C(ocsp_must_staple) extension is critical.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ description: The certificate's issuer.
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+ sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible"}'
+ description: The certificate's subject.
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+ sample: '{"commonName": "www.example.com", "emailAddress": "test@example.com"}'
+ description: C(notAfter) date as ASN.1 TIME
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: 20190413202428Z
+ description: C(notBefore) date as ASN.1 TIME
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: 20190331202428Z
+ description: Certificate's public key in PEM format
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8A..."
+ description:
+ - Fingerprints of certificate's public key.
+ - For every hash algorithm available, the fingerprint is computed.
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+ sample: "{'sha256': 'd4:b3:aa:6d:c8:04:ce:4e:ba:f6:29:4d:92:a3:94:b0:c2:ff:bd:bf:33:63:11:43:34:0f:51:b0:95:09:2f:63',
+ 'sha512': 'f7:07:4a:f0:b0:f0:e6:8b:95:5f:f9:e6:61:0a:32:68:f1..."
+ description: The signature algorithm used to sign the certificate.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+ description: The certificate's serial number.
+ returned: success
+ type: int
+ sample: 1234
+ description: The certificate version.
+ returned: success
+ type: int
+ sample: 3
+ description: For every time stamp provided in the I(valid_at) option, a
+ boolean whether the certificate is valid at that point in time
+ or not.
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+import abc
+import datetime
+import os
+import traceback
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
+ import OpenSSL
+ from OpenSSL import crypto
+ import ipaddress
+ PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
+ if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
+ # OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer
+ OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME = b"tlsfeature"
+ OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"status_request"
+ else:
+ # OpenSSL 1.0.x or older
+ OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"DER:30:03:02:01:05"
+except ImportError:
+ PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
+ import cryptography
+ from cryptography import x509
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
+ CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
+except ImportError:
+ CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
+def get_relative_time_option(input_string, input_name):
+ """Return an ASN1 formatted string if a relative timespec
+ or an ASN1 formatted string is provided."""
+ result = input_string
+ if result.startswith("+") or result.startswith("-"):
+ return crypto_utils.convert_relative_to_datetime(result)
+ if result is None:
+ raise crypto_utils.CertificateError(
+ 'The timespec "%s" for %s is not valid' %
+ input_string, input_name)
+ for date_fmt in ['%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ', '%Y%m%d%H%MZ', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z', '%Y%m%d%H%M%z']:
+ try:
+ result = datetime.datetime.strptime(input_string, date_fmt)
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if not isinstance(result, datetime.datetime):
+ raise crypto_utils.CertificateError(
+ 'The time spec "%s" for %s is invalid' %
+ (input_string, input_name)
+ )
+ return result
+class CertificateInfo(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
+ def __init__(self, module, backend):
+ super(CertificateInfo, self).__init__(
+ module.params['path'],
+ 'present',
+ False,
+ module.check_mode,
+ )
+ self.backend = backend
+ self.module = module
+ self.valid_at = module.params['valid_at']
+ if self.valid_at:
+ for k, v in self.valid_at.items():
+ if not isinstance(v, string_types):
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='The value for valid_at.{0} must be of type string (got {1})'.format(k, type(v))
+ )
+ self.valid_at[k] = get_relative_time_option(v, 'valid_at.{0}'.format(k))
+ def generate(self):
+ # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
+ pass
+ def dump(self):
+ # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_subject(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_issuer(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_version(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_key_usage(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_basic_constraints(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_not_before(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_not_after(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_public_key(self, binary):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_serial_number(self):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _get_all_extensions(self):
+ pass
+ def get_info(self):
+ result = dict()
+ self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
+ result['signature_algorithm'] = self._get_signature_algorithm()
+ result['subject'] = self._get_subject()
+ result['issuer'] = self._get_issuer()
+ result['version'] = self._get_version()
+ result['key_usage'], result['key_usage_critical'] = self._get_key_usage()
+ result['extended_key_usage'], result['extended_key_usage_critical'] = self._get_extended_key_usage()
+ result['basic_constraints'], result['basic_constraints_critical'] = self._get_basic_constraints()
+ result['ocsp_must_staple'], result['ocsp_must_staple_critical'] = self._get_ocsp_must_staple()
+ result['subject_alt_name'], result['subject_alt_name_critical'] = self._get_subject_alt_name()
+ not_before = self._get_not_before()
+ not_after = self._get_not_after()
+ result['not_before'] = not_before.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
+ result['not_after'] = not_after.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
+ result['expired'] = not_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ result['valid_at'] = dict()
+ if self.valid_at:
+ for k, v in self.valid_at.items():
+ result['valid_at'][k] = not_before <= v <= not_after
+ result['public_key'] = self._get_public_key(binary=False)
+ pk = self._get_public_key(binary=True)
+ result['public_key_fingerprints'] = crypto_utils.get_fingerprint_of_bytes(pk) if pk is not None else dict()
+ result['serial_number'] = self._get_serial_number()
+ result['extensions_by_oid'] = self._get_all_extensions()
+ return result
+class CertificateInfoCryptography(CertificateInfo):
+ """Validate the supplied cert, using the cryptography backend"""
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ super(CertificateInfoCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
+ def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
+ return crypto_utils.crpytography_oid_to_name(self.cert.signature_algorithm_oid)
+ def _get_subject(self):
+ result = dict()
+ for attribute in self.cert.subject:
+ result[crypto_utils.crpytography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid)] = attribute.value
+ return result
+ def _get_issuer(self):
+ result = dict()
+ for attribute in self.cert.issuer:
+ result[crypto_utils.crpytography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid)] = attribute.value
+ return result
+ def _get_version(self):
+ if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v1:
+ return 1
+ if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v3:
+ return 3
+ return "unknown"
+ def _get_key_usage(self):
+ try:
+ current_key_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.KeyUsage)
+ current_key_usage = current_key_ext.value
+ key_usage = dict(
+ digital_signature=current_key_usage.digital_signature,
+ content_commitment=current_key_usage.content_commitment,
+ key_encipherment=current_key_usage.key_encipherment,
+ data_encipherment=current_key_usage.data_encipherment,
+ key_agreement=current_key_usage.key_agreement,
+ key_cert_sign=current_key_usage.key_cert_sign,
+ crl_sign=current_key_usage.crl_sign,
+ encipher_only=False,
+ decipher_only=False,
+ )
+ if key_usage['key_agreement']:
+ key_usage.update(dict(
+ encipher_only=current_key_usage.encipher_only,
+ decipher_only=current_key_usage.decipher_only
+ ))
+ key_usage_names = dict(
+ digital_signature='Digital Signature',
+ content_commitment='Non Repudiation',
+ key_encipherment='Key Encipherment',
+ data_encipherment='Data Encipherment',
+ key_agreement='Key Agreement',
+ key_cert_sign='Certificate Sign',
+ crl_sign='CRL Sign',
+ encipher_only='Encipher Only',
+ decipher_only='Decipher Only',
+ )
+ return sorted([
+ key_usage_names[name] for name, value in key_usage.items() if value
+ ]), current_key_ext.critical
+ except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
+ return None, False
+ def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
+ try:
+ ext_keyusage_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage)
+ return sorted([
+ crypto_utils.crpytography_oid_to_name(eku) for eku in ext_keyusage_ext.value
+ ]), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
+ except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
+ return None, False
+ def _get_basic_constraints(self):
+ try:
+ ext_keyusage_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.BasicConstraints)
+ result = []
+ result.append('CA:{0}'.format('TRUE' if ext_keyusage_ext.value.ca else 'FALSE'))
+ if ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length is not None:
+ result.append('pathlen:{0}'.format(ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length))
+ return sorted(result), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
+ except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
+ return None, False
+ def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
+ try:
+ try:
+ # This only works with cryptography >= 2.1
+ tlsfeature_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.TLSFeature)
+ value = cryptography.x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request in tlsfeature_ext.value
+ except AttributeError as dummy:
+ # Fallback for cryptography < 2.1
+ oid = x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
+ tlsfeature_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(oid)
+ value = tlsfeature_ext.value.value == b"\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05"
+ return value, tlsfeature_ext.critical
+ except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
+ return None, False
+ def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
+ try:
+ san_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
+ result = [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in san_ext.value]
+ return result, san_ext.critical
+ except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
+ return None, False
+ def _get_not_before(self):
+ return self.cert.not_valid_before
+ def _get_not_after(self):
+ return self.cert.not_valid_after
+ def _get_public_key(self, binary):
+ return self.cert.public_key().public_bytes(
+ serialization.Encoding.DER if binary else serialization.Encoding.PEM,
+ serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
+ )
+ def _get_serial_number(self):
+ return self.cert.serial_number
+ def _get_all_extensions(self):
+ return crypto_utils.cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(self.cert)
+class CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL(CertificateInfo):
+ """validate the supplied certificate."""
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ super(CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
+ def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
+ return to_text(self.cert.get_signature_algorithm())
+ def __get_name(self, name):
+ result = dict()
+ for sub in name.get_components():
+ result[crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(sub[0])] = to_text(sub[1])
+ return result
+ def _get_subject(self):
+ return self.__get_name(self.cert.get_subject())
+ def _get_issuer(self):
+ return self.__get_name(self.cert.get_issuer())
+ def _get_version(self):
+ # Version numbers in certs are off by one:
+ # v1: 0, v2: 1, v3: 2 ...
+ return self.cert.get_version() + 1
+ def _get_extension(self, short_name):
+ for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
+ extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
+ if extension.get_short_name() == short_name:
+ result = [
+ crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(usage.strip()) for usage in to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',')
+ ]
+ return sorted(result), bool(extension.get_critical())
+ return None, False
+ def _get_key_usage(self):
+ return self._get_extension(b'keyUsage')
+ def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
+ return self._get_extension(b'extendedKeyUsage')
+ def _get_basic_constraints(self):
+ return self._get_extension(b'basicConstraints')
+ def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
+ extensions = [self.cert.get_extension(i) for i in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count())]
+ oms_ext = [
+ ext for ext in extensions
+ if to_bytes(ext.get_short_name()) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME and to_bytes(ext) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE
+ ]
+ # Older versions of libssl don't know about OCSP Must Staple
+ oms_ext.extend([ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'UNDEF' and ext.get_data() == b'\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05'])
+ if oms_ext:
+ return True, bool(oms_ext[0].get_critical())
+ else:
+ return None, False
+ def _normalize_san(self, san):
+ if san.startswith('IP Address:'):
+ san = 'IP:' + san[len('IP Address:'):]
+ if san.startswith('IP:'):
+ ip = ipaddress.ip_address(san[3:])
+ san = 'IP:{0}'.format(ip.compressed)
+ return san
+ def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
+ for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
+ extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
+ if extension.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
+ result = [self._normalize_san(altname.strip()) for altname in
+ to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(', ')]
+ return result, bool(extension.get_critical())
+ return None, False
+ def _get_not_before(self):
+ time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notBefore())
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
+ def _get_not_after(self):
+ time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notAfter())
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
+ def _get_public_key(self, binary):
+ try:
+ return crypto.dump_publickey(
+ crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1 if binary else crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ self.cert.get_pubkey()
+ )
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.module.warn('Your pyOpenSSL version does not support dumping public keys. '
+ 'Please upgrade to version 16.0 or newer, or use the cryptography backend.')
+ def _get_serial_number(self):
+ return self.cert.get_serial_number()
+ def _get_all_extensions(self):
+ return crypto_utils.pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_cert(self.cert)
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ path=dict(type='path', required=True),
+ valid_at=dict(type='dict'),
+ select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ )
+ try:
+ base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
+ if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
+ module.fail_json(
+ name=base_dir,
+ msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
+ )
+ backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
+ if backend == 'auto':
+ # Detect what backend we can use
+ # If cryptography is available we'll use it
+ if can_use_cryptography:
+ backend = 'cryptography'
+ elif can_use_pyopenssl:
+ backend = 'pyopenssl'
+ # Fail if no backend has been found
+ if backend == 'auto':
+ module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
+ "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
+ if backend == 'pyopenssl':
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL'), exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
+ try:
+ getattr(crypto.X509Req, 'get_extensions')
+ except AttributeError:
+ module.fail_json(msg='You need to have PyOpenSSL>=0.15')
+ certificate = CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL(module)
+ elif backend == 'cryptography':
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography'), exception=CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR)
+ certificate = CertificateInfoCryptography(module)
+ result = certificate.get_info()
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+ except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
+ module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/aliases b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eae8bd8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/meta/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..800aff6428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ - setup_openssl
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbf942602a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/impl.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+- debug:
+ msg: "Executing tests with backend {{ select_crypto_backend }}"
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_1.pem'
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result
+- name: Update result list
+ set_fact:
+ info_results: "{{ info_results + [result] }}"
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_2.pem'
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ valid_at:
+ today: "+0d"
+ past: "20190101235901Z"
+ twentydays: "+20d"
+ register: result
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.valid_at.today
+ - not result.valid_at.past
+ - not result.valid_at.twentydays
+- name: Update result list
+ set_fact:
+ info_results: "{{ info_results + [result] }}"
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_3.pem'
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result
+- name: Update result list
+ set_fact:
+ info_results: "{{ info_results + [result] }}"
+- name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get certificate info
+ openssl_certificate_info:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_4.pem'
+ select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}'
+ register: result
+- name: Update result list
+ set_fact:
+ info_results: "{{ info_results + [result] }}"
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bff52bade1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/openssl_certificate_info/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+- name: Generate privatekey
+ openssl_privatekey:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
+- name: Generate privatekey with password
+ openssl_privatekey:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekeypw.pem'
+ passphrase: hunter2
+ cipher: auto
+ select_crypto_backend: cryptography
+- name: Generate CSR 1
+ openssl_csr:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_1.csr'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
+ subject:
+ commonName: www.example.com
+ C: de
+ L: Somewhere
+ ST: Zurich
+ streetAddress: Welcome Street
+ O: Ansible
+ organizationalUnitName: Crypto Department
+ serialNumber: "1234"
+ SN: Last Name
+ GN: First Name
+ title: Chief
+ pseudonym: test
+ UID: asdf
+ emailAddress: test@example.com
+ postalAddress: 1234 Somewhere
+ postalCode: "1234"
+ useCommonNameForSAN: no
+ key_usage:
+ - digitalSignature
+ - keyAgreement
+ - Non Repudiation
+ - Key Encipherment
+ - dataEncipherment
+ - Certificate Sign
+ - cRLSign
+ - Encipher Only
+ - decipherOnly
+ key_usage_critical: yes
+ extended_key_usage:
+ - serverAuth # the same as "TLS Web Server Authentication"
+ - TLS Web Server Authentication
+ - TLS Web Client Authentication
+ - Code Signing
+ - E-mail Protection
+ - timeStamping
+ - OCSPSigning
+ - Any Extended Key Usage
+ - qcStatements
+ - DVCS
+ - IPSec User
+ - biometricInfo
+ subject_alt_name:
+ - "DNS:www.ansible.com"
+ - "IP:"
+ - "IP:::1"
+ - "email:test@example.org"
+ - "URI:https://example.org/test/index.html"
+ basic_constraints:
+ - "CA:TRUE"
+ - "pathlen:23"
+ basic_constraints_critical: yes
+ ocsp_must_staple: yes
+- name: Generate CSR 2
+ openssl_csr:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_2.csr'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekeypw.pem'
+ privatekey_passphrase: hunter2
+ useCommonNameForSAN: no
+ basic_constraints:
+ - "CA:TRUE"
+- name: Generate CSR 3
+ openssl_csr:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_3.csr'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
+ useCommonNameForSAN: no
+ subject_alt_name:
+ - "DNS:*.ansible.com"
+ - "DNS:*.example.org"
+ - "IP:DEAD:BEEF::1"
+ basic_constraints:
+ - "CA:FALSE"
+- name: Generate CSR 4
+ openssl_csr:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_4.csr'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
+ useCommonNameForSAN: no
+- name: Generate selfsigned certificates
+ openssl_certificate:
+ path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_{{ item }}.pem'
+ csr_path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_{{ item }}.csr'
+ privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem'
+ provider: selfsigned
+ selfsigned_digest: sha256
+ selfsigned_not_after: "+10d"
+ selfsigned_not_before: "-3d"
+ loop:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ - 4
+- name: Prepare result list
+ set_fact:
+ info_results: []
+- name: Running tests with pyOpenSSL backend
+ include_tasks: impl.yml
+ vars:
+ select_crypto_backend: pyopenssl
+ when: pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('0.15', '>=')
+- name: Prepare result list
+ set_fact:
+ pyopenssl_info_results: "{{ info_results }}"
+ info_results: []
+- name: Running tests with cryptography backend
+ include_tasks: impl.yml
+ vars:
+ select_crypto_backend: cryptography
+ when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.6', '>=')
+- name: Prepare result list
+ set_fact:
+ cryptography_info_results: "{{ info_results }}"
+- block:
+ - name: Dump pyOpenSSL results
+ debug:
+ var: pyopenssl_info_results
+ - name: Dump cryptography results
+ debug:
+ var: cryptography_info_results
+ - name: Compare results
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - item.0 == item.1
+ quiet: yes
+ loop: "{{ pyopenssl_info_results | zip(cryptography_info_results) | list }}"
+ when: pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('0.15', '>=') and cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.6', '>=')