Added floating IP functionality to nova_compute

CaptTofu 2014-04-11 12:01:14 -07:00 committed by Monty Taylor
parent c93b89fa63
commit 6da266f64c
1 changed files with 137 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
from novaclient.v1_1 import client as nova_client
from novaclient.v1_1 import floating_ips
from novaclient import exceptions
from novaclient import utils
import time
except ImportError:
print("failed=True msg='novaclient is required for this module'")
@ -92,6 +94,11 @@ options:
- A list of network id's to which the VM's interface should be attached
required: false
default: None
- list of key value pairs that determine how to assign, if specified, floating IPs. Either use an explicite list of valid floating IPs, list of floating IP pools to choose from, or auto-assign
required: false
default: None
- A list of key value pairs that should be provided as a metadata to the new VM
@ -133,8 +140,38 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
hostname: test1
group: uge_master
# Creates a new VM in HP Cloud AE1 region and automatically assigns a floating IP
- name: launch a nova instance
hosts: localhost
- name: launch an instance
state: present
login_username: username
login_password: Equality7-2521
login_tenant_name: username-project1
name: vm1
region_name: region-b.geo-1
image_id: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498
key_name: test
wait_for: 200
flavor_id: 101
security_groups: default
auto: True
# If one wants to specify a floating ip to use:
def _delete_server(module, nova):
name = None
server_list = None
@ -157,6 +194,21 @@ def _delete_server(module, nova):
def _create_server(module, nova):
# issue an error early on and not launch the instance
if module.params['floating_ip'] != None:
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
# can't specify "ips" and "auto" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and \
module.params['floating_ip']['auto'] is True:
err_msg = "For floating_ips - "
err_msg += "you cannot specify both 'auto' and 'ips'!"
module.fail_json(msg = err_msg)
# can't specify "ips" and "pools" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
err_msg = "For floating_ips - "
err_msg += "you cannot specify both 'ips' and 'pools'!"
module.fail_json(msg = err_msg)
bootargs = [module.params['name'], module.params['image_id'], module.params['flavor_id']]
bootkwargs = {
'nics' : module.params['nics'],
@ -179,11 +231,92 @@ def _create_server(module, nova):
server = nova.servers.get(
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json( msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s " % e.message)
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error in getting info from instance: %s"\
% e.message
if server.status == 'ACTIVE':
# if floating_ip is specified, then attach
if module.params['floating_ip'] != None:
# instantiate FloatingIPManager object
floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova)
# empty dict and list
usable_floating_ips = {}
pools = []
# if floating_ip pools are defined, then make that
# the list of pools
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
# user specified
pools = module.params['floating_ip']['pools']
# otherwise all
pools = ['']
# if there is a list of IP addresses, make that the list
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
usable_floating_ips[''] = \
# if 'auto', then assign automatically, no pool needed
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and \
module.params['floating_ip']['auto'] is True:
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
# per cloud provider
all_floating_ips = floating_ip_obj.list()
# iterate through all pools of IP address. Empty
# string means all and is the default value
for pool in pools:
# temporary list per pool
pool_ips = []
# loop through all floating IPs
for f_ip in all_floating_ips:
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id == None and \
(f_ip.pool == pool or pool == ''):
# one per pool
# if the list is empty, add for this pool
if len(pool_ips) == 0:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Unable to create \
floating ip")
# Add to the main list
usable_floating_ips[pool] = pool_ips
# finally, add ip(s) to instance for each pool
for pool in usable_floating_ips:
for ip in usable_floating_ips[pool]:
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error attaching IP %s to \
instance %s: %s " % \
(ip,, e.message))
# this may look redundant, but if there is now a
# floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from
# a recent server object if the above code path exec'd
server = nova.servers.get(
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error in getting info from \
instance: %s " % e.message)
private = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' in x and x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed']
public = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' in x and x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
# now exit with info
module.exit_json(changed = True, id =, private_ip=''.join(private), public_ip=''.join(public), status = server.status, info = server._info)
if server.status == 'ERROR':
module.fail_json(msg = "Error in creating the server, please check logs")
@ -193,6 +326,7 @@ def _create_server(module, nova):
module.fail_json(msg = "Error in creating the server.. Please check manually")
private = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed']
public = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
module.exit_json(changed = True, id = info['id'], private_ip=''.join(private), public_ip=''.join(public), status = server.status, info = server._info)
@ -241,7 +375,8 @@ def main():
wait = dict(default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no']),
wait_for = dict(default=180),
state = dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
user_data = dict(default=None)
user_data = dict(default=None),
floating_ip = dict(default=None)