Use of proper fstab file on FreeBSD

0tmc 2015-05-08 12:22:37 +03:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent a657e80bc8
commit 6e4c5e0a12
1 changed files with 19 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -226,13 +226,29 @@ def unset_mount(**kwargs):
def mount(module, **kwargs):
""" mount up a path or remount if needed """
# kwargs: name, src, fstype, opts, dump, passno, state, fstab=/etc/fstab
args = dict(
opts = 'default',
dump = '0',
passno = '0',
fstab = '/etc/fstab'
mount_bin = module.get_bin_path('mount')
name = kwargs['name']
cmd = [ mount_bin, ]
if os.path.ismount(name):
cmd = [ mount_bin , '-o', 'remount', name ]
cmd = [ mount_bin, name ]
cmd += [ '-o', 'remount', ]
if get_platform().lower() == 'freebsd':
cmd += [ '-F', args['fstab'], ]
cmd += [ name, ]
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc == 0: